Hi Nestlings
Byrdy, that's so great. Keep it up. You're my inspiration.
In my new house, I have two cupboard doors in the kitchen that close over each other. If you close them one at a time there is no problem, but if you close them together they maim any part of your body in the way. I have already caught finger ends twice, but on Saturday I completely mashed my thumb, spent Saturday night awake and groaning with a throbbing, swollen digit which sent shots of pain up my arm. Sunday morning I took myself to the emergency department. My thumb looked impressively off centre, but there was no break, just a lot of swelling. They drilled a hole in my nail to relieve pressure, which meant I bled like a stuck pig for the rest of the day. I was tempted to settle on the couch with a bottle of wine to numb the pain and relieve the boredom, but ended up with a coffee watching Camp Rock 2 with my daughter.

Lav, I've lost track. Have you had all those grandbabies yet?