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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    I have failed again. Really disappointing as my moms birthday party is in less than 2 weeks and I had hoped to lose some of this bloat. Well, disappointing for many reasons. I love this group & am so thankful for you! However, I am sick of these false starts and so will join you when I have a solid 7 dAys. Wishing you the best and hope to join you soon.
    4MH, for what it's worth, I think you should stay with us. I and so many here are continuously on Day 1. Bit like in a game and being sent Back to Start over and over again.....but you would'nt participate in any game unless there was a chance of winning, would you? Don't lose heart, I know how you feel, but each 'failure' will also strenghten your resolve for that day when Day 1 finally becomes the last Day 1!:h

    All the best!
    Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning Mimi, 4MyHealth, HC, lolab, Daisy & all Nesters!

      Happy Friday & the start of a long weekend
      I have no plans to drink or smoke this weekend - I have too many other things I'd like to do

      Sticking close to MWO (checking in several times/day) really helped me stay focused on my goals in the early days. I was commited & just wanted to stop disappointing myself. I'm so happy I did an AF life really rocks

      Re-commit yourselves if you need to, firm up your AF plans for the weekend, check in frequently ~ you will have no regrets, I promise!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Well, I survived.... Didnt give in to the demon. Got out of my comfort zone and went to the movies (go see Water for Elephants, it's great).
        Sorry to hear so many others struggling too.
        4MH I agree with Daisy. The only time AL wins is when you give up giving up. Please stick around. There is no limits on starts.
        Hope all our American friends are staying safe and out of the way of all these horrible tornadoes.
        Have a good night/day.
        I finally got it!
        "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


          Newbies Nest

          4My...I wasn't going to say anything, but since Lo, Daisy and Lav you took a's the easiest thing in the world to say...I've blown it now, I mays well drink til the cows come home...I'll start again later. Plus there's a holiday weekend coming up, I mays well drink thru that. Who cares anyway?...I don't have that big a problem and besides, look how many days I did go without. Do these voices sound familiar?? See Byrdie posts for the past year! I gave up so many times...let me say, gave IN. I would enoucrage you to read the "you might be an alcoholic if" thread. Even your name indicates that you are here to get a grip on this problem! That's the final straw that got me! Don't allow yourself to lapse the couple weeks you are talking about...and then not posting until you've put in 7 days. This thing is one day at a time, one hour at a time. Is this the weekend where you do something really stupid? Hit bottom? All that can be prevented by hanging in with us. DON'T GIVE UP and DON'T GIVE IN THIS TIME!! Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            awesome byrdie just awesome..."Is this the weekend where you do something really stupid?" this is what I've been trying to keep in my mind.....

            Hippy, thanks I loved the book, but haven't seen the movie yet. I had heard mediocre I will see it!

            Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

            Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


              Newbies Nest

              Quiet evening in the Nest, hmmmm!

              Wishing everyone a comfy night in the Nest & please check in over the weekend

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                4mh don't you dare leave us. So you dranks. How many days didn't you drink? keep track on a calendar, mark the days that you don't drink with a big green happy face and the days you do drink with a big red X. I have drank this month but when I do that I am amazed at how many happy faces is on the calendar and that encourages me.

                Weather we have victory or we fall we need the support of this those in this group.

                Love you guys, have a safe weekend:h
                Day 1:4/4/2014


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Daisy,

                  you're right, I wouldn't play the game if I didn't think I could win! I so look forward to the last day 1!
                  Lav - that may be part of my problem; I don't check in throughout the day...should do that.
                  Thanks HC for the "no limits on starts".
                  Byrdie - thanks for your post. I thought tonight could be the one night when the bad thing happened when I drove to get more wine...not safe. Thank God I made it.
                  Sad to say, but my friend is serving margaritas tomorrow. I will try to limit. Nothing on Sunday and at our Monday barbeque, I will tell them I am on a diet.
                  A friend's friend's daughter just committed suicide and I am trying to tell my boys that this is not an acceptable option; that I am always there to hear their concerns. Now I have to BE there to hear their concerns. So sad. Can you imagine walking into your child's empty bedroom, never to see them again? Brings me to tears. Don't imagine.


                    Newbies Nest

                    HI Nest,
                    Thought I posted last night, but see I didn't. I posted around the site though.
                    So just tried to have a talk with hubs about the mod drinking. I am not planning anything, just putting it out there. Well, that talk ended poorly. The talk turned into if I ever drank again it would mean all the time I spent not drinking was for nothing. He later took this back when I brought this to his attention that it is a bull statement. Then he kept only relating my drinking to how it affects him or us, mostly him, nothing about how AL affects me. I think I was feeling he was being selfish. Then he got upset and started raising his voice while I maintained calm, and decided he didn't want to talk. Then when he wanted to talk 5 minutes later I said no thank you, I need to wait until I am not upset by the way you are speaking to me. I am not sure why I am so upset by his reaction, and why he can not have a simple conversation with me about AL when I have been spending a lot of time and effort into bettering myself by being AF. I feel a bit frustrated, going to head to the gym and come back and repost. Just needed to an outlet for my frustration. I guess people who have not been in our shoes do not know the commitment that it takes, the work you have to invest into yourself, and your future. I like drinking, I do, but I do not like what I become, what I feel, or what it does to me. It certainly dissipates your health, your mental state, and your self respect. Thanks for letting me vent. I know no one understands better than people here the frustrations that sometimes come along. Thank you!

