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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    @Byrdlady, I used the I didn't finish the whole bottle for 2 years now. My tolerance has greatly reduced and I am not blacking out, but I have such horrid shame and hangovers that I just don't want it anymore. I love the "for every ass you made of yourself" comment, too many to even remember over the course of drinking on and off for 35 years (more on than off, sorry to say).
    Began AF journey AGAIN 02/24/2011


      Newbies Nest

      Byrdlady;1065939 wrote: For every ass you've made of yourself, someone here has done it in greater fashion!
      That one struck me, too....:thanks:

      Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

      Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


        Newbies Nest

        Just so you all know.......
        the last time I made an ass out of myself was Dec 24, 2008. That was enough for me & the funny thing is I wasn't even drunk. I think I had a bad reaction to a mix of Rx medication & plenty of white wine. Pretty dumb, huh?

        Greetings lolab, Byrdlady & here4hope - all doing great :goodjob:

        Expecting my son, DIL & grandson shortly for dinner
        No stork yet for my poor long overdue daughter
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Tonight we are meeting friends for cocktails and dinner. They are big wine drinkers so I told them before that I am not drinking. Then I won't have to explain at the dinner table. Hope this won't be as hard as I am thinking it will be. This is at a new hotel where there are about five bars just on the lobby level.v here's to cranberry juice with fizzy water......


            Newbies Nest

            maalli welcome, you'll find so much support here as we're going/ have been in the same place and understand exactly what we are going through.

            Now excuse me if i get everyone in the wrong order as i'm doing it from memory now..

            Lav hope the baby makes an appearance soon, sounds like a stubbon one you've got there..

            Prancy hope tonight goes well and goes to plan which i'm sure it will..

            Lolab good job on refusing the wine without thinking

            Byrdlady, i can't remember the last time i drank less than a bottle, yeah i might have had two thirds of a bottle i was sharing with my hubby plus the spare bottle up in my wardrobe, getting ratty if he came to bed before i had chance to either finish it or sneak it down stairs to the laundry.

            Well i know mod is never going to work for me, i want it all plus more.

            Well out again with hubs and two of the kids to see Yogi Bear in 3d.

            Ended up going to the resturant for lunch as pizza hut was busy and ordered us all bottomless cokes before hubs had chance to even sit down and pick up the wine list, day 3 over with which is always the hardest for me as the last of the AL dissappears, just incredibly tired all the time now.

            Have a wonderful day/evening/night everyone:l

            Just taking it day by day.......


              Newbies Nest

              Maali, Prancy, Lolab you're all doing great and under pressured circumstances. But that's the way to go. Life doesn't stop and give you a fanfare while you try to stop drinking, unfortunately. There's always another party or social situation next week.

              The sun had just come out here after a unseasonably cold and rainy day yesterday. I actually lit the fire last night. I've just taken some bedding and clothes to the Salvation Army for the earthquake refugees who have fled to our town. My daughter is doing some baking for the same. Now, I'm sorting out the filing cabinet and trying to get through the mountain of washing before the sun disappears.

              I haven't had any particular cravings this weekend. In fact I'm feeling very relaxed about it all today. Last night was the first night I've actually fallen asleep to my sleep learning CD - all that trickling water is not always conducive to sleep, especially when you're trying to drink plenty of it.:H


                Newbies Nest

                Hi Nest
                Just a quick catch up as I dont seem to get in so often but I do skulk and read what everyone is up to. Dancing have to ask, which cds do you have, the standard pack or the mum ones? thinking of ordering some as I think my brain needs another outlet.

                I havent started supplements yet and just wondered about the tiredness I am experiencing. Does that change if you supplement? Just to say at day 20 today, eating well, excercising, meditation and yoga taking just a multi with milk thistle, and like i said dropping off the perch around 2 everyday...apart from a bad day yesterday mood wise have been well with only headaches on the early days. So advice please anyone?


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Happy
                  I chose the original set in the end after much indecision. Not sure why. If I could've afforded it I might've got bought both. But I think if you have young kids the mum ones might be inspiring. I went onto the site where the tapes come from to read the script of the subliminal messages (think it's mentioned in the book), but I don't know if you can read the messages from the different sets or if they're all the same. Somewhere it says that the ones for mums have musical background instead of nature sounds.

