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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    'Good'day' hats, sorry I am from the UK, so I don't think I spelt that correctly!

    Welcome, you have definitely found the right place. I have joined recently as well and like you have been 'preparing' to stop but needed a special kind of support to do that, and I have found it in the MWO community and I am sure you will too.

    Personally I don't think it matters how you stop, it is that you ARE taking that step and I wish you all the very best. I will be joining you soon, so will be in good company!



      Newbies Nest

      Morning nesters. Didn't sleep too well last night yet I feel full of beans this morning. Don't know how I'll feel when my shift ends in 13 hours time though!

      G'day hats, welcome to the nest. Let us know how you get on with the Bac, I have read up on it a little, but too scared of meds to try it. Whatever helps you beat the beast though, good luck!

      DSLR, you are so right about the support here. I just read bean's thread and it gave me a real boost this morning!

      I hope all who drop into the nest today have a great day, I'm off to get more coffee


        Newbies Nest

        Mornin nesters!

        :welcome: Hats and Want to Stop - we'd love to hear a little bit about you!

        VG - Sleep has become so much better over the past month but that occasional bad night is still better than waking up feeling like crap from drinking the night before. You wouldn't happen to be in the medical field would you? My daughter is a nurse and works the 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. shift. After 7 months of this shift, she still has days where she comes home and can't get to sleep.

        Hippy - pretty sure I've seen Fennel, Meech, stirlygirl, and UKBlonde on some of the other threads. You could do a search by their names to see when they posted last. Amazing isn't it how many friends (old and new) we acquire over time just from coming here. I love it! Of course I have my gf's in my life but they know nothing of my MWO life and I am eternally grateful for all the friends I've made here and the help/support they have given me.

        Hope everyone has a great day!
        Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning Nesters!

          Welcome hats! Glad you found the nest Make yourself comfortable, tighten up the nest belt. We'll be here if you need anything

          On the topic of sleep - or inmy case the lack of sleep.....
          Jolie, I am convinced that all the shift work in my nursing career permanetly screwed up my sleep abilities. When combined with change of life symptoms, extreme stress, etc. sleeping thru the night is a rare event for me But, I have to say that when I quit drinking I definitely did notice some improvement! I have to be grateful for that!

          Lucky me, I have an appointment to get my teeth cleaned this morning then meeting an old friend for lunch. Looking forward to both activities :H

          Wishing everyone a great AF Tuesday!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Evening all.
            Just a quick check in before settling down on the sofa to watch a bit of mindnumbingly boring TV.

            Welcome Hats - Sunshine Coast! My favourite part of QLD ( I got married on Noosa beach). Glad you have decided to join us. This place is full of people in a similar position to you, so ask us anything - someone is sure to have a story or bit of advice.

            Jolie - it has been lovely catching up with all my friends on MWO. Because I have such a hard time socialising in real life, this is the perfect situation for me. I control when I visit, who I talk to, if I say something stupid, I can delete it. I feel really uncomfortable trying to think of things to say but here someone always says something I can relate to. However, that is something I am working on because I want to be able to feel relaxed socially and maybe even get some "real" friends! LOL.

            DSLR - it's g'day... although hearing a pom try and talk with an aussie accent is just as bad as us aussies trying to bung on an english accent! My Irish/Scottish/English friend always tries to say "buger" but it just doesnt come out right:H

            I have spent far too long on here tonight so I will bye for now and talk to you tomorrow.

            I finally got it!
            "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning.

              Stopping in to say Hello. Headed off on day 3 AF! I wish all of you success in your journey today.
              Embarking on some major changes in my life in the coming days. I pray for guidance and strength. I am certain things have to change for me to heal my sick mind and body. That makes it no less scary and sad.
              Thanks for the support and a place to feel safe.
              Taking it one day at a time! Lord, I seek your will for my life.



                Newbies Nest

                Hey all, one very sleep deprived IC checking in - had 11 hours at most over the last 2 days and am starting to feel it, light headed and 'foggy' - a good substitute to being drunk perhaps? haha. I think I've had two slips since I was last here, or possibly only one, my memory is all over the place thanks to the sleeplessness. Either way haven't been doing great, got alot of pressure on me right now and my brothers drug problems have been kicking off again.

