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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi everyone!

    It's mother's day in the UK, so happy Mother's day to all the Mums! My daughter is cooking a meal for me at her house later. I've been really busy preparing for my holiday, leaving tomorrow morning.

    I am pretty positive that I will remain AL free, really looking forward to a booze free holiday!

    Jolie, well done on your three months! :goodjob:

    Lav, corgis are soooo cute!

    DSLR, well done on your decision, great stuff!

    mylfe, dancing, Hill and all who drop in, have a fab sober Sunday!


      Newbies Nest

      Hi VG, thanks for the support, Happy Mother's Day and wishing you a wonderful, AF holiday.


        Newbies Nest

        Just a quick check in before bed. Good to see everyone.
        DSLR (are you a photographer?) good luck with your plan. I know what you mean about being strangely excited about getting sober. That is how I feel too. Keep checking in here for strength when you need it.
        Enjoy your holiday Vintagegirl.
        Off to bed.
        Seeya tomorrow.

        And remember you are only powerless over alcohol if you drink it!
        I finally got it!
        "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


          Newbies Nest

          Hello all! the sun is shining and i can't wait to get outside to enjoy it! I have been having a very busy weekend. Last night my kids had to serve in 7:00pm Mass and then we met up with a bunch of their friends and went through a haunted house, Whoooo. After we all piled into my car and went for ice cream. The kids all had a BLAST and i had a ton of fun watching and listening to them. After I dropped everyone off at their homes and brought mine home I remained sober and gratefull! I couldn't have done this a month age because staying home and drinking would have been more important to me than taking my kids out for a fun evening on the town!

          VG Happy Mother's day how nice your daughter is cooking you a meal, Yum!! have a wonderful time on your trip!
          Lav You are right gratitude is just about EVERYTHING!
          IC You can do it!!!
          Hippie how is that nasty bruise?
          hugs to everyone, gtg cook pancakes and maybe take everyone on a bike ride!!
          ox Mema


            Newbies Nest

            Happy Mother's Day to all those celebrating today!
            Ours falls on May 8
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Hi Hippy, it will probably be morning when you read this, so good morning!

              I am hoping to be a professional photographer one day, that is another reason for sorting myself out now. I enjoy it so much and to be able to combine a passion with a career would be a wonderful achievement for me, so these next 30 days are quite an important step for many reasons.

              Wishing everyone a lovely Sunday afternoon, evening and Monday morning, depending on when you are reading this!


                Newbies Nest

                hey DSLR - good luck on your 30 days I'm in a similar position, applied to art college and have an interview tomorrow as a graphic artist/illustrator, but I use everything from painting to photography. I hope you achieve your dream some day and I can really sympathise with wanting a career that is truly a passion Keep posting, I'll be itnerested to see how you're doing

                I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                  Newbies Nest

                  Just checking in, Been busy rushing around all weekend, it's either all or nothing here.

                  Friday was Moms B'day and I took AF wine and my blend of cranberry and blueberry juice mixed with fizzy water instead of wine, which everyone enjoyed as well as a gooey chocolate cake.

                  Yesterday was my first visit to the pub purely for a drink and I actually got excited over getting to try a new juice drink they had in stock, I insisted on hubs having a beer as he has been so supportive with not drinking too. Afterwards we went to our fave indian restuarant, it doesn't have a drinks licence so we took two bottles of AF wine, it was weird though I found myself worrying all night about us running out of the AF stuff like I usually would if we were drinking wine and knowing that we wouldn't be able to buy more, ... Infact I even found myself watching everyone elses bottles thinking... what will they do if they run out, how can they manage on that one bottle between the two of them.. even though the lastt hing I wanted was to drink especially listening to the details of the guy on the next table and how he feels when he is drunk..

                  Anyway I hope everyone who celebrated mothers day I hope you all had a wonderful day, I've eaten far too much chocolate and had a wonder lunch and breakfast made by hubs and the kids and it was so great to start and ened this one sober

                  Just taking it day by day.......


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning nesters.

                    Glad to hear everyone did well on the weekend.

