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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    So sorry, Scottish Lass. Good on you for chucking out the bottle and starting again. Those tricks our mind plays on us aren't easy to get past when we're feeling down. Unfortunately, the booze doesn't stop the sadness and you feel like shite the next day.

    How bizarre that so many of us considered becoming midwives. I did too. After two lovely home births I did consider it too, but in those days it would've meant studying full time in Christchurch (2 hours drive) and with young kids I couldn't face that. It's a noble profession and very rewarding, but about the time I started looking into it there was a very public case where a baby delivered by a midwife died. She was hung out to dry by the media. But you never hear about the babies delivered by doctors in hospital that die.
    Anyway, it would be lovely to view things from the other end wouldn't it? :H


      Newbies Nest

      Almost evening, hello Nesters!

      lolab, I count on my 30 & 34 year old 'kids' to keep me up to speed on all the gadgets! Not sure but I think the dinosaurs had just gone extinct when I graduated from high school :H We had absolutely none of this technology. We had 8 track players in our cars :H

      DSLR, what is your new career???

      Mimi, day 11 - awesome! We'll be here to help celebrate your 1st anniversary

      Scottish, I've very happy you are back on board with us! Let us help anyway we can, OK? AF is definitely the way to go, you'll never regret it

      Should start to think about some dinner, hmmm
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Good Morning Nesters,

        It is Wednesday morning here and I am dreading heading to work after a lovely 5 days AF off. I quite love sleeping in, I can sleep half the day and stay up half the night. I think having several career changes in ones life is a great idea (unless you already love what you do.) I too am planning on doing some courses so that I can head into the palliative care field. I used to volunteer for hospice in America and I loved it. So I say go for the change. I agree with DSLR, it does not matter your age, just do it if your heart so desires. By the way, I think working in nursing is a incredibly commendable field. You lovelies make such a difference in peoples lives everyday, especially vulnerable people. I commend anyone who works in that field and has a heart of gold!:grouptrophy:
        Lav, while you are thinking dinner I am having my morning coffee:H.
        Mimi, that is wonderful that you have made it 11 days. Congratulations and keep up the good work.
        Lolab, With your kids help you'll be the techie in no time. I actually am planning on using the iherbs website to order calms, and I decided to order some groceries as well. I love that site. Also there are some many things you can't get here in Oz I have been accustomed to in California. I am going to also try a Calms sleep aid.
        HippyC, thanks for recommending iherbs. I love the site. Hope your Wednesday at work is enjoyable!
        Scottish Lass, Day 2 will be over and gone before you know it, and you will be back to day 20! Way to get back on the horse and ride.
        4myhealth, Great job on day 2!
        LIS, Are you studying? I love spanish. It's funny, I used to study it and hear it all the time in California. Now that I'm on the other side of the world no one speaks it!
        DSLR, What's your career change?
        Dancing on, Jolie, Byrd, Mazzie , and all the other nesters, take care. I have to get driving for work. I am overseeing another store today since my operations manager is out on leave. So I get to spend a few hours in the car. I hope it doesn't break down on me because it's getting closer to. Have a WONDERFUL DAY/NIGHT! Loving all the activity in here!:bananacomputer::jumpin::racer:inkele:

        Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Nest,
          Quick post as I'm waiting for my son to come out of an after school activity. Having huge cravings! Hoping to go Straight home and make it through day 2. Send your positive thoughts/prayers my way please!
          Hope every neater has a good af night or day if it applies!


            Newbies Nest

            you can do it 4mh!

            Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

            Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


              Newbies Nest


              Sunshine - Buenos dias, como te ua. Tenemos un hermoso dia mi amigo Sol. :H

              Mimi - I like your enthusiasm "just think in 354 days I will have one year AF" Love it!!

              Lolab - it's not us that are being left behind with technology ( I am 46 also), it is the kids of today who have been born into an age where they dont know any different. I went to a presentation at my son's college when he started year 8 there and they said the things they will be learning about in year 8 will be outdated by the time they leave in year 12!

              I'm glad that the Calms Forte are working for others. I was using temazapam to get to sleep at night but always woke up hungover and couldnt seem to wake up all day. But I dont feel that with the Calms Forte. I just wake up rested and refreshed.

              Seem to be having a break thru with my husband. What I have said has finally sunk in (about his friend who encourages him to get blind). He is one of these people who can have one or two and then leave it (but not when with his stupid mate). So he has decided that instead of buying a carton of beer he will buy two or three special beers (boutique) and enjoy them not the whole bloody carton! I can handle that.... So fingers crossed.

              Back at work today (yuk) but the kids are still on holidays which makes it a bit hard. Better get ready or I will be late. So take care and will check in again tonight.

