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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Brilliant Byrdlady, well done!!


      Newbies Nest

      :yay: 100 AF days for Byrdie :wd:
      What a great feeling, huh???

      lolab, I'm sitting in the southernmost part of PA just 1/4 mile north of the Maryland border. How about you? We have had a bizarre Spring, that's for sure
      Please don't let the weekends throw you off. It's sad to see that happen to so many. I'm pretty generous in handing out large doses of Lavan-itude for people to use when needed :H Seriously, when I quit drinking I decided that this was it!!!! No more BS-ing myself, no more putting it off (which I had done several times before cominghere to MWO). I thought maybe making myself accountable to others would help and it did! For the same reasons I joined Quit Net when I quit smoking too.
      Stick around, check in frequently & most of all keep your quit first & foremost in your mind ~ it helped me
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        :durn: Back to day one. I have no excuse and what a bummer to blow 12 days.:upset:
        Day 1:4/4/2014


          Newbies Nest

          mimi911;1106814 wrote: :durn: Back to day one. I have no excuse and what a bummer to blow 12 days.:upset:
          Don't beat yourself up! I do know how you feel as do most people on here. You have had another little setback, that's all. Turn this into a positive and keep on going! The last 12 days have not been 'blown'. During that time you felt the benefits of being al-free - thinking clearly, getting up in the morning and feeling good about yourself and life, looking better, feeling better......that also was an experience you have learned from - you had a taste of how good life can be! Why not look on this little blip as a reminder that you may have needed of why you don't want to go back! Every single person has their own individual journey to make, YOU have done so well! Look in the mirror and congratulate yourself for those 12 days:goodjob:, because you only had a little stumble and the 12 days had to count for something.......

          Sorry for rambling a bit but :l
          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


            Newbies Nest

            Hello Nest!

            Byrd -- I take on your 100 day Challenge!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! 100 days is Wonderful! :goodjob::goodjob:

            Mimi, don't beat yourself up, just jump back on. For me, I notice each time I went AF the old patterns and habits became a little less strong, so it was easier the next time to surf through some of those old trigger times. Keep trying, you can do this! I have to say Friday nights used to be a big deal for me, and really they are just another day of the week now as far as my AL thoughts go.

            Welcome Daisy45! Glad to have you with us.

            DSLR, Vintage, Lolab and Lav - great to hear from you guys! Lav, I'm happy to hear the storms missed you!

            Have a fantastic AF day afternoon/evening everyone! :l


              Newbies Nest

              Lavan-itude - ---LOVE IT!!!! I need a good dose of that every day. (I'm in NY - I guess in the whole big scheme of things we're not THAT far away!)

              Mimi hang in there baby....get right back on that horse.:heart:

              Good Friday night to all.....waiting for my hubby to get home no big plans for tonight...watching supernatural with my Bud. :-) He's 13 so we'll see if he actually wants to watch with his mom when the time arrives.

              my eyes are driving me crazy with allergies!!!!!!!!!!!! just want to close them.

              BYRD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are a member of the 100 day club!!!!!!!!!! :goodjob: Hope to join you some day....:-) Congratulations...

              Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

              Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                Newbies Nest

                For me, I notice each time I went AF the old patterns and habits became a little less strong, so it was easier the next time to surf through some of those old trigger times. Keep trying, you can do this! mylife - forgot to say - thanks - this is very helpful.

                Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                  Newbies Nest

                  Thanks Everybody! I feel like a QUEEN!!! There is room in the club for all!! Those starting out, I'm only 99 days ahead of the great scheme of things, that ain't much. I am so you all, my dear friends. Had a dr's appt today and all my labs are NORMAL!!! Liver readings are well within normal limits...this does NOT give me a license to drink, I've lost that privilidge because I abused it and it abused me. Here's to good health and happiness! Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    Way to go Byrd - I will be like you one day - you are one of my role models! fabulous! And great that your Dr's visit proved the worth of whta you are doing!:goodjob:
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                      Newbies Nest

                      [QUOTE=Byrdlady;1106880] There is room in the club for all!! Those starting out, I'm only 99 days ahead of the great scheme of things, that ain't much.

                      Byrdlady Congratulations and I love what you said about being 99 days ahead. That will encourage me to go for that goal.:goodjob:

                      Thanks all for just being here
                      Vintage Girl
                      Daisy- Thanks again for the encouragement

                      How many of us will get thru this weekend AF? That is a challenge I send out to each of us. We can do this......
                      Day 1:4/4/2014


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hey Guys,
                        I REALLY want to post, but I have to run to work since someone has decided to do a no show. As the "boss" I get to go.

