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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good mornig Nest,

    It's more like afternoon but I just woke so it's all the same to me.
    I did not stop doing easter egg hunts until I was 20. I didn't stop trick or treating until I was 21 either, who doesn't want free candy? I'm 30 and I tell my mom I am not to old for all the little holiday treats I want her to send me from America. I will never be to old for all the wonderful treasures of my childhood I still get sometimes when I am older.:heart:

    So I have 2 days left in my weekend. I think I will get a walk in today with my lovely puppies and the Husband. We watched the Tourist last night. He complained the whole time wondering if it was a Disney movie, I must admit I was laughing the whole movie knowing he was thinking it was more of a thriller suspense. Then there was romance in it. LOL :H:H.

    Yesterday was my first sober Easter in....? Don't remember to be honest. :rays:

    Hippy, I am definitely eating my way through the chocolate in the house. Again, I also applaud your outstanding strength! Keep it up and keep on keeping on!
    Lav, I like following your posts. Thanks for being such a regular!
    Princess, WELCOME to the nest!
    LIS, COngrats on a sober Easter! Keep up the good work!
    MyLife, Woohoo, You're coming close to your 30 days soon!

    I will check in with everyone later. Enjoy your holidays!:h

    Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


      Newbies Nest

      Hi All~

      I'm brand spanking new as of today and I wish I could say this was my first sober Easter - but hopefully my last non-sober one. Gotta start somewhere. I'll take the bunnies over the booze from now on.
      Hope everyone had a good holiday.


        Newbies Nest

        Hiya 8of Cups,

        Welcome to the nest, everyone is friendly and welcoming. Don't worry if you are drinking to day, there is always a new day tomorrow. It is not always easy to say no to something that is a regular clutch in our lives. It takes discipline and time, and I'm I'm sure a few other things. There is a lovely tool box thread that has some good ideas. There are vitamins and supplements. Use what works for you. Myself, I have used little of the tools here thus far, but I will use them eventually. I also take Lglut and that's about it. I can't tell if it works, but my mind feels like it is something. Anyways, I'm a rambling on. Welcome!:l This is a great place to be!

        Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


          Newbies Nest

          Welcome 8ofcups - interesting name!
          This place is full of people just like yourself. We all have the same desire, to get and stay sober. There is so much help and support here. Take each day as it comes.

          I finally got it!
          "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


            Newbies Nest

            Remembering those who are lost and those still serving their country on ANZAC Day.


              Newbies Nest

              Hello Easter Nesters (Like that)

              Good to see everybody enjoying their Easter break with or without egg hunts! I've got grown up kids too but no grandies yet - no fun. Welcome Princess Marvy and 8ofCups - hope you settle in here and work out what you need to do to get where you want to be. Piper you can do this. Get yourself a plan, and strong motivation and go for it.

              About those drinking dreams Suns - I have had two now in the last week. Just got to 10 weeks no al last Friday so after those dreams when I first woke up I was soooo disappointed in myself and sooooo relieved when I realized it was just a dream. I know I do not want to drink anymore ever. I have made that choice. I think HippyC is right about our subconscious playing catch up with our new reality.

              This morning we went to the Anzac Parade as my Dad participates by riding in a motorcycle sidecar. He was in the 2nd world war. It was good to see him and I always feel very grateful and thankful to the diggers.

              Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                Newbies Nest

                Morning nesters!

                :welcome: 8of cups - glad to see you have a goal of being sober next Easter - you will not regret it!

                Hope everyone had a great Easter!

                Welcome also to Princess Marvy! Hope all the newcomers find a comfy twig to settle on - lots of advice and kind words of encouragement here.

                Hippy - it definitely is different to be on the other end and observe people that have been drinking. Gives us a whole new perspective - huh?

                Have a great day everyone!
                Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hello Nest!

                  Hope everyone had a great AF Easter Sunday and now we're back to Monday!

                  Sun and Mazzie, you know it's funny but I haven't had one "drinking dream" this time when I've stopped. I had them several other times when I would stop drinking for a period of time, but this time I haven't! Very odd! I wonder why. I hear it's very common to have them. It could be that really although I'm on day 25 of continuous AF days this month, I have been not drinking most of the time since I joined this site at the end of November, so it's becoming more normal not to drink than it is for me to drink.

                  I have to say I feel really determined in my resolve to remain AF this time around. Actually, determination isn't even really the word -- I think I feel more RESIGNED to the fact that I can't drink, so even if it crosses my mind I just think of all the consequences, how I'll feel awful and it just slips away. I can't say I feel empowered or anything, just like I've accepted a fact of my life.

                  Jolie, Mazzie, Hippy, DSLR and all to come great to hear from you all!

                  Welcome 80of cups!

                  Have a fantastic AF Monday!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good Monday morning Nesters!

                    So nice to see so many checking in already

                    Welcome to 8ofCups! Glad you found us, please make yourself comfy in the Nest!
                    Looking forward to getting to know you. Be sure to download & read the MWO book (it's in the Health store) & is full of good onfo. You need to make yourself a plan so look in the Tool Box (in the the Monthly Abstinence section) for lots of good ideas

                    I found the drinking dream & for me the smoking dreams to be totally annoying too! But I think they don't serve a purpose in helping to cement your resolve to stay quit!!!!

                    Wishing a great AF Monday for one & all!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      morning everyone - quick post for me as I'm heading to work.

                      I wanted to comment on the post by leaveinsilence about joint pain. I experienced something similar - I made it to 30 plus days in March but was experiencing severe upsets in my sleep....I don't know if the lack of sleep led to my achiness or the achiness wouldn't allow me to sleep - but it was a vicious circle which I know contributed to my drinking again...:-( So this time I set out to try to figure it out. I ordered yet ANOTHER "remedy" to help me sleep. I think I've tried them all. But - recommended here - the Calms Forte - seems to be the magical cure for me. I sometimes even take one in the afternoon to quiet that agitated voice that wants a drink. I have been taking one before bed and if I wake up, I take another one right away and it helps me get back to sleep. The getting back to sleep is always my issue. I've been doing well with this for a couple of weeks now which is just about as miraculous as my going without drinking for a couple of weeks!!!!!

                      I am a bit sore but it's only because I'm not too tired to exercise lately...:-)

                      Off to work

                      Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                      Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                        Newbies Nest

                        I fell!!!!

                        Tomorrow would have been 21 days. Sadly yesterday was a bad day ? I really started craving a glass of wine on Saturday ? for many reasons ? Easter being one of them. I had a great spring break with the girls and they stayed for the weekend as their dad had a work thing he needed to do ? so an extra bonus ? he came and picked them up Sunday afternoon ? just when everyone was getting together for Easter dinners in the neighborhood. Maybe them leaving was worse as had had such a great time. I had spent all day thinking of wine and a coupon that had come thru earlier fro $2 off one of my favorite wines ? so I decided to ?treat? myself to a good book with a glass of wine. Off I went to the market and the wine actually had $11 off ? making it less that $10 ? limit 2 bottles ? yes, you all know what happened next ? I bought two bottles thinking I can make them last a week. So I sat down with my glass of wine and started to cry. this was my first real holiday since my husband and I separated and I cried for all I have lost ? a couple of hours later 1 ? bottles were gone.
                        I have now woken on a Monday morning to go back to work after a week off and feel just like I used too ? like CRAP!!!! Why did I do this to myself ? I have let no one down but me. So I am telling all my friends here in a sort of confession and will now go drag myself to the fridge throw out the ? bottle left and start with day 1 all over again.
                        I am so mad, disgusted and ashamed of myself.
                        Well done to all of you who are Aiming High this April ? I have just hit the ground!!!:upset:
                        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                          Newbies Nest

                          Scottish, maybe this is exactly what needed to happen to make you realize that ours is not something that can be moderated. IT takes the wheel and drives us right down the hole. You know what else? When you get to your 21 days again, and you hear those voices that tell you it's ok????, I want you to look back at this post and see how you felt after you gave in. Not only is the nest a blessing for us whose stories help but it's also a diary and timeline of sorts for ourselves. I posted these's how I felt when such and such happened....So, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and by golly, get down to business! That dam bottle is NOT going to control you!!! YOU ARE IN CHARGE!!!
                          I have drinking dreams too, and it's such a relief to wake up and know I haven't screwed up my 96, yes nesters, 96 days!!!!!!
                          Besides...aren't drunk people so annoying now????? I mean really.....Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Scottish,

                            I agree with Byrdie, use this as a stepping stone to lead you in a new direction. You know you can do 21 days now -- so make it 91 and see how good you feel after that! You can do this. :l


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Scottish,
                              I'm sorry to hear you are dealing with such heavy emotional burdens, I know all about the separation heartache. I decided when my husband left last year (with no warning or dsicussion whatsoever) that I was NOT going to turn to my old coping methods. They didn't help me in the past, they're not going to help me now. Lonliness is especially painful for me because I love being around happy loving people. I have turned my attention to my growing family......3 grandkids are my blessing right now. You need to turn your attention to what brings you the most joy & make healthier choices for yourself & the ones you love. You can do it - we are all here for you.

                              Byrdie - pushing 100 days - Yay!!!

                              Greetings mylife
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                OK I know I'm brand new here - so feel free to correct me as needed and thank you all for the very warm welcome - I've got to say, I think you are all remarkable! Twenty-one days AF, Scottish? Twenty-one? I can't manage one, much less two! That's 21 more days of your life you've reclaimed from the bottle genie. Twenty one more days you've won back for you. Twenty one more reasons you've proof you can do it. I can completely understand why you'd want to beat yourself up about it but from out here? This perspective? I think you've amazing courage and fortitude to do as much as you've done so far and I hope you can draw strength from that for future battles. And thank you very much for sharing both the highs [U]and[/U ]the lows: gives the rest of us something to hang on to!

