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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Wow! Glad to see each & every one of you here today

    I'm actually in my shop working today, there are 2 computers in here so I have no excuse to not check in!

    Nelz, you've put an image in my mind now that I will have forever :H

    piper, good to see you - hop back into the Nest, you know this is a good place :l

    Barbara, Byrdie & everyone - sober holidays rock - no kidding

    Have a fun day everyone!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Everyone,
      Great to see such posting. Just heading off to work so won't be around today.
      Piper, Welcome back.
      Barbara, way to hang in there this weekend.
      Byrd, thanks for the check in.
      Lav, Have a good Sunday/Monday!
      Nelz, you are doing so well. Congrats. I am down about 7 pounds without the AL. No bloated face. I am so thankful. Yes getting right back to the fitness and going to kick and extra 15 pounds off.
      To anyone else out there, see yous later, and have a lovely day. Don't let AL kick your butt, kick its butt to the curb! Always easier said than done!

      Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


        Newbies Nest

        Evening nesters

        Hope everyone is feeling good and hanging in there, been trying to comment and log in all week but something keeps getting in the way. Well it's a Holiday weekend here and I decided that hubs and I should finish the kitchen refit we started when I was expecting my daughter (She's umm seven now) so I've spent the last few days cleaning and sorting, disgusted with myself on how I'd ignored things choosing instead to kid myself things were fine.. becoming resentful...

        Resentful that AL has taken so much of my life the last few years....

        Resentful that I've missed out on doing things with the kids that I should have done with them rather than choosing to drink instead....

        Resentful of my husband (Unfairly I know, I had to make the decision not him) for not helping/making me get help sooner and then not giving me the support I needed last year when I first tried to come to terms with the fact I needed to stop the cycle.

        Been an odd week, I've wanted to drink on a couple of occassions, scary knowing that if there had of been vodka or wine in the house I would have crumbled, telling myself that it will be fine to go out and get drunk occassionly now etc etc, but now seeing so many TV programmes containing people getting drunk that thought is getting far less appealing

        The upside though (Funny how I can usually find one of those nowadays) AF days seem to last 3 times longer than AL filled/ hangover ones and I can get so much more done, my skin has cleared so much and believe it or not some of the wrinkles are far less noticible and I can see it is a lot less dehydrated nowadays (I've been doing that pinch test all day and laughing at myself in the mirror), , I'm less paranoid ( I hadn't actually realised how paranoid I was when I was drinking, not just about the drinking but about what people thought about me, how if I smelt of AL etc etc), I don't react to hubs moods the way I used to, the list keeps growing as I think about it

        Okay I'm waffling on, something else I find myself doing more as my confidence grows. I'll go catch up with the posts here

        Hope everyone is having a good evening/day, love and hugs Lee xx

        Just taking it day by day.......


          Newbies Nest

          Hi all, Day 1 again, I had read on a post that it takes three days to rid all the AL in our bodies - I do wish that I didn't have to do the three days all over again!
          Today is my birthday and I feel like crap - I did not dring a huge amount, but my 10days off ust have an effect. This is my last year in my 40's - and I am determined NOT to feel like this in my 50's. I hope that i can look back this time next year and just shake my head.
          I am so disappointed in myself, I was doing so well - and it took two minutes to fall!
          Hopefully tomorrow I will be over the pity party, but today I am wallowing in self pity! sorry to dump...
          Night all, hopefully I wil get thru today and be on my way to starting for real, and will be more upbeat least I am giving myself the birthday present I promised, AF!
          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


            Newbies Nest

            Hi All,

            Thanks for all of the (always) encouraging posts.
            Mimi - don't think I acknowledged yours, thanks. And Sunshine...and so many others.
            Had dinner last night with a couple. She is a Normal drinker. He needs to smoke pot to be calm. I was like...can you make another drink!!! Trying not to say/ask, but had to. Hate that feeling. So tired today (poor sleep due to alcohol, dogs and children).
            Tomorrow is day 1 and I will make it to day 30. Will have my reasons established.
            Love this group.
            Hope you all are doing well and happy where you are.
            Thanks for being my support, my friends. You are a Godsend.


              Newbies Nest

              Well done for coming back 4MyHealth - this will be a new start for you and I, and we will rack up some AF days really soon!
              I have made a few posts and feel so much stronger and more positive already!
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                Newbies Nest

                Goodmorning Nesters, I am just dropping in to say hello, and read up on how things are going. It is so awesome to read so many supportive and positive things going on here as always. Enjoy your Holiday for those in the States.
                Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Morning Nesters! Hope you're all enjoying the Bank holiday weekend. It was definitely a tough one......drinkers and alcohol all round! 4MH and ScotLass glad you came back to Day 1 so quickly - it would be so easy to use that slip as an excuse to carry on for another few days.........You must give yourself credit for that. Your 'determination' muscle is building each time you use it!!! Also, reading your posts has helped remind all of us how we feel after a slip - I have been sooooo tempted; going for lunch today with a drinking crowd so :thanks:
                  Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hello to Hill, Lav, Sunshine, Mimi, InChy and 'others'!
                    Posting again to report 14 days today. PHEW!!!!!! Feel like I have just survived something........haha, here goes for the next however many minutes, days...........ODAT! :thanks: to all of you!!!!!!!
                    Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning nesters!

                      WOW, congrats Daisy on your 14 AF days! That is a milestone
                      Remember how good you feel today & keep it going

                      Greetings to everyone dropping in today!
                      I have a busy day in store - family coming over for BBQ so I'd better get going.

                      Wishing everyone a safe & sober Memorial Day Holiday!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hey y'all. This sounds great. I'm going to quit on 6/1, the new moon. An astrologer friend says it's a good time too, and new moon is good for starts. I'm at the point of drinking a minimum of 1/2 pint liquor or a bottle of wine each evening to get to sleep. I've started on lamotragine/lamictal as well as the topomax, and ordered a bunch of supplements and the Kudzu, arriving on Wednesday.

                        Hey, how about some hot cocoa and incense?

                        I do actually have a fire going this morning, Juniper / Cedar, very yummy smelling and toasty.

                        Cheers and looking forward to this group.



                          Newbies Nest

                          :wave: Day 9 AF!!!!!!!!!!! This is a first for me.
                          Could never have done it without the support of everyone here that's absolutely the truth!
                          Hi AV Sen, sounds like a good plan. New beginnings are always exciting to look forward to. You came to a good place!
                          THOUGHTS become THINGS
                          choose the GOOD

                          AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


                            Newbies Nest

                            Thank You!

                            Hi All,

                            I haven't been around for a while, as I found after 30 days AF I had got my life back and have been busy enjoying it again!

                            I just wanted to pop in to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU to everyone who helped me and supported me through my struggle with AL during April. I completed my 30 days just into May as I had started a bit late and it is the best thing I had done for, well more years than I can remember.

                            I still have down days but with my hand on my heart I can say that the strength and advice I drew from everyone in the Newbies Nest has laid the foundations for me to be able to put these feelings into perspective and take back my life.

                            I don't drink at all during the week and now can enjoy a glass of wine with lunch with friends or share a half bottle of wine with my Mother, without that old desperate need to continue drinking until I passed out. I don't even think about wine most of the time now and when the thought does pop into my head, I 'surf the wave' like so many of you said, and it works.

                            I know I can never go back to drinking in a purely social environment again, but I believe I can control the urges within the boundaries I have set myself i.e. one glass with a meal with friends or two glasses with a meal with my Mother.

                            BUT I know if I start to slip again, for what ever reason, I will be straight back here to my friends on MWO.

                            For those tackling this disease, I wish all of you all the strength and courage in the world to beat it, you can, I did and I thought I would never get back my self control, it's not easy some days BUT YOU CAN DO IT.

                            For those who help me and continue to provide advice and most importantly support to those still on their journey, words can't really say it enough, Thank You. :l



                              Newbies Nest

                              Hello everyone!

                              I'm new and i currently came across some friends who have started mindfulness and meditation classes. I got curious and started researching on the net but I would like to ask if anyone has gone through this courses and what have you learned? Most blogs say that it can actually change your perspective in life and your outlook on the challenges that occur in life. Is this true? I'd really appreciate feedback from those who have experienced the same. Thanks very much in advance!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hello all! Glad to have found "the nest". I hope we get fed by answers here. I particularly am concerned cause I just started meditation classes but I am always distracted! I try my best to clear my mind but still after a few minutes I find myself thinking bout chores and deadlines and other things. Can anyone help? Thanks!

