Morning all!
Flying visit, have to and try to work out how to use my new 'smart' phone. Fecking thing is smarter than me, that's for sure! :H
Inchy, great to see you still AL free, 15 days is amazing, well done! So glad to hear your skin is improving too.
Leave, hope today is a better day for you. You were feeling upset and out of sorts but you still didn't drink, I hope you feel amazing today, and glad that you made the right choice for yourself

Andrew, sounds like a horrible time for you right now, please remember the good AL free run that you had and that you will be doing yourself the biggest favour ever by stopping. You deserve better, keep telling yourself that!
Hi mylife, hope you are well, it''s good to see you

Mimi, great decision not to give in, bet you feel so much better for it!
Lav, hope you had a great day with your grandson, great advice as always!
4my, you'll be glad in the morning that you didn't buy the wine! Happy day 2 to you!
Hi rebirth, welcome to the nest and I hope you have a great day 2. You are well on your way to seven, let us know how you get on. :welcome:
Hi Hippy, wise words you posted there!
sunshine, those virgin cocktails sound delish! Might try one at the weekend.
Right, must be off, it's me vs the smart phone for the next wee while, wish me luck!
Have a great day everyone :l