Morning my friends,
Woke up early this morning so I can get a good dose of MWO before I start my day. i have a very affectionate kitty rubbing himself all over me so I am finding it hard to type. But I wouldnt change it for the world. i love it when he is in an affectionate mood. can you hear him purring?

Congratulation Lav on your little boys arrival. What a whopper! Hope your DIL is doing well.
We were "supposed" to get our first rains overnight after nearly a whole year of hardly any but from my bed looking out the window those clouds are moving away rather rapidly. I was looking forward to that funny wet stuff falling from the sky but looks as if I might have to keep waiting! What is going on with this world? The weather has gone crazy!!
Hope everyone is doing well and staying strong. We can do this together. Thanks for your support and suggestions. (Jolie I was joking about withdrawals - I meant I was missing MWO as I havent been making the time to come here! My aussie sense of humour is hard to understand sometimes :H)
I am going to snuggle back down under the doona and enjoy my friendly furball and my little girl who sneaks into my bed when my husband is away. Such simple pleasures to enjoy - and they dont involve any poison at all.
Take care and will pop in again later.