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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi everyone, and a belated happy Mother's day to all the Mummies outside of the UK. (We had ours a few weeks ago, mine was lovely!)

    Mimi, well done on day 2, and belated happy birthday! You already know what the best gift you can give yourself is

    Lav, I understand totally how this place helps, and you, more than anyone have inspired me. I thank you for continuing to support others and for your words of wisdom, you have helped me out more than you can know. :l

    Sunshine, what a fantastic and inspiring post! Well done on your 36 days, you should be very proud!

    Hill, thanks for popping in, it is always so good to see you here in the nest

    Hippy, lovely to see you, and such a lovely, supportive post!

    Power, just post. That's all it takes. Just say what's in your heart and mind, no one here will judge you, just say what you want to say. And welcome! :welcome:

    Andrew, (good Scottish name that!) I totally understand about the anxiety and the freaked out feeling. Hopefully your doc will be able to help with it, I just want to assure you, it does get better! Good luck with the exam, let us know how things go.

    Had a good weekend, ran a 10k for charity today. I have always been a runner, even when drinking. Haven't done a 10k since I stopped, it felt really good, the rain didn't help though! :H

    Off to bed, contemplating Softy's thread about not being able to mod, day 96 and I don't think I even want to attempt it to be honest.

    At the same time, not sure i want to say bye byes to AL forever...we'll see.

    Start of a new week tomorrow nesters, I am committed to being AL free for the next seven days, anyone else on board?


      Newbies Nest

      Thanks vintagegirl, (actually my family, we think were originally Scottish planters back way a long time ago), the good thing is I have a plan and I see how this will end. To be honest, I don't care to miss the exam and stay sober, getting to the doc and getting well is more important. After tomorrow I intend not drinking ever again. It's day by day then, and, for sure I'll be here everyday, unlike last time. So many things in the world, well, Ireland anyway, friends, adverts, the ubiquity of AL sales, are trying to get you to drink, I need to be checking in here every day.

      lis, thanks for your kind words. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow, I'm off to try and finally sleep soundly....insomnia is such torture....


        Newbies Nest

        Good evening Nesters!

        VG, congrats on the run! I was never able to run - even as a kid & it's way to late for me to start now :H I'm definitely on board for a sober week with you

        Andrew, sorry you're having such a rough time right now. I hope your plan works out for you - we'll be here for you!

        IC, CONGRATS on your 2 AF weeks! :goodjob:
        Not sure what to tell you about the pot though....
        Haven't touched the stuff in a lifetime but I do remember it left me feeling edgey & paranoid - who the hell needs that, right?
        I purposely quit smoking very soon after I quit drinking because I found myself smoking way, way too much! Trading one addiction for another just can't be wise in the long run. I hope you figure out what is best for you

        Hope everyone has a comfy evening in the Nest!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Hi All,
          Just wanted to pop in. So tonight I had to go pick up my car and since it was evening, i was alone and there is a store between where my car was and my house I would be tempted on stopping and getting a bottle of wine. For some reason for the 2nd day in a row I had no desire to get that wine. Yay

          I'm sure temptation will come but I'm so glad for the peace of mind that I am experiencing.

          Day 3 and hopefully many more to come.
          Day 1:4/4/2014


            Newbies Nest

            Meant to say Awesome on the 10k Vintage girl. Would love to have a workout buddy.
            Day 1:4/4/2014


              Newbies Nest

              Hiya Nest,
              IC, WTG on 2 weeks!
              Hippy Chick, Happy mothers day yesterday. Chocolate is so addictive. It's like instant gratification when it's in your mouth.
              Lav, maybe you can teach my husband to give up ciggys.
              Powerbelly, welcome.
              LIS, hope you had a great mothers day too!
              Andrew, I can really relate to you. I would have some very vivid nightmares then lay awake for most of the night/morning, waiting to just get out of bed. I also had some scary heart palpitations and more than once went to the ER to have them checked out. And the anxiety I would feel was overwhelming. Just sitting on the couch with my computer relaxing and my anxiety was through the roof. After weeks of being off the AL, I hardly have any anxiety. My heart beat is back to normal, and my sleep is much more regular and deep. Just give yourself some time to let the AL completely leave your system, and all those things will sort themselves out. You definitely have determination in your words. :yay:
              VG, Maybe you can come to Oz and motivate me to run 10k. I play soccer but it's hard for me to run just to run. I too feel like one day I might want to mod, but that may not be a reality for me. I too though may have to find out for myself. Right now I am focusing on creating many sober memories. There are so many memories I have that revolve around AL. So many holidays over the years I was wasted or buzzed. So I now have a few under my belt this year that are sober, started with New Years. Way to go, you're almost at 100 days AF!