                        Just really wanted to say WAY TO GO BYRD! ointup: Also I accept your 100 day challenge. I am day 28 I think!

                        AS long as I'm here...
                        Mimi, don't worry about it being another day 1. Think of every day you have AF, that is a WONDERFUL thing. One little slip up is no reason to :headbanger:

                        I will see you all after work!
                        Welcome Daisy!

                        Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                          Newbies Nest

                          Byrdie, :thumbs::happy::happy:

                          100 days is AWESOME! I want to be you when I grow up :H

                          Actually, I accept your challenge! I have worked it out (with the aid of a calculator!) and tomorrow is actually 89 days for me. I'm sorry i never sound sure about this, but I started Feb 1st and that 28 day month always throws me. But 28 days in Feb, 31 in March and 30 in April makes 89, only 11 to go to the magic 100. I love your posts Byrd, your humour always makes me smile. congratulations!

                          mimi, I doubt any of us can say we sailed through our first (or second, or third!) attempt at AL free without a fall, the trick is getting right back on the wagon! Learn as you go though, what triggered it? How will you avoid that in future? We are here to help, not to judge.

                          Hi DSLR, Daisy, mylife, Lav, Lass, great to see everyone!

                          Lolab I totally empathise with the allergy thing. I have hayfever right now and my eyes are streaming water all the time! People keep asking what's wrong with me as if I am upset, when actually I am happier than I have been in a very long time.

                          I hope you all have a wonderful and AL free weekend my fellow Nesters! Ain't it good to be alive?


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Nesters!

                            Is the Royal Wedding still going on - my TV seems to think so!!!!! It was nice to see a bit of it but enough already

                            Mimi, I'm sorry! Just get right back on the wagon with us and be sure you identify the trigger/problem & plan ahead. When we keep repeating the same mistakes - that's just dumb! It's best to decide on an alternative way to handle a problem, feeling, whatever ahead of works

                            Byrdie, you have everyone jealous now looking for their 100 AF day milestones - good!

                            lolab, yes we are technically are close to one another but I'm sure your weather is a bit cooler than mine at this point! I lived all my life just outside of Philadelphia, moved south here 8 years ago when we retired from our original jobs. I have found new things to be allergic to around here - wasn't expecting that!

                            Got a lot of veggie plants in the garden this afternoon with the help of my daughter. We took turns holding the baby - worked out great

                            Wishing everyone a terrific AF evening!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning all.

                              :band2::dancin::wow3::grouptrophy: Yay Byrdy 100 days.... thats fantastic. Well done, I am only sixty one days behind but i will get there too!.

                              I've been sitting in the garden with my cup of caffeine enjoying the silence as no-one else is awake yet. I love this time of the day as it is still, cool and the sun is just peaking out. My kitties are entertaining themselves by stalking each other, the plants, leaves - anything that moves. It's lovely to watch. And my little fishes in my new pond, come up to greet me - well they are actually after food but I pretend they are saying good morning. I was thinking that this next year (I turn 47 today) is going tp be different. I am going to reach 48 with 364 sober days.

                              I was supposed to have some friends around for dinner last night but they didnt come as she was sick, which was probably a blessing in disguise as they are bigggg drinkers (that's why they are my friends!!:H). So instead, I jumped into my jammies and watched a fairy tale come to life when Kate married William. How beautiful did she look! It was so nice to see the genuine love between them. I loved that little smirk that William kept sneaking out. On our telecast, they had a lip reader telling us what they were saying that we couldnt hear. Apparently what William said to Kate when she walked up to him was "you look beautiful babe!" How sweet is that....

                              Anyway I dont know why I am babbling on about nothing to do with addictions or sobriety. So I will shut up now.

                              Take care.

                              I finally got it!
                              "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                                Newbies Nest

                                I'm on my "smartphone" so this will be brief bc the keyboard is annoying.
                                Mylife love your quote that lolab posted.
                                Lab thx for the weekend encouragement... Didn't make it af but did not drink too much. Small steps I guess
                                Byrd 100!
                                Yea! And a good bill of health too!
                                Hippy - your yard sounds idyllic!
                                Vg, sunshine, sl, happy weekend!
                                Mimi (I'll be a day behind you)
                                Anyone I've missed...sorry, I don't yet know how to scroll back on this phone.
                                Thanks for this comfy nest!
                                Oh and I did see bits of the wedding and thought it was lovely. A much needed pleasant diversion these days.

