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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    to 30 days:

    Now comes the white knuckle time. Experience tells me once the milestone is reached the craving comes back hard, worse than chocolate cake. Some will call it a relapse and forgive you, you may have a harder time with forgiveness. Read the stuff in the toolbox, check in everyday and hold yourself accountable.

    Sounds easy but some days just are not easy. :goodjob:


      Newbies Nest

      Wow...what a ray of sunshine! (kidding) Actually, Im in a pretty good place- when I made the decision, I knew what I was signing on to. While Ive educated those around me to the horrid statistics (5% recovery...95% failure) and the chances of relapse (an average of 7 times, regardless of addiction), I know the one person I dont want to let down is myself, which in an incredibly intense motivator. Also Im an giant stubbon ass- I look forward to each successive month of sobriety in part so I can see the incredibly in-effective staff at my local VA hosp. and say "another month sober using my own tools....told ya so."

      "The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes."
      Marcel Proust
      While there's life, there's hope.


        Newbies Nest

        Sea, glad to see you on the FABB twig! This is the week of your second interview, yes? I'll be sending positive thoughts your way!
        Sunny, you seem to have such a busy life! I don't know how you ever managed to fit drinking in to it!
        SweatyB, Hope you don't keep yourself on time out for very long. Just long enough to figure out what you need to do. Maybe we should change the name to "TT" for "thinking twig". (Yay! I finally named a twig!) Ok, maybe someone can come up with a better name, but you have to admit, it's a good concept!
        SD, I am so proud of you for making the come back! We love to have you along for the wagon ride! Thanks for the fruit at brunch! :l
        TresCool, I don't think we have any coins in the nest, but I'll look around......clatter, thump, crash....Oh! Here! I found you a bright shiny medal! I wrote 30 days on it with a sharpy pen!:H Just joking around. Seriously, though, WELL DONE on 30 days!!! :goodjob:
        OnceAgain, you are right that it is not easy. I read on another post that it helps if you work to change your thinking. Just feeling deprived adds to the white knuckle thing. But if you work on changing how you look at things it helps. Focus on all the good things that you get to do because you're not in a daze. I don't know how to express it very well. And Oh! Where are my manners?! Welcome! :welcome:
        PR, Gilligan got a little rambunctious earlier so I put him on the time out twig with Sweaty. Hope you don't mind!
        I hope Lilmea comes back soon.
        Goodnight all!

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          Newbies Nest


          Dill....oh Dill....Gilligan on the time out twig???.....oooh, those are fightin words....understand, when I started the nest, there were no birds here....just Titus & 'G' and myself. They graciously made room for all my fine feathered friends. Now, 'T' is gone, but G, well, he continues to frolic with all you, wondering how you got your wings....if he was a little out of control yesterday, please understand he just missed his pops....please, come over and give him a little love......well, goodnight all....coming around to tuck you in. "G" is coming with me.............Papa R


            Newbies Nest

            Good Evening--
            Tres--Congrats on 30 days...sounds like you have a pretty good outlook and handle on things!!! That's great!!!
            OA--I love hearing people's advice and how AL and getting through this journey has been for them...thanks for sharing!!
            Dill!!!! :wow: You put PR's kitty on the TOT?!?!?!? ooooohhhhhhh...... :H I think you can only give "G" treats and catnip and stuff....Breathe PR!! LOL!!!
            That is too funny! Well I'm calling it a night...a sober night....and I'm not going to lie, I wanted a beer tonight...first day OVER 50 degrees here!!! Like I need that to be my reason--who am I kidding :H anyway....everyone have a peaceful night rest and a good start to another work week....Sea are you getting all fired up for your interview on Tuesday??!!
            G'd Night!!
            "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



              Newbies Nest

              Tomorrow I start the journey am scared of failure , I cant remember when I had an AF day. Just one day at a time so they say. god bless us al on this journey.


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning, nesters! And hello to you, artyfarty. One day at a time works for me - check out the ODAT thread, take care of yourself, and stick around here, it's a good place to be.

                Tres, congrats on 30 days, you sound fighting fit!
                SD, good for you! Sounds like things might be picking up, I hope so
                Papa R, hope you get a god rest after your hard working weekend.

                Anyway, I'm off to work; coffee's on, and there's some freshly squeezed orange juice in a jug in the fridge, since I missed brunch yesterday

                Have a good day!


                  Newbies Nest

                  How come Fartsy always follws Arsty?

