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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hello all. Exactly 2 months ago today, I started this journey...made it 30 plus days - and the pride and excitement of being AF free wore off. I guess I didn't have the right motivation...:-( I know I also felt terrible because of sleep issues and kind of figured that if I felt llike that anyway, might as well drink....

    for the past 3 weeks or so, have been drinking again...not always to excess, but I'm feeling that old familiar out of control feeling. So today I am starting again...

    Mema - please don't feel that you have to be a successful abstainer to join in...believe me - I and many others know exactly how you feel. Sometimes it just seems like everybody else is experiencing success and we keep failing. The important thing is that we keep trying....I felt just awful that I rode along those 30 some days and threw it all away....but I've dusted myself off and gonna give it another go...

    Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

    Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


      Newbies Nest

      Good Friday Morning here everyone,

      Byrdlady, I guess I had not read far back enough to know your liver was a concern. Probably one of the scariest things about drinking is the effects to your liver, as least for my self. I can say it scares the living daylights out of me to think what I've done to myself. I don't have the courage yet to find out. SO I wish you ALLLLLLLL the luck in the world, and I'm ecstatic for your 100 Days free! That's truly awesome!:happy:

      Lav, have fun with the plants. I saw an ad the other day here to "rent a plant." I'm not really sure how it works or even why one would. Like I said though, to each their own, and I hope you have a lovely day planting and accomplishing things.

      Lolab, I can't even count my number of starts and stops before finding this sight. I never really had the determination or goals before, so I'm trying something new. The fact that you made it 30 days is really outstanding. I have not gone 30 days probably in over 10 years. It's no easy feat. SO welcome back, and settle in, cause no matter how many days you are we're here to cheer you on.:l

      Vintage Girl, Hippy, 4myhealth, Joli, DSLR, mylife, and everyone else, have a lovely day. I'm running off to work. At least I only have to work tomorrow and then I get a day off. My unhealthy AF drink choice of the day is a Chocolate milkshake with a banana blended in. YUM!

      Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


        Newbies Nest

        Hello Nest!

        Welcome back Lolab, and welcome Mima and notsosure! Great to see everyone is posting and feeling determined here!

        I had a bit of a challenge with work colleagues last night at dinner. I was actually hesitating and thinking how great it would be to have a glass of wine when one of my out-of-town co-workers said "I haven't had a drink in 21 years and don't plan to start tonight!" very cheerfully. I thought how wonderful to be able to say that and ordered myself an iced tea. So I am still AF for April!
        Have a great AF night all! I know I will.


          Newbies Nest

          Good evening Nesters,

          The end of a very busy but good day for me

          Byrdie, can't wait to celebrate your 100 AF days with you! Great job!!

          Lolab, glad you are back in the Nest! You have learned something very important........for the majority of us there is no such thing as having 'just one'! For me I can't have just one of anything be it drinks, smokes, chocolate, potato chips, peanuts, etc, etc. :H
          Just settle back in & get comfortable again.

          Mema, same for you, glad you are back as well!

          Sunshine, hope all is well with you!

          Mylife, that was awesome that your co-worker was able to speak up like that! What a great lesson for all of us. Good choice on the iced tea

          Wishing everyone a good night!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Hi nesters

            Lolab, glad you're back. You're definitely not the only one to do this. I think it just takes time for some of us to come to terms with how we want to live, and where if anywhere alcohol fits, and we feel the need to experiment.

            Mema, it takes a few goes for many of us. It's weird that you miss alcohol when you're AF, but when you start drinking you often really miss being AF. Takes a while for you to get your head around the fact that you're not missing out.

            My Life that was a good save and a great example.

            It's a soggy evening in southern NZ. Fish and chips (fush n chups in a kiwi accent) for dinner tonight.


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning Nest.

              Hope everyone is looking forward to a great AF weekend. I know I am -- this weekend I'm planning to really notice how much more I enjoy my Saturday and Sunday when I'm fully functional and not hungover. I'm going to write it down and remember it for a Friday or Saturday night when I'm feeling weak.

              Dancing, you are so right. How much time do we spend when we're drinking wishing we were AF? Enjoy your "Fush and Chups"!
              Lolab, welcome back. I personally feel that once we get through 90 days or so we won't feel bored or deprived for lack of AL because we will have adjusted to a new way of life that doesn't revolve around AL anymore.

              Sunshine, Lav, Byrdie, Jolie, Vintage and all others -- have a fantastic AF Friday!


                Newbies Nest

                Hi nesters

                welcome back lolab, it's good to see you, you too mema. I don't think I have ever read a post on here from anyone who managed to succeed AL free on their very first attempt. I know I have tried and fallen many many times, so we all know what it's like. We just have to keep on trying.

                Lav, byrd, 4my, sunshine, my life, dancing, and all my fellow nesters, have a wonderful, happy, and hopefully AL free weekend, all of you!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good Friday morning Nesters!

                  Not sure if 'Fush and Chups' is on my Weight Watchers menu but I hope you enjoyed it dancingon :H

                  mylife, bask in the glory of an unhung weekend, really! It becomes the 'new norm' fairly quickly

                  I have lots of work scheduled for myself today which is OK.
                  Had such a nice evening with my 3 grandkids here together for the first time. It was a little chaotic but I guess that's my new norm for the time being
                  Grateful to be fully present for my family & not worried about it taking away frm my drinking time..............

                  Have a great AF Friday one & all!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Thanks Sunshine - you're right. I need to remember that I did 30 days...I can do it. :-)

                    Mylife, that is awesome - what a boost to make that decision - how fast your thoughts can turn around with a little inspiration! I will remember your story and come here for inspiration (since I don't know your colleague...:H) the next time my thoughts are telling me how nice it would be to have a little something.

                    I know, I know, Lav....It started out as just one though... took a week or so for it to turn into more....and don't even talk about those pretzel M and M's!!!!

                    dancingon "I think it just takes time for some of us to come to terms with how we want to live, and where if anywhere alcohol fits, and we feel the need to experiment"

                    "It's weird that you miss alcohol when you're AF, but when you start drinking you often really miss being AF. Takes a while for you to get your head around the fact that you're not missing out."

                    I can always come here for clarity on my own muddled up brain - it's like you all know what is in my head....where were you all all my life when I was looking for someone who loved to drink as much as me???:H

                    mylife, so true, I think you are right in that 90 day Lav and others have pointed out, too.....I probably got over-confident. I remember thinking so many times during that 30 days - as I read here about people who "slipped" and went back to where they were or worse. I truly believed that that would not be me. now I know - if I can just keep that thought in the forefront of my head!

                    I enjoyed the best night of sleep in months last night. I swear if I could keep sleeping well, that alone would be motivation to stay AF forever!

                    Have a great day everyone...:thanks:

                    Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                    Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                      Newbies Nest

                      thanks vintage, and lav - "Grateful to be fully present for my family & not worried about it taking away frm my drinking time..............":wd:

                      Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                      Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nest,

                        So today after work my boss invited me down to the pub for her last day at the company. I said Of course I would come. So after work I went on down to the pub. My old boss and my soon to be boss had just won $1800 playing Keno. So they were buying the rounds. I am happy to say I joined each round, with a AF drink. I stayed for 3 hours and enjoyed hanging out and having a laugh, and knew I was going to leave feeling really good about myself. Two weeks ago I would have had a short conversation between the devil on right and the angel on my left, and I would have been downing the Al with them. Even in 13 days AF my attitude has changed. I knew the person I would have disappointed most was myself. So it wasn't an option. Proud of today.
                        I hope everyone had a wonderful day!

                        Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                          Newbies Nest

                          Well done sunshine that is brilliant, you should quite rightly be very proud. :goodjob:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Sunshinetoday! I am so proud of you! Day 13 was a real turning point for me for some reason! You know once you get out and get that first real test behind you, it's not a problem the next time. On the breakfast news a couple mornings ago, the anchor was in Rio with the cast of Fast and Furious, there were 5 of them (all famous, but I only knew one of them, Vin? Ben? Diesel) all on the beach and at the end, they brought out drinks for them all to toast...One guy asked if there was alcohol in it, and the Vin guy didn't take one from the tray at all, but still participated. I think that when we are drinking, we want to think the world is drinking with us...but a hard look will show, maybe they aren't!! Good for him for not even taking one!
                            Jolie....I think that today is 100 days for you!!!!! This is such a milestone! I'm right behind you...and whoever said that the days are just stacking up now was so right. I am so proud of ALL of us, who are taking a hard look at ourselves and trying to do something about it. Cheers to the nest!!!!!!!
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning nesters!
                              Mylife & Sunshine - good work ordering AF drinks while out with colleagues!
                              I was not so good. Had dinner with friends and had 2 drinks. Had 2 more with my hubby when I got home. Will try to be AF tonight. Friends coming over tomorrow and I will try to limit myself to 2 drinks. Start a longer run on Sunday. No social plans the following week so I should make it over 10 days.
                              Dancingon - I agree, the times I do go AF I miss it, but then when I'm not AF, I miss how much better I feel AF! I'll have to remember that tonight.
                              Have a great day everyone!


                                Newbies Nest

                                great results with l-glutemine/GABA

                                Thank you all for welcoming me in. A week ago I asked about l-glutemine....I've been taking 1-3000mg a day along with GABAcalm 125mg(Source Naturals) 3-4 throughout the day and havn't had any cravings. In anxiety level is at an all-time low and I WAS an anxiety triggered drinker (then again who isnt). I'm not sure if it's the combination of both supplements or if one is dominant but I'm sticking with both for now. I am truly amazed and grateful.:thanks::h