                    DSLR and Inchains - to be able to have your passion as a careeer would be fantastic. I was actually saying that to my son last night as he is a very talented artist and I am trying to encourage him to find a career in art as he is very passionate about it. Good luck to you both on pursuing your career paths.

                    Mema - my bruise has fantastic colours now. It is black, purple and yellow. It is still swollen and sore but certainly better than it was. Got to face that cranky horse again on Wednesday. If I was apprehensive about horses before that happened, I am positive they will be able to sense my absolute fear now!!! Thanks for asking.

                    I dont know about you, but I find all this hype about Charlie Sheen to be disgusting. I have the TV on at the moment watching the morning news and the way the media carry on about him really leaves me speechless. He is obviously high on something and I feel offended that he has been given so much coverage at the moment. I feel the media is actually encouraging him and that is dangerous for others who look up to celebrities. Anyway I will get off my soap box now.

                    Have a good day/night and keep finding that strength in yourself that I know you have.

                    I finally got it!
                    "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good Sunday evening Nesters!

                      Hippy, I have to agree with the Charlie Sheen hype - it's ridiculous.

                      vg - wishing you a happy, safe AF holiday

                      lis - you sound great! Nice to hear you had a good weekend!

                      Greetings Mema, IC, DSLR & everyone!

                      Wishing a good night/day to all
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        I agree. Charlie Sheen has had more than his fair share. On our breakfast news show they vowed not to mention him again. Then this morning there was more hype to report so they referred to him as "he who shall not be named." :H

                        It's raining whole kennel loads of cats and dogs here, and I've had enough of it. I had plans to take the dog for a big walk and do some weeding this evening, but now stuck indoors with one bored terrier.

                        Does anyone know how to look up what threads you've contributed to? The last few days I've cruised around the site, made comments and then completely lost a couple of the threads.

                        Hope everyone has a nice Monday


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning/afternoon to everyone,

                          Dawn has just broken here so not sure what sort of day it will be, but I know it will be a lovely one whatever as this is Day 2 and not waking up feeling groggy is just great!

                          IC, I am sure you don't need it, but all the very best for your interview today, I will be thinking of you today.

                          Hippy, I have enjoyed my career to date, but this is something that I feel passionately about and it is something positive to work towards as well. I wish your son all the best for the future, he is lucky to have such a wonderful, supportive Mum.

                          Leaveinsilence, when I was reading your post about the bottles of wine it rang true with me too. It was the same with smoking there was a real sense of panic if I thought I would run out of wine or ciggies and not have access to them. I have even sneaked out of somewhere gone to a shop to buy either, or usually both, then sneaked them back into where ever I was so I had a 'stash' for later! Well done for taking on those challenges so well, a great inspiration to those of us who still have to tackle these kinds of situations.

                          dancingon, I think if you clickon your own name on one of your posts is should come up with all the htings you have posted, I think! Hope that helps and sorry if I got it wrong.

                          Wishing everyone a wonderful day/evening.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Afternoon all.

                            Dancingon please send some of that lovely rain to me..... I am so over not having rain for months and months. It is too bloody hot too. Whinge, whinge...

                            DSLR - you are right about clicking on our name to find our posts. I didnt know you could do that so I tried it and it works. Been here all this time and didnt know that!!

                            Inchains - how did your interview go?

                            The nest is abit quiet the last few days. Have I chased everyone away?

                            Will pop in later.

                            I finally got it!
                            "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                              Newbies Nest

                              Mornin nesters!

                              Hippie - good morning my friend! Hoping everyone was just really busy this weekend and the chirping here in the nest will pick up today. By the way - totally agree with you on the Charlie Sheen thing - media people - GIVE IT A REST!

                              Hope everyone else here has a pleasant Monday!
                              Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning Nest!

                                Dancing we could use some rain as well -- and no more Charlie Sheen!
                                Hippy - great to hear from you!
                                DSLR - thanks for the tip about clicking on peoples names -- who knew?
                                InChains -- good luck with your interview!
                                Jolie - great to hear from you as always!

                                All to come, have a wonderful AF Monday.

