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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi nest,
    Welcome starts & Joe
    Thanks Lav!
    Sunshine, I'm sorry, hang in there. You too Mimi! Hope the cloud disappears!
    Mylife have a great af vacation!
    To everyone else have a great, healthy day!


      Newbies Nest

      You are all SO wonderful. Heading to work. Will check in after. XOXO

      Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


        Newbies Nest

        Well, thanks, Lav, I guess I get the prize today for most absurd hiding place! You are so right, what a blessing to not have to stoop to those measures!! UGG!
        Leave...I don't know what your age is, but I'm, um, menopausal...and my hormones are bouncing all over. Yesterday, I wanted to run out of the house screaming pulling my hair out. I felt like I was being pecked to death by people!!! And I get really emotional!!! I'm fine today. Go figure. Perhaps your 'girl-wires' are fouled up? Just a thought.....Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          Byrdie I think my GP has asked for blood tests to see if I'm menopausal or pre menopausal is it/ Apart from hot flushes which might be linked to my AD's as they started not long after I started taking them I've had no other symptoms.. I guess we'll see...

          Just taking it day by day.......


            Newbies Nest

            Geez as if we don't have enough to worry about - the Big M comes and whacks us. My happy pills are sanity saving - probably like Lav's Amoryn.

            Joe - read your story on another thread. So much to read and absorb on MWO and so many similar stories. Just take it ODAT.

            In Chains - at high school!!! Congrats now though on all those days you have strung together. Amazing feeling isn't it?

            Andrew how are you doing?

            Mimi I think waking up with that guilty until proved innocent feeling is familiar to most in the first while. I used to feel so relieved when I realised that I hadn't been drinking and therefore had no reason to feel like that. Maybe our minds need time to catch up with what our reality is now. Hope you are doing well and that cloud is lifting for you. Keep going af it really is so worth it.

            Hi Leave - do hope you get sorted too. I think al masks a lots of things and being al free allows things to come to our attention. We need to look after ourselves and get well.

            Suns hope your day at work is good for you. I think if we have to be there we might as well enjoy it!

            MyLife enjoy your vacation - love to see you are planning for healthy and af!!

            Byrd - getting pecked to death - so funny - thats exactly how it feels sometimes too!!

            4My - hope you are doing good today. Almost jealous of you and your little ones. Make the most them and enjoy every day. My baby is 21 in a couple of weeks. I sometimes would love to have my kids little again - but just for half a day perhaps! Grown up kids have their joys too.

            Starta - where are you? Hope you are lurking and doing lots of reading and thinking. let us know how you are.

            Lav - I must say that last year with its ups and downs on the slippery slope was anything but calm and peaceful, but this year since 11 Feb - now that I've finally accepted I cannot drink at all - calm and peaceful are real treasures to have on the inside. Even though I did do a three month af stint last year I didn't make the necessary change that I needed to make in the way I see wine and al. Now I see it as my enemy and poison and I hate what it does to me. I also am scared of it as the last 2 times I drank in Feb ( 1 week apart) I literally had no control over how much I drank or how quickly. I had blackouts both times and said really horrible things to my husb of 33 years which I don't remember at all. I never want to go back there and I'm afraid one drink will put me there. I like that saying too: 1 drink is too many and 1000 never enough! There are so many other things to do now and I am enjoying my journey just now.

            Big post - that's what having a day off does.

            All the best everyone
            Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


              Newbies Nest

              Sorry guys, this posted twice for some reason so I deleted. - Reading that once is enough for anyone.
              Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                Newbies Nest

                joebloggs;1113003 wrote: Thank you. Is MWO helping you?
                It helped me go from having never been sober for more than 2 weeks since I was 17 to being sober for 42 days, for start. Stopping checking here helped me break that one but now MWO and the wonderful people here have helped me over a weekend from hell and I'm just going to bed on Day 2 AF. So, yes, you could say it's helping me alright!

                One thing on hiding places, someone mentioned the Lucozade bottles you can't see through. I used them for every exam for the last 2 years! Full of wine usually. And me worrying about there not being enough in a 380ml bottle to last me the exam......horrible. Surrounded by fresh-faced nineteen year olds, with me smelling of booze, with puffed out red cheeks, glazed eyes and......ugh. Tomorrow I do my first sober exam since 2008.

