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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    MOrning Nest,
    Must run off to work. I thought I was going to be on time this morning!:H
    Hope you guys all have a wonderful day, will be back tonight.
    Yes Byrd, YOU ROCK.
    Myhealth, You will get there!
    Hey Lav, looks like rain here.

    Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


      Newbies Nest

      Hi nest buddies.
      Day 3 - and already dreading the weekend - but enjoying not feeling hungover! Still sad in my heart, maybe time Lav's tablets (amoryn) - 4myH is giving them a go, I will see how she does as i am guarding my cash carefully.
      Hope all the other new/trying again starters are doing well!
      It has rained since Sunday and is cold and miserable - that is not helping at all.
      Chugging the water and lemon juice and waiting for sunshine - be good to yourselves, we deserve it.
      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


        Newbies Nest

        What is going on with the weather?!! Rain, hail, tornado warnings here.
        SL - sorry your feeling sad. Me too today. Also dreading the weekend. Waiting for amoryn to kick in. hope you have a brighter outlook soon!
        Thanks sunshine!


          Newbies Nest

          Evening folks,
          Well, I was 9 days AF until last night....I went to a concert and to be honest I didn't feel relaxed and well enough yet to enjoy it without something to actually relax I had a few beers. Not too many, I didn't get drunk. And I got up and ran 6 miles today. So I don't feel too guilty. But it WAS silly, after all the bad things that AL has brought to my life. Probably the worst thing about it is the voice in my head telling me that I'm back drinking now and planning a drinking spree at the weekend. There's things on, all my friends will be drinking heavily. I know for them though, they'll stop at 1 or 2 nights and I'll be at it for days or until my money/energy runs out. So I need to keep on top of things.

          Hope you're all well. Apologies to Vintage Girl, for letting you down...


            Newbies Nest

            byrd - you truly do rock! 120 days is -awesome-

            Andrew: I'm glad you're not beating yourself up about it, it was a tough situation to be in and try and stay AF, be proud of your 9 days and work to add some more onto that total soon wishing you the best of luck

            just doing a speedy wee check in here, feelign very tired today and might not be around tomorrow as I'm spending time with my fiance, see you all soon though and I will catch up with all your comings and goings

            I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

            To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



              Newbies Nest

              Andrew why not check out the 'you know you're an alcoholic when...' thread. It might be just what you need to arm you for the weekend! Well worth a visit. Well done Scot Lass and 4MH! Hark at me creeping to end of Day 2! Catch you all tomorrow!
              Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                Newbies Nest

                Good going there daisy

                4MyHealth, scottish lass - FYI
                I started taking Amoryn taking two/day (one in the morning & one in the afternoon before dinner). I can get along on just one/day now. They tell you to give it a few weeks to feel the full effect but honestly, it was only a few days before I started to feel the anxiety drop away & my mood lift
                As far as the cost - sit down & compare the cost to the cost of buying AL (not to mention the cost of the anxiety, guilt & hangovers AL causes). Amoryn is a good deal

                Congrats to scottish lass on Day 3! Don't worry about the weekend but do make plans that do not involve AL. I kept myself seriously busy & distracted in the beginning.

                Byrdie, congrats on 120 days

                Andrew, just do what is best for you. It may turn out OK to have a few beers on a special occasion but maybe not if it leads you to prior drinking levels.

                Hi sunshine - still raining here too........

                IC, hope you are well & find your mood lifting as well.

                Tomorrow is my 2 year smoke free anniversary
                That quit was much harder for me - grateful to be done with that too

                Wishing everyone a good night/day!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Everyone!
                  I'm at the end of my 3rd day and feel ok.
                  Do you know where I can find the thread that was mentioned earlier?


                    Newbies Nest

                    Mya, hope this works:

                    If not, go to General Discussion and look for the thread "you know you're and alcoholic when..."


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi all, I feel like a complete failure. I drove to the wine shop and left (victory) then drove back and purchased. I imagine you all are sick of me, but I ask that you please pray/help/support me. This isn't the life that I want. I need your help...because there isn't help for me elsewhere but AA and I'm not going there. I've read a lot tonight and will make a plan of change which I WILL implement tomorrow. God willing this stupid condition will soon be recognized as a disease and not a choice. Who the hell would choose this???!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi 4MH, I could see no reason why anyone would be sick of your posts.

                        I am on day 4 and the urge to buy beer today when getting groceries was almost WW3.