                  Everyone is affected differently by withdrawl. I felt headachy in the first week, then great in the second week. Now I'm in the 4th I feel a bit tired and lacking in energy again and although I sleep really well I wake up tired. Exercise makes a difference I think. I just take my own vitamin supplements and evening primrose. I think if your diet is healthy, you drink lots of water and exercise in the fresh air you should get your energy back. But maybe you're lacking in something, or there's some other medical reason, so if it doesn't improve in the next month you could get it checked.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hello everyone!

                    Nice to see the nest so busy with lots of people posting. Too many for me to name individually actually, so welcome to all the newbies, it's great to have you here. :welcome:

                    It's almost spring like here today, blue skies and no rain. I have been for a run, now ready to tackle the housework before going shopping later. Day 25 now and I am feeling pretty damn good today, in fact, I almost feel guilty about how good I feel!

                    Hope everyone has a wonderful AL free saturday, I'll check in later. :l


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning everyone, I hope all is well.

                      Vintage, it is so nice to see how well you are doing. Look at what you have already done on a Saturday morning. This would not happen if you were hung over, or still in bed. Way to go.

                      Take care,
                      Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Morning nesters,

                        VG - don't feel guity, feel giddy! That's almost how I describe the way I feel these days. Yesterday seemed to be a huge milestone for me - Friday drive home with NO urges! Stopped and picked up movies and subs and never thought once about drinking. Watched Invictus(?) last night - wonderful movie. We are always so far behind cause we never really go to the movies - just wait until they come out and then rent them or pick them up from the library.

                        Myhappy - I definitely think the longer you go without the AL, the better you feel but must admit there seem to be some good and bad days along the way. About into 6 weeks into it for me, I came home from work 2 nights in a row and was totally exhausted! Laid down around 6:30 and never got up until it was time to change into jammies & brush teeth. Totally agree with you on the exercise thing - weather is so crappy here that I haven't been able to get out and walk but that needs to change. I'm not taking any of the supplements at the present although was taking the l-glutamine for the first month.

                        Dancing - good for you and your daughter - bet it makes you feel good to be able to help others in need.

                        Leave - you are doing great! I like "I want it all plus more". Amazing how much more you can have when you give up the AL!

                        Prancy - cranberry topped wtih fizzy water is my new favorite too!

                        Mornin to byrdlady, lolab, here4hope, hill - hope you guys are all having a great day! Hope I didn't miss anyone.

                        Lav - Just took my dogs out to their kennel and I'm pretty sure I saw the stork fly over and I think he was headed your way

                        Sure hope he makes an appearance soon!

                        Have a great AF Saturday everyone!
                        Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning Nesters!

                          Jolie - you did indeed see the stork flying this way! My daughter texted me at 8:25 am, she's in L&D now
                          I will update when I know something

                          Vintgage girl, congrats on your 25 AF days, awesome! And please send some of your extra energy my way!

                          Good morning Hill, myhappyplace & everyone!
                          I'm too excited to think at the moment so I will be back :H

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Oh Lav now that is some exciting news!!!


                              Newbies Nest

                              oh, Lav! I hope today is the day - how exciting!

                              Good morning to everyone. Today is day 13 for me. I'm feeling in kind of a strange place. I seem to be past the whole excitement of "omg - I can function - no hangover! - I can drive! - not drunk! - I can kiss my hubby! - no alcohol breath! - I can snuggle with my boy - (same)! I mean it still feels good, but I don't seem to be quite so "excited" about it...:-(

                              Yet, I haven't yet reached the point, yet - (obviously, in less than 2 weeks) - of it being a normal routine to be AF. Maybe it's partly that we got thrown right back into the middle of winter, after feeling a hint of spring and I was associating the "change" with the sunshine and slightly warmer temps....or maybe this is a normal progression?

                              Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                              Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good Morning to all. It feels so good to not be hungover on this snowy saturday in the MidWest. I will get some painting done in my new "girl cave", a room just for me ;-) DH is building me a sewing table that will fold out of the wall so that everything will be organized. I will have a place for reading and exercising. I am so excited today that I didn't succumb to the vino last night and I am now on "only" day 3, but it's a beautiful feeling to feel good on a saturday morning. I read on another post in the "nest" that "witchy woman" (sp) was going to have a funeral for her wine bottle, I like that visual, goodbye frenemy that betrays me at every turn. I am in this to win has never felt so high on the to do list as it is now. I no longer want to be in a position that I can't do things with family and friends because I've been drinking or hungover. Blessings to all, so grateful to have found this venue.
                                Began AF journey AGAIN 02/24/2011

