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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning Nesters,

    VG - I like your quote. I'll remember it and "try it one more time".
    Lav - Nest belt fastened! I need to come up with a plan; you're right. For now, it is no alcohol for the next 12 days, then a dinner party. Maybe by then I'll say "no" to even one glass of wine since one was never enough for me.

    Have a great day everyone!


      Newbies Nest

      Hi this is my first time on this sight. I went into rehab 4 weeks ago today, I have been a 2 bottle of wine a night girl for 3 years and back in october decided enough was enough, so started seeing an alcohol councellor who has been brilliant he got me into the rehab center where i stayed 9 days and have now been sober a month. It has been very difficult as my partner is less than suportive as he is a drinker too and doesnot think he has a problem nor wishes to stop. But I have. I take each day as it comes some are good some are bad some nights i want a drink so badly i apsolutely lothe myself. But since stopping I feel like a different person, I have startd to loose all the weight iv put on , I feel happier in myself, my friends are saying how much better im looking and its like having the old me back. I remembe going to bed each night or conversations i have at night including those with my children. that bubble I have lived in for 3 years feeling like crap every day, scatty and miserable is not there any more! but im so scared that that evil drink could take hold of me again at any time!

      I am so glad that I have found this forum it makes me feel I am not alone xxx


        Newbies Nest

        Welcome daizymay! Congratulations on one month! I love this forum too; people you can talk to who really understand where you're coming from. Plus those who have been successful and those who are on the journey are so inspiring.

        It is so nice remembering those conversations - esp. with your children. I made my children's names my password for logging in here and it makes me a little sad each time I type their names thinking about the kind of mom I've been from 5:00 pm on these past years. I'm determined to be the mom they need from here on out!

        Good luck to you!


          Newbies Nest

          Hello Nest!

          I woke up early this morning and went to the gym, and am here at work, but I can't shake the "blah" feeling I've had all day. I'm not really sure why, I just feel yucky and tired and ... blah!

          Oh well, I agree with Lav that finding new ways to deal with emotional upsets is all part of the program. I will work on that!
          VG - I like your signature, too. It really fits us well here I think!

          Welcome Daizymay! And congratulations on one month! That's fantastic. Keep going, everyone says it gets better after 90 days!

          4My - hang in there and give it another go. You can do this!

          Byrd and all others to come great to hear from you! Have a fantastic AF day in the nest!


            Newbies Nest

            Hey all, first official evening sober post from me, got a thread on the go, shooting for just 24 hours AF, so here goes folks, wish me luck
            I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

            To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



              Newbies Nest

              In Chains...we're gonna get you outta them chains! If you break it down even further..really, all you gotta do is get thru about 3 hours!! The rest is the same...distract yourself and do anything you can to keep your mind OFF you know what. Recite the Lord's Prayer, sing the National Anthem...just remember Byrdie's 3 little words....DON'T THINK ABOUT IT!!! Someone just said, it may have been you...after 90 days it gets easier...well I'm 90 days today...I will let you know!! Here's what I 3 is a bitch, as was day 6. By day 13, something just changed in my, maybe I really CAN live and function in life without a drink. And you know what? I'm doing better than ever! This is a gift to yourself...If you need some propping by golly, we will prop you right up! You are far from alone. Look back a year or so ago, and notice how many people have read these posts...Lots more than those who respond and try going without. You have taken the biggest step, and now you are trying...I say you are miles ahead of the curve. Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest


                A busy Nest day ~ I love it

                A big congrats to you Byrdie on your 90 days :goodjob:
                I know how good that feels, don't ever forget & keep moving forward! About the weather in the US these stinks! Too much snow, too much rain & wind, too much heat (last summer) just Too Much!!!! I hope things level out soon

                4MyHealth, take it one day at a time right now, slow & steady! I wish you luck of course but even more I wish you a good strong plan to help you though the touchy times.

                Welcome Daizymay, so glad you found us Congrats to you on your 1 month sobriety. Please make yourself comfy in the Nest & please feel free (when you are ready) to share what you learned in Rehab. I'm sure we would all benefit from the info. Posting on the MWO threads daily has really helped me immensely over the past two years.

                mylife - I've had a case of the blahs myself the past few days & I believe it's r/t the full moon - no kidding! I'll bet we start feeling better tomorrow

                IC, I also wish you luck & a good plan! Stay close & let us know how you're doing!

                I spent a few hourse with my 7 week old graddaughter this afternoon :l I'm feeling better already!

                Wishing everyone a comfy night in the Nest!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Daizymay welcome and well done on an AF month, IC, I hope you are doing okay:l

                  Everyone seems to be doing so well lately, congrats on your 90 days Byrdie, reading your posts helps me believe I'll be getting to 90 soon too, I'm almost two thirds of the way now

                  Been an odd day today, I've been so happy spenidng time with the kids and doing all sorts of things we don't normally do, but at the same time it really hit me today how much I've missed with them from either being drunk or hungover, I know I cna't change things but I so wish I could have been the Mom they deserve...

