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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Survived the witching hour! Even when my husband walked in with a bottle of vodka and my favourite wine.... gggrrrrr, but as I havent told him what I have decided to do, I think he thought he was doing the right thing.
    Unfortunately I dont think my husband is going to be too happy with me not drinking again. He said I was no fun when AF. Much prefers me when I am drinking. He has seen me at my worse and still doesnt get it. Doesnt get how quickly I blackout, how I forget what we said and did the night before. Doesnt understand the shame and embarrassment I feel after a big night. Doesnt realise that I am not this confident, social person who can handle anything because I have had a glass or two of dutch courage. So unfortunately I dont think i will get much support from him.
    Anyway on a good note.... I actually made that appointment to go to the doctor to sort out the referral for the addiction counsellor and I made an appointment for some iridology with a naturopath. See if there is anything she can do to help me.
    Looking forward to waking up tomorrow morning like I did this morning. I felt so good I had to savour it for a moment.
    I hope your day/night goes well
    I finally got it!
    "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


      Newbies Nest

      just wanted to say thanks for the support...

      HC I don't think my hubby likes it much either - especially that I get annoyed with his drinking!

      no major plans for the weekend.....wish I did, but nothin...

      Hang in there everyone - you're all doing great!

      Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

      Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


        Newbies Nest

        I just spent some time reading some of the posts on the Inspiration thread in What we Believe. Beautiful - and helpful....I'm not losing this day to my own negative thoughts....trying hard to turn it around now!

        Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

        Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


          Newbies Nest

          Hello all. Just wanted to say hi. This is my 12th day AF, I'm happy to say, after an 8 day bender which finally made me realise just how sick I had become. In 10 years I've only twice been this long without getting's really quite brilliant, I'm starting to feel really great. I've enjoyed reading some of the threads on here, they're an inspiration. Good luck to all.


            Newbies Nest

            Hey all, so long and the short of it is I got drunk last night. Not blind drunk but enough that i can't actually remember much of what i said or did past about 9.30. I have been too ashamed and confused the last 20 odd hours to come on here and explain or even speak at all about it. I knew what i was doing, of course, it was a conscious decision as ever - though naturally somewhat twisted by, well i don't know what to call it. Or I do but don't want to say. I just felt so stressed and sad and so very very tired, I haven't been sleeping well and at the time it seemed like a few too many would help (I did sleep, as it happens, but woke up feeling worse than if I hadn't haha). So there we go, I'm sorry for letting everybody down when i know there're people who struggle so much more and I gave in over a bit of lost sleep and a hard week. I'm sorry that all anybody on here has ever tried to do is help me and I throw it back at anybody who cares by getting drunk.

            I doubt anybody on here is a fan, but if anybody knows of the albums 'hellalive' theres a little talk Machine Head's singer gives going into a (somewhat amazing) song called crashing around you. If anybody's heard that, they'll know why I mentioned it.
            I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

            To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



              Newbies Nest

              Andrew from Ireland;1084152 wrote: Hello all. Just wanted to say hi. This is my 12th day AF, I'm happy to say, after an 8 day bender which finally made me realise just how sick I had become. In 10 years I've only twice been this long without getting's really quite brilliant, I'm starting to feel really great. I've enjoyed reading some of the threads on here, they're an inspiration. Good luck to all.
              :welcome::welcome: and :goodjob: on the 12 days andrew keep close and post often!!


                Newbies Nest

                Fish fry sounds good Mema except I'm on Weight Watchers right now

                Hippy, I'm glad you're holding on! You know what? You can do this all on your own, I did without support at home. Your focus is on changing your behavior. It doesn't really matter what anyone else around you is doing, right? I'm not familiar with iridology, I'll have to look that up.

                lolab, fill your weekend up with anything that will keep you away from AL. Look in the if you needs ideas.

                Hello Andrew, Welcome to the Nest! Congrats on your AF time, that's great work! You should be feeling pretty good & proud right about now What are your plans? We'd love to hear more.

                Hello stashia, good to see you! How are things going for you?

                I just can't stop smiling today. Looking forward to waking up tomorrow morning knowing that I have been free of AL for two years
                I can't tell you how great it is to finally be a non-drinking, non-smoking adult
                If you need some motivation ~ just close your eyes & picture yourselves two years from today. Are you seeing a good picture? Hope so!!!

                IC, it's entirely up to you to decide what your future is going to look like! Take back control of your life now, it's you life!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Lavande;1084281 wrote: Fish fry sounds good Mema except I'm on Weight Watchers right now

                  Hippy, I'm glad you're holding on! You know what? You can do this all on your own, I did without support at home. Your focus is on changing your behavior. It doesn't really matter what anyone else around you is doing, right? I'm not familiar with iridology, I'll have to look that up.

                  lolab, fill your weekend up with anything that will keep you away from AL. Look in the if you needs ideas.

                  Hello Andrew, Welcome to the Nest! Congrats on your AF time, that's great work! You should be feeling pretty good & proud right about now What are your plans? We'd love to hear more.

                  Hello stashia, good to see you! How are things going for you?

