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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    good morning nest,

    I feel a bit guilty being here as I slipped again. Friend came over with wine and I wasn't as strong as mylife and joined her. Feeling sluggish this a.m. Though I feel guilty, I also find so much inspiration here in the Nest, so I hope you'll let me stay. Determined to be AF this Friday.
    Lav - glad you had fun with your grandson - such a fun age!
    Mylife - good work passing on that wine!
    Sunshine - great that you have a plan in place - with your trainer. Glad you and your hubby worked things out - hope that he gets the help he needs.
    Hippy - it is sad to see someone intoxicated for me too (on the rare instance where I am not that someone). Glad that you have been strong.
    Lolab - I am enjoying my boys while they still will cuddle, etc. Yours sounds sweet; I'm nervous for those teen years. Oh well, it'll be better if I'm sober, for sure!!
    Have a great Friday everyone!


      Newbies Nest


      Don't waste your time feeling guilty, it won 't change anything!
      May I ask - did you tell your friend that you have not been drinking? You don't have to go into great detail with anyone (I didn't) but you do need to learn to say 'No thanks' (with a smile).
      Use this as a lesson for the future because there will be countless times in the future when you need to decline. Make it easy by being prepared in advance
      By all means stick around the nest ~ we tend to rub off on people
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Hi 4MyHealth, I agree with Lav, please keep coming back and you will beat this thing!

        I also agree its good to have ready-made excuses ahead of time and be prepared to say "no". The very first weekend I stopped drinking I went to the beach with my sister and she asked if I wanted some wine. I said "No thanks, I'm on a health kick and I'm not drinking". She looked a little startled, but got over it and that was that! I'm hoping it will just get easier and easier to say "No thanks!"


          Newbies Nest

          Hi everybody - feelings depressed the last few days. Start lifitng a bit - adament that tomorrow is going to be a better day. Working on myself to get over this bad feelings. So afraid that this emotional turbelance will let to me drinking again. My nature is to be rebellious - very easy for me to say f*** 42 days - I'm feeling bad. First time since AF that I'm feelings this negative.


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning nest,

            Beachbump, I too have a rebellious personality. I know that it will not help myself to rebel against something I am doing solely for myself, it will only hinder what is truly good for me. However you feel you are in the right place coming to the nest. If you can stick out it longer than these passing feelings you will be glad that you did.
            4myhealth, no worries if you slip one day. I came to this site with no intentions or plan in place. I did not intend to start just going AF full on. Here I am 21 days AF, but I fully intended to allow myself slips. Now that I have come this far, I don't need the slips to stand in the way of the progress this far. You sound a bit more controlled with your drinking. I don't like to stop once I start.
            Hippy, I applaud your strength staying AF when your husband is helping himself.
            Lav, enjoy every second with your grandkids, run around as much as you can. I remember those moments with my grandma.
            IC, Mylife, DSLR, Jolie, Byrd, lolab, and everyone else here: Have a wonderful AF day, one step at a time! Thanks for all the wonderful connections here!:chick::happyheart:

            Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


              Newbies Nest

              Hi nestlings,

              IC, You had an whole AL free day, then you had a blowout. Which did you prefer? If you don't mind me saying so (and I really hope this doesn't offend you, it's just an observation from your posts) but you and your fiance are in a rut as far as AL is concerned. You are in a cycle that is hard to break, enabling each other. One of you has to break that cycle hun. The very fact that you are here shows that you want to do that, and I commend you for it and support you wholeheartedly. :l

              Lav, hippy, mylife, sunshine, 4my, nice to see you all, the Vintage Girl has had a long day and wishes she could post more, just want to say it's lovely to see you all, welcome beachbump too, and if i missed anyone, I am sorry, but this gal is knackered! :H


                Newbies Nest

                Good evening Nesters!

                Rain & chilly tonight - not very 'Eastery' if yuo know what I mean

                Greetings mylife - bet the warm weather is down your way? I hate it that the heat is still on!

                Beachbump, honestly if you are on an AD & still experiencing such severe symptoms then it is not working! Go back to your doc & get something new. There are many drugs available these days but it's your responsibility to inform your doc - just do it! Too many of us, especially women suffer needlessly when there is help out there.

                sunshine, I am hoping that running around outside with the kids will eventually help me kick off the menopause pounds that seem to be sticking to me like iron

                VG, hope you have a good rest!

                Heading out early in the AM - may not be able to check in until later in the day.
                I hope everyone has good solid plans for a successful AF weekend

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Morning Nest

                  Gosh I can't keep up with here lately, kids keeping me busy with the school hols, we've been out everyday, something I have to admit some what ashamedly we've never done before, it has been so wonderful just doing little things with them two youngest I'd be too hungover to have bothered with before or doing more things in the day rather than wanting (actually needing if I'm honest) to get back home to have my first drink of the afternoon (I'd love to be able to say day, but I know 8/10 that would be untrue) I'm now able to be honest with how I was drinking to myself which is a huge eye opener.

