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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hello Nest,
    Glad to see it so busy in here.
    Hippy, So glad you're back here. I missed your posts. It sounds like you're doing wonderful.
    IC, That is awesome. So proud of you!
    SL, the orchid sounds beautiful. You deserve treats. And yes the Kindle is wonderful. I was not open to trying one, but once my husband bought it I had no choice. Once you have read one book on it you will see the benefits. Also I can easily share all of my books with another kindle because they are stored in my computer.
    Jim, sounds like you are off to a good start to your week. I love the feeling of being on a motorbike. So freeing and wonderful. Your trip will be fantastic.
    UpNorth, Welcome back. It sounds like you know that you are doing yourself no favors by drinking. There will be a lot of support here for you. Glad you are here.:l
    Hi daisy and MAzz!
    Lav, How are you? I am faced with the dilemma of living here or moving back to California to be near my parents. I know life is short, and I do not want them to not be a part of my everyday life. It has been really hard being so far away from them for the past 2.5 years. PLus when I Have kids I want them to see them as much as they like. SO I think you are blessed to be so close to your family.
    K all, it is pouring buckets here. I am watching Harry Potter and enjoying a day off. Hope you all have a lovely day!

    Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


      Newbies Nest

      Hello Nesters, I am just dropping in to read up on how things are going. I have been very busy lately and not on the computer much. It's great to see some new faces. I can tell you, it is so worth the battle to fight for your power over alcohol. You can do it, and we are here to help.
      Take care everyone,
      Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


        Newbies Nest

        Hi everybody

        Just a quick check in as I seem to be running out of time lately. Haven't read back yet- lots to catch up on I see. Hills pls drop in more often. Good to see you around.

        My baby boy is 21 today and we've just been out to dinner. Soo good to do this sober and happy to be not drinking!!

        Hope you all havea good night

        Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Nesters! Well...I'm back! Haven't been on here in a few months. I was AF for over 2 months at the start of the year and MWO was a huge part of that success for me. What I have learned is that you can never let your guard down on AL. I took a vacation in March with my husband and went to the very beautiful but very party-oriented island of Jamaica, guess what? I drank! A week before we left I had no intention of drinking there at all. I thought I had an iron willpower inside me. WRONG. I am humbled. On the plane ride down there, I started to convince myself that it was my vacation afterall and the place where we were staying the drinks were free (what was I thinking?) and that I would just drink on my vacation and go back to my AF self when we got back home. WRONG AGAIN! I got right back to my bottle of wine a day habit, feeling lousy in the morning and letting AL control my life. Well, I'm not having that anymore and this morning I woke up and decided to get back on here since this was such a major source of support and inspiration that kept me sober for over 2 months (Jan, Feb, and Mid-March). So here I am back at day 1 technically. I have lots to catch up on with the threads and I see some wonderful new members on here, plus some familiar ones like Lav and Hill, hello my friends! I missed you but deep down, I couldn't come on here when I knew I was back on AL. That's just me and I should have come back here much sooner, I know.

          Anyway, hello to everyone and let's keep posting and sharing. I am looking forward to waking up tomorrow morning without a headache and dehydration that no amount of water can satisfy. Please send me your good vibes and support to make it through today. My darkest hour is when I get home at work before dinner, longing for that first glass of wine. My plan is to come home and eat right away (I've been eating much later than usual which I hate...not good for the stomach!), and then relax with a nice cup of herbal tea. Wish me luck!

          Scottish Lass-Good for you on buying that orchid, you are right, we wouldn't think twice about spending funds on booze (I'm up to $10+ a day) and now that it is Spring and I have been buying some new plants for my garden this year, I have been feeling guilty about spending money on flowers that will brighten up my whole summer, but haven't been feeling badly about spending money on wine that will leave me sour the next morning! So I am going to invest more in plants and focus my energies on building a beautiful garden this summer instead of focussing on getting drunk every night.

          Blessings to all of you. It's good to be back.
          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



            Newbies Nest

            Hiya Hills.

            Hiya Maz, that's awesome about the 21st. I went out with my parent on my 21st, and they ended up with hangovers the next day, while I decided not to drink to much!

            HI BlondeAFA, glad to have you here. AL is sneaky like that, little bugger. You sounds very determined in your return to an AF life. Good for you. Glad to have you here. Look forward to your posts. How was the rest of your trip?

            Lav, you are probably waking up soon. I will see you when I wake up. I am orf to bed.

            Good morning all you nesters

            Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


              Newbies Nest

              Hello & good morning to so many Nesters this morning!!!

              Blondie, we missed you! I wondered about you on that trip ~ I've been to the Bahamas 3X & know full well the booze flows like water down there. Definately have no plans to return there in this lifetime. Glad you've decided to take back control of your life

              Mazzie, my youngest turned 30 last year ~ made me feel really, really old:H:H

              Greetings hill - busy is good!!

              sunshine, that's a hard decision to make! Would you be able to find a job if you moved back to California? I'm sure your parents would love the possibility of doing some active grandparenting someday It is a true blessing for me & I am grateful everyday!

