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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning everyone, I hope you are well.

    Welcome Ozigal and Mama tried.

    Hey Lolab, Mema, Shiner, Louie, Mazzie, Vintage, great work, keep fighting the battle, one day at a time.

    Hi Jolie, how are things?

    Morning Lav, how are you doing?

    Has anyone heard from Madmans lately? Is he OK?

    I am on vacation now, for 9 more days, and it is awesome! I went ice fishing yesterday with my kids, we caugth lots of fisht. It is so nice to ice fish, and not be worried that I will get stopped by the police at a ride check on the way home. I used to drink when I ice fished. Now, I bring a huge thermos of coffee.

    Take care everyone,
    Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


      Newbies Nest

      Good Morning everyone! Don't have much time this morning because I've got to get the kids ready for the parade we are having here this morning. Just wanted to check in. I had a much easier time of it last night, I think in part it's the MWO suppliments I started yesterday. I still don't get a great night's sleep but I get up each morning feeling so much better than when I woke up fuzzy and worried after a night of drinking wine.

      Have super day Let's get another AF day under our belts!

      Day 4


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning everyone. Here is to the start of day 4. I think I had my first drinking dream. I don't know what it is about really. But I know I was in the car and I know I was scared I was gonna get stopped with wine in the car. I feel really good today. But I did get out of bed 1 time and my body felt like a truck had hit me...
        Going shopping with a friend and then for lunch.
        Have a great day everyone and thanks for all the kind words.


          Newbies Nest

          p.s. I have to type on my phone so I don't type very much. But all you guys are doing a great job. keep up the good work...


            Newbies Nest

            morning nesters, it's so good to see the nest so busy! Is there anything better than a hangover free Saturday? I have so much energy I am bouncing!

            Couldn't run this morning because of the snow, so I did a workout at home, then cleaned the house. Off to get my hair and nails done as a wee treat!

            Hill, that ice fishing sounds like great fun, and you just sound so happy and balanced, it truly is inspiring.

            Mema, hope the parade goes well

            Shiner, I had a drinking dream a while back, I was so relieved when I woke up!

            Lolab, you are doing so well, good job!

            Mazzie, Ozigal, it's nice to meet you, looking forward to hearing more about you.

            Hello to everyone else who pops in i am off to make myself gorgeous! :H

            Have a super sober saturday everyone!


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning Nesters!

              Congrats to everyone successfully taking steps towards their goals

              I was just thinking how scared I was to quit drinking! Now I know there is absolutely nothing to fear!!!!! There was a lot of health, wealth & happiness waiting for me! I'm using the money I've saved from both my quits to spoil my grandkids

              Hill, I have a friend living in Minnesota who is also a fan of ice fishing - Brrrrrr

              Chilly. dry & sunny in my part of the nest today - hoping the mud continues to dry up.
              Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Hi everyone!

                Wow - checked in earlier this morning and can't believe how many have visited since! I was out the door at 7:30 to go to the grocery store - now back putting stuff away (hate that job). No way would I have this much energy 2 months ago when I was drinking.

                Lav - how was your dinner with YB? Hope it went well.

                Hill - my hubby is into fishing but not sure if he's ever been ice fishing! You are an awesome dad doing fun stuff with your kids. I too am glad to have found a better use (coffee) for a thermos besides wine:H

                VG - know what you mean about the bouncing part - may sound corny but I'm just feeling giddy! Does anyone even use that word anymore? Well anyhow that's how I feel.
                Morning shiner, mema, ozziegal, louie and mazzie - you guys all sound very positive this morning!

                Morning Lo - 30 days is right around the corner my friend - you are doing awesome! Know what you mean about being able to drive at 7:00 p.m. - such an insignificant thing for others is so amazing to us - huh?

                Well - got to put the rest of this crap away and then do a little cleaning.

                Have a great day everyone!
                Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good morning all. My goodness, lots of activity around here. Ice fishing? Now THAT sounds cold. I complain my head off when it is windy on the float boat. I still trudging along AF - about day 34 pr thereabouts. Personally, I found the first month to be hard. I didn't want to drink but I felt quite down, which is not usual for me. But it is lifting so that is better. For all you that are even newer than me, just hang in there. It is worth it even when it is challenging.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hello everybody, just checking in to report another AF day, day 14 for me. Hope you are all doing well. Saturday night and have absolutely no intention of drinking alcohol, woo hoo!
                    AF since 27th February 2011


                      Newbies Nest

                      Day 1 wasn't bad, it never is. I always manage to convince myself that I can moderate fine, and I do, until I don't. Really scared of this happening again. I will go months moderating fine and then I will do something stupid like drink on an empty stomach and then the n ext day feel all self-hatey again, and say I'm done. Again. I have been doing this for a long time without any real consequences (?) Sorry for the spelling. It just feels wrong to be a supposed adult. And not have a handle on this. Btw I am 34, been married happily for almost 8 yrs and have 10 yr old children so I'm not new to the grown up thing. Just been drinking for the last 9 yrs. Any advice welcome.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hey mama tried, I cannot give you any advice. I am new here and last night was supposed to be my day 1, but it didn't happen. I am going to try much harder tonight. Sorry to let the team down!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Also, if anyone is about to start day 1, let me know and maybe we can do it together and egg each other on.


                            Newbies Nest

                            evening everyone, first chance to check in for a few days.

                            Welcome to everyone who has just joined, you are in the right place, i don't know what i'd do without the nest.

                            Mama i'm the same convince myself i can moderate, when in reality i know i can't, this time round i'm not going to try that route.

                            Ozigal, i think we've all been there, the supposed day one doesn't happen, but you are here now and never worry about letting anyone down, we all have been there honey.

                            Well i've just closed the door on AF 18, busy few days, weirdest things my co ordination and memory are as if i'm hungover or slightly drunk but i remember having that before can't wait for it to pass. Evenings are better i don't find myself missing al, but afternoons are still hard for now, i miss my afternoon wine, just keep reminding ,myself that how good it feels to feel like a proper Mom again.

                            Hugs everyone:l
                            WHAT CAN I SAY? I DON'T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE..

                            Just taking it day by day.......


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good evening Nesters!

                              Losing an hour of sleep tonight but I'll take it for an extra hour of daylight

                              Jolie, the dinner was ok ~ nothing remarkable.

                              Prancy - glad you are doing well! You're right - it does get easier with practice

                              Wind - congrats on your 2 AF weeks - wonderful milestone!

                              Mama tried, you are so young, same age as my daughter. This is a great time for you to take control of your life & kick AL out of it not only for you but your kids as well. At age 10 they are old enough to notice if you are not taking care of yourself & being totally present for them. Have you made a good plan for yourself? Make a list of pros & cons re AL. It is quite possible that moderate drinking is not in the cards for you. I sure do know that it isn't going to be part of my future. I wasted too many years fooling myself, I just won't do that anymore. I'm nearly at my 2 year AF anniversary & couldn't be happier or prouder (is that a word?) of myself You & your kids deserve the same happiness!

                              Ozigal, you have not let the team down!
                              You need to mentally & physically prepare yuorself for a successful journey.
                              1. make a strong commitment to yourself.
                              2. Make a good plan. Gather all the things you need such as AF drinks, good books, movies, hobby supplies ~ whatever you plan to use to keep yourself distracted.
                              3. rid the house of all AL & promise yourself thatt you won't bring anymore home. I asked my spouse to keep his beer, etc out in his garage where I didn't have to see it, at least for a while.

                              Use the ideas in the to help yuo make a good, strong plan. I did these things & they helped me get to where I am now.

                              Check in often kids so we can help each other along!
                              Wishing everyone a comfy, AF night in the Nest!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Cross post leave in silence
                                Congrats on your 18 AF days
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

