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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Nestlings

    Byrdy, that's so great. Keep it up. You're my inspiration.

    In my new house, I have two cupboard doors in the kitchen that close over each other. If you close them one at a time there is no problem, but if you close them together they maim any part of your body in the way. I have already caught finger ends twice, but on Saturday I completely mashed my thumb, spent Saturday night awake and groaning with a throbbing, swollen digit which sent shots of pain up my arm. Sunday morning I took myself to the emergency department. My thumb looked impressively off centre, but there was no break, just a lot of swelling. They drilled a hole in my nail to relieve pressure, which meant I bled like a stuck pig for the rest of the day. I was tempted to settle on the couch with a bottle of wine to numb the pain and relieve the boredom, but ended up with a coffee watching Camp Rock 2 with my daughter. Oh well, it was worth a day off work today, even if it was cold and windy.

    Lav, I've lost track. Have you had all those grandbabies yet?


      Newbies Nest

      Hello Everyone,

      It is my day 4 AF today and I already feel like a new person. Cannot wait to see what is to come.

      Had a wonderful weekend with my fianc? and although he still enjoys his few beers now and then we had a nice chat about how he could support me in my journey and possibly moderate his drinking too.

      You all were right. It gets easier every day and I now finally feel ready to focus on the important things in my life. I have still such a long way to go and there are so much damage I have done due to my drinking that has to be fixed.

      I thank you all because it is a huge help for me to be able to join you guys, read about your inspirational journeys to a life of sobriety and share my life too without have to lie and hide the truth about me.

      I wish everybody a wonderful week full of success!



        Newbies Nest

        Hi nesters,

        Sorry to hear about your thumb dancing, I hope it is better soon and well done for not resorting to the 'bottle', I bet your daughter enjoyed her time with you as well.

        I was reading some news things this morning and saw that Nicola Cage has been arrested and that he was very drunk at the time. There are absolutely no excuses for domestic voilence and alsocolh can NEVER be used an excuse, but it made me think of all the stupid things I have done while drunk and am only grateful that I didn't end up splashed across the media.

        Great posts Byrdy, you do make me smile!

        Wishing everyone a lovely AF Monday/evening.


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning Nesters!

          Ouch dancingon - I can almost feel your pain, really! I am subject to injuring myself in some of the most stupid ways.......... Last summer I purchased a brand new mandolin slicer for fresh veggies - yes, I sliced off the tip of my pinkie finger - gross! Talk about bleeding like a stuck pig :H
          Yes, both new babies arrived safely on Feb 26 & April 6. I'm very happy

          Greetings Cravie & congrats on your 4 AF days! Remember the wonderful feeling........developing a sense of gratitude will help you keep your quit.

          Hi DSLR, good to see you! Sad news about Nicholas Cage. Any AL related arrest is very sad & preventable. I wonder if living in New Orleans where the AL flows freely had anything to do with this. I've been there myself & it's not unusual to see drunk people on the street at 10 or 11 am.

          Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Monday. Let's keep all of our fingers & toes safely in the Nest today :H

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning nest!

            Well I made it through another weekend and this last one was a bit tougher than the others, but it's April 18 so I'm on day 18 AF and that's good news! I had a fabulous weekend off with my husband, and actually Saturday was just fine -- went out and everything with no problems. Yesterday was a bit tougher as we have some issues that came up and started an argument. That was always a drinking trigger in the past for me, but not this time.

            Byrd, what a great post and how true! Congratulations on your almost 90-days sober!
            VG - of course we love to read your posts. I wish you the best with your big decisions!
            Leave, good job on your outing without AL!
            Dancing, my finger is hurting for you!! Ouch.
            Welcome Cravie. Well done on 4 days!
            DSLR, I agree, AL is so sad, and it doesn't exempt anyone.
            Lav, great to hear from you as always!

            Have a fantastic AF Monday all!


              Newbies Nest

              Hi everyone great to check in and see how you are all going. Well I tried and failed again and again. Until I read Alan Carr's book, I hope and pray this is it have been sober 15 days with only two days craving. This book has changed my life


                Newbies Nest

                Hey there nest,

                It's super late Monday night for myself. Heading to bed really soon.
                Dancinon, I would def agree that your daughter probably really enjoyed the time with you!
                Crave, Congrats, 4 days is Wonderful!:goodjob:
                Leave, Way to be strong, and honest. That takes courage!:rays:
                Mylife, I definitely know what you mean about triggers. I too would drink when I had a disagreement with my Hubby that would end in just frustration and anger on both sides. By not drinking though I am starting to see not all the issues are because of my AL use. He was in an accident 18 months ago and almost died, he has his own issues he has not worked through from it that affect him/us now. Instead I just keep looking at the positives and try and find a good outlet for my energy. I can only support him in his plight, and he can only support me. We don't really know what the other has gone through in our experiences (mine with AL, his with permanent body damage and constant pain for life.) So I try and remember to be patient with both of us. Sorry...I'm sidetracked. Anyways, it is a challenge not buying Al to ease the feelings of hurt/pain, but it will not help.