              Hopefully I have a game tonight, but it looks like it's going to rain so it will probably get cancelled. Have a great night Nesters, and I'm cheering us all on!:day5::wavin::lilangel:

              Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                Newbies Nest

                Way to go MIMI!!!!!

                Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hello to all you lovely people!

                  Well here I am again after another period of time where I convinced myself I was ok. Managed 70 days AL free of which I was very proud (was meant to be six months but hey ho). Of late things have gone down hil....having a very stressful time at the moment involving moving house, selling houses, full time course, wrapping up a business..... Think I am approaching the realisation that I do not have the ability to moderate and need to say goodbye once and for all to the drink. My plan is to start today and try to get to 70 days again before setting myself a new challenge. All I know is that I was a lot happier and able to cope with things off it. Also we are planning another baby so I want to make my body as healthy as possible..... Day 1 for me x

                  1st goal: 100 days
                  2nd goal: 1 year
                  ultimate goal: forever


                    Newbies Nest

                    some lovely positivity here today vg great on the run mimi good stuff not stopping for al, that was always an excuse for me and zometimes its hard todistance yourself from it whether passing a store, the al aisle in the supermarket , social commitments just stay strong

                    andrew i meant to ask how well do you sleep when you are on a af stint? i had insomnia for years even if i hadn't drank for a couple of days, since qutting though this time i'm the complete opposite to the extent i'm having blood tests this week, i kmow its an awful thing to suffer so i was wondering if yiurs was a drink related symptom i wish you luck for today hopefully your doc will give you sommething for the anxiety attacks i know certain anti d's help with that

                    sunshime thanks for the mom day wishes, us brits are too impatient to wait though we had our day a few months ago )

                    still in my blue mood but it is lifting a little, i know the cause but certain things are adding to it amd people but i'll snap out of it and not use it as an exvuse to drink like i did last time

                    love all

                    lee x
                    WHAT CAN I SAY? I DON'T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE..

                    Just taking it day by day.......


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning Nesters!

                      Greetings to all & welcome back to nellie!
                      Congrats on your decision to take back contro of your life You have a lot going on in your life right now - good to kick AL out Wishing you the best!

                      LIS, glad to hear your mood is lifting! You are so right, AL will not improve anything in our lives only makes things worse. Stick with us

                      I am about to go pick up my 2 1/2 year old grandson & bring him here for the day. His mother is looking a bit tired caring for the newborn & chasing after Mr Busy all day :H
                      I will count this as a full day of exercise for me :H

                      Wishing everyone a good AF Monday!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hey everyone.

                        Andrew, you sound really determined. We will all be here for you!

                        Lav, my old bones are feeling it a bit today, but the run was for charity and definitely worth it. So glad to have you here for another week of AL free-ness! Have a great day with your grandson!

                        Thanks Mimi, and how great must you feel going straight past that liquor store two days in a row! Congrats on day 3 :goodjob:

                        Sunshine, I love what you said about creating sober memories! And you play soccer, how cool!

                        Welcome Nellie! You did 70 days and that is awesome! You know you can do it, glad you are making the change. (a new baby will be so worth it!)

                        Leave, I hope your blue mood lifts soon and you feel better. You deserve it!

                        Well, off to work soon, can't wait till Friday as I have a week off. DH has a few days off too so we are hoping to get away somewhere for a couple of days.

                        Hope you all have a fantastic Monday!


                          Newbies Nest

                          sunshine today, yes that's exactly how I feel. I can be sitting with my laptop and get a sudden dose of anxiety and have to get up and try and calm myself down. When I was trying to sleep, I was seeing awful things in my mind, hardly like I even had my eyes closed. I also always, for some reason, get about 5 seconds of a song stuck in my head, repeating on a loop, driving me crazy. Not in the way we all laugh about when a song is catchy but in a relentless, short loop which drives me crazy! Needless to say, sleep is impossible! Last time I went cold turkey I eventually just crashed after Day 3 of AF and got something like ok sleep. Not this time though.

