Hello Nest,
Sunshine, great job on avoiding AL on TWO occasions! You must feel great. I hope your hubby brings you lots of chocolate bunnies!

Lav, it sounds like your husband was really going through something. You are very strong to have survived that and your divorce AF!
Hippy, I completely understand your being impatient with your husbands drinking. You have been so good at staying away from AL regardless of the stress he puts you through! Good for you.

I put up with a lot from my husband, but I am so hypocritical when it comes to Alcohol or Drug addiction in others -- I have no tolerance for it! I think I just can't handle the helpless feeling of being able to do nothing for them. Luckily, my husband has many other issues, but not Alcohol or drug problems -- I'm the only one who has had the problem in that area!! How ironic! :H Maybe there's a lesson there for me. Hmmm....
Have a great AF night in the nest everyone!