                  Anyway hope everyone is having a good Saturday and life is treating you well....

                  Oh on a side note, this may sound odd but I can't google it as I know I'll not be able to find it on there. I've always suffered with joint pain but it's worsened considerably since I stopped drinking, do you think it was always this bad and AL just masked it and made it seem less than it really was?

                  Anyway enjoy the rest of your days

                  Just taking it day by day.......


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning Nest!

                    Beach, I hope you are feeling better today. If you are really feeling depressed, maybe Lav is right and you should try switching to a different med?

                    Lav, the pounds have been sticking on me like iron as well. I'm focusing on sobriety first, but I really thought the pounds would drop off and they are not! I guess I'll have to review my sugar intake (sigh). It has been beautiful spring weather here and I do love my ice cream on a warm night! :H

                    VG and Sunshine great to hear from you both!

                    Leave, congratulations on your 60 Days!! And I'm sure your children are appreciating every moment of your sobriety -- you are doing fantastic!! :l

                    Have a wonderful AF day all!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Nesters,

                      It's Saturday evening here around 10:30pm. We had a busy day here. Early morning farmers market. A gym session with the trainer. We met our friends with their kids at the park for a get together, and everyone was having a drink. This is usually a crowd that does not drink. I was the only one not drinking. :question2::crap: I would say that this is the most I've wanted to have a drink thus far. Even though I didn't even come close to. Then we came home and had family/friends over for dinner. I offered everyone a drink and stated we had Non AL drinks only. My mother in law looked shocked (she does not drink either but knows I love to.) She said "you don't even have beer?" "WOW!" I told her no Alcohol, sorry! She was impressed! So it's the end of the night, and now I'm sitting here clear headed, next to my two puppies and my husband who did all our dinner party dishes. I feel good!:danthin:

                      I hope that you are all having positive experiences in your long weekends. I'm looking forward to the easter Bunny (husband) bringing me some chocolates in the morning! Have a wonderful day Y'all!

                      Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                        Newbies Nest

                        P.S. LIS
                        WONDERFUL 60 DAY AF! Rock On!

                        Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Newbies.

                          Hope you are all doing well and staying strong. I am sitting alone on a Saturday night because my husband came home from golf drunk as usual and has gone to bed. He told me that the police pulled him over on his way home for a RBT. He said that he wasnt over the limit, a fact I find extremely hard to believe because to me he seemed very pissed. So I dont really know what to believe. That he actually did get pulled over and I cant judge when he is drunk or if he was just making up a story about the RBT to insinuate that he wasnt drunk even though I know damn well he is.
                          Whenever he is with one particular person - who I dislike intensely because he causes us soooo much trouble - he always comes home obnoxious and tormented as this other person knows which buttons to press to get a show out of my husband. My husband doesnt realise he is being played and gets so wound up.
                          I dont feel I am in a position to tell my husband that I dont want him drinking so much. I do try to ignore him but I know that it is going to get too much for me. I dont fear that I will drink again but I do fear for my marriage.
                          Isnt it ironic that someone elses drinking can affect ME so much.... It is usually the other way round!
                          I finally got it!
                          "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                            Newbies Nest

                            Sunshine - well done on your AF evening. x
                            I finally got it!
                            "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good afternoon Nesters!

                              Leave, a big congrats to you on your 60 AF days - it's a wonderful feeling, isn't it? Be proud & always remember this feeling

                              Sunshine, good going on your AF evening - another battle won! It gets to be a habit after a while, it really does!

                              Hippy, I'm sorry your husband is acting out so
                              I've watched my kind hearted, well intentioned husband turn into a great big ball of confusion over the years. It started right after he turned 42 & I figured it was the start of his middle age angst & it would end at some point. You know he left a year ago in tears but not able to verbalize 'why'. Now, a year later I am just beginning to see some signs of his 'old self' (the one I married) beginning to emerge. I don't know how it's going to play out, I can't control any of that. You can't control your husband's behavior either. I hope you can let him know that you love him & are concerned about his safety (drunk driving). But sometimes I think we just need to stand back & let them play out their own dramas. It's a hard thing to do but there really is no other choice

                              Well, I did buy the covering I wanted for my deck but have to wait for a dry day to install it. I'm hoping this will provide some needed shade so that I can spend some time outdoors with the babies this summer without roasting or risking sunburn

                              Hope everyone is having a great AF Saturday!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Hippy, Sorry to hear about your husband. I hope he sees the positive outlook you have now and decides to join you in being AF. Wishing you strength in the meantime.
                                Thanks for the good words Lav & sunshine. I'm going to keep trying to be AF and maybe it'll get easier.
                                I like the ideas of saying I'm on a health kick and not drinking. I have to exercise my 'no' muscle.
                                Happy Easter! Would type more, but I have shopping to do for cooking tomorrow!