                  Oh well another day down and a late night, so time to put on the pj's and make a hot chocolate and look forward to waking up sober in the morning..

                  Best wishes to you all wherever you are and nelieve in yourself


                  Just taking it day by day.......


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Nest, poppped in before bed to say goodnight. IC, I am so pleased you are going for it tonight, stay strong, we are all rooting for you!

                    welcome Daizy may, and well done on your month's sobriety and all te benefits you are feeling!

                    Byrd, 90 days, wow! :goodjob:

                    Mylife, feeling 'blah' is not such a bad thing, 'normal' people have blah days too! At least we are actually feeling something! Hope tomorrow is better

                    4my, have a great night yourself, glad you liked the quote.

                    leave, I am just about to get my jim-jams on and watch eastenders before bed. Might have a hot chocolate too now you have put me in the mood!

                    Lav, glad you had a nice day with your grand-daughter, that sounds lovely!

                    Sorry if I missed anyone, I am dog-tired, hope all my fellow nesters have a great evening/night/morning!


                      Newbies Nest

                      well everybody, I'm off to bed, it is gone midnight and i have been sober for 24 hours! I am so happy right now its unbelievable. Byrdlady, I remember the third day was my personal hell last time... I'm nto attemptign mroe than one this time round, but I will be very very soon, just testing myself first. Now I can prepare for my attempt proper
                      I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                      To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                        Newbies Nest

                        Goodnight all!

                        Day 2 down...I won't say it was easy, but it is done.

                        Good Job InChains, you made it!

                        LIS - good for you with the hot chocolate.

                        Lav - yes, one day at a time. I'll have to talk to you more about "my plan" since I don't have much of one. So glad you had some sweet cuddle time with your baby granddaughter! The best, I'm sure.

                        Goodnight VG.

                        Goodnight all nesters - it is good to be here with such a great group!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi nesters, well done to EVERYONE on your AF days how ever many they are!

                          Day 18 for me and it seems to be going 'OK'. No major cravings at all, the odd thought pops into my head but goes as quickly but that has been it so far.

                          However, my memory seems to be completely shot! I am losing things at a great rate of knotts, the most recent being my bank card. Not sure if it is the damage from drinking, my age or what, but a tad worrying, not losing the card that is replacable but my memory isn't!

                          Take care everyone and wishing you all a lovely AF Wednesday what ever you are doing.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hello everyone out there in Nests land,

                            It is late Wednesday arvo (afternoon) here. Just checking in with everyone. It seems like everyone is doing very well with their plans. It has been a bit of strange weather here in Oz as well. I am just off work and thinking I might take the dogs down to the dog leash free beach. They deserve a little Easter treat. It will also be a treat for me as walking on the beach always is.

                            Welcome Daizymay, Congrats on your 1 month. That really is a milestone. Way to break those habits. I am finishing day 18 of being AF. Whoever said they feel like a different person, I can agree. I feel, liberated almost. I am not looking forward to my next drink, because I'm not planning on having a drink again. AT least not in the next 365 days. I'm enjoying all my sober days, sober moments, sober conversations, etc. I'm enjoying remembering everything. I went back to California for the first time in almost 2 years 8 months ago, and I didn't do half of the things I wanted to do, because I drank to much or was hungover some days. When you're travelling halfway around the world you can't afford to waste your time like that. I regret it, but I can only move forward and change my habits.

                            So hooray for turning over a new leaf to all of us. :h

                            Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                              Newbies Nest

                              just a quick check in, i overslept and i'm behind, taking the kids rollerskating today, well i'll sit in the sun with my book and a large coffee they can skate.

                              Dslr i'm the same i'm forgetting everything at the moment, although i question my sanity, i'm hooked watching Bridezillas and Jeremy Kyle right now, god ever wanted to smack someone on tv lol,

                              In chain well done for getting past day one and to everyone else.
                              WHAT CAN I SAY? I DON'T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE..

                              Just taking it day by day.......


                                Newbies Nest

                                HELLO EVERYONE!, I am a newbie that dissapeared, and am back. I really should have stayed here because my " Social drinking" reverted into bad habits, and I am going to do this once again. I suppose I should tell you about myself, I had come here a few months ago, and had started to make friends, but I just got negligent, my days were going well, I thought I had beaten this , and well one led to two, and away I went. I am a mother of four, I live in Ireland, I usually start drinking to chill in the evenings, the problem is I don't know when to stop. I use every occasion to have a drink, altough I am able to go days without one, I seem to imagine I deserve a treat after a week or so, and then just go and binge. I have to break this cycle, . I guess this time I realise that I am causing myself to do it. I don't know why I am like this, I have a self abusive personality. I do everything too much, I eat too much, drink too much, smoke too much, hell I do everything to excess. Despite killing myself like this, I think I am a happy cheery person. WTF? I don't know what to do with myself, but I think here is a good place to start. So day one, ( I did moderate for the last two days, just having one ) but today will be AF.
                                Any tips? I sure need all the advise I can get.