                        So I totally understand your dilemma. Hey, you fought the urge the first time. That's a win.

                        I have quit 4 times this year. I have an anxiety / depression disorder that went off the planet as I'd split with my partner (mutual) but then came home early to find her with her new boyfriend who threatened me with violence. I spent last weekend away camping and binged like there was no tomorrow. Come Monday I was an emotional mess. My anxiety was off the charts, felt low, unloved, betrayed etc etc. Agent called with an offer for our house which we accepted. I was tempted to drink but instead called my doctor and psychologist who both saw me next day. Dr prescibed me with Valium and Campral. Psychologist had a great session with me. All the sickness, anxiety and other horrible side effects from that 3 day bender have dissipated. Now I have complacency which I need to guard against. I am drinking lots of fruit and vegetable juice and (funnily enough) ice cream - hey it reduces the need for beer!!!

                        So I have many emotional things to conquer in addition to my alcohol addiction. Low self esteem (2nd incidence in 3 years I've been 'traded' for someone else), lack of confidence, anxiety, depression etc.

                        I'll hope to check in here and see how folks are going and also report on my progress. I am already realising the benefits of being AF (I won't count sleep as I'm having Valium sleeps) - I'm less irritable, more tolerant and feel happier. I still want a beer dammit but as I said to the psych, one means ten and that's just me.

                        Hope to be back at work next week but depends on my health. My boss is good in that she understands mental health and is happy for my attendance to be directed by my doctor.

                        If I'm strong enough and committed enough, the next phase of my life could be quite positive esp with the help of my health professionals.

                        Apologies for the above essay but it feels better to have spelt it out like that. I'm going to separately write a list of why AF is good for me and why drinking ain't. I also want to list some objectives (as a now single guy) to build a foundation for myself to enjoy life.

                        Take care all and I'll catch you next time.



                          Newbies Nest

                          Hiya Nest,

                          4My, We would not get sick of you AT ALL. So many times I would say I'm done, then a little time would pass and I would be right back contemplating buying a bottle. Then I would walk buy the store and say why not. Then I would will myself to pour it out, but then would not allow myself to "waste" it. I just hadn't found this place to come and post on yet. So if that was me back then I would have been posting the same things when I drank again.

                          Jim, thank you for sharing. Sounds like you have taken some very positive steps to kicking AL to the curb. I can say from my own experience the longer I go AF the more self confidence I build. Good luck friend.

                          Andrew, Hey there. I hope you find something to help you this weekend. Maybe there is something that would help you in the toolbox.? Thinking of you.

                          Hey ya IC. Have fun with the fianc?.

                          Hi SL, WTG on 3 days.

                          Morning LAV!!!
                          HI to everyone else popping in.

                          Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                            Newbies Nest

                            good morning! 4myhealth....goodness, we have all been there. I truly don't quite get, yet, why sometimes its so easy to control or divert those urges and other times - well, you're just not. I do know that if you just say - "well, everybody must be sick of me burdening them with this - I have no will power - I just can't seem to do this....." then you won't do it. You'll be giving up. You know the saying? "if at first you don't succeed....try TRY AGAIN!" Keep at of these times you will surprise yourself - plan in advance for something to physically DO when that urge to drive to the store hits you. :-) Sometimes, I go home and take out my contacts, wash off my makeup and put grubby clothes on. Yeah, I HAVE driven back out looking like that but at least I have to be REALLY determined....:H

                            Hi Andrew - it sounds like you kept things under control - when I started back this last time, it stayed pretty low key - a glass or two here or there - not getting drunk, but then I could see some old habits creeping up as time went on - thank goodness I put the brakes on and haven't had anything in awhile...I'm taking one day at a time..

                            Lav - congrats on the no smoking!!! And to all who have reached milestones. I've had restless sleep the past couple nights even with the calms forte - but not sleepless and not lying awake from 3 AM until I'm ok.

                            Have a great day. This is my danger time - as I only work MTW - so my looooong weekend starts today. I feel pretty strong though.

                            Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                            Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                              Newbies Nest

                              I forgot to say Hi Jim. I'm extremely impressed that you chose the option of calling the dr and psychologist rather than drink! You certainly don't sound like someone who is going to let the alcohol beast consume you....I hear strength in your words...

                              Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                              Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hey Lolab, Hope you have a good weekend. Glad to read your posts.

                                Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington

