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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hello, one and all. I have been lurking on here for a while (as most of you maybe did) and decided to bite the bullet, and join. I have never joined a forum, nor a chat before....which just goes to show the level of help I think I need.

    I will hopefully post more later, this is just an introduction...saying "hello" and "waving" to all you brave , and ultimately human , humans

    Cheers Daya.


      Newbies Nest

      LOL @ 'grandma brain' Lav, and at butter in the oven DSLR! :H

      I don't feel so bad now

      Daya, welcome to the nest, glad you took the plunge and decided to post after lurking for a while, I was the same as you, had never been a part of a forum before. You will find a lot of help and support here, so don't be shy! :welcome:

      Scottish, good for you for focussing on the positives, AL feeds on those negative thoughts we have about ourselves.

      mylife, sunshine, well done on your 30 days, that is fantastic! Bet you both feel great!

      Inchy, I am off to read your thread right after I post here, you are doing great, congrats on day 8!

      4my, distraction is a wonderful thing sometimes, glad you made it through

      sunshine, sorry about the rain, hope the skies clear up for you.

      leave, waking up sober is a gift in the mornings, I love it.

      Mazzy was it you that was shopping for wedding stuff? I am so jealous. I love weddings!

      I have another busy day ahead, have loads of energy though, so going to kick ass at work

      Everyone who stops by, have a great Tuesday!


        Newbies Nest

        I am on day 2. I recently had to stop birth conrol and I am 50 and I am sweating constantly. Last few times I stopped I sweated like this too, but more of cold damp sweat. This is a hot sweat. So i wonder if I have some hormone stuff going on. Also, I drank so much over the weekend I made myself sick and I haven't eaten since sunday night. Just overwhelming depression and anxiety because my kids are gone and I don't have a job or health insurance. I'm working a full day, that helps because I am around other people. Also I have in my mind Allen C's think positive so every time I have a negative or bad thought I think positive. I CAN do this! I'll check back in later...bye and have a great day!


          Newbies Nest

          Evening nesters.

          Hang in there Piper. We're here for you.

          Hi Daya and welcome. Glad you decided to post. I had never been in this sort of site before either and didnt know how to load the chat or anything. But everyone here is so helpful on all sorts of things, so just ask if you need any help or questions answered.

          I have really come here for a whinge. My husband's resolve lasted a week. He came home pissed tonight and has passed out on the lounge. We had a falling out on Sunday over something stupid and havent spoken since. So tonight I assume he consoled himself with his "mate" and beer. I am getting really fed up with it all.

          I have started seeing a clinical psychologist and am hoping for some answers. He has suggested that I am agrophobic which fits with how I feel so maybe I can finally start on really healing now. The way he explained how anxiety affects life and confidence really made me feel like there is hope. Hope to stop having panic attacks all the time. And how to live life without relying on anything like AL just to get me thru each day.

          Hope everyone is staying strong.

          One day at a time...

          I finally got it!
          "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


            Newbies Nest

            Good Tuesday morning Nesters!

            Lots of interesting discussion going on here, I can relate to most of it too!
            Anxiety, depression, shitty husband behavior, etc. & attempting to drink it away just does not work!!!! I am proof positive of that, believe me! What does work is doing whatever you have to do to get the anxiety/depression under control, replace the negative thinking with positive affirmations & developing an attitude of gratitude. And as far as the behavior of others......all we really can do is accept that we can't change them. Take the pressure off of yourself & treat yourself with 'kid gloves'

            Hello & welcome Daya! Make yourself comfortable in the Nest & let us know a little more about yourself when you are ready. Have you read the MWO book yet? It's available for download in the Health store here

            Have lots to do today so I should get to it
            Wishing everyone a terrific AF Tuesday!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Piper...I am 51 and stopped taking Birth Control in March...I will say this, while I was drinking and on them, I had horrible night sweats ALL the time. It was awful, but since I stopped drinking and then stopped the pills, I haven't had even one! This could just be me, but right there is a very good reason to hang up the bottle. I'd have to change night clothes 2 or 3 times a night! You may need to talk to your dr and get some hormone replacement, but if you can give yourself 30 days without drinking, you may find you don't need it! One less pill is a beautiful thing. Good luck! Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                Day 2 AF, this is not a hard time for me it?s around day 10 when I start to think I have everything under control. That last about a month at most then back to drinking every other day .AL is a tricky little SOB and I have been down this road so many times. I always thought I was strong enough to do this on my own but after numerous failures I have come to the realization that I need help (boy that was hard to say)I have just got out of IOP and now have a friend that does not drink so I feel I?m on the track but I will take all the support I can get. To me any day AF will be a great day thanks.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good afternoon Nesters!

