Hi everyone, and a belated happy Mother's day to all the Mummies outside of the UK. (We had ours a few weeks ago, mine was lovely!)
Mimi, well done on day 2, and belated happy birthday! You already know what the best gift you can give yourself is

Lav, I understand totally how this place helps, and you, more than anyone have inspired me. I thank you for continuing to support others and for your words of wisdom, you have helped me out more than you can know. :l
Sunshine, what a fantastic and inspiring post! Well done on your 36 days, you should be very proud!
Hill, thanks for popping in, it is always so good to see you here in the nest

Hippy, lovely to see you, and such a lovely, supportive post!
Power, just post. That's all it takes. Just say what's in your heart and mind, no one here will judge you, just say what you want to say. And welcome! :welcome:
Andrew, (good Scottish name that!) I totally understand about the anxiety and the freaked out feeling. Hopefully your doc will be able to help with it, I just want to assure you, it does get better! Good luck with the exam, let us know how things go.
Had a good weekend, ran a 10k for charity today. I have always been a runner, even when drinking. Haven't done a 10k since I stopped, it felt really good, the rain didn't help though! :H
Off to bed, contemplating Softy's thread about not being able to mod, day 96 and I don't think I even want to attempt it to be honest.
At the same time, not sure i want to say bye byes to AL forever...we'll see.
Start of a new week tomorrow nesters, I am committed to being AL free for the next seven days, anyone else on board?