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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Early evening here but thought I'd check in before the thunder storm gets any closer

    Blondie, you can do this again, I just know it!!!

    scottish lass, AF Mondays are the best!!!

    4MyHealth, anything that motivates you to give up the poison is good in my book!
    I have to agree though - don't focus only on pounds lost. I never dropped an ounce when I quit drinking them promptly gained 13 when I quit smoking - terrible. I've lost about half of that but my granny metabolism is making it difficult - to say the least.

    Daisy - great on 7 days!!!

    sunshine, my brother lives not too far from Sacramento (I think). Going back 'home' for you would be a huge change but interesting

    JimG, sorry to hear about your relapse. Don't let guilty feelings overwhelm you. Use the experience as a teaching tool ~ you don't want to do that again, right? Hope you feel better soon.

    lis - 90 days AF is awesome, CONGRATS! You just may be surprised to find your thinking change as you move thru the next 90 days. I found myself thinking less & less about AL as the AF months piled up.

    I promised merry I would post a link here to my photobucket account so she could see some embroidered baby blankets I've done recently. Unfortunately photobucket is not coopertaing at the moment so I'll just put one pic here. This blanket has 6 appliqued designs. (It was a gift for my niece this past weekend).

    Wishing everyone a comfy night in the Nest

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      It's hard enough to give it up in this country.


        Newbies Nest

        Morning all.

        Welcome back BlondeAF - you told my story in your post. I had that sort of holiday last year after being AF for 7 months. Thought I could get sober when I got home and although I stopped drinking (for a month or two) in my mind I had already decided that if there was a special occasion I would "allow" myself to drink. And guess what.... everything became a special occassion!! Typical alkie.. Which started a seven month binge. But you are back where you know you can get help and support and you sound very determined.

        Jim - I know too well about saying things in a black out. The things I have been told that I did or said and not remember is just horrifying. Waking up the next morning covered in bruises or minus my bag (or sometimes parts of clothes), having spent huge amounts of money and not remembering. Meeting people and not remembering them the next time I saw them. And I am still ashamed to admit it but even waking up next to people who I dont know and couldnt remember how and why I got where I was. But that is in the past now and I will never get back to being that person again. Just a friendly reminder though, dont rely too heavily on the valium as that is very addictive too.

        Scottish - I think the orchid should symbolise your new life sober. Every time you look at it you can remind yourself how far you have come.

        As far as loosing weight now I am not drinking, what a joke! I have actually gained about 4kg as I am eating anything and everything in sight. I know it is just comfort eating at the moment but will need to get a hold of it as winter draws near or I wont be able to fit into any of my winter jeans...:H

        Lav - lovely quilt. You are so clever.

        Hi to Daisy, 4myhealth, LIS, sunshine and everyone else who pops in today. Got to get ready for work although that is one thing I am going to change - time for a new job.

        I finally got it!
        "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Andrew. Cross posted. (Did you see his car get stuck on the speed hump when going thru those gates? :H:H:H Sooo funny....)
          I finally got it!
          "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


            Newbies Nest

            I have seen so many people posting about gaining weight after giving up AL - it is such a disappointment as that could be such a good side effect! I will aim for six weeks and hope to have the same outcome as Daisy! 14lbs would be good news!!

            Well HC - right now my orchid is a symbol as to what i have achieved - but I kille dteh one I had before, so maybe I should not let it be too much of a symbol - don't want it to be an omen:H

            sunshine and Lav - I am just south of Sacramento - it is a small world after all - but a strange one - it is funny settling down for the evening when new friends are saying good morning and getting ready for work! and talking of slimming down for winter, when we are looking forward to the summer....

            Day 8 - another notch on my belt, or green dot on my calendar!
            have a lovely Monday evening - and hope all are safe from the ravages of mother nature - she sure is in a temper just now - see you tomorrow - long work day, so may just lurk...
            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


              Newbies Nest

              Hi Nesters,

              Okay, so maybe I will let the "lbs lost slide"...or at least update only once a week/once a month. Last time I quit I lost 6 lbs in 3 days...that works for me! Mostly, I just want to be able to see my cheekbones again (happens quickly) as the drinking gives me an awful puffy face. The money compiled day by day will make me feel stronger and help me realize how foolish I was being with money -- not good in this economy!! ..actually, never good...
              LIS, Jim, SL, sunshine, daisy, blondeambition, lav...goodnight and sleep well (or work well to those on the other side of the earth!).
              Jim, I'm sorry you're having a rough deserve better than your ex; you will find the one for you.


                Newbies Nest

                I quit drinking in Jan. 2011 ready to take on the world. Joined Weight Watchers and dropped 6 lbs. in about 4 weeks. I was so happy, then gained it all back plus 2 lbs. WT...? Now I'm back to losing 4. So my point is seems no matter how hard I try, this journey seems to keep kicking my ass. I'm still determined though. I did drink about once a week when the weight came back because I was so discouraged. Now I guess I have to realize it will take 6-8 weeks after completely stopping to see any results. Good to read all of your posts though, makes me want to keep on trying. Time goes by quickly enough, I'll get there, and so will everyone trying...Jeez, quitting drinking and trying to lose weight, wish one of them could be a bit easier.....:0
                THOUGHTS become THINGS
                choose the GOOD

                AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Barbara

                  It's hard to manage more than one thing when dealing with al problems. While the weight falls offme when I stop drinking beer, the emotional impacts of other things such as my break up play havoc with emotional managament hence recent relapses.