                  Welcome jobe, glad you found us - we're a nice bunch
                  Make yourself comfy in the Nest. Congrats on your 2 AF days, great start! Since you already know your problem time is yet to come I'd like to suggest a few things to help. You need to make yourself a good plan to help you through those tough times. Use the great ideas in the If you've read the MWO book you know there is a Hypno component to the program. I found the CDs to be very helpful in changing my thinking about AL. You can get both the book & the CDs from the Health store right here on the site. The support here is priceless & helped me to finally quit after several failed attempts on my own. Wishing you the best

                  About the night sweats ladies.......honestly, they started at age 42 for me & I wasn't really doing any drinking then. Got on hormones after about a year & a half, they eased a bit but never went away. Then I went thru my heavy wine consumption period & of course they came back with a vengeance. I am still on the hormones at age 57, AF two years & still dealing with extreme hot flashes which interrupt my sleep. Oh, and I quit smoking too two years ago this month (that was supposed to help) but didn't.

                  I continue to pray for a cure :H
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hey guys, I'm afraid I can't really contribute much to todays discussion on night sweats xD Anyway, day 9 here, had a bit of a rough one as I hit one of my major triggers today - which happened to come in the form of 4 small boys throwing cans of drink at me and shouting abuse on account of how I look (I'm a bit of a tomboy and love heavy metal, so that means combats, boots and an oversized metallica t-shirt). I didn't do anything at the time but felt angry and upset for a couple of hours afterwards, usualyl I'd come home and have a few beers to relax but I managed to hold back, maybe had a couple more cigarettes than usual but to be fair, they did get cherry coke down the back of my combat trousers and I have a fear of wasps which, naturally, now love my combat trousers as they're covered in sugar. So not a greta afternoon, but still sober, still here...
                    I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                    To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi all

                      InChains good for you sticking to your guns and not giving into AL, people like that make me so annoyed actualy I'll reign myself in on that particular score, but why people can't accept others for what they are is just unbelievable to me

                      Memory like a sieve today or as Lav said Granny brain (well at least that is what I think she said lol)

                      Welcome to Jobe, Piper and Daya, stay close and get comfy in the nest, you'll find we all know what you are going through and how you feel right now.

                      Hah I'm always leaving things in odd places I'm worse now I'm sober, once I came home after a night out for my 40th, (not that I remember getting home) anyway for some reason I set out bowls of crisps etc etc out on the floor before going to bed:H

                      Jobe day 10 is one of those periods where it sneaks up on you AL telling you "hey, why not, go on one won't hurt"

                      Daya, once I got used to posting and being part of a forum I found that I could be honest and discuss things that were upsetting me with online friends, stuff that I couldn't confide in with real life people, I think part of it was knowing that the people were outside of whatever problem it was and I could be honest with them and they could be objective with not being directly involved, if that makes sense.

                      sorry I'm wittering on too much again.

                      Well had a german exam today, funny how classes make much more sense when I'm not hungover oh and yet another invitation for a night out, I swear I never went out so much when I was drinking.

                      Started my diet yet again today, going on hols soon and nothing fits me anymore, so I lost myself in a good workout then treated myself to eating lunch outside for 10 minutes before the school run.

                      Anyway hope you are all having/had a good day/evening/night
                      WHAT CAN I SAY? I DON'T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE..

                      Just taking it day by day.......


                        Newbies Nest

                        quick hop on to say hello - I'm feeling strong so far for the month of May...:H

                        It seems that lots of people here are having a rough time lately....keep coming around here and speaking out and hopefully you'll get over the rough patch...

                        I was up alot last night with some stabbing headaches that I get occasionally...kept waking me up and then today I found out what happens if you eat too many chia seeds....(be careful if you read the holistic thread here!!! :blush Thank goodness I don't go to work early in the morning but then by the time I got there the headaches kicked back in! We've had so much rain and gloomy skies I'm about to lose my mind, too...

                        Just making some nice veggie soup for dinner and settle in for a nice calm evening...with my ginger tea (tummy still feels off - I don't know if it's the chia seeds or the headache!)

                        Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                        Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                          Newbies Nest

                          Day 5,

                          Day 1:4/4/2014


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good Morning,
                            Just a quickie have to run to work and I am already late. Seeing as I worked 6 days already I really don't give a s*&%.
                            Daya, Welcome and you found a great.
                            Piper way to start strong, stay with it.
                            Jobe, Glad you found your way here. I've founf you can share anything here and people are really lovely and supportive. I also find I talk to much but this is a normal thing for me.:H
                            Lolab, Hope you have a lovely day and great to see you checking in!
                            Mimi, Way to go. 5 days is AWESOME!!!
                            LIS, I don't know why I love your quote "Do you drink Lee? NO I Don't Jeff!" If I only that was my usual response! Hope you have fun with your diet, I can't stand em, but they are necessary when the clothes no longer fit over my head!:H
                            Lav, Hope the weather is clearing up for you! Sunny today but we got beat with the lightening yesterday!
                            In Chains, I read your thread. Way to not use alcohol to deal woth bad situations. You're doing GREAT!
                            Byrd, hello!!:h
                            Heya Hippy, I know what it feels like to be frustrated with your husband. Although I know our situations are different. My husband to was drunk this weekend, having me take a taxi to him, drive his friends home, then he was hungover and slept for two days so there was no interaction except getting things for him. I hope the help you seek is worthwhile! I am relearning patience. Have a great Wednesday!
                            To DSLR, my health, and anyone I missed, :l:l!

                            Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi nesters - I am 47 and thought that I was starting menopause due to night sweats. Since stopping AL i lost the night sweats, and when I started again, they came back. I still think I am perimenopausal, but the symptoms are so much better when AF (yet another GREAT reason to give up!).
                              My brain cells have gone and taken memory with them thou - keep hoping that will reverse too! So many stories are so similar - it is nice to be chatting with others who realy understand.
                              Witching hour is approaching - it is 3:50pm in sunny Ca - and a lovely glass of wine would be so perfect! another chug of lemon juice and water - I can do this, and so can we all!
                              hey to all the newbies and all my old (er) friends!
                              Day 3 and counting! we have a May challenge group to all who wish to be AL free in May (May Flowers) - the Aiming High in April got me to 22 AF days out of 30, so lets see if flowers get me to 31 days?? Come join us!:h
                              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                                Newbies Nest

                                I wanted to add Lav...that supplement the cal forte or whatever it is, it's downstairs? It was incredible last night. I didn't even take the trazadone. I would wake up and just go back to sleep. I kept waking up because my poor teeth hurt like crazy and all day today too. I thinnk it was the sugar in the wine and praying I didn't crack a filling again with sunflower seeds. Those are my favorite when drinking but I don't feel the damage they are doing when I am drinking.

                                I am trying so hard to follow the Easy Way, but finding it so difficult! I mean I a pouring a flamable liquid down my throat for God's sake! What the hell am i thinking and hopefully was thinking? I keep thinking wine=gasoline how gross is that. And yet it take literally one swallow and I am sitting back in my miserable way again.

                                I am also reminding me that alcohol does absolutely nothing for me. So I am not taking anything away. It makes me misrable and I don't want to drink so if I don't want to do something that makes me feel like shit, have hangovers, sweat profusely, and I KNOW stink because I am washing my sheets at the moment after two nights of sleep and the stink was awful.

                                Now if I could just eat. Part of it is the teeth aching. I managed a boiled egg and some milk today. That is all. And some tea. Someone asked me how I keep my figure, and I wanted to say by poisoning myself to where I literally can't eat and am gagging at the thought of wine and when the smell of the stale alcohol drifts by my nose when i was at the recycle center I heaved. How can a sip of something that vile make me turn after ONE SIP??? but like Allen says it's a lie. It's a trap. You get sucked in by the nector only to find yourself swimming in a pile of goo and unable to fly away

                                I want to be one of the ones who flys away. And REMEMBER that goo at the bottom of where I go when i drink. And NOT want to even go attempt to go partway there. Because it doesn't work for me. I will die in there.


