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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good evening nest!

    Lav how precious!! His eyes are wide open already and smiling and Grandma!

    Scottish -- kudos to you on being here and sober -- it's so great isn't it?

    I had to shuttle around a guest from out of town today and take her to dinner. I ordered a sparkling water and she ordered a diet coke. I was a little worried at first, but I am beginning to realize I'm the one who has an issue with not getting wine. No one else seems to care or notice!

    Sunshine, Jolie, Eastcoast and all others who I might have missed thanks for posting. Each post I read makes me a little bit stronger. :h


      Newbies Nest

      Hi everyone and welcome eastcoast, you have definitely found a great place in MWO. This is a brilliant and supportive community and everyone here is 'there for you'. Like sunshine I have tired countless times to reduce/stop drinking but after a couple of days, my resolve would, well, 'dissolve' and I would justify drinking as a rationale decision. But this time, being able to read the posts of all you lovely people and being able to actually talk about my problems, I have been able to go 7 days without AL and I am on my 8th now. The nest is a warm and comfy place to start your journey, I wish you well and look forward to hearing how you are getting along AF.

      Mylife, that is a great way to look at it, as I would probably be exactly the same for me and I woudl 'worry' what people thought. Another 'tool' for my little AF box, great :thanks:

      Lav, your grandson is beautiful, does he get his genes from his father's side of the family!

      Wishing everyone a super, AF Sunday, off to a vide grenier (like a boot fair) to bag myself a bargain and something I don't really need, as you do


        Newbies Nest

        Good day nesters!

        The sun is shining and I can't wait to get out to my garden, but just wanted to say hi. Lav, your little grandson is a gorgeous wee thing!

        Welcome scottishlass, eastcoast, snuggle up in the nest, it's so nice in here

        Jolie, mylife, DSLR, sunshine, good to see you all here and sounding so positive. I am bursting with energy this lovely sunny Sunday, those hangover days seem so far away but I can never be complacent. Right now I just want to make the most of every minute, so off i go!

        Have a super sober Sunday everyone!


          Newbies Nest

          Good mrning Nesters!

          Quick hello from me. I'm heading over to give my DIL a hand today since my son is heading back to work. today. She certainly will have her hands full DSLR, the baby definitely does look like my son right now but of course you know they change as they grow.

          Good to see you mylife, VG & wqishing a good day to all who stop intoday.
          Enjoy you day!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Chocolate cravings, huh? That would explain my standing in front of the fridge with a spoon and taking chocolate shots!!! Duncan Hines makes this chocolate glaze that is killer! From once vice to another! Oy, t
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Newbies Nest

              Chocolate cravings, huh? That would explain my standing in front of the fridge with a spoon and taking chocolate shots!!! Duncan Hines makes this chocolate glaze that is killer! From one vice to another! Oy, t
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                Helllo Nest,

                So today is the end of my 2nd weekend AF. Last weekend was a snap - although it should have been the hardest as it was my first - I was busy and preoccupied so it flew by. This one is a little harder as I have been alone all weekend. My hubby comes home tonight. However, I am still AF and very happy for it!

                DSLR - great to hear you made it through safe and sound as well! Congratulations on Day 7!
                Vintage - I can't wait until I have a cloudy memory of drinking!
                Lav - you sound like a very busy Grandma.

                Scottish, Byrd, Jolie, Jenn and all to come today have a super fantastic Sober Sunday!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Chocolate cravings - now i know why I probably put all the weight that I had lost back on lat night!!! I don't think there is any chocolate left last night! My supplements have not arrived yet - hopefully tomorrow or I might need to go and buy some, but at least I know why now!
                  Last night was hard, I think I was so ready for Friday night, and then Saturday night just crept up - i agree mylife - I just didn't keep busy enough!
                  However, now happy Sunday and one more day down - day 6 is starting! Yahoo.
                  well done everyone - and have a great day
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Nesters

                    Everyone is sounding so good and positive. On Friday night we went out for dinner. I had the argument with myself all the way there and was so pleased to hear the words 'I'll have a Lemonade please" come from me. After a while I looked around at the other diners. There were 14 couples I could see and of them only two blokes were drinking alcohol. Funny, if I had ordered wine I would have been in the minority and the only female drinking!!! I have had a good weekend and am on day 59 today.