                          leaveinsilence, I was 42 days AF recently and was sleeping so well. Around 11pm I'd be floating round the house in an almost narcoticallly, blissfully tired state and then I'd go to bed whenever and sleep almost immediately. I'm getting that back starting today. Leaving for the doctor in an hour. I've been drinking unfortunately, but I couldn't face the trip there in the state I was in this morning. I'll get something to knock me out tonight and tomorrow will be Day 1 AF, and I hope this time for the rest of my life.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Andrew, having gone 42 days AF, and then drinking for 7 or so, (my numbers may be a bit off here)...but after 7 days of drinking, I can't imagine you'd be having withdrawls after such a short stent. I was fortunate enough to not have them after 25 years of drinking...the sweats and shakes and panic attacks I had were all during my drinking, not after I quit! I think your mind is clinging to anything it can to justify drinking...a beer before an exam....I sure wouldnt want my surgeon to have a beer before he operated on me! I drank because I thought it made me more social and more funny, but really, the joke was on me...It is a POWERFUL addiction. I just got sick of it. Sick to death of everything revolving around AL. Every waking moment of when I was trying to quit was how can I justify fitting it in? Yet being in control? Bottom line...I can't. Alcohol and control don't fit into the same sentence with me unless you say AL controls me when I drink it. It sounds like you are sick of it's exhausting isn't it? It's like trying to make a bad relationshipe work when in your heart of hearts, it's not gonna. AL has NEVER done you any favors, am I right? It's not going to help you in any way. Sleep will come, it has to...your body will sleep when it has to. So if we stop fiddling with the controls, our body will do what it is naturally supposed to do. I also had TERRIBLE mood swings the first 45 days. 2 days great, one day AWFUL. What the Hell, are three dirty words. Instead, remember MY 3 little words....THINK ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE!!!!!! The more you dwell on it, the worse it gets, the more you justify, and the more you give in....simple as that. Go clip your toenails...recite the 23rd psalm, step outside a minute and really look at something, anything....get your mind out of that loop. Have you ever seen a dog go at something or someone? It's like they are crazed...ALL they can think about is getting that thing...unless you SNAP them out of it. I had to learn how to do that for myself...THINK ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE...simple in concept...powerful in action. BREAK those cycles...don't even look down the wine aisle in the store, pass it by and look at the strawberries. BE YOUR OWN BEST ADVOCATE and don't put yourself in temptation. When that devil sat on my shoulder and said, WHAT THE HELL? I heard Jolie on the other shoulder saying....yeah, right, what's ONE glass of wine going to do for me, anyway?
                            You will wouldn't be here otherwise. Stay with us, we will win this together. Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              7 day AF, weekend was tough but got great support from my wife and made it through Can't remember the last weekend I was AF.Felt a little on edge this morning but I know now it will pass. Thanks


                                Newbies Nest

                                Whenever you fall, pick something up.
                                ~Oswald Avery
                                So from this quote, you will know that I fell this weekend ? in my previous struggles kind, wise friends in the nest etc have told me to identify triggers ? as the last time was Easter and this was Mothers day ? I have worked out some triggers ? days of celebration when my girls are with their father. It was a tough weekend, and though I saw my girls (their father and I do have a good relationship, and he brought them round and cooked supper on Sunday) ? not having them sleeping at my home on celebratory occasions is obviously a time when I need to be prepared and do something to avoid drinking.
                                So as the quote says ? pick something up ? I will! I am changing May?s goal to aim to beat Aprils success of 22 out or 30 days AF. May is now 5 out of 8, so I need to work hard to improve the April success. And I will aim to be aware of times/situations when I lapse. There were a few more things that occurred this weekend. My husband and I separated in January after 22 years together, and I made a new home, albeit a rental due to financial problems ? I love my new home, but my landlord has decided to sell ? moving again is something I can?t face, but disrupting the girls who had just started to settle breaks my heart! I also paid for tickets to go home to the UK with the girls to see my parents and the cost of the flights made me sick to my stomach.
                                So, enough about me! Well done to those who are having success and keep going to those who are struggling.
                                Thanks you to all the nest for giving me a safe, warm comforting place to confess?.
                                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

