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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Congrats Lav on the new grandbaby (I have 6 little blessings). I am coming to the close of day 4 and now getting some internal shaking (hmmmm). I am a binger, so by day 4 I am at the wine again, could it be that? I have a cardiac stress test tomorrow morning, so perhaps I'm nervous. Anyhoo, I'm greatful for another day and every time I pass a mirror I smile at myself and say "good job, you're sober today".

    Prancy I love your honesty with your irritability with your husband, mine is making me very cranky too! Blessings to all.
    Began AF journey AGAIN 02/24/2011


      Newbies Nest

      evening nesters

      Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

      Lav congrats and what a gorgeous name the little one has.

      Vintage hope you had a good night out

      Jolie i have a hubs like that, drives me to distraction always has to get something for the job from the shops even though i've already checked with him that we have the said item.

      Prancy hope you haven't done your husband in yet lol i will be at stage of finishing mine off tomorrow i can feel my irritability rising,

      Maalli stick with it, you've got something to focus on.

      H4h it could be you're craving al i'm on day 5 and i've been climbing the walls all day craving al, i refused to give in and drank loads of squash and juicd, just feel incredibily tired again and have a headache.

      Anyway enjoy the rest of your day /evening/night:l

      Just taking it day by day.......


        Newbies Nest

        Hi all,
        It was a lovely day here and I got my horse out today after the rain and cold. Boy, was he ready to get the lead out so we had a fast little ride.
        No, I have not put anyone 6 feet under...yet! I am even being a little nicer. I know he just wants me to be healthy and to live a while longer. And how could he possibly understand. I just wish people who don't have a problem with alcohol could just tell you to stop and shut up. I really don't need their opinion on HOW to do it.
        Even though i think he acted like an ass, I kind of understand how Charlie Sheen feels. I mean, here is this producer telling him that he embarrassed him in front of the world and what he needs to do to get help, and here he has created exactly that character on television for everyone to have a good laugh with. Charlie sheen IS the character he plays on TV. I mean, it is a big yuck on TV but when it is real life, then you are an embarrassment. Sorry. Don't know where that came from exactly. I wasn't even thinking about that..??
        Have a good night.


          Newbies Nest

          Hi all!

          Jolie, I just posted a thread about my night out...still feel pretty shaken tbh.

          here4, hope the test goes well, you are doing great!

          leave, good on you, climbing the walls beats giving in!

          prancy, I get what you are saying about Charlie Sheen and his producer being a bit of a hypocrite.

          Anyway, I am off to bed, exhausted after tonight's shenanigans, but thankfully sober and no hangover tomorrow!

          Goodnight to all my fellow nesters, you are choosing the right path, we can do this!


            Newbies Nest

            Good evening everyone!

            Sounds like we all had a pretty good weekend

            I am so happy & grateful that everything turned out well for my daughter. I just talked to her & she sounds happy, relaxed & in the need of a little sleep. Me too

            Keep fighting those thoughts & cravings guys, they will go away, I promise.
            It's hard to explain just how happy & proud you will feel a week or two from now - I want everyone here to experience that feeling

            Wishing everyone a comfy night in the nest.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              30 days for me

              Hi All,
              Been a while since I have poked my head in the nest.

              LAV - Congratulations, bet she was worth the wait!

              I'm not the sort of person who would normally make a fuss, but today, I'm proud to give myself a pat on the back, for achieving 30 days AF :yay:
              It's been a bumpy road, however it feels great to have reached this first milestone on my journey to a better life.
              Thanks so much to everyone here, and a special thanks to the MWO member whom I have had daily PM contact. You help me find strength when I need it most :l

              Next step, day 31 then day 32 ..33.. etc

              Best wishes to everyone and stay strong.
              Can I have a life please, make it a double - I've got some catching up to do!


                Newbies Nest

                LUGS, WELL DONE! You should be feeling very proud of yourself, 30 days is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:goodjob:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Bugalugs your entitled to make a fuss, 30 days!!!! great stuff.

                  Lav, congrats on your little grand daughter, such a lovely name.

                  VG - weird night out hey? I'm not sure how you best handle that. Its definitely an eye opener - I've got a couple of Friday nights running coming up where I have volunteered designated driver. It will be great to come home and not feel the urge to open a bottle and "complete" my night. Will crack an 'erbal tea instead luv!

                  21 days today, cant wait to make it to 30. Long term plan - my sons 16th birthday is around the 100 day mark so that will be a nice number to look forward to. Like bugalugs says stay strong! Night all.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning Nesters!

                    Thunder & fog around here early this morning, odd

                    Bugalugs, CONGRATS on your 30 AF days, that's big!! :happy:

                    myhappyplace at 21 days - awesome - that's 3 weeks

                    Greetings vintage girl & all who drop in today.
                    lets make it a great Monday!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good Morning to all. I feel like I have someplace to be for the first time in a very long time...I look forward to checking in. All well with the EKG stress test I'm very happy to report. The more I talk with my husband about how I feel being sober, no hangover the less I feel like the pink elephant in our home (hence the avatar). I will change that avatar...I know I have to be vigilant, one foot in front of the other, ODAT, and reading the posts on here help tremendously.
                      Began AF journey AGAIN 02/24/2011


                        Newbies Nest

                        Great news on the Stress test today here4hope!
                        Now aren't you proud that you are taking steps to keep yourself healthy?
                        Keep coming back
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi bugalugs!! What can i say... Great achievement by very determined person (YOU!!!) !!! Go forward!!!!:goodjob::goodjob::goodjob::l
                          The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
                          /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning nesters!

                            Well, I had to double check the calendar this morning but happy to report that today is day 30. Thanks to this place and all you good people for sharing and keeping me accountable. My goal now is 60 days.

                            happy, well done on your 21, (it will be 22 now!) Being DD sure takes all the pressure off you in those situations, you just know you can't drink and that's that.

                            Lav, how is little Lily Marie? You must be so happy and relieved that it's all over and your daughter and grand baby are doing so well.

                            here, so glad your EKG was good, that's something less to worry about! It is great to have this place to log into and share your thoughts, isn't it?

                            Jolie, prancy, Byrd, Audrey, and everyone who drops in today, have a great Tuesday all!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Goodmorning nesters, and all who visit today. I hope that your weeks are going well. Take care,

                              Vinatage, congratulations on the 30 days, you should be proud! Keep on adding those days together. 60 days is a great goal - your perspective will only get better with time.
                              Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning nesters,

                                How is everyone today? VG - :goodjob::yay::wd:

                                Awesome job on 30 days! Time to March on to 60 - get it? March? Sorry - don't know why I'm so hyper this morning.

                                Greetings to Hill and H4H - hope you guys are having a great day!

                                Lav - how's that precious grandbaby and new mommy doing?

                                56 sober days for me now - can't say all in a row due to the 1 glass of wine on the 4th of February but since starting this life changing (and I do mean life changing) journey in January, I can say that giving up the wine was well worth it. To anyone who is struggling or feeling complacency, please come here and post and read - it could very well change your life.

                                Hope everyone else who pops in today has a wonderful sober Tuesday!
                                Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

