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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hello Nest,

    Hip, A Ramos Fizz is:
    2 tbsp cream
    1/2 ozfresh lemon juice
    1 fresh egg white
    1/4 oz club soda
    1 tbsp powdered sugar
    3-4 drops orange flower water
    1/2 ozfresh lime juice

    Add the ingredients except club soda to a chilled mixer and shake for at least one minute. Strain into a thin goblet and top off with chilled club soda, to taste.

    I deleted the gin. My dad makes it slightly different in the blender with Orange Juice and extra sugar. It is cream, orangey and sweet. YUM. I am also a huge Pina Colada or Lava Flow fan when visiting the tropics. I use to have the virgin ones before I turned 21, so I can have virgin again and still have some of those beautiful treats. In fact I look forward to it when I get back to Hawaii next time.

    congrats mom of six on your second day!

    My dogs sleep on the bed with my husband and I , so they prefer sleeping in.

    I must admit, it felt so GOOD at work to not have any of the effects of the night befores booze. As it is now Saturday night, again it feels good to be sitting here AF free and enjoying my husbands company. Last Saturday when I got home after drinking, I passed out at 6:30pm. That was my last drop. I'm glad to be awake and aware tonight. I hope everyone enjoys the start of their weekend!:waving:

    Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


      Newbies Nest

      Well done sunshine you are doing brilliantly. Have a lovely AF evening, this will be my first for a very long time as well, so I am in good company!


        Newbies Nest

        Thanks DSLR,
        I hope you enjoy you AF weekend. What are you doing over the weekend! I'm doing a little dance for us both since we're about 12 hours apart from our AF time. I know what you mean about the first in a long time.

        Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning Nest!

          Sunshine thanks for the yummy looking drink recipe!
          DSLR & Sunshine I'm with you guys --- on Day 8 today.

          Hope everyone has a fantastic AF day.


            Newbies Nest

            Thanks mylife, well done to you on Day 8, I hope you have a lovely day and AF evening.

            Hi sunshine, just doing some gardening which I don't enjoy but is one of those things that needs to be done! I wish you could just do it, then it stays the same forever :H

            Then off to the little shop when it opens this afternoon (everything in France stops/shuts between 1200hrs and 1400hrs!) and get something nice and different to drink. I had fruit juice and lemonade last night, but might get some flavoured water tonight, I will see what they have. I have my next assignment to complete so might get some of that done, then a nice dinner and a spot of TV. Not feeling that chipper at the moment, think I might have a cold or just withdrawal symptons I am not sure, but an early night is on the cards I think, it will stop me thinking about wine if nothing else! Wishing you a lovely AF evening as well.


              Newbies Nest

              DSLR - I am glad there is always gardening to be done - I love it. Has to be my favourite thing to do! I even love mowing the lawn and pulling weeds..... yes, I know I am strange...:H

              Sunshine can I join your party?
              :cheering::crazymonkey::band2::dancin: I found out recently that I can dance without being plastered.... Didnt know that before!!

              Had a busy day but did manage to enjoy some gardening then a moment with my kitty smooching up to me while I sat and looked at my lovely new garden.

              My daughters first soccer match for the season tomorrow then lunch at my step daughters but hopefully will be able to do something for me. Have got a book that I want to finish as I am not really interested but need to finish it to see "who dunnit". So maybe I can chill out and read my book.

              Have a good Saturday night.

              I finally got it!
              "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning Abbers!

                Ugh, it is still dark & damp in my portion of the Nest........why? I really feel the need for a dose of sun & warmth

                Sunshine, you can now be our official MWO Nest bartender :H Your drink recipe sounds delicious!

                Everyone sounds pretty good & determined to stay on board this weekend. That's music to my ears

                Hoping to meet a friend for lunch today, hope the rain doesn't put us off!
                Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi DSLR and mylife,

                  So all of us are about the same AF free time. It makes me think of the 3 Amigos. Lol. :confusedmonkey::winkmonkey::coolmonkey: Hippie I just added you in after reading you message! :crazymonkey:

                  So let me just say to us and everyone else here who is an inspiration each day in themselves, roud:
                  Hippie, I also recently signed myself up for soccer again. I LOVE the GAME. I know what you mean about not wanting to finish the book. I read all the time. Sometimes if a book is hard to stay into, I will read another one on the side just to get through it without the boredom. Though apparently I have to many books, so my husband bought me kindle in order to save having any more bookshelves or books.
                  I always have wanted to start my own veggie and herb garden, but the thought is as far as I've actually gotten. :H
                  Lav, I would love to be the nests bartender!

                  Also I can't seem to stop myself from all theses awesome animation smileys!

                  See you all the morning!

                  Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi sunshine, the three amigo sounds great, although I have a feeling I might be one on the left :H

                    Hippy, you don't fancy a short 24 hours trip and coming to do my garden do you? No :no: don't blame you, I wish I did like it as I love being out doors, but I would rather be taking photos of the garden than actually having to do it!

                    Sorry you don't have any 'sunshine' Lav, I will send some from here, it is a lovely warm sunny day, I am sure you will be blessed with golden rays soon.

