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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning All! 10.30am here in Ireland, but the sun is peeking through on a nice, windy morning. Mazzie after only finding out what a kindle was yesterday I am doing my research and it does sound pretty good. Just wondering what happens when it gets lost, broken or updated - is there a back-up plan? Is the information saved somehow..just wondering........
    Sunshine, 50 days is just brilliant! :goodjob:
    Heading out today to celebrate my niece making her Holy Communion today. In typical Irish fashion [in my family anyway...] there will be plenty of booze, and boozers!!! It isn't bothering me at all. I don't know what's happened but I feel like I have turned a corner. Since the start of THIS Day 1 [as opposed to All my other day 1s], I haven't had any major cravings........I really think my mindset changed the night I read 'you know you're an alcoholic when...' Maybe I have finally accepted what I am! Let's hope so......
    As you've probably noticed I am also clinging on to the Newbies Nest for Dear life! You are all great. :thanks: Will check in later. Good luck to all!:h
    Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


      Newbies Nest

      umorning nesties quick check in as i'm on the stupid phone again grrr it drives me insane my voicemail is now jammed on so i van't answer calls but anyway ...

      glad to see our positivity all making our way through in our own ways .

      jim glad to see you are positive today i read your posts last night and felt awful, my brother in law went through the ssme thing a few years ago, no al involved but didn't see it coming,bam i want you out, lied about the new guy existing and used the kids to get everything she wanted, but you know he got through it and is a stronger person now for it, as i know you will be. the bike trip sounds awesome and look into getting your bike to the states somehow, a friend is doing the alaska to most southerly tip of s america on hers so it is do able.

      welcome to the newbies and glad to see you oldbies again its good to be home,

      sun 50days great stuff well done honey, daisy you are right its just those first few minutes when everyone is drinking that ate the hardest after that it gets easier you get caught up in the evening and its great to go home sober

      Just taking it day by day.......


        Newbies Nest

        daisy stick close and enjoy yor day yes it may be hard but think how proud you will be if you make it an AF occassion, maybe keep your glass full of a fizzy juice that looks like wine so no one will ask you if you need a top up

        Just taking it day by day.......


          Newbies Nest

          stupid phone didn't post al the first post

          lav you are building so many lovely memories for the little ones i wish i'd have had that relationship with my grandparents and parents

          vg hope you are not feeling quite so jaded today with things here, lolab maz sg guitar and everyone else have a lovely day xx

          Just taking it day by day.......


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Guys.
            Thought I had better pop in and see how you are all doing. Have had a bit of a break from MWO for a few days. I am doing well and not even thinking about drinking. Have passed two months now (yay). Life is slowly coming together for me. My relationship with the kids is improving especially my son. And I have layed the cards on the table with my husband and told him exactly what I think and feel. I told him he has to get used to me not drinking because I will not be made to feel guilty for not wanting a drink.
            I am trying to work on my sobriety and finally get my life sorted. I have to admit now that the relapse I had has certainly made me stronger. I realised exactly what I want and that is to remain sober. I am not lying to myself anymore. I spent the whole of my time last year sulking because I couldnt drink. But now I know I dont want to drink.
            I sincerely hope you all get to feel this.
            Have a great week.
            I finally got it!
            "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning Nesters! Great to see so many checking in today

              About the Kindle ~ I admit it is my new addiction!
              I would recommend buying a cover for it - I did. I have had my Kindle for 3+ years, have no idea how many books I have on it I often download books from Amazon (when I'm thinking about them) but don't get around to reading them for months. The good thing is if you buy one now you'll be paying a whole lot less than I did - I think it's a great deal.

              Hippy - I wondered where you've been. Glad to hear you are feeling so strong

              Daisy, this very well could be your last day one ~ something to think about

              lis, I've always had good relationships with my son & daughter. I feel so blessed they've chosen to settle nearby. Without them I would be a very, very lonely Grandma. Being able to develop relationships with my grandkids is another blessing

              Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Sunday!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                goign to catch up with other nest happenings later but just wanted to swing by and let you all know I made it through last night and now have 28 full days! I'm going out to an art show on Tuesday with my fiance and we're spending the night together, we'd planend it before I realised that it will double as a celebration for my 30 days
                I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                  Newbies Nest

                  I'm baaaack

                  Well, I was sober and on Antabuse for a year. Life was great. But the last year has been a bugger, and I stopped the meds and started drinking again. Secretly.. Late at night. Helps me sleep. Makes me forget---for a few hours---all the horrid shit going on in my life. In the morning I feel awful--physically and emotionally--and go to work feeling like shit. Not doing my best, whining (for effect) about allergies and the sick family keeping me up all night...I know I need to be 100% sober in case I have to do an ER run, which could happen at any moment. WHY WHY WHY do I still sneak drink? I fool everyone but myself. I wake up in the morning and my husband is still dying and my kids are still...whatever. I logically know I can't change that with a big bottle of wine....I miss out on so much because I am "asleep" so early. I hate myself...what rational person does this....especially one whose life has been destroyed by alcoholic parents???