                On the positive side I was talking to my fiancee about my relationship with drinking (I hate to admit that i still can't comfortabley say anything close to the a word haha) and we seem to have tracked the problem back to the need for controlled chaos in my life, probably originating from having two mentally ill parents in a volatile on/off relationship for the first 10 years of my life and a period of extreme upheaval in my very early teens. Unfortunately in the course of talking he reaffirmed a threat he has made many times over the last few years - if I get really bad, he will leave me. I don't knwo what to make of it all really, alot to think about.
                I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                  Newbies Nest

                  Want to Stop,
                  Wishing you well on day 3 ~ that's a magical day for most of us!
                  We are all here to support you in any way we can. Making changes in your life can be a good thing....may not always seem like it at the time. Change = progress

                  IC, I am sorry you are lacking support at home!
                  I sincerely hope your fiancee stands by you while you are making your changes. His threat does not sounds iike he is truly commited to your reationship - is he?

                  I had a good day including an enjoyable lunch with a good friend!
                  Can't ask for much more
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    he is, he's a very good, sweet guy and I know he'll stick by me if I sort myself out, I think he means more if I don't and I lose my way then he's off. I don't genuinely believe he'd leave me, just that he knows that if he threatens that I will try harder because I wouldn't risk losing our relationship for the world. Unfortunately I don't buy the ultimatum... hope I'm right
                    I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                    To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                      Newbies Nest

                      I asked because, as you may already know my husband of 37 years walked out last year. Simply walked away without a word. I think he just snapped, mentally. He was miserable for many years (before I began drinking) & remained miserable after I quit..........whatever I did made no difference, whatsoever! Just make sure you watchout for yourself - obviously you can't count on anyone else

                      Think I'll wish everyone a good & safe night in the Nest!
                      See you tomorrow
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hello Nest!

                        IC - I think your fiancee has your best interests at heart. Obviously he would only want what is best for you. It can be very frustrating watching a loved one hurt themselves, none of us would want to do that.

                        Hippy, Wanto and Lav great to hear from you!

                        Hope you all have a great evening.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hey Nesters, thanks for greetings and welcome. I was quite taken by responses.
                          Thanks DSLR, Vintage Girl, Lavande and Hippy Chick. Yes I love where I live.

                          I have started the Baclofen and am pretty snoozy at the moment. hoping it works out. Seems to have taken out some of the anxiety that underlies my drinking. Feeling trepidatious though as i have gone down this road before.
                          Would love to be free of the problem but know that changes in the brain preclude an easy exit, and as a health care professional once said, "Its probably the only coping strategy that you have left"

                          Hope you all prevail through lifes fortunes in days ahead
                          can't straighten the hat on a drunken head


                            Newbies Nest

                            Afternoon all.

                            Good to see you back Hats. Good luck with the bac. Doesnt matter how many times you have gone down that road, as long as you keep trying. It's when you give up that the real problems start. I am back after a six month binge after being sober for seven months last year. With all that support and knowledge I had for all those months, I still didnt put it to use. That is why I relapsed. But I am back where I need to be amongst all these lovely people. There is so much help here.

                            Had a day with the horses today. Came home early though as me and a horse had a bit of an argument - and she won! She was in a bit of a bad mood when I got her from the paddock. And she obviously didnt want to be groomed as she head butted me in the leg - so now I am the owner of a HUGE bruise. Bloody animal! Cant walk as most of my thigh is black and so painful. Cant believe how hard their heads are! Lesson learnt - watch when their ears go back.....

                            Kids are home now so I will be back later.

                            I finally got it!
                            "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning all...

                              had a great sleep last night so hopefully the previous night was a one off!

                              Hi want to stop, you are going great, day 3, well done!

                              IC, I am sure you and your fiance will support you, the very fact that you are both talking in depth about is a really good sign. Sorry to hear about your brother, hope everything works out.

                              Hats, good to see you back. My daughter stayed in Queensland for a year last year, she loved it. Hopefully if you are feeling less anxious that will help you, I don't know about Bac, but please read the Toolbox thread for some great info on how to 'surf' the urges. There is lots of great, helpful stuff to be found on this site, so have a good mosey around!

                              Hi mylife, jolie, Lav, thanks for the responses about the sleep, I am not in healthcare Lav, but I do work a strange shift and don't get home till very late on week nights. It has pros and cons, just like everything I suppose!

                              Hippy, don't get in a ruckus with a horse, you can't win! Hope the bruise heal quickly!

                              Wishing all my fellow nesters a very happy and healthy hump day, won't be long now till my holiday that I was so fearful about a while back, now I am counting the days!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Vintage Girl. Have you ever tried the Calms forte they recommend in here for sleeping? I love it as I have always had trouble sleeping - my mind just wont shut up. But this is natural and I dont wake up with a "hangover". They are alot stronger than the usual ones I get at the pharmacy or health food store. Give it a go. They are fantastic.
                                I finally got it!
                                "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah

