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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Thanks jennyneric,

    I can't ask anyone else to stop drinking so I have to learn to deal with it. I'm sure it will get better with time. Like you, I'm the one that faces negative consequences the next day.

    It's about 7:00 pm my time. My witching hours are over. By 7:00 I don't care to drink if I haven't started earlier - weird. I have to get to 7:00 pm more often.

    Thanks everyone for reaching out so quickly. I went to chat for a bit too which also helped. See you guys tomorrow.


      Newbies Nest

      Hi guys.

      I havent had time to read your posts so tomorrow morning when I wake up with NO hangover I will come back and read as I too live with someone who drinks and only quickly glanced at the conversation going on here.

      i just wanted to absorb some strength from you all as I am going out tonight and although I dont have any desire to drink, will be surrounded by lots of drunk people.

      Looking forward to not being hungover in the morning.

      Hope you all make it thru too.

      Andrew - great plan, Will bee good to hear how you survived as I am sure you did.

      I finally got it!
      "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


        Newbies Nest

        hi all this my first post but as my name says i was lost and now i hope i am found


          Newbies Nest

          Goodmorning nesters, I hope you are all well.

          Welcome lost and found. When you are comfortable doing so, let us know a little about yourself.
          Bluejay, man, did the BlueJays ever has an awesome home opener yesterday !!
          Hippy Chick, it is awesome waking up not hung over isn't it. Keep fighting, you can do it.

          Everybody else, take care,
          Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning all.

            I'm happy to be up and hangover free early on this Saturday morning. I'm heading to the beach this weekend with my family. It's gorgeous spring weather down here and I'm looking forward to it! Don't feel bad those of you up north -- we've got our 3 months of payback coming this summer when it's hot and humid here and beautiful up where you are!

            Hope everyone has a beautiful AF day.


              Newbies Nest

              hi mylife i just need to stop it now,iam male and fifty4,i will try anything to stop thanks


                Newbies Nest

                coalfire;1088987 wrote: I will look out for you in the morning Andrew.I think you are right to cut it short.Remember the old AA adage tonight. THINK THINK THINK! good luck.
                Good morning all!
                Well, I was really feeling depressed before I went out last night and on the way out there. I decided to cycle so the evening would have some value to it at least, even though it was 9 miles into a really strong wind. I was in such a funk while cycling, all these horrible "why is my life like this? why me? why can't I be normal??" thoughts. Whatever endorphins were being released didn't stand a chance.
                Anyway, so I get to the pub and I'm expecting to be leaving ASAP...but then I meet my friends and when they ask me if I'm having a drink I shake my head and tell them I haven't had a drink in nearly 3 weeks and SUDDENLY....I feel positively euphoric because I've just realised how happy I am about this! And my friends are impressed and I think they can see how clear my eyes are and how less puffed-out my cheeks are and after some small conversations I settle down and just enjoy myself. If you've someone interesting to talk to, AL doesn't matter and amazingly I never felt jealous of anyone drinking or craved a drink, even though I knew exactly how delicious the pints of Guinness are in this pub. After a while I could see some people who were the worse for wear, the unsteady feet, the glazed eyes, the gormless expression, and I just felt sorry for them and happy for myself. The wind was on my back going home, I got into bed, slept like a baby and woke up really happy. Today, I'll go see my 6 month old son and take him for a long walk in the sunshine. I had been drinking wine out of a lemonade bottle while travelling by bus to see him, to try and steady my nerves because of being hungover, in previous months. Not today.

                Enjoy your weekends everyone and good luck to all.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Andrew, that is such a great story! Congratulations on your night out. Really, it goes to show this is not a punishment -- it's a better way of life for us!

                  Lost - you can do this. It is such a happier way of life not to be drinking!


                    Newbies Nest

                    i no my life i hope to come here more often,do i just post here r anywere


                      Newbies Nest

                      I'm new first post...I woke up today feeling wrecked and thinking...going out with my friends is not fun anymore, because I drink too much when I do. I don't drink everyday...but when I do it's not good. I need to stop will be hard, specially when in social settings, but I have to do it. I'm glad to find a place where I can find people who sympathize. Have a good day all!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning nesters! Lots of newbies here today.
                        :welcome:Kirkos and Lost and Found - you have found the right place for sure - lots of caring and support - no one judges here as we are all in the same boat at one level or another.

                        Lost and found - Please read thru all the different threads - there is something for everyone. A lot of newbies have found a lot of support here at the newbie nest, or you might want to share a little of your background on the tell your story thread. We are just glad you have found MWO and are ready to tackle your drinking problem!

                        Andrew - good for you! Take a moment this morning to just reflect on how awesome you feel waking up un-hung with the knowledge that some you were with last night will not be quite as lucky. You are doing awesome and hope you have a wonderful visit with your baby son!

                        Hill and Mylife - hope you both are having a great day!
                        Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Welcome kirkos, you have definitely found the right place for support and guidance. Wishing you the best in your decision to stop.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning Nesters!

                            No snow today just sun - yay!

                            Hello & welcome lost & found and kirkos!
                            The Nest is a comfortable place to begin your journey, We have nest belts in case the ride gets bumpy
                            Have you read the MWO book yet? If not you can download it from the Health Store here. We also have a full of good ideas to help you make your plans.

                            Congrats to Andrew for a successful night out AF! That's big!!! Remembering to practice gratitude is always such a help. Please enjoy the day with your young son

                            I had an online chat last night with a local friend who spends her winters in FL. Told her it snowed here yesterday - she said she spent the day on the beach in 84 degree weather

                            Wishing everyone a terrific AF Saturday!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              :thanks: for the welcome...I'm glad to be here and to start making some changes!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi folks,

                                :welcome: lost & found and Kirkos:welcome: I'm happy you found us.

                                lost & found - this is a great place to post. Explore the rest of the board too.

                                Andrew - sounds like you turned a corner and are in a great place.

                                Hill - I don't really follow the Jays - maybe I'll take an interest now

                                mylife - yup - H.O. free is a good place.

                                Thanks to the kind nester's who helped me through a bit of a bad patch last evening :h
                                You were a great help to me.

                                See ya later.......

