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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hello everyone,

    I just found this site today, looking forward to getting to know everyone.

    To introduce myself:
    I'm just starting on this road to abstinence, have been drinking alcoholically for 3 decades, and as you can imagine have many health and other consequential costs.

    It is not safe, considering my daily consumption, to just stop from one day to the next, so I'm in the process of cutting down slowly. I have reduced by 1/3 over the last week, the physical withdrawals have been manageable, but the mental torment is really hard.

    I'll go and read around all the threads now, just wanted to say hi, and thanks for being there.


      Newbies Nest

      Hi JeLutte
      don't feel alone in your journey, we all know how it feels to be stuck in the cycle AL has us in. Stick close by read all you can and take it little by little, you'll find a lot of sound advice int he threads here.

      I wish you luck:l

      Just taking it day by day.......


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning Nesters!

        Wonderful to see so many peeps dropping in

        Hello & welcome to EastCoastDave & JeLutte! Happy you both found us, please settle in for a while & fasten your nest belts ~ sometimes the road gets a bit bumpy!
        If you haven't already be sure to download & read the MWO book - it's full of good info about the program. Ans take a look in the for helpful ideas to help you make your plans. Stick with us ~ we're here to help!

        Greetings Mazzie, always good to hear from you!

        CONGRATS to sunshine on 30 AF days - Yay!!!

        sunshine, glad you enjoyed your camping weekend - I used to do that (way back when) the kids really enjoyed it too

        Looks like a week of clouds & rain over my portion of the nest - oh well
        Wishing everyone a good & AF Monday!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Welcome Jelutte, You found a wonderful site. Follow the path that is best for you. We are a very supportive bunch!
          LIS, Camping sounds wonderful. Way to resist those urges,
          Morning Lav, it's midnight here heading into Tuesday.
          I just got home from the casino. I went out to dinner with some friends for a birthday. Then we hit the casino for some drinks and slot machines (pokies.) They were surprised I wasn't drinking. It's funny, sometimes I don't even feel the urge when others are drinking. Sometimes urges come out of nowhere though. Who knows. Driving home I saw an accident on the side of the road, the police were already there. At the front of the accident was a laid down motorcycle. My heart always goes out to those in a motorcycle accident:heart:. I felt fortunate to be driving safe and sober home. I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful day!:l

          Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


            Newbies Nest

            Mazzie...I really AM chuffed with myself and I don't even know what that means!!! Bah! But here I am Day 103!
            Lav, you should move.
            NewNesters...Like you, you'll find many of us with decades-old habits..mine was a 25 year cycle. I didn't start it overnight, and I didn't end it overnight....but I am now on the better path. AF. I went from Vodka to wine, thinking it was 'better' for me. But wine was the same...AL with a mustache on. It may take a while...and we have the time, but I think the bottom line will be as many of us have found... Just cut the head off the snake and move on. Let it go, it is NOT your friend.
            Congrats to the 7 day club members...the 30 day clubbers, and the 100 dayers....these are all HUGE in our journey. I'm so proud of us!!! Byrdie
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Newbies Nest

              Morning Nest,

              Same old story -- I am on day one again. 4 days af and then 3 days on. Determined now, though, to make it to May 31 af. I'll start my "health kick" reasoning like VG and others. As I logged in this a.m., and typed the names of my boys as my password...I felt a pang of sadness. Think I should probably log in if ever I am tempted so I think of them and the effect my drinking must have on them.
              So much for sadness though. It is a beautiful, sunny day and I am beginning my first 30 AF in a long time! Like Mazzie, I'm developing an "attitude of gratitude". I like that. Thanks, Nesters, for being here.


                Newbies Nest

                Morning everyone - day 1 (again) completed successfully - and I am congratulating myself on 22 AF days in April, not focusing on the fact that I slipped. Hoping May gives me (with a lot of hard work from me) somemore to celebrate come June 1st.
                Hi to all the newcomers - welcome - this group is my support group, and a great group of people - no negativity, just a ton of support, cheerleading, sage advice and good new ffriends.
                Happy Monday one and all!
                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hello Nest!

                  First off, Big CONGRATULATIONS on 30 Days Sunshine!! We're on the same schedule. Doesn't it feel great?!!

