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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Is anyone online at the moment


      Newbies Nest

      Poor Papa R! What a dreadful schedule! Don't worry, we'll keep Gilligan company. Lil said she'd buy him some treats today. Is it ok if we spoil him a bit?
      Sea, thanks for getting the coffee on! It was nice to wake up to the smell of coffee. Granola bars are a favorite bird breakfast, too! I can't believe you have such a busy schedule! It sounds like it is a positive thing for you, especially all the support people are offering. That's got to feel good.
      LO, have a great day. I may pop in on ODAT a bit later as well.
      Hi, jb! Welcome to the nest! I see you have learned how to put a quote in a post! I was on here for weeks before I figured that out! As far as going one day without drinking: well I can relate to your struggle! We all can! I remember when I thought it just would be impossible to go even one day without drinking. But, guess what. If you do it, you feel so good the next day that you'll want to try again! You'll feel proud of yourself, and physically healthier. When I first started this process I was amazed to realize how I had been keeping myself in a state of fatigue, dehydration, etc. Listen, it's hard, but you can do it!!! Just do it!

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        Newbies Nest

        Hello JB, Chopps, Dill, Lil, Sea, LO, Sunny, SweEty, PR, and anyone else I left out unintentionally (sorry)!!
        Sorry it's been awhile since I've been on...everyone sounds like they have been pretty busy around the nest and in their daily lives.....I think my son is finally getting better. Haven't really been to work in about 9 days....and boy can I tell (if you read my ODAT post you'll know what I mean). Been a real struggle here. I need to figure out how to get my focus back...reread the book??? Just get out of the house finally!!! Make better choices. To make things worse my parents come over yesterday and went to natural foods store and bought this water thing know...has this 5 gallon jug thing on top of it and you press a button and you have fresh, clean cold water to drink....then when the jugs are empty you take them to the store and get more water...anyway....they bought this for me because I've been buying bottled water and they wanted to save me $$ and because they are so proud of me :upset: if they only knew the past basically 10 days have been crap....nothing like before....but not like they are suppose to be...especially last night....just point. Sorry to be a downer. I know I can do this, I've done it (sorta) before....
        Hope everyone has a great Saturday!!!
        "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



          Newbies Nest

          Seems I'm flying in first, will switch the landing lights on for everyone

          SD sorry to hear you've had a tough few days, hang in there.

          Hope you've all had a good day. I gave myself some retail therapy! A much better end-of-rubbish-week reward than "hey I deserve a bottle of wine!" - I can wear my half price shirt and my half price jacket tomorrow, unlike a bottle of wine ...

          I can see a nice FABB (Feeling A Bit Better) Twig so am going to settle down. Goodnight, nesters, and thank you for welcoming me


            Newbies Nest

            Very quiet today. Must be everyone is busy outside the nest. LO, I like the retail therapy! Good idea. I'll give it a try. FABB twig sounds like a good spot. Hope SD can join you there. SD, I'm reaching down to pull you back up on the wagon! Come on!
            Good night all! Good night PR! Hope you have a good sound rest!

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              Newbies Nest

              :l Thanks LO!!

              :l Thanks so much Dill!!! I needed a hand!!:helpme:
              I'm sitting here...Saturday night, sober no AL tonight (my ex hubby called even)....went over to parents for dinner (plenty to drink there) drove by all the drive thru AL stores on the way I was tested in every way possible....I honestly had to clench my teeth and keep telling myself to keep driving home....but I'm here now....I'm so glad to get on here and to see your two posts on here....thanks....I'll stay put tonight. :thanks:
              FBT here I come---thanks again :l
              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                Newbies Nest

                PR--Hope you make it back to the nest safe and sound tonight as well!! Take up!!
                "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                  Newbies Nest


                  Thx's almost 1 home a short time ago.....had to put a couple patients in restraints and 'put out fires' all day/night long.....body and mind are whipped....but Gilligan is licking my calf as I type....he always regains my perspective. Appreciate you guys....Dill, of course you can spoil 'G'....though nobody could do it more than I.......yesterday as our shift was stressful, I taped a pic of Titus & Gilligan in the nurses station and told staff to peek up there for 'a relaxing moment'....sometimes ya gotta 'do whatever works'....doesn't always have to be orthodox...just do what works.......on that note, I wish you all a wonderful night and super Sunday.
                  Papa Renewal


                    Newbies Nest

                    Wow, what a shift! I like the idea of posting T&G's pictures for a 'relaxing moment'. It would work for me! Especially if I took a couple of deep breaths at the same time. Get lots of rest, PR!
                    Well, looks like I'll be getting the coffee on. It's Sunday, so let's have brunch! Everybody brings something. I'll bring egg and cheese casserole.