                  I just can't stop smiling today. Looking forward to waking up tomorrow morning knowing that I have been free of AL for two years
                  I can't tell you how great it is to finally be a non-drinking, non-smoking adult
                  If you need some motivation ~ just close your eyes & picture yourselves two years from today. Are you seeing a good picture? Hope so!!!

                  IC, it's entirely up to you to decide what your future is going to look like! Take back control of your life now, it's you life!
                  :thanks: lavand im doing good ta! just coming up to 4 weeks for me after a nasty accident (due to alcohol) But every morning i wake up im happy to have the chance to change things!! Wow 2 years is truly wonderful your an inspiration xx


                    Newbies Nest

                    Lavande;1084281 wrote:
                    Hello Andrew, Welcome to the Nest! Congrats on your AF time, that's great work! You should be feeling pretty good & proud right about now What are your plans? We'd love to hear more.
                    Thanks Lavande, and congratulations on your 2 years! My plans....stay sober for another 5 weeks or so at least and then assess how I feel To be honest, I have neglected actually doing anything with my life for the last ten years while slowly drinking more and more. Something snapped 12 days ago and each day I am sober now I become more excited about the future and its possibilities. When I am hungover I can barely exist. When I am sober I feel like I can do anything.


                      Newbies Nest

                      InChains...I wish I could stand in front of you and take you by the shoulders and say...looka here!! AL makes everything WORSE not better!! Look at me!!!! You can do this!!! AL is the easy way out...well sometimes you gotta take the hard way. You have to look at the things you don't want to look at, and do the things you don't want to do. And one thing you are going to have to face is that the cycle has to stop. Pick yourself up...let's get you dusted let's try it again. Every single person reading this right now has been where you are....we will hold you up and carry you if we have to...but put one foot in front of the other and we will get there!!! I promise it is worth the try...I promise!!! Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi everyone... Day 17 here. And I have had a couple of test but they failed. I did not. So glad. Hi Mema.. Fish fry.. Yum
                        Hippy... Way to go.
                        Hi Lolab....
                        Hi Stashia.. 4 weeks...... Yay....
                        Hi Byrdlady
                        Andrew.... Hello and welcome.. You are doing great..
                        IC... Hugs to you...
                        Lavande.. Two years is so awesome... So happy for you...
                        Hello everyone... Hope you all have a blessed weekend.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Thanks everybody for the words of support, it means the world to me to know that I can come here and say what i said and not have to feel ashamed. I know I probably come across as moping about alot or self pitying, I don't mean to and it's not really me... but then of course I'm sure most of you here know that from your own experiences eh?

                          Either way I'm gonna be positive for a second: Today I got right back on with the plan and didn't drink til after six. My lovely fiancee is on his third day of cutting down and is having a couple of small beers an evening - something which makes me incredibly proud of him. And last but not least I got a job interview today, to match my college interview - seems like the world wants to give me a fresh start

                          x IC
                          I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                          To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                            Newbies Nest

                            Shiner;1084328 wrote: Hi everyone... Day 17 here. And I have had a couple of test but they failed. I did not. So glad. Hi Mema.. Fish fry.. Yum
                            Hippy... Way to go.
                            Hi Lolab....
                            Hi Stashia.. 4 weeks...... Yay....
                            Hi Byrdlady
                            Andrew.... Hello and welcome.. You are doing great..
                            IC... Hugs to you...
                            Lavande.. Two years is so awesome... So happy for you...
                            Hello everyone... Hope you all have a blessed weekend.
                            Thanks shiner great to see your doing great!! Any wedding date yet? am sneaking off to watch Benidorm ( i know sad) bacinabit!!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good Evening nesters, just popping in to update you on my progress, I'm coming up to day 30 real soon ... today is my 27th day AF and I can hardly believe it. It is getting easier and I have less cravings for that early evening wine tipple every day, now I just pour myself a soft drink and get on with it! My plan is to stay AF til the middle of May and then assess, I find myself in a quandry - afraid to even think of touching al again in case I go back to my old habits which I DO NOT WANT, and afraid to think of never having the taste of drink again (even tho I know it is POISON and won't make me feel good), its all very confusing... what I do know is that I feel great when al free.

                              Hope you are all continuing to do so well Congratulations Lavande on your two years, that is truly admirable.
                              AF since 27th February 2011


                                Newbies Nest

                                wow, so much activity in the nest, I don't know where to start!

                                IC, glad you are feeling more positive again and sorry I missed your OP. See, if you slip, it's better to come in here among friends and admit it rather than hide away. That way we can support you! Good for you getting back to your plan!

                                lolab, glad you are feeling better!

                                Hi Andrew, welcome to the nest, and great job on your 12 days! You will find a lot of support and understanding here, so stick around

                                Mema, I love fish so much, drooling here!

                                Hi Stashia, nice to meet you

                                Byrdy, so good to see you backing everyone so strongly, you go girl!

                                Shiner, you are doing great, well done!

                                WIND, great work on your 27 days, and good to see you in the nest.

                                Last but not least Lav! TWO YEARS! :yougo::yougo::yougo:

                                FANTASTIC! and the best thing is, you stick around here and are such an inspiration to us all, well done and thank you for everything.

                                If I missed anyone I am sorry, sending hugs to all my fellow nesters and hoping you all have a fantastic weekend