                    Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                      Newbies Nest

                      Morning Lav, Mimi, 4MH and Sunshine. 4MH, so glad to 'see' you back! Sticking with the group keeps your goal, 'sobriety' in your head. When you're ready, you're ready......:h

                      Sunshine, your post really made me think and prompted me to go to 'family members affected by drinking'. Makes some very interesting reading. Do you think your husband's reaction could have been through 'fear' - of going back to the way things were?
                      I only know that every time I 'lapse' I can see the unspoken words behind my children's eyes......the worry of going back. They are not inside my head and don't know for sure that it'll only be for 1 or 2 nights before I try again; why should they, after all I promised them for years I'd stop or cut down and continuously failed miserably! I have to earn their trust again and the only time they don't trust me right now is when they hear the 'clink-clink' of those bottles coming in my front door!

                      My kids are older teenagers. I know your husband is an adult and maybe you think he 'should' understand but I reckon his fears may be just the same as my childrens....

                      You have definitely given me food for thought today......a better insight to how my family have been affected.:thanks:
                      Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Morning Lav, Mimi, 4MH and Sunshine. 4MH, so glad to 'see' you back! Sticking with the group keeps your goal, 'sobriety' in your head. When you're ready, you're ready......:h

                        Sunshine, your post really made me think and prompted me to go to 'family members affected by drinking'. Makes some very interesting reading. Do you think your husband's reaction could have been through 'fear' - of going back to the way things were?
                        I only know that every time I 'lapse' I can see the unspoken words behind my children's eyes......the worry of going back. They are not inside my head and don't know for sure that it'll only be for 1 or 2 nights before I try again; why should they, after all I promised them for years I'd stop or cut down and continuously failed miserably! I have to earn their trust again and the only time they don't trust me right now is when they hear the 'clink-clink' of those bottles coming in my front door!

                        My kids are older teenagers. I know your husband is an adult and maybe you think he 'should' understand but I reckon his fears may be just the same as my childrens....

                        You have definitely given me food for thought today......a better insight to how my family have been affected.:thanks:
                        Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning Nesters!

                          Good to see everyone
                          Honestly 4My - checking in here frequently thruout the day really helps you keep you focus!

                          sunshine, trying to talk to friends & family about your prrior drinking experiences is difficult. They really don't get it! And I don't get why they claim to not be able to change some of their shitty behaviors & habits

                          Wishing everyone a good AF Saturday if that is your goal

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Evening all.

                            Lav you made me laugh.... at least we have an excuse... we are alcoholics.... some people are just bastards and there is nothing they can do about that!:H

                            No-one understands what we are going thru unless they have been thru it themselves. Even my doctor and psychologist dont really understand. My psych said at the start of my therapy that I could work towards being either AF or moderate. OMG! Even he, would has supposedly done alot of work in rehabs, didnt understand that I CANT DRINK JUST ONE!!! Couldnt believe that when he suggested that. So I told him very loudly that moderating is NOT a choice for me.

                            Had a great afternoon. Went to the plant nursery and bought heaps of flowers for my new garden bed. So I spent three hours with my hands in the dirt planting beautiful coloured flowers and lovely scented roses. I feel sooooo at peace when I am gardening. It regenerated my soul.

                            Hope you are all staying strong. If not, stay around and post!

                            Talk to tomorrow (my turn with the remote... chick flicks here I come)

                            I finally got it!
                            "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                              Newbies Nest


                              Hi everyone,

                              Just wanting to put the question out there about how everyone manages withdrawal when detoxing. I've been drinking alcoholically for 30 years ( 3 bottles of wine per day) and it is not safe for me to just stop suddenly. I had seizures the last time I tried and ended up in hospital. At the moment I'm trying to slowly taper off on beer, which I don't like, but just to reduce the alcohol slowly to avoid the extreme symptoms. Is anyone else in my situation ? The next step after the physical withdrawals is the mental obsession...
                              I'd love some feedback if anyone can relate ?


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good Morning. Today is my day 7 AF!!!!!! Thank you for the CD's Lav, I haven't gotten through all of them, but they are working. I'm reading the book and getting acupuncture. I'm working through the cravings fairly well.
                                I can't give advise JeLutte, I was drinking 2 bottles of wine every night too. I got to the point where It was just normal. I quit cold turkey, but I never had seizures. Everyone is different. I did go to my doctor and he made me feel so uncomfortable. He gave me campral, which reduces the cravings. I dread going back to him for progress visits, so I have skipped the last 3.
                                THOUGHTS become THINGS
                                choose the GOOD

                                AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............