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good Morning My Fine Feathered Friends
                      We are going to have a beautiful day her in New Hampshire, near 60 degrees, Whoo Hoo, melting the snow away.
                      I will sit on the FABB twig with LO, and hope SD will join us. Coffee is ready, still got nothing but cereal, granola bars, oh, wait. I got bagels and light cream cheese.
                      PR, I can't say I don't miss my days in Psych., but I definitely don't miss all the physical struggles. This old Nurse is breaking
                      I am off to an AA meeting with my sponsor. I will pick up my 7th and hopefully last Newcomer chip. It is quite humbling. I'll be back for lunch.
                      Wakey, wakey, dill, lil, sunnibutt
                      Welcome jb, jump right in. The nest in warm and cozy.
                      Where the *&%* has Aprilmoon been? Do make me fly after her.
                      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                        Newbies Nest


                        Morning Nestlings!

                        Sorry, I never made a landing yesterday; had Internet trouble first thing in the morning, left the house at 9:30am and returned 2:00am .. ummm.. today, I suppose! :H I spend 4 1/2 hours on horseback yesterday - that woman (my dear friend and I love her) is KILLING me! I'm hurting in unmentionable places - wow! Anyways, I had dinner at her house, got the horse smell off of me (sorta) and got changed and then Mr. Wonderful swung by to collect me at 7pm to go to a little concert. Of course, everyone and their brother was there (friends of his - I knew very few) and there was an 'after' party (plus it was someone's b-day) so off we went. Lots of booze there... but ya know what? It didn't even phase me. I had a Bailey's filled chocolate, though... that doesn't count, does it? :H

                        Anywhoo.. that was my day yesterday. Loooong day - but nothing like Papa's day. :l

                        SD, luv... do swing up a leg here... and keep us company on the wagon, will ya? Glad to hear your little one is getting better; it just sucks when they're sick.

                        Sea... :shocked: Did you say 6:30 IN THE MORNING meeting??? Oh my. Told ya, AA wasn't for me! :H I'm so happy it works for you, though. Keep up the great work!

                        Hello JB.. and big wave to dillie-doo! How's it going, peeps?

                        Lonely, I agree with dillie... retail therapy sound just like what the doctor ordered! And you're absolutely right; this kind of reward is much more satisfying and lasts longer!

                        And now, I shall flutter off and see what trouble I can get into at home! LOL Have a fabulous Sunday, all you fine feathered friends!

                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi hi.

                          Glad your 'mad' weekend shifts are over Papa R! Sea - your Sponsor sounds great, but 630 am??!

                          Sunshine - I don't think a Baileys chocolate counts. X

                          Everyone else - hello hello.

                          I'm on the time out twig. Went completely overboard at the champagne brunch today. Can't remember coming home, but was definitely sick. Yuck.

                          Alcohol Free is easier. I'm not going to count days, just get on with life to the best of my ability!

                          I do feel the need for some kind of penance - Any ideas?

                          Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                            Newbies Nest

                            Good Morning!!
                            Here I am...up on the FABB twig with Seo and LO....feeling great today...I'm so glad I didn't drink last night!!!! Yeah me!!! Sea--I would love to visit NH someday...I hear it is soo beautiful!!!! That's where I always wanted to move when I was a kid!!

                            Dill--how about I bring some fresh fruit to brunch (that way I can fly some place to go get it)...not much fresh in season here in SD!!! :H

                            Sunni--SO how did you get to have such an interest in horses...did you grow up around them?? I've only ridden a couple of's harder than it looks!!! Good job last night too!! That's sooo hard...hell it's hard for me just being in my house by myself :H

                            PR--Yeah--those kind of shifts don't sound like any fun....maybe the police would rent out their tazers (?) to you....ooohhhhh....that was mean...... I have been trained in CPI so if we have to restrain kids at school (we house the ED/SED) in our building....but I'm guessing a little easier to get a 8 or 9 year to the floor than an adult!!! Wow!! REST UP!!!
                            Well I better get my day started!!!
                            We'll check in later!!!!
                            "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                              Newbies Nest

                              Good Morning SweEty---cross post!!!
                              I'm not sure how the TOT'll have to check with one of the more twig experienced nesters
                              Hope you have a better afternoon (or evening)!!
                              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                                Newbies Nest

                                30 Days in the Hole...

                                Heya Guys-
                                Tomorrow is March 16th, one month since I went to detox at my local VA hosp. with a 0.347 BAC, and the last time I had a drink. I know Im already rounding-up to the 30 day mark, but dont I get a coin or sumthin'? It hasnt been the white-knuckle trip I expected, but if you've seen my other posts you'll know Ive been taking campral/baclofen through most of it, augemtented with a healthy dose of self-control (the toughest part). Im not really sweating the 1st 30,60, 90 days.....I even have a few beers in my garage if I really wanted them. My concern is the post 3+ month time when I feel safe & complacent and convince myself that I can have alcohol again. Thoughts, anyone?

                                "we are little lambs who have lost our way; little black sheep that have gone astray..."
                                While there's life, there's hope.