                VG, I read your thread. Way to go. I see what you're saying. I think it's wonderful and I know you will do a wonderful job of continuing down the unfolding AF path you are on. I admire your strength and commitment. I hope I find the same within my self.
                Lav, I love that you always check in and say hello to the nest. Have a lovely day everyone. I will be back in the morning!:baaah::huggy

                Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                  Newbies Nest

                  Thanks everybody for the 'atta girl"!!!! I can't believe it myself! 3 months ago I was a staggering idiot...playing off my lack of memory to either ditzy-ness or menopause...turns out neither are true...I actually seem to have a steel trap of a memory!!! Who Knew??? (well, the menopause it true, but that's another story for another time!!)
                  I'm Baad, I'm baddd...I'm bad, I'm bad, I'm bad!! (to be sung or rapped!!) I'm gittiing on down da road!!! XXOO, Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi nest!

                    Thanks very much for all the suportive comments, this place might well have saved my life! Dancing, my eyes were watering reading your post, THEY DRILLED A HOLE IN YOUR NAIL???? :upset::upset: Hope you are okay!

                    Cravie, well done on your four days, great to see you here.

                    Maali, well done to you too, fifteen days is awesome. I read that book too, it really helped me to understand a few things!

                    DSLR, I hear you about the stupid things when drunk! I am amazed that I never ended up in hospital or worse.

                    mylife, well done on your 18 days and another sober weekend under your belt! :goodjob:

                    Sunshine, it's great that your AL free time is helping your relationship with your husband, keep looking for those positives! My relationship with my husband has also improved, mainly because I actually put effort into it now rather than hiding behind a bottle.

                    Byrd, I actually laughed out loud at your post, good for you, and thanks for always making me smile!

                    Leave, I am a cheap date too, although the prices they charge for sparkling water in the pubs here is ridiculous!

                    Lav, I am so happy for you being able to spend time (and cash!) spoiling those grand-babies of yours. It's a delight to read how happy you are.

                    I hope you all (and everyone who pops into the nest today) enjoy the rest fo your Monday. I have a cheeky wee half day from work, I'm going to cook a special meal for my husband as we don't often get the chance on a weekday. (To eat together! Get your minds out of the gutter!) :H


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi nesters - while since I have posted - today is day 15, with one slip - I had a glass of wine and I was so ashamed of myself that I did not feel like posting, because I did not want to admit it - as i have written in the aiming high in April forum, I have worked thru that, and have decided to carry onwards and ignore the slip.
                      Today is sring break - a good reason to be drinking more - two girls to occupy and no work, but I am happy to be AF and have my wits and energy about me - just wish I could sleep as I did in the first week.
                      I too am finding treats instead of wine - buying lotions - usually I fell into bed at night - now I pamper a little, and in the morning - it was all I could do to shower and get dressed as my head was foggy, instead i am pampering again - and cut flowers in the house, beautiful!
                      Byrd, Lav and DSLR - thank you for your words of wisdom, funny posts and helpful hints!
                      To all posting, thanks for the messages that I read diligently every day, they got me over the slip up and helped me continue on track instead of falling off teh raisl which i was so very tempted to do.
                      congrats to everyone for really signficant milestones - you are all wonderful!
                      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters!

                        mylife, congrats on your 18 AF days. I will get easier, really! Finding new ways to deal with emotional upsets is all part of the program. I was forced to last year at this time when my husband ran out - believe me!!

                        Welcome bacl maali & congrats on your successful 15 days - wonderful! Stay in touch

                        sunshine, sounds like you've had some hard lessons as well. I'm now a firm believer that learning to deal with life's harshness in a healthy way really makes us grow

                        Keep singing Byrdie - you sound great!!

                        VG, hope you enjoyed your dinner & time together - something I miss a lot.

                        scottish lass, congrats on your 15 days, glad you are with us too. We rub off on people I think

                        Wishing everyone a comfy night in the Nest!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hello Nesters,

                          I fell out of the nest, but back today for a successful day 1 and feeling optimistic.

                          Congratulations to mylife and Byrdie, VG and Scottish Lass. Love reading the posts here...they make me feel hopeful.

                          Sleep well.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Just dropping by to wish you all a very good Tuesday!

                            Well done Scottish Lass, hope you enjoy a sober and happy Spring Break with your girls.

                            Lav, had a lovely time with hubby last night, feel that we are in a really good place right now. Thanks hun :l

                            4my, welcome back to the nest, settle in and make yourself comfy. I posted this in the quotes thread today, thought I'd post it here for the benefit of newbies who might visit.

                            When the world says, "Give up,"
                            Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."
                            ~Author Unknown

                            Have a great day everyone


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning Nesters,

                              Looks like we're in for a damp day around these parts.......once again.

                              Greetings VG & 4MyHealth!
                              Fasten your Nest belt & make sure you revise you plan after a fall 4MyHealth. There's really no point in making the same mistake over & over.

                              Wishing everyone a terrific AF Tuesday!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Lav, I didn't want to mention this in front of the others, but your side of the nest is a real mess lately!! It's been raining or snowing over your twigs for months, then last weekend a terrible storm...I mean really!!! I hope things improve (glad I'm on the South side of the nest!!) XXOO, t
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

