IC, glad you are feeling more positive again and sorry I missed your OP. See, if you slip, it's better to come in here among friends and admit it rather than hide away. That way we can support you! Good for you getting back to your plan!
lolab, glad you are feeling better!
Hi Andrew, welcome to the nest, and great job on your 12 days! You will find a lot of support and understanding here, so stick around

Mema, I love fish so much, drooling here!

Byrdy, so good to see you backing everyone so strongly, you go girl!
Shiner, you are doing great, well done!
WIND, great work on your 27 days, and good to see you in the nest.
Last but not least Lav! TWO YEARS! :yougo::yougo::yougo:
FANTASTIC! and the best thing is, you stick around here and are such an inspiration to us all, well done and thank you for everything.
If I missed anyone I am sorry, sending hugs to all my fellow nesters and hoping you all have a fantastic weekend