                    Lav, that bub is so georgeous, just wanted to pick him up and give him a cuddle.

                    Those sugar craves definitely are an issue and need addressing. There is quite a bit of information around about this and how our bodies are used to getting sugar from alcohol so when we stop that our bods want it from another source. Neither is a good thing. I am only just trying to sort this out myself and am reading the book by David Gillespie "The Sweet Poison Quit Plan". According to the book the Lemonade would not have been a great choice because of the sugar content however it hit the spot and did the trick on the night.

                    I have work today and tomorrow and Friday but so looking forward to my Wednesday and Thursday off. This is the start of me looking after me and having a bit of balance back in my life.

                    Hope you all have a good day/night.

                    Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good call, Mazzie. Each argument you win with yourself shows you that you can do it again.

                      My Life, sorry for what you're going through. It's not easy.

                      I didn't drop in much over the weekend, but had a busy one. I've started to chip away at some of those tasks I've let slide, or never got to. Actually, some of them are daunting even sober - like re-stringing my french blinds! I finished sorting my filing cabinet, threw out all sorts of unecessary clutter and unpacked more boxes. My room is looking more peaceful and it's good to feel I did something in the weekend rather than drinking it away.

                      Drink plenty of water, make time for exercise and keep busy


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters!

                        Byrdie, mylife, scottish lass, dancingon & the amazing Mazzie at nearly 60 days!!!!
                        Don't worry too much about the chocolate intake right now folks - I didn't in the beginning. It became a huge problem though when I quit smoking - wow! That's when I finally broke down & started on the L-Glutamine which did help.

                        Had a very busy but very good day & I'm ready to relax for a bit.
                        Wishing everyone a good night!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi everyone, wishing you all a great AF Monday.

                          Mazzie well done on 59 days that is brilliant.

                          I am not that keen on chocolate but the biscuit barrell is taking a bit of a beating at the moment, so probably the same thing. I will need to sort that as I am still trying to lose the weight I put on when I gave up smoking, I have gone from the size of a little Breton pony, to a fairly substantial Indian elephant since July, :H so perhaps I should look at L-Glutamine now?

                          Take care all.


                            Newbies Nest

                            good evening nest,

                            I had a lovely Monday off from work. It is also 9 days AF for me. I must admit I miss it a little bit. I talked to my mom who is California, and told her about how amazing this website is. It was good to connect with her, I must admit I don't recommend living on the other side of the world if you are close to your family.

                            Lav, your grandson is beautiful. I just found out my friend is pregnant after her second IVF. SO exciting. I also will try the Lglut for my sugar cravings.

                            Congrats to everyone making it AF through the weekend. I was my first AF weekend in months. I have not gone 30 days in years. SO this is definitely a challenge. Thank you guys for all the support.

                            Mazzie, I to went out yesterday to play poker. I sometimes feel like I want to drink when I play. However I did not, and I looked around and noticed only 2 men out of all 30 people playing were having a beer. I felt better not having one after all.

                            mylife, congrats on your second af weekend.

                            Have a lovely evening/ day to everyone. I'm off to play my soccer game in the rain, I have to get my inner beast prepared!:alf:

                            Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning Nest!

                              I have a Dr. appt and then work today. I had a very productive AF weekend and feel good about that. Sunshine I stopped April 1 this time which makes it day 10 for me, so I'm right there with you. Sorry you're living far from your family. I live far from my Mom and it's been bothering me lately as well although we talk quite a bit.

                              Mazzie, congratulations on 60 days! Socttish, dancing, DSLR, Lav, great to hear from you all.

                              Have a wonderful AF Monday all!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning Nesters!

                                Still waiting on some sunshine here ~

                                Glad to see everyone checking in & making progress towards their goals! Sticking to your commitment No Matter What can be tough & yes you do miss AL at times but the end result is glorious, really.

                                Sunshine, lonliness was one of my biggest triggers to drink. My kids grew up & left home & I was left with nothing but a disinterested husband so I started to soothe myself with a bottle or more of wine every night - not good! I'm sorry your family is so far away & hope you do have some loving people in your life.

                                Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Monday!
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