                  Seriously....Arty....Farty.....Mr. Farty? Good luck to ya! You didnt mention you current intake, but if you're anywhere near the situation I was in (750ml-1L vodka per day, 6-8 beers, and a few vics to tie the whole package together), you may want to talk to your doc about withdrawl and some meds to make the transistion smoother. In fact, it would probably be a good idea to let your physician know what you're up to anyhow.
                  Good luck and be strong!
                  While there's life, there's hope.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good Morning Fellow Nesters
                    Yes, indeed, getting fired up for tomorrow's interview. Unfortunately, none of the outfits that my friend let me borrow fit quite right. I am going to head to J.C.Penney and see if they still have the suit there that I loved last time I was there. I can't really spare the cash, but it really was a bargain, and may be even further reduced. Thanks for the coffee and juice LO. I got the bagels, cream cheese (lite, of course), some lovely Ginger Hemp cereal, eggs, and let's not forget the granola
                    Welcome aboard Artsy.
                    Good job on not caving to the beer SD. I have the same crazy thoughts. Oh, it is warm out. I'd love a beer, or
                    Wakey, wakey, dill, Lil, Sunnibutt.
                    Where are you Aprilmoon?
                    Hello Tres and Well done on 30 days!!!
                    Hope you got some rest Papa R.
                    Hmmm.......which twig for me today?
                    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                      Newbies Nest

                      I'm up!! Bounce, bounce, bounce!!! I'm feeling good and positive. Good night's sleep, yummy breakfast, thanks LO and Sea! Off to worky worky!

                      Sea, may the Sales gods be with you at JCPenneys!

                      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hey Dill! - Did you steal my bounce??

                        Am off the time out twig. Have asked around apparently didn't disgrace myself yesterday so feel a bit better.

                        Sea-hope you get your suit and the interview goes well.

                        Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                          Newbies Nest

                          I'm up, too! Not nearly as bouncy as dillarooney, though. Can barely move. This getting old stuff isn't for the faint at heart, lemme tell ya! Btw, Dillie... I was a typical horse nut girlie growing up but got away from it for over 20 years. I bought my first very own horse 3 years ago and the second later that same year. The first one (lovingly nicknamed 'devil horse') put me out of commission for over 5 months and I gave him away a year ago. We just didn't see eye to eye and he was too much for me to handle. I ended up scared sh*tless of him and lost all my confidence. The mare, on the other hand is an amazing confidence builder and I will be bringing her here and board her at my friend's place in a couple of months.

                          Congrats, Tres! 30 days is quite a mile stone, isn't it? When I started this journey I couldn't fathom 3 or 4 days, let alone 30. I think I'm coming up on 60 days soon but I'm not really counting. I love your 'stubborn appraoch' - hey, whatever works! Anyways, Once Again is right, do keep your thoughts in check - at his point it's only thoughts and they will pass if you let them.

                          Dillie, didn't we put all the loose knick knacks into a jar when we cleaned up? We ought to be able to make some tokens of sobriety for everyone, no?

                          PR - relax! Breathe! Even adorable kitties need to be told 'no' every now and then! :H

                          Welcome ArtyFarty (my what a strange name you have)! I've said this before... as much as I was scared of the thought of NO AL... now it's the thought of having any AL that petrifies me.

                          Good morning, Lonely! Btw... you ought to change that name... you've got tons of kindred spirits (no pun intended) here!

                          Sea-butt... we want the WHOLE report. Wardrobe hunting today, accepting job tomorrow! :H Seriously, you'll be in my thoughts - this new job will be a godsend for you!

                          Betty, darling, no beating up - come on and hop up here with us. We all need a little quality time on the TT (Thinking Twig) from time to time - apparently, even 'G' :l

                          Well, I better be off and get some work done. I did NOT work at all yesterday! :egad: Which is almost unforgivable, considering that I was out playing all day Saturday AND HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED MY TAXES YET! Oh my. But it was such a gorgy day yesterday. I played in the dirt (indoors, of course) and started some more seeds, did some transplanting, puttered around the house (which for a good part I had mainly to myself), cranked up some tunes, actually picked up my guitar for the first time in months, took the pooch for a nice walk, and sat on the porch with my sparkling grape juice. *sigh* Just doesn't get much better than that.

                          Alright, off I waddle. My legs are still Jello :H

                          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                          Winning since October 24th, 2013


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good Morning Nesters!

                            I am sorry that I missed you all this weekend. I was helping my son move into his first apartment! I did have some wine on Saturday, but was able to stay in control. Now this is day 2 (again) for me, but I am feeling good and not kicking myself!

                            Have a great day everyone. Must go work now..


                              Newbies Nest


                              Sun......obviously you have never met 'G'..........


                                Newbies Nest

                                Today's my day #1. Tried to do this last week but had to deal with congratulating myself on just getting to 7pm. I work part-time and, after picking up my son from school in the afternoon (or sometimes before) having a glass or more of wine just became part of the routine. Then one more before dinner, wine with hubby at dinner, a drink before bedtime...I'll tell you, new friends, that I've not fallen asleep on my own (rather than full or semi-pass out) in longer than I can remember. Will work on keeping busy and will look here and elsewhere for the support I know I'll need. Thank you for being here to read about and provide motivation.