              Looks like another week of clouds & rain ahead for me - :crap:

              Wishing everyone a good AF Monday!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Hi Lav!

                Thanks for your kind words of support, as always. It is good to be here and I feel more like the old "AF" self that I was not too long ago. It is starting to feel familiar to me fast and I really like that. MWO was a daily part of my life that I really enjoyed and I plan to be here more often as it clearly helps me stay sober. I am glad to be taking control of my life too

                Have a wonderful day everyone!
                Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi BlondeAF - my orchid is so uplifting this morning - such a change from the empty wine bottles (and so much cheaper!) - no reason for guilt at all, aren't we weird ducks?
                  Sunshine - where in Ca? It is hard being far away from home - I have been in US 22 years now and it doesn't get easier - and different challenges as my parents age. The biggest regret I have though is having children so far away from their grandparents - my girls really miss that side of family life. Their Dads parents are both deceased and having no close family is not the best way to teach values etc...tough decision for you..
                  Happy Monday all - do love the feeling of an AF Monday...
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Nesters,

                    I don't know why I keep leaving, but I do (did). Just joined an 8 week exercise/weight loss challenge. Won't leave the nest this time!!
                    SL - so glad that you made it to week two! Good job!
                    Lav - I am truly hopping on board now!
                    Off to the store to buy ingredients for the strawberry cupcakes my cuties have been asking for!
                    Have a great day
                    Oh - and my plan is to post dollars saved and pounds my motivation. Just have to figure out how you all have those AF/quotes at the bottom of your posts. Will look around some. I figure I average $14 a day on wine. Good grief!


                      Newbies Nest



                        Newbies Nest

                        Glad to have you back 4my health - go to CP, control panel to add quote etc.
                        if you are doing fitness and diet, be careful about relying on weight - i was putting on weight in spite of dropping 1,000's of AL calories and dieting - so exercising, and put on more - I have lost 10lbs, but still putting on now I almost reached goal, but I have bumped up my fitness and am putting on muscle mass - my clothes look good (and my underarms don't jiggle when i do my hair :H) - so i asked my trianed just now to do my fat % - and i have lost 2% body fat - so don't focus just on lbs lost or you may get disillusioned - I know I expected weight to drop off with life changes, but it hasn't!
                        Glad to have you back alongside me!
                        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hello all, just a quick check-in. Day 7 and counting......started back to my swimming today - definitely helps with sleeping. As far as weight loss goes, when I went AF a few months back I expected the weight to fall off right away considering the amount of calories I was drinking, never mind the nibbles to go with it! But it took until about week 6 and I started losing about 2lbs a week - lost a stone, [14lbs] which had to be down to not drinking because I did'nt change anything else.......add exercise to that and you will definitely see the changes...
                          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning Nesters,

                            4My, glad to see you here. I like your idea of posting dollars saved pounds lost. Sl is right, muscle weighs more than fat, and looks a hundred times better, but you might weigh yourself and feel discouraged. Good luck young lady. I am with you on the fitness tip.

                            As for myself. I am from Sacramento. I just feel really close to my parents, and I feel it would be hard to not have then be around when we have kids. I also know I am the kid that will ultimately need to take care of my parents if need be. They have always been there for me and I want to be there for the. My hubs and I talked a little bit last night. He is happy to move there, although not his ideal, but he will for me. Also, I would plan ahead for a job. I think we would be fine getting jobs but who knows. I think it would take us 2 to 3 years to move back anyways. By then my parents will be about 66ish. Thanks for listening you guys. I really appreciate it.
                            I have to run to work. I hope you all have a lovely day and will check in tonight!

                            Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning all

                              Another relapse last Sunday but AF since.

                              Apparently I was rude to my ex but I don't remember. Less than 4 weeks and our house settles (ie we hand keys over). Until then I expect things to be very icy despite apologies.

                              I have a house to go to which is good. I feel quite ill. At work but not productive. Very supportive manager. I'm taking vitamins but unable to eat well. Got home at 3pm yest and slept til 6am. Valium to calm me knocked me out. Very guilty for relapsing and saying rude things (I have no idea what they were as she won't talk to me but expect it would have been about her new boyfriends or something. Ashamed but determined to kick Al's butt. It's been the cause of so many problems. I just want to go home and back to bed.

                              Dr and psychologist next week so that;s something to look forward to.

                              Hope everyone has a great day.

                              Jim G


                                Newbies Nest

                                Just a quick check in as it's past midnight here now

                                Jim sleep as much as you can I slept a lot at the beginiing its the bodys way of repairing itself.

                                Hope everyone is doing well, I've been doing a lot of thinking and reflecting over the last couple of days, I've managed 90 days now and decided (even though I know in my mind I can not ever drink again) that my next stage is to reach 180 days before even considering the possibility of drinking again.

                                Love to you all:l xxx
                                WHAT CAN I SAY? I DON'T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE..

                                Just taking it day by day.......

