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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Yay,! Byrd I am so happy your AF days are still all in a row! are right I have been waking up in a good mood. Everything seems so darn hopeful right now and with the Spring coming and a little extra money in the bank (when does that ever happen, right)? I can do some home improvements this summer..YAY!
    Listening to The best of Louis Armstrong right now while trying to build a bookshelf for my son's room, it's making me happy..Whoo Hoo!!


      Newbies Nest

      I am sorry to say I had wine last night. Wont give excuses. I just want to be honest with you all. You have been so supportive and I need that. But I promise I am not giving up and I will do this. Again, sorry.
      Hippy... Good for you having a plan for Saturday.
      Hi Lav.. Hope you have a great day.
      Mema... You do sound happy. Good for you....
      VG......hope it all gets better at work.... Fast..
      Hi Match.. I echo Hippys post. Good advice..
      Want to stop.. Awesome on your 5 days. Keep it up.
      Byrd... Glad it was just a dream...
      Ok.. I am going back to work.. Hope you all have a happy healthy day..


        Newbies Nest

        Shiner - what made you decide to drink? Did you plan to drink?
        You need to address the reason/issue in your plan so that you don't keep repeating the same behavior & find the success you want so badly :l
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Yes Lav.. I did. I knew when I went home we would sit on patio and talk... I imagined drinking wine. Didnt pour out what I had left. It is gone. None in house. I am having an af night and plan on having many more.
          Thanks for your post...


            Newbies Nest

            Glad you are squared away now Shiner!
            I puposely dumped the last of my wine down the drain while vowing to never buy more........
            it was something I knew I had to do to get a good start on my journey. Afterall, I spent years BSing myself knowing full well it was time to stop

            Still quite chilly & damp here but no snowflakes - for that I am grateful
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              evening everyone, checking in time, hope everyone is doing okay and welcome to the newbies, make yourself at home in the nest.

              April tomorrow already how did that happen?

              Af 37 somehow managed the whole of March. today though i'm a bag of grumpiness, snappy, zero tolerant of anyone, snapped at the kids and hubs and am so mad with my friend, spent all day worrying about the bad time he is going through but was angry that he didn't let me know he was okay until 10pm.. Like i said i'm the ultimate grumpyarse today.

              Anyway bedtime for me headache and i'm still feeling permantly exhausted.

              Night everyone and stay strong xx

              Just taking it day by day.......


                Newbies Nest

                Hi LIS.

                Do you take any multi vitamins or maybe iron - something that may pick you up a bit?! If you are permenantly exhausted things will get on top of you. I think after 37 days AF, you are allowed to be a grumpyarse. Just think how much grumpier you will be if you drink.

                Instead of thinking that Friday is the worse day of the week for me, I am going to tell myself how much I enjoy Fridays. Try a bit of reverse psychology (spelling??) on myself. So I will let you know how it goes. Like Lav said, I am an adult and need to start acting like one. I am not the 14 year old discovering AL for the first time anymore.

                Enjoy your day.

                I finally got it!
                "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good strategy Hippy. Yeah I sometimes have to do that when Friday comes around and I think about drinking. How much I love to go home on Fridays and get the house sorted, lawns mowed or whatever. That I might go visit a friend and catch up. How I will be able to get out of bed earlier on Saturday and achieve things. That I really love to take my dog for a long walk on Saturday morning, especially now that it's autumn and dogs are allowed on the beach again.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Everyone

                    Yup, here it is Friday arve again and here come the fancies. What is it about Fridays when I used to drink everyday anyway. Day 49 today and am so chuffed with myself!!! Really feeling good this time. It is just not an option.

                    Leave, that was me last week - grumpyarse. Congrats on your 37 days - that's awesome. That exhaustion will surely do you in - everything is so much harder when you're feeling like that. Could you look into vitamins etc. Our bodies need all the help it can get after being abused for so long. Really need building up.

                    Ooh Shiner - the action always follows the thoughts but now its done and you have a clean chance not to ever buy/bring any into the house in the future. That is my best rule and I try not to entertain 'those' thoughts.

