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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    vintage girl;1084392 wrote: wow, so much activity in the nest, I don't know where to start!

    IC, glad you are feeling more positive again and sorry I missed your OP. See, if you slip, it's better to come in here among friends and admit it rather than hide away. That way we can support you! Good for you getting back to your plan!

    lolab, glad you are feeling better!

    Hi Andrew, welcome to the nest, and great job on your 12 days! You will find a lot of support and understanding here, so stick around

    Mema, I love fish so much, drooling here!

    Hi Stashia, nice to meet you

    Byrdy, so good to see you backing everyone so strongly, you go girl!

    Shiner, you are doing great, well done!

    WIND, great work on your 27 days, and good to see you in the nest.

    Last but not least Lav! TWO YEARS! :yougo::yougo::yougo:

    FANTASTIC! and the best thing is, you stick around here and are such an inspiration to us all, well done and thank you for everything.

    If I missed anyone I am sorry, sending hugs to all my fellow nesters and hoping you all have a fantastic weekend
    You too vintage will pop by once in a while for a snuggle for now im gonna catch some z's Have a comfy night all in the nest see all tomorrow!!


      Newbies Nest

      It's tomorrow for me (12 hours in front). so I have started Lav's party early........

      Lav - 2 years! congratulations. You were one of the first people to welcome me when I arrived very hungover and desperate 14 months ago. You have kicked me up the butt, you have offered me your support and advice, you have shared your experience, you have inspired me, you have gone thru alot over the last two years but most of all YOU HAVE NOT HAD A DRINK IN ALL THAT TIME!!!
      You are truly a inspiration to the rest of us. Thank you my friend for getting sober because you are helping so many other people.

      Andrew - welcome 12 days is great. It is such a good feeling to wake up sober. Keep it up.

      Inchains - I know your pain. Please dont feel ashamed we have all been there. This site is full of people who know what it feels like, so good on you for keep coming here. Good luck with the job interview.

      Wine is not divine (well I used to think so) - well done on your 27 days. Please think seriously about reassessing your sobriety. I was sober for 7 months last year thanks to alot of people here, then I made the decision that I could moderate and stop when I wanted to. That lead to a six month binge from which I am still recovering ( today is day 5 for me). I thought all that time I had AF I would be able to stop when I wanted to , I thought I was in control not the beast. But I wasnt. And it took alot of pain for me (and my daughter so I am finding out now) to come back here, admit I was wrong and ask for help. So think hard before you become complacent with your sobreity.

      Today is going to be my first test. My sister in law is over from England and we are having a party for her tonight. alot of my drinking buddies are coming so it is going to take alot to not pick up. However I have already devised a plan. My husband likes to see me drink, so I am going to have lime and soda and if he asks, tell him there is vodka in it (I know I shouldnt have to lie but at the moment it is easier to do that than explain what I am feeling). That should keep him happy. Then I am going to put my computer in my bedroom and keep logged onto MWO so when I need to I will just come here and get some inspiration to not drink.

      So that is my plan to help me stay AF. I look forward to coming back tomorrow morning and confirming that I stayed sober.

      Have a good weekend everyone. (Hey Molly where are you?)

      I finally got it!
      "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


        Newbies Nest

        Lav, I agree with are truly a gift to us all. Congratulations on 2 big years, I want to be you when I grow up!!! You could just as easily left the nest and been on your way, but you choose to come back and help. Thank God for you. All my best to you, and thanks to you, I have it to give! XXOO, Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          Hippy, you can do it!! Nobody cares what you are drinking or not will find it amusing to see your friends getting smashed, when you are sober! Just think how good you are going to feel in the morning, when everyone else has a big head!!!! Do it, Girl, I know you can! Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            This is going to be one very long party here Hippy, thanks so much!
            Thanks to Byrdie too
            I want yo girls to know that you can do it too - everyone can!

            Hippy, your plan sounds good. Stay connected ~ someone is always here.

            Shiner at 17 days & wine at 27 - woo hoo!! It does keep getting easier, just stick with your plans.

            Greetings vg, stashia & all who drop in.

            IC, when the universe hands you a gift, smile, say thank you & accept it - You can do it too!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Hi everyone

              Just flying in for a quick visit and to say congrats to Lav. 2 years is so good Lav you must be really chuffed with yourself. You have helped me so much and I will always appreciate that. Your posts are so helpful and your caring comes through. Thank you.

              Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                Newbies Nest

                :sun: Morning nesters hope you all had a good night!! HIPPY how did the party go? [COLOR=Black]In chains i joined here 2 years ago and would only last 9 days tops!! this time i realy want to stay AF and am on day 25. Right behind you WINE is not devine lets look forward to getting to the end of the month!!HELLO mazzie Morning LAV happy saturday all!!


                  Newbies Nest

                  :goodjob: on 2 years.

