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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hello everybody. Just a quick check-in. Sorry to bring the tone down but I gave in last night and tonight. So mad at myself!
    Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


      Newbies Nest

      Yes, let's all fly away from the horrible substance which tries to lure us!
      My youngest was home sick has been a long day 2. Off to bed, sleep well!


        Newbies Nest

        Daisy...tomorrow is a new day... Go for a fresh start!


          Newbies Nest

          Dropping in to say good night to all!

          piper, I'm sorry you are unable to eat right now. Please keep yourself well hydrated. Not sure what's happening with you teeth - that's a shame. Stick with soft foods for now & I hope you feel better very soon & get some decent sleep too!

          daisy, do you know why you decided to drink again? Identifying your triggers & adjusting your plan helps. Being prepared ahead of time is the only way to go. Hop back into the nest & fasten your nest belt, make yourself proud, happy & healthy!

          At the risk of repeating myself (over & over) think about investing in the Hypno CDs if at all possible. They helped me on so many different levels, I am most grateful

          Good night all!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Hello Nesters, I hope you are all well. I am popping in to say hello. Lav, how are you doing? Take care,
            Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


              Newbies Nest

              Ashamed to say that I slipped up badly. 6 weeks AF and I thought that I could go back to it and moderate. Couldn't have been more wrong. Time to get sober again. I loved it so much I don't know why I went back to drinking. :-(


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning to all in the nest! Sorry to be so selfish in my questions but I am really not going back this time.

                Lav, shortly after I went to bed I am pretty sure I had symptoms of hypoglycemia. I still had not eaten, and took two advil pms and the cal forte and an hour later I started sweating profusly and feeling like i was going to faint. I ate some yogurt and drank orange juice and then some water, and I felt instantly better, and went back to bed, but all night long I stressed over finances and the lack of health insurance. I am not going to drink I am going to deal with it, bc I know I have just gone too far and adding al to the senerio adds one more problems. So far my teeth don't hurt this morning so I am hoping I can eat a little more. I wish I could afford the book here but can you give me any simple tips on what exactly I can eat?

                Thanks for your help...oh and I wish I had a diet to follow bc when i googled al w/d and hypo it was overwhelming. Oh and I am confused tooo bc allen c says there is no such thing as withdraw. And that it's all hyped up my doctors and detox places. I have to go back and read that chapter because I need to be less scared. Off to shower, a full day today.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good morning Nesters!

                  I have an appointment & need to get out early so I will be brief - for a change.

                  Good to see you Hill, I am just fine, thanks for asking.

                  Andrew, I wondered what happened to you! I'm afraid to say you fell victim to that ugly voice in our heads telling us it's OK to drink again. Glad you recognized it & came right back! Make yourself comfortable in the Nest again. Accepting that we just cannot drink safely again is the way to go - for the majority of us.

                  piper, hypoglycemia is very real & the only way to prevent it is to be sure to eat some quality protein foods every few hours to keep your blood sugar steady. Stay away from junk foods & go for healthy proteins, chicken, fish, eggs, beans,yogurt, peanutbutter, etc. along with whatever fruits & veggies you can get. Eating smaller meals thruout the day helps

                  Will be back later.
                  Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Wednesday!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Lavande;1109476 wrote:
                    Andrew, I wondered what happened to you! I'm afraid to say you fell victim to that ugly voice in our heads telling us it's OK to drink again. Glad you recognized it & came right back! Make yourself comfortable in the Nest again. Accepting that we just cannot drink safely again is the way to go - for the majority of us.

                    Funnily enough, it was stopping checking in here every day which led to me starting to think I was a normal drinker. Even just this week of drinking has already led to a load of new problems in my life. I'm so mad with myself. But I gave up before and I can do it again. And this time for good.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Lavande;1109476 wrote: Good morning Nesters!

                      piper, hypoglycemia is very real & the only way to prevent it is to be sure to eat some quality protein foods every few hours to keep your blood sugar steady. Stay away from junk foods & go for healthy proteins, chicken, fish, eggs, beans,yogurt, peanutbutter, etc. along with whatever fruits & veggies you can get. Eating smaller meals thruout the day helps

