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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    That sounds yummy.... I will have to try it... Thanks. There are alot of positive things going
    on in my life.. I just got engaged. He just got a huge promotion... It is a little scary..
    I want to start this new life healthy. So here is to day 2... ~Shiner


      Newbies Nest

      Hello everyone, I hope you are well.

      Mema and Shiner, great to have you on board - you can do it! Keep adding the days up. The weekend is approaching, and don't forget you may have long standing patterns, habbits, or routines that are related to drinking. With these, may come urges. You can urge surf to help. Think of an urge like a wave, you can surf it. Some urges are stronger or longer than others, but they will pass. I gain some power over the urge, by knowing it will pass. I remember closing my eyes, and focussing on surfing, and fighting to battle through the urge.

      Take care everyone,
      Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


        Newbies Nest

        Hi everyone, hope you are all doing well in your AF quest. Thanks for the advice on the headaches and starting threads I think I have developed hormone related migraine and yes, I feel a bit short changed insofar as I didn't expect to be getting headaches from NOT DRINKING!! Ah well, these things are sent to try us. Headache or no headache, I have managed to stay AF and am now on 12!! I am so happy I have managed to get this far and am dealing with the cravings quite well though AL does come into my mind A LOT. I push it out. Mema & Shiner, I'm only new too so keeping an eye out for you

        Lavande I have a picture of you in my head - you seem so focused and content, you inspire many of us I am sure with your regular posts. Jolie, well done on 2 months you must feel great. I have not felt better for a long time so want to hold onto that feeling. The only way I can do that is keep trying to stay AL free, ODAT. Well must fly out of the nest now to my new addiction, BED ))
        AF since 27th February 2011


          Newbies Nest

          Good evening to all!

          Mema and Shiner - hang in there - it does get easier the more AF time you can rack up.

          WIND - sorry for your headaches. Used to get killer ones when I was in my 20's - no fun. Hopefully you will feel better soon.

          Hill - great advice for the newbies and everyone else! I too have "surfed" my way thru more than 1 urge in the past couple months.

          Lav, mylife & dancing - hope you are enjoying your evening as well!
          Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


            Newbies Nest

            Just sitting here listening to the rain & wind Jolie - I'm easily amused :H

            wine... hope the headaches go away soon, they are no fun!
            BTW - I look exactly like my avatar :H
            Congrats on yor 12 AF days - terrific

            I hope everyone settles in the nest for the night!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              I am not drinking tonight but am ready to go off at any angry.
              I am just blah.. I will make it though. Here is to day two being over with..
              Btw... I live alone except for my fiance who is here sometimes but I am alone for
              several days. That is kinda why I decided to do this now.


                Newbies Nest

                Good job making it through the day, I started falling apart too around 4:00, but I didn't drink and I'm not going to but damn it's hard. I ordered the starter kit supliments and am hoping that that will take the edge off. In the meantime I am breathing and excercising (walking) as much as I can


                  Newbies Nest

                  Mema.. That is awesome... It is just not fun when you feel that way huh?
                  We can do it.. I know it. Just keep on keeping on... And someone said, easy does it ...I like that.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Shiner, Mema,
                    Great to see you both here. Shiner, I get the anger - i have that kind of agro sometimes, and I think sometimes it may be a short fuse because I am super irritable not having any AL/ withdrawal symptom. Not sure really. Some days are great, and then others I am really crotchety and snippy!! Hope fully, this will even out over time.

                    Day 20 AF today, I REALLY wanted to drink last night, felt I deserved it after being 'so good' all week - I have a sick reward system embedded in me that needs to change. That glass of red was calling me I tell ya.......but I made a cuppa, and got a glass of fizzy water as a treat after, and 'surfed the crave'. And am so happy I made another day.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning nesters!

                      Mema and Shiner - you guys are doing great! If there is any one thing that stands out in my mind for getting me thru that first couple of weeks, it would be do find something to keep you occupied during the normal time when you would be drinking! Hadn't sat down and played the piano in a long time - so that's what I did. I know it's hard but it's realy worth it.

                      Louie - great job on 20 days and way to go for not giving into that urge!

                      Woke up (like I'm sure everyone else did) to the news about the devastating earthquate/tsunami in Japan. Only God knows why these natural disasters happen and all we can do is to keep them in our prayers. So sad to see the destruction it caused.

                      Friday is here and I know I won't be drinking tonight so hope everyone out there has a great AF day!
                      Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning Nesters!

                        Congrats Shiner, Mema & Louie for ignoring those calls to drink & for your collective AF time! As time goes on & you develop new & healthier habits this will all get a lot easier, I promise

                        Jolie the world news this morning is incredible!
                        My good friend's son, DIL & 6 month old baby just moved to Hawaii 2 weeks ago for a 3 year deployment. I pray they find a safe plce to ride out the tsunamni.

                        Wishing everyone a good, safe, AF Friday!
                        Keep your AF plans forefront in your focus today

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning everyone. Thanks for all the encouragement.
                          Congrats Louie on 20 days. Well here I am day 3 and woke
                          up without headache, yucky tummy, guilt. I feel good.
                          I am tired though. I usually go to gym every day but kinda wanted
                          my body to rest and get through this week. I will get back there on Monday.
                          Hope everyone has a great day.. Shiner


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good Morning! I am so proud of all of us for making it through another day AF! I KNOW it gets better and easier..I know these feelings/cravings will pass, habits are really hard to break but dang it I forgot just how hard ...

                            Tomorrow I need to be up early because we are going to march in the St. Patrick's Day parade and my daughter is going to dance. She has been working so hard and it shows in her steps. The least I can do is work as hard at my recovery so I can be fully present and joyful as she grows up into the fine young woman I know she will be! I have a son as well but he doesn't do Irish Dance so he doesn't get a mention here but I want to be fully present for him too!!

                            The sun is shining and I saw some hosta tips pushing up through the earth this morning on my walk, YAY proof that Spring is coming.

                            Prayers for all the Tsunami victims and Lavande I will be thinking positive thoughts for your friend's son.

                            DAY 3!!!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi all. New to this. Had been moderating and doing af days for a while. Overdid it last night and have total fear and loathing today. Reading boards helps, hoping posting helps more.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hello Mama tried. I am new to this too and have found the support to be awesome. Posting and reading helps me a lot. I think you kind of get invested in the people supporting you and while I am getting sober for me I also feel a nice kind of responsibility not to let my supporters down. On the other hand I know that should I slip up no one will judge me they'll just help me up again!

                                Good luck to you and keep on reading and posting, today is a brand new day and a great one to be AF!!!

