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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning Dill, Lil, Sunny--all to come--
    Just got back from the docs---the medical marvels here in SD...'Yep, he's perddy sick'
    Alrighty doc...I'll be on my way....just send me the $150 bill.
    We're getting ready for another blizzard today/tonight...I'm stocked up on movies, Rx, and cookies!!!
    Hope everyone has a productive Monday!!
    "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



      Newbies Nest

      Hi, Lil!
      Sunny, I'm glad to see you keeping your nose to the grindstone! Just remember to pamper yourself tonight in the nest.
      SDL, What's this talk of blizzards? I don't want to hear that word. (hands over my ears). Sorry you boy is sick. Hope he gets well soon.
      It's been a long day at work for me, too. Gotta make supper now.

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        Newbies Nest

        OK, Nesters, time to perch on the softest twig I can find and wait for Papa to tuck us all in. Nighty night!

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          Newbies Nest

          Hello from Glasgow

          Hi, this is my second attempt to wire in to MWO. The first time I got into the more experienced blog my mistake, then I forgot my password, I suppose that's what 11 bottles of red wine a week does to one.
          Having read the blogs from members, the one thing I can relate to is the fear of abstaining for just one night. Only a year ago I could abstain for one or two days a week, so obviously things have taken a turn for the worse and something must be done about it. This site appeals to me because of it's un judgmental nature and lack of zealousness (if that's a word) and I hope to pass on some of this positive encouragement as I endeavor to control this addiction. I'm sorry if this is a bit discordant but I,m quite dyslexic and slightly drunk (my only way, for now to recover from yesterday).
          Hope this has not been too much of a downer.
          Best wishes,


            Newbies Nest

            Hello from Glasgow

            Hi, this is my second attempt to wire in to MWO. The first time I got into the more experienced blog my mistake, then I forgot my password, I suppose that's what 11 bottles of red wine a week does to one.
            Having read the blogs from members, the one thing I can relate to is the fear of abstaining for just one night. Only a year ago I could abstain for one or two days a week, so obviously things have taken a turn for the worse and something must be done about it. This site appeals to me because of it's un judgmental nature and lack of zealousness (if that's a word) and I hope to pass on some of this positive encouragement as I endeavor to control this addiction. I'm sorry if this is a bit discordant but I,m quite dyslexic and slightly drunk (my only way, for now to recover from yesterday).
            Hope this has not been too much of a downer.
            Best wishes,


              Newbies Nest

              Evening nesters,

              Welcome prospero :welcome: The nest is a warm and comfy place. You might also want to start a thread out in the starting out section so others here at MWO can get to know you as well. There's lots of support here.

              SS-Sounds like you're working your feathers to the bone! Good to hear you're getting alot done.

              SD-If you're going to get snowed in cookies are the answere. But I think cookies are always the answere. Hope your son is feeling better. I hope it's nothing to serious.

              Dill-By golly you did take the softest twig! Well scrunch over I'm taking the one next to you. I'm waiting for Papa R to tuck me in as well.

              Papa R-We're all waiting to be tucked in. You have us all so spoiled!

              Nite birds.
              AF since 7/26/2009

              "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

              "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                Newbies Nest

                Hey Nesters. Feel like I should be on the Time Out Twig for getting antsy this morning, but will put it down to the full moon. Welcome Prospero, I'll PM you later with how I got started. Bx

                Night?Morning all.

                Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                  Newbies Nest


                  Okay Dill & Lilmea....I'm here....wait though...first, contrats to sweaty betty for her 30 days AF!! Great job girl!! For everybody else, hope your Monday was a happy one. Time to rest your eyes and body and let the worries of the world are all wonderful successes in my book...and in my nest. Have a great night cherubs!
                  Papa R


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Nesters!
                    I'm sorry to be a downer...I'm so sad ex is such a an a**hole...he has no idea what an amazing AMAZING little boy he has here...he never will!!!
                    I miss my mom---she's been gone for a week---she's my best friend, we usually talk every day!
                    I feel lonely...or alone, I'm not sure and I hate that the person I take out my frustration on is the one person that means the most to me in the son, Brayden. :upset:
                    Godamit no wonder I drink!

                    And please don't think I mean in the physical sense...absolutely no....just feelings of being short or frustrated or even yelling...
                    "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                      Newbies Nest


             i am a self help addict along with many other things. Im recently separated from a husband who does nothing wrong. Anyway, i have 10 year old twins who are very loving but very challenging (my son is ADD). I went to a conference on ADHD on saturday and listened to this psychologist. He told a story of his 11 year old son hitting his 9 year old daughter. He yelled at his son and told him to appologize. His son promptly and defiantly said "make me". It took every ounce of this man's restraint to control himself..but he said "I wont make are a good kid and you know what the right thing is". What he taught me that day is that patience and understanding is the most important thing. Just like we feel comfort in our addiction our children for some reason (not just children of addiction) get comfort from disobeying and being defiant. When we respond to that in anger..we are letting them get control. I am not purposing that i am an expert but it has seemed to work a little bit. I dont yell. I just reason. Anyway hope that helps a little


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning nestlerets,

                        Papa R-Thank you for tucking us in. I won't tell Dill you tucked me in first! :H Hope your night at work was uneventful and G cat didn't get too lonely.

                        Betty-You rock girl. Congrats on 30 days!

                        SD-I don't know why we take our frustrations out on the ones we love the most. But we all do, at one time or another. You can't control you X-HB, all you can do is let you son know what a very special person he is.

                        Cracky-How are things going with you? 10 y twins must be challenging. Are they both boy?

                        It's rainy and drab here. I guess that makes it a good day for some of those inside things on my to do list. Hummmp!

                        I hear feathers rustling so other birds must be waking up. I had better get the coffee going.

                        I hope you all have a great day.
                        AF since 7/26/2009

                        "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                        "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good Morning, Nesters! Welcome Prospero!..You have come to the right place to take back control of your life. Spend lots of time on the boards and do lots of reading. I agree with Lilmea that you should try posting an introductory thread in the Just Starting Out. It's easy. Just go to the Just Staring Out section. At the top left of the page you'll see a button that say's "new thread". Click on it. Type in a title (like "i'm new" or some such thing) then click in the main text window and start typing. You'll get more responses there and more people will see you're post.
                          SWEATY! Congrats! I understand why you were so hyper in the nest yesterday morning. No need for the Time Out Twig. Just keep up the good work!
                          SDL, I'm sad to say, we all take out our frustrations on the closest ones at times. Not good, but human nature. Tell that boy you're sorry if you were harsh with him and let him know you were just frustrated, not necessarily with him! Parenting is difficult at times. Especially in a divorce situation. We're here for ya' girl!
                          CACKY, Wow! Twin boys and one with ADD. Bet you have a busy home! Yen is such a great age. Do you remember being 10? I do! I even remember what I got for my 10th birthday. A pogo stick!! It was so special to be turning 10. "Double digits" as my nephew who just turned ten likes to say!!!lol!
                          RENEWAL, Have you decided about getting Gilligan a pet?
                          Lil, Goodmorning! It is rainy and cold here, too. I hope it clears up. I promised a friend I would meet her after work for a walk. Today is her birthday.

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning nesters and nestettes!

                            SD, like what everyone else said (am I lazy or what?) - we all do it at times. It doesn't make it right but kids actually understand. Also, I found that an apology and explanation such as you missing your mom is a lesson it itself - kids learn that everyone screws up from time to time and that it's ok to say you're sorry.

                            Betty, I'm so happy for you! No TOT for you - just the special 30-day coffee mug!

                            PR - so glad you came to tuck us in again, Lilmea is right - we're a spoiled lot here!

                            Dillarooney - too cute, your nephew being excited about 'double digits'.. LOL Gosh, if they only knew - they wouldn't be so anxious about getting older.

                            Cacky - wow, I bet you ARE busy. My son was diagnosed with ADD as well - although I was never quite sure that was accurate. I've always wanted twins (get it over with in one shot kinda thing) but wow! LOL My two are 16 months apart and that was already a hand full - never mind twins!

                            I had a really grumpy day yesterday. I have to make a confession... *sigh* I started on the smokes again... the week when all the crap went down with my son. And now it's time to stop it again. I did it once - I can do it again. Right? That's probably where the grumpiness comes from. Ughh.

                            You know this smoking thing has me wondering about my thoughts of eventually modding, though. It really did take only one cigarette to get right back into it. I'd be scared as hell to think AL might be the same. Well, for now I'm AF anyways - I'd say until Easter at least. I'll be way over 60 days AF by then. We just decided yesterday to put on a big Easter dinner - maybe I'll give it a try then - or not.

                            Oh.. and welcome Prospero. Get yourself reading the book, get familiar with the program, read lots and post when you're comfortable.

                            Ok, enough rambling... have a great Tuesday, all!

                            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                            Winning since October 24th, 2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              Evening all - Am just coming down off my '30 day High', have been like a kid on blue smarties all day, and ready to crash now.......

                              Its really felt like a very special occasion, and am so honoured to have so much support and good wishes. Thank you so much.

                              Sweaty "I've just done 30 days without Alcohol'' Betty xxxxxx
                              Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                                Newbies Nest


                                Mornin all....yes Sun.....I do have you all spoiled.....Dill, as of now, I'm not planning on bringing in another cat. When I had to put Titus down, Gilligan 'looked around for him' for a couple days, but after that has done really well. I've never seen him appear upset or anxious over things...he loves hangin with me and enjoys all the attention he gets. Just going with a 'gut instinct', I feel bringing in a new kitten would not make him all that happy as it would divide my attention and....he was used to Titus, and only Titus...he's pretty skittish around any new animals or people for that matter. I give him PLENTY of attention and he loves it. The only tough times are the 2 days I work the double shifts.....don't know if all this makes sense, but again, am going with my gut. If I felt he were struggling without 'T' I would have made the change months ago, but I really don't think he is......okay, well I've rambled to y'all later.
                                Papa Renewal