                Goodnight to all, some great reading here tonight.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Another busy Nest day I see

                  Mazzie, I'm so glad you kept trying until you got it right! Somehow I just knew you would

                  Not to make anyone uncomfortable with talk of pre menopausal symptoms but honestly - they can be quite severe in some people. I suffered like a dog for about 18 months until I convinced my Doctor to check my blood levels. She thought I was too young to be having such symptoms. Well, sure enough she called me the next day at work and said 'You're in menpopause' (no shit)! I was 42 at the time!!! Trying to live without hormones is like trying to live without oxygen - can't be done That is precisely when I developed my wine habit! I think a lot of women go through this without realizing what's going on. I say get in your doctor's face & DEMAND to have those levels checked

                  Mimi, my husband broke my trust 8 years ago when he entered into what he called 'an inappropriate relationship' with a friend on mine!!!!! Doesn't get much worse that that.......being screwed over by your husband AND by your friend. Yeah, I drank over that too. All I can say is please try to think of yourself first! Make the best choices & decisions for you :l

                  Well, I'm calling it a night here in Lav-land!
                  Wishing everyone a comfy night in the Nest

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hello nesters and newbies

                    After 5 miserable days of rain and cold days, the sun is out today and it feels like it should be Friday. This weekend I plan to get up early and do a load of tasks that it has been too wet to complete. Keeping busy and changing the routine keeps away thoughts of sitting down with a bottle of wine. How many wasted weekends that I would sit down in the afternoon, thinking I'd just have one wine only to find it empty by dinner time and open another at night. :blush: Hmmm.

                    My ex-husband may have been many unpleasant things, but he was a handyman and I left him to it. With my new single status I've been trying to do things myself. So far so good. However, I have a pile of gib coving to put up that terrifies me. This weekend might have to be the one where I risk making a dick of myself and give it a shot.

                    Re menopause. While drinking heavily I was having night sweats, and sometimes feeling depressed. As I am now 50 I thought it might be hormones. However, I found that when I stopped drinking those symptoms went away and my mood improved. When I went for my medical in February I was going to mention it, but as the symptoms had disappeared I didn't bother. I know some women get menopausal symptoms before their menses actually pause, so I agree that you should nag your doc for blood tests if you think that's the problem.


                      Newbies Nest

                      There are a number of reasons that I am making it to day 7
                      1. grand baby is spending the night (I don't drink around her)
                      2. Husband didn't go out of town
                      3. i am working out with a trainer in the morning and want to be in good shape
                      So that is how my evening turned out. At this moment baby is crying but in her crib. She will go to sleep soon.
                      I will wake up tomorrow feeling guilty I'm sure and then I will remember that I made it to day 7.
                      Day 1:4/4/2014


                        Newbies Nest

                        Glad you're all doing so well. I've been AWOL this past few days - again! Back on board today! The disappointment in myself is HUGE.......BUT, ready for another go! It's 6 in the morning here. Sat up all night - I needed really quiet time to gather my thoughts.......Anyway, will check in later. Good luck to all
                        Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                          Newbies Nest

                          This is day 3 AL free this time. Just wanted to share that long talk with a nutritional therapist yesterday seems to be helping re: link between pms/pmt and pre-menopausal stuff. I'm going back to see her in two weeks. Not cheap but cheaper than going on the way I was currently doing. I have to write down everything I'm eating and drinking for two weeks so that she can see and help me further. Just wanted to share that in case it is helpful for someone. Keep it up people and thanks for your support.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Can't seem to alter smiley, but I'm actually starting to feel much better already rather than exhausted.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning Nesters!

                              Woke to more sunshine today, love it

                              Mimi, glad you are on track to your 7 AF days!!!! NO guilt, right?

                              daisy, what happened? You've got to identify your triggers, the reasons why you decide to drink. Glad you are back with us.

                              starta, good job on your 3 AF days - seems to be one of the major hurdles & you will feel better once you get there. Keep it up

                              Time to get some work done so I'll wish everyone a great AF Thursday!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Just a quick one. Benn a LONG oNE and I am orf to Bed.
                                Andrew, I am SO proud of you taking a sober exam.
                                MazZIE AND Lav, thank you thee warning of what to expect for menopause.
                                Mimi, way to get to one week.
                                Dancing ON, hello!
                                Lee are you feeling any better? No more blues. Typed in chase the blues away on youtube and heres one for ya[/video]]YouTube - Terranova - Chase the Blues Remix
                                Hiya Starta, welcome!!!
                                Daisy, don't despair mwo is here. Sorry I am corny.

                                K all, see you tomorrow. Such long days, will check in when I can, 2 things and I already forgot the first. I play soccer with some nurses. They said the other night that if it wasn't for AL, they probably would be working in aged care because there wouldn't be much to do. Interesting. Oh I remember. I am having a rough week, my whole road is a series of bumps this week. Without AL I am relearning to use my coping mechanisms, and deal with the issues at hand now. It is a different way I tell ya, and I am loving it. Nothing like double doses of reality to make you feel alive, every few hours. Take care everyone!

                                Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington

