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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    4MyHealth, glad you are here with us
    Settle into the nest & make yourself comfy for a while. I've been hanging around here for quite a long time.

    sunshine, today is all we have! Who knows what the future holds, right? AF is definitely the way to go if you are thinking about starting a family, good luck with that
    I started out on my journey hoping to learn to moderate but completely changed my mind by the time I hit 30 days. Suddenly I just knew that moderating would not be possible for me & I accepted that fact. Everytrhing became much easier at that point. Taking the option off the table freed up a lot of mental space for me......I just stopped thinking about AL altogether
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      still working but I promise I will check how you've all been tomorrow! Had suc a great day and feelign super motivated by art college, have actually begun the process of cutting down on AL, and my wonderufl fiancee has had himself a totally AF evening. Been thinking alot about my thought processes and my future, whether my opinion will stay the same I don't knwo but right nwo I'd love my future to be an AF one... watch this space guys
      I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

      To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



        Newbies Nest

        Hello Nest!

        Just popping in to say good night! Sounds like everyone is so determined and positive here. It's great to read all your posts!

        I'm feeling determined to have an AF April and hope you all are as well! Have a great AF Night all.


          Newbies Nest

          I can't think of a better reason to not drink, Sunshine.
          Good luck with that.
          Phew. Busy few days and I would normally be crawling into a bottle of wine about now.
          I had a momentary twinge today, but Be Gorgeous tea won the day.
          I can't afford to drink financially, healthwise, kidwise, or if I want to become a whole person again. Just wanted to reiterate that.

          I'm reading a book that's hitting the spot. It's fictional, but I'd say the author has either been an alcoholic or known one. It's called Lush, by Vanessa Johnson.
          Have a happy night in the nest.


            Newbies Nest

            Morning Nest!

            Dancing, thanks for the book tip! Always looking for a good book!
            Sunshine, congratulations and what a great reason to be AF.

            Hope everyone in the Nest has a Super AF Wednesday!


              Newbies Nest

              Goodmorning nesters, I hope you are all well. Just checking in. Keep up the great work everyone,
              Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                Newbies Nest

                Good evening everyone,

                Lav and dancingon, thanks for the words of wisdom. Another AF day under my belt. Got the L glut and started taking it this morning. Excited for the positive changes that are occurring. I to love a good read. I will have to add Lush to my ever growing list. Hope everyone enjoys their night!

                Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                  Newbies Nest

                  Evening all.

                  4myhealth - I have never had a "normal" relationship with AL since the day I started 31 years ago, yet spent the whole time thinking I could! So I have finally given up thinking that maybe I could moderate. Like Lav said, it is quite liberating when I finally gave up wishing I could.

                  Whoa Sunshine - take one day at a time, dont think too much about the future. This moment is all you can control and you will load yourself up too much if you project too far into the future.

                  Inchains - good luck with your cutting down and enjoy your course. Dont forget us when you become famous!!

                  Think I am off to bed as my body aches. Was up early refereeing a cat fight when I let my little boy out too early and he decided to take on the moggy across the road. Bloody cats.... had me running down the road AGAIN chasing them at 5am....My neighbours are definitely going to ring the men in the white coats one day. If it's not me bailing the fish out of the leaking pond in my dressing gown at 10.00pm, I am chasing fighting furballs at 5.00am! No wonder I need sleeping pills to keep me asleep!!!:H

                  Have a good one.

                  I finally got it!
                  "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good Wednesday morning Nesters!

                    Hippy, you crack me me up :H
                    Hope you are getting a well deserved rest!

                    Greetings IC, can't wait to hear more from you

                    Hello to mylife, dancingon, Hill & sunshine! So glad you are all here & working toward your goals!

                    Time for me to get some work done........
                    Wishing everyone a fantastic AF Wednesday!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hello there! I have fooled around too much with days on and off drinking so I have lost my momentum, blah. There is nothing like the first spurt of enthusiasum to get a thing done. Anyway I love this forum and want to continue keeping in touch but don't want to waste anyone's time with on again off again same old same old story. Yesterday I rode my bike 25 miles and felt great, had a wonderful fun evening with the kids and there was no reason to drink as it was a stress free day, and yet I did. I didn't get drunk but still, I drank because "I could." Anyway I am loving all the positive success stories, keep on going everyone. All of you are an inspiration and I hope to join the ranks of happy "ex" drinkers soon!!

                      ox Mema


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi mema, nice to meet you. Everyone is at different stages and trying different methods of dealing with their problem with AL, so you are not wasting anyones time by posting here, nothing could be farther from the truth. I have been trying 'on and off' for ages, this time I have got to 11 days, others more, other less, it doesn't matter. You sound like you are more determind to stop, even for a while, than ever. So why not the next time you think ' I'll have a drink because I can' think to yourself 'I won't have that drink because I can' ? OK that probably doesn't make sense, but I think you probably get what I am trying to say?

                        Goodness do I admire you for a 25 mins bike ride! I have had my bike four years, been out on it 3 times for a total of 1 hour (most of it pushing it I might add :blush having to ride in the middle of the road, much to the annoyance of other road users, because I didn't have any confidence :upset: But I can always try again and perhaps even get as far as the little shop, but if I don't try I won't know if I can do it or not

                        It's a warm, safe and supportive place here in the nest :l, so stay with us and let us know what you are thinking and how you are getting on when you feel ready.


                          Newbies Nest

                          dancingon;1097258 wrote: I can't think of a better reason to not drink, Sunshine.
                          Good luck with that.
                          Phew. Busy few days and I would normally be crawling into a bottle of wine about now.
                          I had a momentary twinge today, but Be Gorgeous tea won the day.
                          I can't afford to drink financially, healthwise, kidwise, or if I want to become a whole person again. Just wanted to reiterate that.

                          I'm reading a book that's hitting the spot. It's fictional, but I'd say the author has either been an alcoholic or known one. It's called Lush, by Vanessa Johnson.
                          Have a happy night in the nest.
                          And Dancingon, I have to remind myself that this is also true for me: "I can't afford to drink financially, healthwise, kidwise, or if I want to become a whole person again. Just wanted to reiterate that."

                          Hope everyone has a great day. It is chilly here; but my outlook is brighter. I love reading the positive posts here.:thanks:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hippy Chick;1097408 wrote: Evening all.

                            4myhealth - I have never had a "normal" relationship with AL since the day I started 31 years ago, yet spent the whole time thinking I could! So I have finally given up thinking that maybe I could moderate. Like Lav said, it is quite liberating when I finally gave up wishing I could.

                            Oops, I messed up on my last post with quoting twice.

                            Hipster - I have never had a "normal" relationship with AL either. I am a newbie and maybe this is a newbie's naive hope. I just read some of those Baclofen threads and it seems once they hit "the switch" they are indifferent to alcohol (which seems "normal") and they can take or leave a drink or have one and stop. I'd like to be able to have one and not have it turn into one bottle...or more.
                            Liberating feelings are what I'm looking for though... I'll try to abstain and see where it takes me.:thanks:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good Morning Nest,

                              Just a quickie before I head off to work. Welcome Mema:welcome:, what DSLR said is pretty much right on. You decide your goals and we are just here as a support to one and another. Many times I drank because I could, now I don't drink because I do not have to, do not want to. Mind you it's only been 12 days, but I'm proud of every day that I go AF.

                              Hippie, I love your visuals. I see you running down the road at 5am now.

                              I have a little italian greyhound. We've only had him about 5 months and we rescued him. HE is adorable! Since he is relatively new, sometimes when I take him out, he will go for a wander. More than a few times I have chased him up or down the street (he's much faster.) I have been in my neighbors yards retrieving him while they on look. He also pees more than i do. One night he stood up, (he sleeps curled up under the covers between my husband and I,) and he relieved himself right by my pillow at 4 in the morning. Now we make sure he goes last thing at night, and first thing in the morning. He is still the cutest little thing. OH, and my husband has taught him to use the shower as a dumping ground. So it always pleasant walking into the bathroom to find his little gifts. Better there than other places I suppose. HHmmmm, not sure why I am telling You about him. Have a wonderful Thursday!

                              Oh, and DSLR, I say ride that bike.

                              Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                                Newbies Nest

                                So this is my first post. I am in a motel room in Valdivia, Chile. My last day here as I leave tomorrow. A great time to start over (again). I am tired of the guilt and failures. I need help and support. So, here I am.
                                Day 1:4/4/2014