                  Thanks so much for your ongoing support. You are an inspiration to us all.
                  It's people like you, who make this place special.
                  Keep up the good work
                  Can I have a life please, make it a double - I've got some catching up to do!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Lav, congratulations on your 2 years, a real inspiration.

                    I have decided to break my 'challenge' to stop or control AL into three bit size chunks, as at the moment the thought of just stopping is just too big a task.

                    Part one of my 'cunning plan Baldrick', sorry for those of you who don't know Black Adder! was to have as many AF days until next Tuesday as possible. I managed 3 in a row, but slipped last night, going back to the old 'give myself a treat' for the weekend! But I managed to control that by only buying the one bottle of wine rather than two, pretending to myself that they would last over the weekend, yeh right! One of the good things about living in rural France is that there is no 'poping' to the off licence or local convenience store to get more alcohol, so this morning I feel a little jaded rather than terribly hung over which I would normally be on a Saturday.

                    The second part of my cunning plan will start on Monday 4th April. I have friends visiting from the UK from Tuesday until then and I just can't face telling them that I have a problem at the moment, when I have only just admitted it to myself. They do drink but not like me and the good thing is I won't be on my own in the evenings, which is when I drink the most. So for those days I will chat, take them sightseeing, cook and fill my 'drinking time' with their company.

                    The third part of the plan (so far anyway!) is to do the 30 days AF from the 4th April. At the end of that I feel I will be in a more emotional and physically stable place to go forward, possibly to full sobriety, although still the thought of that frightens me for some reason, stupid!

                    This is the way I gave up smoking, a bit at a time with an end goal for each stage. Yep I have had a couple of hiccups, smoking a pack one day when I was drunk! and testing myself in December having three with friend who smoke, no alcohol and decided yep I had definitely made the right choice to give up, I haven't smoked since and won't. So I am hoping the same approach will work with AL.

                    Sorry rather long and boring post for everyone else, but just wanted to say it all 'out load' so to speak to make it real, if that makes sense?

                    Wishing everyone a strong, happy and AF weekend. :thanks:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning nest. Lav, congratulations on your two years!! You have been such an inspiration here, and I know that many of us have appreciated your wisdom! Keep it up!

                      Sadly, I am back on day one. I have been away for awhile and very stressed out with work -- so I made things worse by drinking. I'm feeling blue, but reading and posting and determined to get back in the saddle without AL.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Morning nesters.

                        It just struck me how alien this all still feels, 10.55 on Saturday morning, I have a terrible headache but I know it will pass as it's not the usual AF induced one but instead of the usual Sat morn struggling out of bed around now properly after having somehow got up to feed the kids breaakfast and plonked them down in front of the tv whilst "Mummy just has a little longer sleep"

                        I was awake when the alarm went off at 6am, watched the Formula 1 qualifying at 6am, (usually I tell myself I will, then am usually still inebriated at that time to bother) youngest dressed and out with a friend by 10am, housework done, coffee drank and I just found myself in my kitchen thinking "hell this is weird I'm sober, not hungover and not running around trying to get the place looking almost passable before hubs gets back from work."

                        Okay enough rambling now...:H

                        Congrats to you Lav, two years is awesome:l You are a great inspiration to me :l

                        DSLR you may feel jaded this morning but you have a plan now, you bought one bottle instead of the usual two, so that is a little step, no matter how little they are every tiny steps adds together in the end and you've managed some AF free days, if one approach is not working it's good to try something else, I tried it that way many times but it didn't work for me as I always found some excuse, but starting your 30days when you have friends to focus on and distract you sounds a good way to get the first few days under your belt.


                        We've all been there honey:l but good for you and your determination you know you are in the right place here for all the support you need:l
                        WHAT CAN I SAY? I DON'T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE..

                        Just taking it day by day.......


                          Newbies Nest

                          bringing lots of love and gratitude to the nest this morning for Lav, two years AL free!!!!! What a fantastic achievement !!

                          wb mylife, good to have you back here, you CAN do this

                          it's a beautiful day here, sun shining, birds singing and no saturday morning hangover! :H

                          I hope all of my fellow nesters have a fabulous day, and if anyone is tempted this weekend, think about this place and Lav's achievement, it could be you one day!


                            Newbies Nest

                            quick pop in here - congrats to everyone for doing so well - even with setbacks, you are back here and making an effort...but most of all congrats to you Lav - you are an inspiration...and I second who said thanks for coming back to the nest to help all of us...

                            Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                            Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning Nesters

                              Thank you everyone!
                              I am a happy & proud Lav's a good feeling to be sure!
                              Looking back now, I wonder what the hell took me so long to kick AL's butt out of my life :H There is absolutely nothing to fear living a sober life, I promise!!!

                              I hope everyone has a great AF Saturday! Stick with your plans, you can do this too

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Just wanted to say hi. I'm new here. I've been reading the posts for about a week. I found this place the day after I decided to take my life back. I posted my story last night under just starting out. Glad to get that off my chest!