                  I don'tknowmuch about al and weight loss and the sudden impact of quitting - maybe a metabolising issue ?Hoping someone else here may have an idea could well be a case of your body managing the intake.

                  Take care everyone and let's look after each other.


                    Newbies Nest

                    :bananacomputer: 30 days today! :yay:
                    I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                    To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                      Newbies Nest

                      :yougo:WELL DONE IN CHAINS!!!!!! 30 DAYS IS GRRRRREAT!:goodjob:
                      Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Congrats on 30 days In Chains! That is quite an acheivement!

                        Good morning everyone...I am feeling much better about things today as I had a great day yesterday and stuck to my plan! Just wish the sun would come out soon up here as it is quite bleak and has been for the past week.

                        I hope everyone has a great day. I'm off to work and expect another busy day there.
                        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                        BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Once again just a quick hello and got to keep going.

                          I just had to say congrats to IC!!!!! That is so good. I really hope you keep it going. You have done so well to be able to do this. I think you must have quite a bit of determination and strength. Good on you.

                          Lav i love that baby blankey. Sooo cute. I reckon you'd be one of the best g'ma anyone could have. Those grandies are so lucky. My eldest is 30 this year and all my kids had a really good time growing up with their grand parents. Its important.

                          Hi Hippy C - you always lift my day with your posts. Hope the new job search pans out for you.

                          Scottish good job on your ?9 days now. Orchids are so beautiful. I am learning to do nice things for myself now and it is .....nice!

                          4My so good to see you. I had wondered where you were. Goodby puffy face and hello more money - still sounds pretty good to me!

                          Hello Barbara - I hope you stick around and let us get to know you better. Keep working at being af and it will happen for you. Something seems to have finally clicked for me and I couldn't be happier.

                          Andrew I saw the goings on of the Obamas in Ireland. That car was so funny. I bet we see that a few times.

                          Leave - 90 days is awesome and you have already put another goal in place. That's a good idea. I'm going to do that now too. I am now 102 days af and my next goal is to survive my son's 21 birthday party on Saturday night. I have been planning my tactics and keep reminding myself that I am a non-drinker. I so want to have a sober night and not spoil anything for anyone including myself. Then I'll have to decide on another goal.

                          Hi JimG Pls be kind to yourself and allow yourself to heal physically and emotionally. Lots going on for you at present and lots of challenges to put it mildly. I really wish you all the best as you work things out.
                          Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                            Newbies Nest

                            x posts Blonde and Daisy - hope all is well with you. To all having trouble with the weather you can always come over here - mostly fine sunny beautiful days and cool nights.

                            Blonde you are just going to work and I am just going to bed. The time differences often amaze me. We have friends all over the world

                            Take care

                            Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hello Nests,

                              MAzz, I'm with you on the time zone. Getting ready to head off to bed myself. Have a good sleep.
                              4My, I so identify with the puffy face. Most of the pictures from the last three years are all of my puffed up face. Even my wedding day pictures are swollen face, and I have a blown up picture of that on my wall to remind me everyday what I look like with AL bloating me. I love my AF face.
                              Lav, that blanket is awesome. I have all sorts of keepsakes my grandma made me. She crocheted a lot. I have a massive christmas stocking, hats, blankets, etc. I have kept them all even though she has been gone for 10 years. They are fond reminders of what a wonderful spirit she was.
                              SL, am I allowed to ask where you live? It is a small world isn't it. I found with working out a bit and quitting AL, I can still eat some junk and not have a huge effect on my waist. If I don't get some work out in, it shows. My waist has shrunk a little without AL, mostly just the bloating going away I think.
                              Hi HC, What kind of job are you looking for?
                              Jim, don't be to hard on yourself. I hope you have a good nights sleep and have a great day tomorrow. I can't tell you how many times I said or did something hurtful to someone I cared about when drinking. I specifically remember I drank to much when I was visiting my parents, and I said some hurtful things to my mom that I don't recall when I was drinking one night. I felt so bad the next day, and I could tell she was hurt. I hadn't been home in almost 2 years, and I let AL take over to be someone I am not. Not going to ever let that happen again. My mom does not deserve that.
                              IC, WTG WTG WTG:h
                              Hello Daisy, how are you?
                              LIS, hello friend!:l
                              VG, Hello if you're out there, and I think you are.
                              Welcome Barbara.
                              Blonde, Hope you have a lovely day.

                              See all of you lovelies in the morning for me. Night!

                              Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning Nesters!

                                Dark & damp here again

                                IC - CONGRATS ON YOUR 30 AF DAYS :yay:
                                You had such a hard time getting started but you stuck to your guns - good for you

                                Greeting & wishes for a fabulous AF Tuesday to everyone!
                                Just like my signature line says - Success comes one day at a time

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