                    Well had better get back to it, once I manage to get my rather fat, old French at off my lap, as I have a feeling the 'gardening fairy' doesn't work on the weekends :upset:

                    Wishing everyone a lovely AF afternoon and evening, bonne apre midi.


                      Newbies Nest

                      DSLR, Hippie, Momofsix, Lav, sunshinetoday and mylife - thank you for a glorious day! Last weekend I was working my way thru my bottles, sneakin into the pantry, wondering if i had enough to last all weekend long, being grumpy with my girls - this Saturday i am feeling well, rested, happy and energetic - I owe so much to you. I have tried before but this is the first wime that I have used a blog to help, and it really does work!
                      Day 5 today and almost halfway thru a weekend - never managed a weekend in YEARS!! and I will manage this one.
                      The girls are with their dad this weekend, I decided to have my first weekend without them as I thought i would be a mess - apart from the cravings, i am doing well and so wish they were here with me. I am so looking forward to next weekend, when i don't need to worry about staying home, drinking and not driving - we will be able to do anything!

                      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi everyone...yesterday was my last drink. Found this site today. Lots of good tools to work with. Has anyone had good results with L-glutemine? putting it under the tongue for quick relief? Thanks glad to be here


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good afternoon Nesters!

                          Still not very sunny around here but at least it's not raining!

                          Welcome eastcoastgirl! I'm situated in southeaster PA - I can walk to Maryland from here Maybe we're neighbors??!! I didn't bother with any L-Glutamine in my early days but I am taking it now because I developed some deadly chocolate cravings! I take a 1000mg tablet twice/day & it really does help. Congrats on your decision to quit drinking - it was undoubtedly the best decision for me. If you haven't already be sure to download the MWO book from the Health store here. It's full of good info to help you get started.

                          scottish lass - enjoy your new found freedom from the grips of AL!!!!
                          It's a tremendous feeling, isn't it?

                          Greeting sunshine & DSLR!
                          I love, love, love my Kindle I purchase new books faster than I can read them :H

                          By all means, try starting a herb garden. It doesn't need to be big or fancy. They like full sun so if you have a good spot just pick up some small plants from a local nursery & dig them in Mine is located right outside my kitchen door so I just reach out & grab whatever I need when I'm cooking. Besides, an herb garden looks good all summer & fall

                          Unbelieveably my brand new grandson is coming for dinner - with his family of course!
                          He was born Wednesday morning & coming over to Granma's house already - I'm happy.
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Scottish Lass - well done! Happy for you and your girls - they will most definitely benefit from new lease on life and that great attitude! Being alcohol-free will do that for you.

                            Eastcoastgirl - :welcome: You've found a wonderful site with lots of caring people who will listen and never judge you. Read thru the different threads as you will probably see someone whose story is very similar to yours.

                            Lav - Wow - that is awesome that your family is coming over with the baby. Your DIL must be doing very well and if so, that means your son must be helping out a ton. Good for him. Hey - the sun made an appearance down here this afternoon - how about you neighbor?

                            Sunshine and DSLR - sounds like you are enjoying your weekend (gardening or not)

                            I am seriously thinking about putting an herb garden in - love cooking with fresh herbs but they are so darn expensive and I never use them all before they go bad.

                            Spent the morning at church cleaning up the churchyard for palm Sunday/Easter morning services - felt good helping. Shopped for a bridal shower gift for a friend. Showwer is tomorrow and I really don't know anyone except for the bride. Got my plan in place just in case AL is served. Driving an hour away so that shold be reason enough.

                            Hi to Hippie, VG, Mylife, hillsidetime, anyone else who drops by.

                            Have a great sober evening everyone!
                            Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Welcome Eastcoast, Great to have you with us.

                              Scottishlass, I have been using this blog as my crutch to quit drinking as well, and it has been working wonders for me. Before I would hide my wine, and sneak off to down some, then rejoin my husband on the couch. He always knew. Then. when I would try and not drink, after a week or two would go by, I would become, bored, and think about how nice it would be just to get that buzz. Thinking when should I have a reward for doing so well. Now I can come on here and I don't feel those feelings anymore. I have not hit my urge/craving yet. Hopefully I will not.

                              Lav, I will one day get the herb garden to become more than a thought. I know it's not to hard. I am definitely craving chocolate, I ate half a mud cake last night. I never even bought one before, I don't think I ever will again. I was eating the cake with pringles, together. My husband said it was disgusting.

                              Congrats DSLR. HIppie, mylife, Jolie, VG and hillside for another day. :grouptrophy:

                              I am heading off to the Farmers Market, for work though. II will be walking next to a guy wearing a sumo wrestler costume and handing out flyers for "sumo salad." SHould make for an interesting day. Bit groggy because I had a sleeping pill last night, it doesn't help me be as alert in the morning. Thank goodness for coffee. See you guys a bit later today!:cupajoe:

                              Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                                Newbies Nest

                                Jolie - the sun made an appearance not too long before sunset - really :H

                                Sumo salad??? That's a new one to me
                                Stick with the L-Glut for a while it will help if you take enough of it

                                Here's a pic of my 3 day old dinner guest - wide awake :l

                                Today turned out to be very nice afterall!
                                Hope everyone has a good night/day!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

