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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Thanks for replying Mema. This seems like a very supportive group. My DH just doesn't get that the making me feel bad the next morning really doesn't help. I understand why he's unhappy about it, I am too.


      Newbies Nest

      Hi everyone!

      Hi mama tried and welcome to the nest! I understand about your husband making you feel bad, when I was drinking and someone said anything to me it only made something inside me (the AL monster probably) want to drink more!

      Mema, shiner, louie, it is great to read that you guys are doing so great! Mema I loved what you said here:

      think you kind of get invested in the people supporting you and while I am getting sober for me I also feel a nice kind of responsibility not to let my supporters down. On the other hand I know that should I slip up no one will judge me they'll just help me up again!
      it just sums this place up perfectly.

      Lav, Jolie, I was watching the footage from japan and couldn't beleive my was like watching one of those over-the-top disaster movies, only this is real and real people are involved. My heart goes out to them.

      I had a much needed day off work today, went shopping and for lunch with my daughter and her fiance to a lovely little tapas place. The food was to die for, and the AL free 'sangria' (fruit punch really!) was delicious!

      A thought on the weekends, I was dreading the weekend when I started, now i am actually looking forward to enjoying a sober weekend and making the most of my free time! Hope you all have a safe, happy, and sober weekend.



        Newbies Nest

        Hi mama tried!

        Welcome, glad you found us!
        What's your plan? Have you looked in the yet for good ideas?
        A firm commitment to quit & a good plan is what you need to get you started

        Greetings mema & vintage girl

        The world new is just devastating, my thoughts are with all those affected by the earthquake & tsunami today.
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Hi and Welcome Mama Tried

          Feeling total fear and loathing - I feel the same after my last episode a month ago. I am actually scared now of having even a sip of al because I finally admit I am not in control once I start and who knows how much I might drink if there is ever a next time!! This has caused a definite shift in my thinking. It is easier to not start rather than tryng to stop. Alcohol is not our friend.

          Keep posting and reading. Everyone here has helped me so much and I am very grateful.

          Hello to everyone else too. I am a very sporadic poster but I do lurk a bit. The nest is a good place to be.

          My thoughts are with the victims of these worldwide disasters. Just incredible.
          Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


            Newbies Nest

            Good to see you - stick around, OK?
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Thanks Lav, will do
              Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                Newbies Nest

                Hi guys, I am a newbie and hoping tonight will be day one for me. Fingers crossed.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi everyone. Sitting here drinking my ginger ale. had an incident earlier than upset me but it did not
                  make me want to drink.. Hi Ozigal... We are all in the same fight.... You can do it....
                  This community is so supportive.. Just latch on and believe in them and believe in yourself..
                  Thats what I am trying to do...



                    Newbies Nest

                    Good evening to all who fly into the nest!

                    It's Friday night and I am so grateful to be here with you guys!

                    Mazzie - good to see you! I remember you back when I first started coming here. Hope you are well and glad to see you back. Took me a while to realize it but I finally had to admit that was no longer the one in control - al was and one glass of wine was just never going to be enough for me. What you say is so true my friend - alcohol is not our friend.

                    For all those with a few days or weeks under there belt - hang in there! Surf the urges and remember how wonderful you will feel tomorrow if you don't drink tonight!
                    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Ozigal..Welcome! Another partner in this war which we are going to win!!!

                      I got my nutritional supplements that I bought from the MWO store and they work! Yesterday from 4:00pm until bedtime really i was cranky and wanting to have my wine (stamp foot here). Today I took the recommended doses of the vitamins and made MWO shake a few hours ago and I feel great! No cravings and a happy tummy! What a difference from yesterday! Also the suggestions to keep active works really well.

                      What a great community of ideas and people, i am blessed to have found you!

                      Have a great AF Friday night and don't forget to set you clocks back on Sunday.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Mema... That is.great news.. I am doimg ok.. Not wanting to
                        drink but feeling emotional. I cant wait to get past this... Time.. I know.
                        Well going to try to sleep. Nite everyone...


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning everyone,
                          And thank you all for the support. We had some friends over yesterday for lunch, and they were drinking beer and wine. DH ended going out with them to a bar to drink more and listen to music. I had one moment when I thought I could literally murder a wine, but it passed, and so did the inclination. DH came back last night very drunk, so I had a very broken night's sleep, and ended up moving to the spare room around 1.30am. Now I am the one who looks like she had a big one!! --There is no justice.

                          Anyway Day 21 AF for me, and about to head to the gym. I am bloody exhausted, but I have a training session, wish me luck!

                          Siner, Mema, great to see you doing so well, and welcome Ozigal. Everyone here is so welcoming, non-judgmental and wise, coming here every day, more than once I might add, really helps and is such a source of support and inspiration.

                          Have a great day everyone!!


                            Newbies Nest

                            :thanks:Thanks for the warm welcomes everyone. Well, it's just after 3pm here so about 2-3 hours until my usual starting time. Someone suggested I cut down before going AF in case of withdrawals, so not sure what to do. I do know that I will be having an early night, so that should help.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi and Welcome Ozigal

                              I think the cutting down before going completely af depends on the amount of al you are/have been drinking. Some people really do need medical intervention and help. If its any help, I was drinking 1 - 1.5 bots of wine each night in a short space of time (while preparing dinner usually) and I have been OK each time I have stopped - 3 or 4 times last year and one month ago tihs year. Some people have been drinking way more than that. There may be more help in other sections of this site and other peoples experiences though as we are all different.

                              Could you just go on your gut feelings, maybe have an af night like you plan and see how you are in the morning.

                              All the best in the Land Downunder, Maz
                              Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                                Newbies Nest

                                hi ozigal, shiner, mema, louie, and welcome back MazzieI thought you were new til I saw your join date...since I'm pretty new. Great job on that one month - I'm close - day 27 for me today. Louie, great job on changing it all up 21 days and a training session!!! yea for you! Hope it went well.

                                ozigal, I'll add my experience, too. I quit totally on Feb 14. For the week before that I drank a beer or 1 1/2 each night to try to taper down. (not really a beer drinker anymore so it was easier to limit it) I had been drinking about 1/2 of a bottle of vodka each day for awhile now....I think it depends on what kinds of withdrawal symptoms you have, how strong they are, and your willingness or inability to involve a doctor...

                                Mema and Shiner, you two are doing great! Those first few days are very difficult - but then this euphoria kind of kicked in with me...I was so very pleased to realize that I could actually do it...and each night when I climbed into bed, and again the next morning, I was amazed. I started doing things, I couldn't do before, like driving somewhere at 7 PM - LOL.

                                Hi everyone else! Have a great day!

                                Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                                Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011

