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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    sunshine - WOW! I can't imagine finding someone lying in the road like that! Thank God you were alert & found her first!!! What an experience!

    Mimi, thinking of you on day 2

    Greetings DSLR, 4 MyHealth & mylife!

    I just finished the dirty job of cleaning out my chicken house but it's fresh & lovely now. Sure hope the hens appreciate my efforts :H

    Now to think of something for dinner, hmm!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      :happy:Aw, sweet victory,

      I have had a real mental block were it came to exercise. Today I decided I would go to the gym (even if it killed me) and go 3 miles on the treadmill. I didn't care whether I walked it, ran it or crawled. I didn't care how long it took me, the point was starting and finishing.

      I walked and ran 3 miles in 45 minutes. No 3 miles in 45 minutes is not record time but I did it.

      My 3 goals:
      1. AF

      2. Workout every day

      3. Eat healthy and mindfully

      I will succeed
      Day 1:4/4/2014


        Newbies Nest

        Happy Chick - happy birthday - another similarity in the group - I am one of the May birthdays, but a gemini! and I will be 48 this birthday - hopefully be totally and happily AF when I reach my 50's??
        Mimi - I lapsed last sunday, yup Easter Sunday - so understand how you feel - it was 21 days (posted on my lapse back then).
        I am sorry to say to all that i have had trouble getting back again on the AF bus. I am reading religiously, been going to gym, watching my weight and taking supplements - but enjoying wine.
        I aim to have May AL free - wondering what mothers day will bring as the girls are with their dad that weekend, and then my birthday - so lots of reasons to drink - I am hoping that the challenge of an AF month will allow me to beat it. I am so much happier when not drinking, but can't seem to kick the lure of the magic in the bottle! DAMN IT!
        I am slowing the driniking down - and am challenging myself to my nesting friends to spend May happy and free - this is laying down teh rules to start tomorrow.
        As an ex pat (Scottish living in California) I have not watched the wedding yet, but the girls and I are watching this afternoon.
        As always - thanks to all for your presence, your encouragement and your support - I do look forward to the day where I will give instead of take....
        Lav, sunshine, DSLR, mylife, vintage, bryd - you will all get me there - I know this and have faith in this!
        If noone else starts a May challenge- watch for mine - I am one of the last time zones to get up - so if someone else beats me to it - go for it and i will join the maydayers!!
        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


          Newbies Nest

          Good evning all Nesters!

          Just dropping in to say Good night
          Hope everyone has a comfy night in the nest!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning Nest and happy May 1st!

            Scottish, glad to hear you're planning to get back in the swing of things in May! You can do it!

            Have a fantastic AF day all!


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning Nesters & Happy May Day!

              Let's all get on here & pledge no drinking this month & continue our friendships & support of one another

              Wishing everyone a great AF Sunday!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Evening nesters

                Exhausted here, such a busy weekend! I have enjoyed every second though. Was out with friends who like a drink last night, stuck to my guns about my 'health kick'.

                Other than that I have been making the most of the fabulous spring weather.

                Hippy, sorry I missed your birthday, hope your day was fantastic

                Mimi, I was never a daytime drinker either, would rarely touch it in the daytime. Maybe a glass at a family celebration or something. I don't think it's so much when we drink as how we drink. You are doing great

                Scottish, I am Scottish, if you want to reminisce about haggis, irn bru etc, just let me know Just do ODAT, one foot in front of the other for a while.

                DSLR, mylife, 4my, and everyone else, have a great start to May! :l


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hey all, been off with my boyfriend/fiance/whatever i call him now for a couple of days (long story) so haven't had chance to check in anyway:

                  Late happy birthday to you HC hope you had a good day

                  Scottish: good luck with an AF May, I wish you the very best

                  mimi: good luck to you on hitting your 30 days

                  So everybody, this is day 7 for me, one week in and I am feeling great! Yes I haven't managed to sleep ebfore about 1.30AM in all that time, and sure I might be doign somethign ordinary and suddenyl feel so anxious that it seems like the world is going to end but wow, what a small price to pay for freedom! I don't panic about going out and being unable to drink, I don't religously make sure I have enough 'spare change' around the place to pay for beer. The best part for me is that there have been only 2 occasions on which I have actually been tempted close to drinking, sure I have craved a drink but right now I feel so motivated that the thought of acting on that craving just never comes into my head. For me I knwo the battle is the best part won when i decide to give up - it's coming to the decision thats the tricky part.

                  Anyway, wishing you all a happy May day, hope everybody's doing well and I will be back tomorrow

                  I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                  To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                    Newbies Nest

                    Greetings VG & IC.

                    Congrats on your one week AF IC!!!! Looks like things are beginning to change for you in a good way Keep building on the foundation you've created!

                    I had a very busy, very productive weekend! Feeling tired but in a good way
                    I think we're looking at a rainy week.......can't do a thing about that so I guess I'll focus on some indoor projects the next few days until things dry up again outside.

                    Wishing everyone a comfy AF night in the Nest!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Nesters

                      Its so good being back amongst you lot. I thoroughly enjoyed the wedding dress shopping with my girls in Brissy. It was so good to have the stamina to keep up with them all day and not be fussin about when I could have a drink.

                      Lav I see we have two challenges - an af May and 100days. I aim to do both. Congrats to Byrd on 100+ days now. You must be so chuffed with yourself!!!

                      Vintage so good on sticking to your 'health kick'. Great job. We know who will be feeling better.

                      IC you are doing so well. one week is big. Good on you. Keep it going and lets get thru May af.

                      MyLife I love what you said about you have started down the road to what you want your life to be. It is exciting to think we have choices and possibilities ahead.

                      Hippy I missed your bday. Hope it went well for you. Happy birthday to alll others having one this month.

                      Suns, DSLR, 4myhealth, Scottish and everyone else who drops in or is lurking - have a great day.
                      Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Everyone, I am new to the message boards - I spent most of the day reading posts and it has been a very helpful and inspiring experience. I have embarked on a plan of long-term moderation, where I am AF unless having wine with dinner.

                        I have had too many close calls to ever drink beer or hard liquor again. At this point I am two days AF and already feel better. Good luck to everyone, whatever their goals may be.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Welcome EastCoastDave

                          Congrats on getting to where you are. I think it is a big thing to acknowledge that maybe our drinking is doing us some real harm and to want to do something about it. All the best with your plan.

                          Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                            Newbies Nest

                            Thanks, Maz. I am working on more specific goals as this is a game-changer for me. I sincerely appreciate your support.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hiya Nesters,

                              Been a busy few days for sure. Welcome East Coast Dave! This is a great thread!

                              I made it to my first goal today! 30 days AF!

                              Maz, glad you had a good time dress shopping with your daughter. It is such a special time. Enjoy it.
                              Mimi, you actually inspired me to get to the gym yesterday even though I did not feel like it.
                              IC, 7 days AF, that is FANTASTIC!
                              Lav, I will send you some sunshine.
                              VG, Good to see you hanging out at the nest!
                              Hiya SCottishLass and Mylife.
                              Hello to everyone else stopping bye. :h

                              It's funny, my husband was hungover all day yesterday. It was our one day off together and he spent it sleeping and feeling ill. He apologized to me for not doing something fun like going to beach together. I wasn't even bothered because it is almost always been the other way around. I feel so good with 30 days under my belt. I feel less anxiety, healthier, more vibrant, and my brain feels like it is in working order again. Thank you all for the support that has enabled me to get to my 30 days.:huggy:hug:

                              Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                                Newbies Nest

                                hi nesters

                                hope were all having a fab monday, excuse my typing its worse than usual as i'm on my new phone lol

                                welcome to eastcost and all the other newbies, make yourself comfy in the nest

                                had a mad moment and booked a last minute camping trip for us over the weekend booked thurs eve and left friday morn , it was so weird to have my sponatneous streak surface after so long in the af haze a side of me the kids have never seen. it was hard seeing people enjoying sipping wine im the sunshine or with their meals in the resturants, but reminding myself what would happen if i tried too was enough to make me tell myself it wasn't worth it.

                                anyway time to unpack the car urgh always fhe downside to a wondrful trip have a wonderful day/ evening all stay strong and believe in yourselves

                                lee xxx
                                WHAT CAN I SAY? I DON'T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE..

                                Just taking it day by day.......