                  VG - good job sticking to your guns!
                  InChains - Congratulations on Day 7! Doesn't it feel great?!
                  Mazzie - sounds like a fabulous weekend with your girls.
                  Leave - that sounds so wonderful. I'm sure your kids will have a lot of these great memories now that you're AF.
                  Lav - great to hear from your busy little nest up north!
                  Byrd - Great to hear from you!
                  Scottish - good job on Day 1 completed and 22 Days in April! They all count!
                  4My - hang in there you can do this!

                  Welcome EastCoast!

                  Have a fantastic AF day all!


                    Newbies Nest

                    well another day almost over, early night for me I'm tired before midnight nowadays, I love knowing I'll sleep through nowadays and wake sober.

                    Hope everyone has had a wonderful day and achieved their goals

                    Night gang:l
                    WHAT CAN I SAY? I DON'T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE..

                    Just taking it day by day.......


                      Newbies Nest

                      Evening all, day 8 here Going to make this brief as I just made a huge post on my own thread, if anybodys interested its kind of a hugely personal thing so I'm slightly in shock that I had the courage to post it. Anyway, down side of things right now, I'm still not sleeping well, when i do sleep I have insane dreams, usually dreams in which i am drunk. On the positive side I just opened up to my boyfriend for the first time about an issue I had, until recently, never even written down in a diary, I completely refused to acknowledge it so thats really amazing to me that i did that sober.

                      EastCoastDave and JeLutte: great to see you in the nest, hope you'll stick aroudn and definitely check out the tool box and get yourself a plan, its the best step you'll ever take towards controlling you're drinking, believe me.

                      4MH and Scottish: good luck with getting back on track and AF, hope to see both of you with 30 days at the end of the month

                      Byrd: well done on 103/104 days AF, thats awesome

                      Hi to everyone else, hope you've had a greta start to a great AF week

                      I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                      To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Nesters!

                        Tried logging on today but had a problem with my keyboard. My password wasn't being recognised. Have new keyboard and a new password which I will forget each and every time I log in (thanks for all the dead brain cells, AL!)

                        Welcome EastCoast and JeLutte, great to have you on board, so pull up a twig and join in :welcome:

                        It's great to see everyone doing so well, I want to post to you all individually but it's twenty past midnight here and I needs my beauty sleep! :H

                        I just want to say that there's a lot of stuff to celebrate here in the nest, whether it be day 1 or day 1001, each and every one of us is really trying to take control and be accountable. I think that's amazing.

                        Well done everyone, and thanks to all of you for the ongoing support and advice. This nester really appreciates it! :l


                          Newbies Nest

                          :H Don't feel bad VG - I have Grandma brain on top of all that :H

                          Monday done & dusted - hope everyone has a comfy AF night in the Nest!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Busy evening - my Mom was here and she and I were busy printing invitations for her upcoming birthday celebration. That kept me distracted plus dinner, kid's homework, bath time (kids) and all.
                            Good night nest. Sleep well!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning or afternoon everyone.

                              Been a 'so,so' couple of days, think I have got a little cold, which is amazing bearing in mind how much lemon water I am drinking, I wouldn't have thought a cold virus could threw all that Vitamin C! But no doubt it will all be over in a day or two, so can't complain.

                              Had some 'Lav' type weather here in my part of the nest for the last couple of days ,wet and stormy. All good for the garden, but no good for getting out with the camera, feel a bit 'stir crazy' probably just the cold again.

                              Well done IC, 4myhealth and Scottish Lass, you are all doing so well, facing some challenges and beaing them hands down!

                              VG I SO know what you mean about passwords! They say for security have a different password for each account (or what ever) and don't write them down, well the combinbation of that is I spend most of my time pressing the 'Forgotten your password' button! But at least I haven't found the butter in the oven recently, so perhaps things are getting better

                              Wishing everyone a lovely, rain free and AF Tuesday.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hey Nesters,
                                I just feel like hanging out on the site right now. It's pouring here and it's been one of those Murphys law days. I just remember from DSLR about the butter, there is a funny story it reminds me of. My brother came home one night smashed. He likes to smoke a bit too so he was probably more so than usual. He went to the kitchen and got a muffin that he put in the microwave. He got out some butter. He went into the computer room and then to the couch where he passed out. IN the morning when I went to the computer, I found a half eaten stick of butter, :Hby itself. The muffin was still in the microwave untouched. I just thought, disgusting, who eats half a stick of butter. This story makes me kind of laugh and cringe. Anyways, I just felt like coming on here and typing.
                                I am supposed to have a work BBQ this weekend, and I know I will be tempted to drink. We will see though, I know I am stronger than my urges. Hope everyone is well.

                                Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington

