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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Well done Barbara!
    I am on day 1.
    Going CT... I have some Kudzu left over from the last time. I am going to use that.
    Keep smiling


      Newbies Nest can do it. Time flies and before you know it you will be on day 3,4, and so on. Keep busy and keep booze out of the house!
      I poured all of my alcohol down the drain on day 2 because each time I opened the refrigerator there was a frosty bottle of my favorite Kendall Jackson Chardonnay smiling at!!! lol.
      THOUGHTS become THINGS
      choose the GOOD

      AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


        Newbies Nest

        Greetings HC!!!
        Good to see you, hope you are well

        Barbara, CONGRATS on 7 AF days!
        Very well done & glad you are enjoying the CDs - keep using them even when you think you no longer need them. I really think they make a big difference

        JeLutte, good to see you again!
        Have you considered asking your Doctor for something to help you get through your detox period safely?
        I put myself on a 'schedule' gradually reducing my daily wine intake until I was down to 3 or 4glasses then just quit. I had no problems, just felt crappy but that's to be expected.

        wannachange, good to see you again as well!
        Make a good plan, re-read the MWO book & hop aboard with us - you can do this!

        Have a good afternoon one & all
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Hi to my fellow nesters, my cheer leaders and my support group.
          4myH ? I was driving home today wondering how I was going to make this post. The saying goes misery loves company! Well, you have company. Thank you for going first, and here I come too! I have slipped. On Wednesday after a grueling few days at work a group of us got together to try to work out what to do to right the wrongs, and did it over a bottle of wine ? well there were three bottles and five of us, so not too bad. I thought that I could let that slip, but you all know the voices that entered my head ? you can moderate?..uh-hu! so as the week continued, I decided that I could have a glass of wine or two over the weekend, so bought a little ? and drank most of it last night . So, yes I know ? I can?t moderate ? and yes I know another trigger ? which is the silver lining in my pity party. I have identified something that leads me to drink.
          I see your support of 4myH and know that I will read these messages and take them into my heart. I am now at 15 AF days for May ? not as good as the 22 in April, but June will be better. I will be on the posts daily, I have been reading, but due to the mess at work, I have not taken time to post. 4myH ? do not wait till 7 days to post, you and I are in this together and we will support each other along with support of all the other nesters. We will succeed one day ? not sure when that will be, but we will do it. So in shame, I have confessed and now will move on!
          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


            Newbies Nest

            Hi nesters.

            Well done on coming back Scottish Lass, rather than giving up which is so easy to do. Just learn from it and dont repeat it. Simple! No, it's not is it?? Good luck though.

            JeLutte welcome. Sounds like you need to be careful when cutting out the alcohol. Dont let the seizures be an excuse not to do it though. It is possible and so worth it. Lav's suggestion to slowly cut down is a good idea and also maybe mention to your doctor what you want to do.

            Nest is very quiet this weekend! Where is everyone?

            Stay strong.
            I finally got it!
            "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning Nesters!

              It is quiet here HC ~

              Scottish lass, I'm sorry to hear you decided to drink but glad you came right back to the Nest.
              I know how hard it is to break the 'habit' of drinking to wind down after a long day. I did that for years myself but didn't know it would lead me into being completely controlled by AL. If you you really do want to eliminate AL from your life - you will

              JeLutte, how are you today?

              Will check in later - wishing a good day for one & all.
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Hi Hippy, I think of you often and wonder how you are. Glad to see you poppin in.

                SL, Glad to see you here. I agree with you, if one drinks, please don't stop coming here and posting. We are meant to be a support to one another. Someone posted that they had wine for brekky the other day. The funny thing is, there are many times I have had AL or thought of having AL for breakfast, so they were not alone.

                Lavv, hello my lovely. I hope you are enjoying your weekend as you fully deserve sun and love .

                Jelutte, there has been a lot advice that I've seen on threads that say to wean off and then quit. I hope you find the right path as far as quitting. Lots of Support here.

                Hi Barbara, way to go.

                Wannachange, I've read some of your posts and glad to see you here. Just a question, do you ever play free online poker?

                4My, hope you're hanging in there.

                Daisy, I think it was you who hit the nail on the head about hubs and trust.

                Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                  Newbies Nest

                  Okay, getting ready to head off to bed here on Sunday Night. Just had an interesting weekend.
                  I was definitely tempted a lot this weekend. I went out for a friends birthday to a local venue that has about 10 bars, various dance rooms, restaurants, pokies, etc. Everyone was drinking and of course I was doing the sober thing. I think the beginning of the evening is always the hardest, when everyone is laughing and having a good time, starting out with drinks. You know that they are on the way to happy place of the buzz, or a bit further along into the happy drunk stages, and I wanted to go along to. I didn't though, I did stay well into the night until about 1:30am. I did A LOT of people watching, and could watch them go through stages of their drunkenness. I saw some funny things, some sad things. Towards then end of the night I saw drunk people crying in conversations, people hitting on anything that moved into their radius, and the tired weary look that crosses over into people who have been drinking for many many hours:nutso:. I was happy to be leaving sober, to not feel the effects others were, and to know I was going to feel good in the morning. There was a moment at the bar when I was ordering my coke, where I just loved the smell of AL, and I wanted it.

                  Then today when we were out playing poker, I wouldn't have minded a glass of wine. I was fantasizing about the drink I knew I was not going to have. Thinking why not? Knowing not going to happen. Then when I was sitting next to a group a guys who had been drinking the whole game, the smell on their breath just bothered me. Every time they talked it was all you could smell. One of the guys had had a few, and he was being not his usual polite self, and I remembered, awe yes, that is what happens when we drink just one to many. So again happy not to have AL.
                  I think I shared with you guys I have beer in my fridge. Still untouched. Even though it is there I am not tempted. I know it will not be drunk unless a guest drinks it. Though if there was an open bottle of vodka I might be plotting away how much I could get away with drinking and no one noticing. Now I am seeing I would not be getting away with anything.:H

                  I am glad for all of you who are here. Please keep the the ones you love close. Life is short, cherish the little things! :h

                  Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                    Newbies Nest

                    Ill be working the next few days, wont even prolly have time to breathe.....let alone pick up an AL drink LOL

                    I just keep using the great advice, inspiration, and stories I read on here to combat my cravings, and stay AF......cuz MAN, it feels good to wake up everyday sober, and my body is responding well to it.....and by that I mean I am slimming up a little
                    Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                    DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good Morning!

                      Looks like we're all hanging in through the tough holiday weekend.
                      Sunshine, it made me cringe when you talked about ("if" there was an open bottle of vodka and wondering how much you might get away with and no one noticing).... Lord, I've been there/done that. Right? The only person I fooled was myself that's for sure.
                      Nelz...I look forward to the day I can finally see some weight loss for all of my AF efforts. I thought I would drop at least 10 lbs. when I quit, but so far not an ounce....

                      Hippy Chick and Lav, IS quiet, kind of wierd, but I've noticed that on holiday weekends, people don't bother with the computer much, they're out with friends and family. For me, I have to stay put, I know I would fail if I went to a party. If I went and didn't drink I can hear my friends say "who are you, and what did you do with Barbara" lol
                      THOUGHTS become THINGS
                      choose the GOOD

                      AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


                        Newbies Nest

                        I am back. I need to stay here for good this time. I've just been ignoring my problem and desire to be af and I am so tired of fighting it.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Barbara1234;1122214 wrote: Good Morning!

                          Looks like we're all hanging in through the tough holiday weekend.
                          Sunshine, it made me cringe when you talked about ("if" there was an open bottle of vodka and wondering how much you might get away with and no one noticing).... Lord, I've been there/done that. Right? The only person I fooled was myself that's for sure.
                          Nelz...I look forward to the day I can finally see some weight loss for all of my AF efforts. I thought I would drop at least 10 lbs. when I quit, but so far not an ounce....

                          Hippy Chick and Lav, IS quiet, kind of wierd, but I've noticed that on holiday weekends, people don't bother with the computer much, they're out with friends and family. For me, I have to stay put, I know I would fail if I went to a party. If I went and didn't drink I can hear my friends say "who are you, and what did you do with Barbara" lol
                          Thats what I thought too Barb! LOL Ive only dropped about 6 pounds, so not much, but Ive noticed a HUGE difference in my face.

                          I also gave up any "added" sugars, when I gave up the AL, and my job is picking back up(blue collar), so Id say that is the BIG reason for the difference.

                          Im considering starting a workout program with all this added energy I have by keeping AL out of my life....../me gives the finger to AL LOLz

                          We need a smiley like that.......little yellow face givin the finger to a bottle of booze
                          Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                          DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                            Newbies Nest

                            Im considering starting a workout program with all this added energy I have by keeping AL out of my life....../me gives the finger to AL LOLz

                            We need a smiley like that.......little yellow face givin the finger to a bottle of booze
                            Could you imagine a whole series of little yellow smileys relating to snubbing AL? Who do we call to get this done? lol
                            THOUGHTS become THINGS
                            choose the GOOD

                            AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


                              Newbies Nest

                              Could you imagine a whole series of smileys dedicated to snubbing AL? Funny stuff!
                              THOUGHTS become THINGS
                              choose the GOOD

                              AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


                                Newbies Nest

                                I'm checking in. Alls well here. Piper, welcome back. You are sick and tired...this is why we land here. Sounds like you are ready. It's like, Enough Already...I'm tired of fighting. So roll up your sleeves, and we'll get down to business.
                                Sunshine, your account of watching people is so are jealous at first because they are drinking and having fun...but it doesn't take long to pick up on the slurred speach, the close talking, the weaving, crying, and the I love yous!!!! Makes you glad to be you, doesn't it? Well all who are here, and helpiing each other even when we slip ourselves. I am so glad to know each and every one of you....all we gotta do is get thru today. Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