                    Byrd I am really fascinated by dreams. Just that all the characters in the dream interact and sometimes the dreams seem to be very meaningful (if you could figure out exactly what it means). Congrats on your 71 days - that's really awesome.

                    Mema you sound so positive and happy. Its so good to be able to plan a bit in the future and actually have a future.

                    Dancing - sounds like you like to plan in advance and think things through to their conclusion. Good strategy! Hope you do enjoy your weekend.

                    HippyC you're doing well. Good on you girl. I started my drinkinging career at 15 although I have had many years in between while having my fam etc. The last 12 years have been my downfall. I sometimes feel that my maturity didn't get past being 15 because when I started to drink I drank to get drunk every opportunity I could at that age. Lots to learn about ourselves but its good.

                    Lav love your posts. Really appreciate that you are here.

                    Anyway that seems like a big post for me so am off to do something with my Friday arv. All the best for the weekend everyone and hello those I missed.

                    Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                      Newbies Nest

                      Survived another Friday afternoon! YAY. I didnt even think about having a drink until I got home. And then it was only a fleeting thought that was shoo-ed away with "what would AL add to how you are feeling at the moment" And yet again, the answer was nothing.
                      So treated myself to a lovely fresh juice - beetroot, apple, ginger and pineapple. I bought a new juicer so I could treat myself with something healthy and not full of poison. Yum. I did try a mocktail last year that had chili, lemonade and ginger ale in it and it was so delicious. I will have to find the full recipe for that one.

                      Anyway hope everyone has a good Friday and weekend. Stay strong and come visit us here if you need help.

                      I finally got it!
                      "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good Friday morning Nesters!

                        Happy April Fools Day - I think! It is actually snowing here........we were promised rain only, ugh!

                        Mazzie & Hippy, I'm so proud of you guys. Your change in thinking about AL is making all the difference I think! Proud of you as well dancing on
                        I know that Fridays seem to present a problem for most people, glad to see you thinking ahead & being grateful for clear-headed, unhung Saturday morings

                        Wishing everyone a fantastic AF Friday!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning nesters!

                          It's April! Lav - can't believe you are getting snow! Now we aren't that far away from each other and isn't funny how the weather can be so different? Haven't been outside yesterday but it looks like it's just a cold miserable rainy mess.

                          Feeling great today! Really enjoying a smoothie for dessert these days and then cup of tea before bed.

                          Hippy - your are doing great! Good logical thinking on your part.

                          Maz - 49 days is awesome! Fridays are typically hard for me as well. Change of thinking about how to reward ourselves seems to be key in getting thru Fridays. We deserve better after getting thru the long week than poisoning ourselves with AL and waking up Saturday morning with all that guilt!

                          Dancing - just amazing all the differences yet similarities in our lives here at MWO. It's spring for us as it is fall for you! Looking forward to walking my dogs if the weather ever breaks and spring ever really arrives here.

                          Leave - great job on your AF March! You should feel very proud of yourself.

                          Okay - off to the grocery store (arghhh) then going to look for a good movie to settle in with tonight!

                          Happy Friday all!
                          Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi everyone. I did not drink.. Feel good about that.. But.... I am so sad right now. I woke up in middle of night looking for my dog and then realized he was not going to be there.. And I have been treated like crap by someone that doesnt even know me..... A work thing... I am just having a bad morning.. And I miss my dog. Thanks for letting me vent. Have a good day.


                              Newbies Nest

                              So sorry you lost your dog Shiner. Been there. It is very sad. Do you have any other pets right now?

                              I'm sneaking, quietly back into the Newbie Thread. Hey everyone.



                                Newbies Nest

                       of my best friend's is having a birthday party tonight. In a pub. This is my 19th day AF and my first real test. I know I'll be asked a million times why I'm not drinking and I know I'll end up leaving early in a bad mood and be depressed and lonely afterwards.
                                Any advice/tips anyone?