                      Will be back later.
                      Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Wednesday!
                      So yogurt is ok? I will eat a few small meals then today. I really appreciate your help and I'll check back in tonight.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Nesters,
                        Have not been as frequent. I am going to post twice in a row.
                        First, Lav good morning. So glad you always here. You are like the mother hen of the nest.:h I think we are greatly appreciative for your presence. I know I am.
                        Andrew, Yay you're in the right place. Sometimes you just have to find out for yourself about modding. Problems of some kind always seem to follow AL!
                        Piper, I to have had some heavy duty withdrawal feelings. Scary stuff. It is good to get some vitamins and healthy foods into your systems, lav is right about that. I can't remember how long my last one was for, but I think around the five day mark I started to feel a bit of normalcy. Now at 32 days AF and I feel a world away to what I felt like after drinking. So hang in there. Your appetite will come back with a vengeance, for chocolate probably. :H
                        4My, That's lovely that you had a day with your child, even though she was sick. Hopefully it was a good distraction.
                        Daisy, don't worry about it. Every moment is going forward. Plan for tomorrow! We're right here with you!
                        To all my other nesters, hope your week is going wonderfully! Thanks to Hipppy Chick I ordered off the iherbs website and it only took one week to get to Oz. I got heaps of LGlut, Calms forte, gaba calm, some healthy junk food. I love goodies. Mr S was even enjoying the contents of kettle chips and granola. He's not a fan of money spending, but with the exchange rate he's happy for me to use this site instead of pay 4 times that at the health store here. Heading to bed soon. Going to go one more post though!

                        Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                          Newbies Nest

                          Thanks 4MH and Lav. Was so ashamed I wasn't even going to post....I was only 1 day away from 2 weeks. Normally I would'nt start again for a while - using it as an excuse to drink for another while...
                          Like you Andrew I had'nt checked on here for a couple of days and I definitely think this contributed to me giving in. So here I am on day one again with a promise to myself to keep connected daily with everyone on here....
                          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                            Newbies Nest

                            So I was reading an old thread about what people hate about AL. So I decided to post what I hate about AL here, just so I can share, even though it's not the right thread:
                            *sleep deprivation
                            *the disappointment from those who love me when I binge drink
                            * hiding the AL somewhere I can sneak it later
                            *sneaking AL thinking no one will know even though I am so drunk they can't possibly not know
                            *almost dying from AL poisoning and continuing to drink for another 3 years
                            Sorry guys, just for the newbies, maybe you can not feel so bad about having a slip up. Been there and done it. Not everything, but most of it. So come here and let it out if it helps. I know it helps me. See you guys when I wake! :rays:

                            Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                              Newbies Nest

                              Sunshine, you inspired me to do an opposite list: What I love about alcohol....
                              There's um.....Well, then there's.....maybe not so much. But you always have......used to, but not anymore. Interesting, I used to LOVE EVERYTHING about it! Now, I can't think of one legitimate reason to go back to it? Peer pressure? Am I THAT stupid anymore??? Am I not an adult who has fought this habit kicking and screaming and you think one lousy night in a bar with friends is going to make me feel better????? I've looked back at my posts when I first started moderating and switching to wine, I was only fooling myself...and the ones that had been around gently told me so, but I had to find out for myself. I am a very slow learner apparently. When you listen to people who drink, what do you think they are going to tell ya????
                              To the folks on days 1 and 2...I will promise you this, the last 2 days are much harder than the next 2. And so it goes. The first 7 days of AF were 1000 times harder than day 105....if that helps any. Every day that goes by, is a day that you have won back.
                              How many days have you gone AL free and regretted it?? How many days have you drank and regretted it? This is within our control!! Our bodies don't physically make us pick up a glass, pour it to overflowing and gulp it down! Our minds do it. The AL does it. We are physically capable of not doing it. Distraction, distraction, distraction. Stay out of that kitchen if that's where it was/is. Get it out if you can. Make yourself make good choices and take the temptaion away night of getting shitefaced feels better than being sober for 106 days. Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                My thought exactly Byrdie

                                Andrew, piper, daisy & anyone just starting or struggling ~
                                staying connected to MWO as much as possible really helps! It has always helped keep me focused. Becoming complacent is dangerous!! Staying focused & developing a true sense of gratitude for all the good changes happening right now in your life & for those to come is the way to go

                                piper, hope your day goes well!
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