                  WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME??????

                  Papa and you remember me???? I need you now.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Upnorth
                    It would be so easy in your situation to say that you have too much going on to give up drinking, but as you say it's not helping and makes you feel like shite the next day. Would it help to go back on the antabuse?

                    Lav, I do like the idea of not needing glasses. Hmm. It's not in the budget at the moment, but maybe for a Christmas pressie.

                    Jim, enjoy your road trip. It's good you have so many good friends.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good evening Nesters,

                      IC, you are making great progress, good for you

                      dancingon, save your spare change - you'll have your Kindle in no time!

                      upnorthgirl, I'm sorry things are so difficult for you right now.
                      What made you decide to stop the Antabuse? A year sober is fantastic!
                      Have you given any thought to getting back on the medication since you know it works so well for you? You have so much to deal with, you really need to be taking good care of yourself first! We are here to help in anyway we can:l

                      Got lots done today, I'm ready to sit & relax for a bit!
                      Wishing everyone a comfy AF night in the nest.

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Jim, I think you have had a lot of good advice. My personal opinion is that if someone did not want to be with me then it was their loss. So consider it her loss. You are a good person, with a lot to offer, so her loss. I used AL to deal with a relationship situation years ago where he ended up being gay. When I say relationship I mean a quick marriage. I wasted to much time and to much of myself in AL. I deserved more than that. Dealing with issues without AL allows you to have a better perspective. So figure out what you need and take care of yourself. I live on the border of NSW/QLD, if you get this far come visit. Good luck friend.


                        I'll be riding to Brisbane all up to see a friend who has terminal cancer so I'll def pop in and say hi

                        I wish I didn't still love her. Would be so much easier. Now to start again al free and realise the benefits. Back at work after a week off due to a slight breakdown


                          Newbies Nest


                          Upnorth - glad you are back. It is a hard road that we are on, but dont give up. Sobriety is the ONLY way to go especially with all you have to cope with. AL will not help, in fact it will make is alot worse. It's not easy but neither is living with the guilt you sound like you are living with. Keep reading what you posted. Do you really want to live like that? It can be changed but only if you are willing to give 100%. Take care,

                          Hi Lav I have a kindle too and just love it. I go to the bookstore and write down titles I like the look of then download the books to my kindle. It did take a bit of getting used to as I do love the feel of books and I still do collect them, but a kindle is so convenient. Being able to go into the virtual bookstore at Amazon wherever you are is great. And so much cheaper. Although having access to a bookstore from my home is probably not doing my treatment for agrophobia too well as I really dont have to leave the house anymore!!:H

                          Off to see my pysch this afternoon. Am surprised that i am actually looking forward to getting out of my comfort zone by going somewhere far from home and meeting with a stranger to talk...... so not like me! But that is the idea of counselling I suppose.

                          I hope those who are lurking or struggling find the courage to ask for help and come visit us. It really is a relief to know that you are not the only one feeling this way.

                          I finally got it!
                          "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                            Newbies Nest

                            Jim - It sort of describes your new life.... a big journey up north and a journey to sobriety. Good luck and enjoy both. What a great experience driving thru some of Australia's most beautiful areas.
                            I finally got it!
                            "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                              Newbies Nest

                              Happy Sunday ? had a lovely day again today, sun came out for a while, but now it is so windy! A huge weeoping willow outside my bedroom window has just split in half - i did love watching that tree!
                              I went to the farmers market this morning and stopped at a store. I saw a lovely orchid and really wanted it ? but thought it was way too expensive. I then looked at the other side of the store and realized that I would think nothing of spending 3 times as much for a couple nights worth of wine ? that would leave me feeling miserable the next day ? so I bought the orchid, and looking at it will make me feel lovely tomorrow ? it will be a good visual of what I have achieved this week. Nuts how we can work out to afford poison, but not things that bring enjoyment.
                              Thanks for all the posts about the kindle ? I got one for my 10yo daughter for her birthday, but like fellow nesters, I love the feel of books and the joy of my bedside drawer full of unread treats ? however, sitting in the sun without my old lady reading glasses would be a treat ? question ? if you buy books for the kindle, can you share? That is one way I keep costs down, by sharing good books?.
                              Thanks for all the busy posters/nesters this weekend, you have kept me in check and hopefully today will finish with a whole week AF!!
                              Happy Sunday evening Lav, HC, IC, JimG, dancing, Daisy, LIS and Mazzie - hello to upnorthgirl ? and all enjoy the successes that you have managed!
                              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                                Newbies Nest

                                Jim, I hope your trip is a good one for you. Safe travels!

                                Hippy, pushing out of our comfort zones is a good thing! keep up the great work

                                scottish lass, glad you bought the orchid - I have two & want more. They are nice treats
                                I haven't signed upi for this yet but my daughter & SIL have - you can lend & borrow Kindle books.

                                Homepage – Lendle: Kindle™ Book Lending, Borrowing, & Sharing

                                What will they think of next!!!???
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