              Hippy Chick
              I finally got it!
              "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                Newbies Nest

                X-posted. Sending you heaps of cyber strength 4myhealth. Stay close to us and we will get you thru. XXX
                I finally got it!
                "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                  Newbies Nest

                  Thanks lolab and Hippy - I am drinking sparkling water right now and feeling a bit better. Everyone is so right about "riding the wave". I usually just panic and head for the store. Thanks for the cyber strength and encouragement!
                  Hippy - glad you've gotten through to your husband!
                  Also - meant to say "nesters" earlier though I do think you all are really "neater" than most people I meet!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good evening all,

                    Tuesday night here, it was a pretty good day

                    4MyHealth, just before I quit I made a vow to never ever set foot in a liquor store again & I haven't. There is no wine or beer sold in supermarkets around here & that is a real blessing. I figured if I buy no more then I will drink no more & that was that!!! Congrats for getting thru your day

                    I am meeting a friend for lunch tomorrow, getting a haircut, depositing tax refund check in the bank & doing a little shopping. A day like that would not have been easy sporting a hangover so I'm happy to remain AF

                    Wishing everyone a safe night in the Nest!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hello Nest!

                      I had to go back to work today and was too busy to post until now!

                      Sounds like a lot of busy and positive people here. And a lot of caregivers and want-to-be midwives!
                      I would have to say the thought of being a midwife never once crossed my mind! So I guess we can't all be so good at these things...I think I would cause more problems than help as I can't stand to see anyone in pain -- I'd probably faint! :H

                      Glad to hear you're all doing so well! Have a great AF night all. :l


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Nesters

                        Good choice 4myhealth on the sparkling water. Just keep making choices like that and you will succeed. I was encouraged early on that yes those cravings and thoughts do eventually go. then its the 'habit' of it which needs to be broken.

                        I'm with you with the fainting Mylife. Its a bit ironic but I work in the medical area in admin and when we have morning tea or lunch with the Nurses and Drs I always ask them please no blood, guts or poo stories!!! and definitely don't show me any photos!!! I really admire our medical teams for what they do and especially those working in aged care.

                        I have a few more days off and tomorrow am going to Brissy to be with my two girls. The eldest is gettng married in December so we are off to do some wedding dress shopping. I am so looking forward to these few days with them and being af makes it all so much simpler and easier. They are both normies. I have never known my eldest to finish a glass of wine - she nurses it the whole evening and then tips it down the sink and says yuk this has gotten hot. Never had that problem with my drinks!!!!

                        Hope everyone makes good choices and enjoys the next few days. I'll have a lot to catch up on when I get back.

                        Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                          Newbies Nest

                          4myhealth I am so glad you are drinking sparkling water. It may be a struggle tonight but when you wake up tomorrow you will be so proud of yourself. I am so happy for you and encouraged.

                          If I were alone tonight I would have to struggle to stay AF.
                          Day 1:4/4/2014


                            Newbies Nest

                            4myheath I am glad you managed to pass the evening and the craving without AL, well done.

                            I am hoping to start my photography business (well just me!) later this year or early next year and work at it part time, with a view to be being able to go full time in 2013 at some point. I have volunteered and worked for charities since being a teenager, so will also devote a part of this time in pro bono work for any charity I can help with PR photos etc. So it is more important than ever to have a clear head and the energy and drive needed to start a business in these difficult time, so going back to the way things were over the past couple of years with AL is just not an option for me, if I want to realise this dream and I do.

                            Wishing everyone a lovely, AF Wednesday.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good day nesters

                              4myhealth, well done on sticking to your guns, bet you feel great.

                              Hippy, that's a major breakthrough with your husband, sounds like a good plan too.

                              DSLR, good luck with the photography business, sounds great!

                              Mimi, lolab, Lav, Mazzie, great to see you all great to see eeryone is keeping busy and positive.

                              It's a beautiful sunny day here, I am 85 days AL free (might be 86, not sure!) and I am so ready to take on the day!

                              Hope everyone who drops by has a fantastic Wednesday


                                Newbies Nest

                                Mimi: well done on 11 days, awesome news, keep up the good work

                                4MH: Hope you're feeling better today and made it through your day 2, I think we're on the same day so wishing you the best of luck

                                HC: glad you could get through to your husband, my fiancee has finally started to see sense too and is cutting down in solidarity with my own AF attempt

                                Scottish Lass - well done on starting again and I'm glad to see you're sticking around

                                Mazz: Enjoy wedding dress shopping with yoru daughter. I'm engaged but unfortunately I don't think my mum will be shopping for a dress with me as I hate dresses. I'd happily get married in jeans and hoodie - much to my lovely fiancee's dismay xD

                                DSLR: I wish you the absolute best of luck with your new business! I really hope it works out for you and I think it's really great that you're working with charities too, what great way to give back to the world

                                VG: well done on 85 days!

                                So I haven't been in the nest for a while but decided to start posting again - feeling much more able to participate now I'm AF too (Day 3 here). So today is my hardest day usually, if you feel like sending some good AF vibes this way it is much appreciated. morning to all the nesters

                                I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                                To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.


