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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good job Gardengal- keep it up- the sweats and pain subsides after a few days. Well I bought a pint of vodka because i had the excuse. Usually i would've bought 2 but limited myself to one. The wife thing was a misunderstanding- but she did lie(hide things) to me so she wouldn't have to answer questions. So I feel okay- but not necessarily redeemed. I drank the vodka anyways because i had it- back to day 1!


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Hippie, Lav

      I will check in from time to time, but this month is going to be challenging and I won't have much time.

      matchee, I'm soooo glad it was a misunderstanding. Really happy for you and I am glad you got right back to day 1. That's awesome!

      Gardengal-it really does get better and I know how hard it is. You are determined and that is really important. Good luck and stay in the nest.
      THOUGHTS become THINGS
      choose the GOOD

      AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


        Newbies Nest

        Thanks, Matchee. I'm sorry you succumbed to the temptation. Although, to be brutally honest, I usually would have done the same, but I just cannot if I want to live to see my girls grow. Besides, the 13 year old has GOT to know what I'm up to. She's a smart cookie.

        Just noticed as I took the little one to preschool how yellow my eyes are today. Good grief. I am not so smart......

        Anyways, onward and upward, you slipped, now get back up and start day 1 with me. We CAN do this.
        AF 9/28/11


          Newbies Nest

          Keep working your plans everyone - you can do this

          I am living proof & that's why I continue to come back & post in the Newbies Nest everyday!
          Don't listen to the mind chatter - it's all BS

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Lavande;1124016 wrote: Keep working your plans everyone - you can do this

            I am living proff & that's why I continue to come back & post in the Newbies Nest everyday!
            Don't listen to the mind chatter - it's all BS

            Thank you!!!!!:h
            AF 9/28/11


              Newbies Nest

              Well, I made it to the bank and the food stores, so I am stocked with healthy stuff. Picked up some Carnation Instant Breakfast, as the morning is VERY difficult for me and I know I need to nourish my depleted body. I didn't make it to the bookstore, so I will load up my Nook tonight...I still have a 25.00 BN giftcard. On a bright note, I got a call about a job in Home Health (my 'passion', if you will) that sounds wonderful and they are eager to meet me. The best part is, they are going to call me this Friday or Monday to set something up for next week, so I have time to go through this detox and something to look forward to. Worrying about money/lack of job is not helping with my anxiety.

              Scottishlad, just saw you are an RN too. It kills me that I know so much and counsel others, but do this to myself.

              Well, just checking in. I'm normally pretty darn tanked right about now, keeping occupied has helped. I'm going to go take a shower, because this sweating business is DISGUSTING!!!!
              AF 9/28/11


                Newbies Nest

                My witching hour nears as the end of workday beginning of drinking day looms, I want to thank all for posts and the toolbox ideas....I have a tentative plan for the night that doesn't begin with me lying to myself that "tonight I'll only have a couple"


                  Newbies Nest

                  Morning / evening / afternoon all,

                  Hope everyone's doing well. I am in a better place in terms of depression, anxiety and my domestic situation but I keep relapsing with the al - maybe bec I'm coping with many issues and I don't need the additional stress. That may sound really weak but I do have a plan / timeframe once my house is gone and I'm finally free of my ex that I can start afresh including al free.

                  Does that sound weak or is it sound? I suppose it's a matter of doing something when the time is right.

                  Have a great da / night everyone and take care.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Gardengal, there are quite a lot of us in the health industry. Bizarre isn't it?
                    I often think it will be good to one day be able to admit to having had a drinking problem (past tense) whereas I couldn't admit to it at the moment without feeling it would compromise my work.
                    Be good to yourself and think how well you will feel when you are over this.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Dancingon, that is why I have not sought help from my Dr or any outside help besides here, as I'm doing this privately right now. I think that I will have to seek outside help eventually, but for right now, this is where I am since I think it would compromise my standing as far as my professional career, even though I haven't done anything 'wrong' professionally due to my drinking.

                      Although, I have some slight yellowing in the whites of my medical intervention may be sooner than later. Got some milk thistle and tumeric, supplementing with multivitamins, vit d and b complex, lots of water with lemon...laying off the sweets and caffeine. If it gets worse at any point, or doesn't start to improve in a few days, I'll go in. I'd REALLY rather not. I'm committed to doing this on my own. I really did overdo it the last week or so.....
                      AF 9/28/11


                        Newbies Nest

                        Jim, I dunno.... I have always had 9 Billion excuses and they were all weak. From what I am taking from all the reading I've been doing is that Alcohol doesn't make any situation's very true. Other than the initial withdrawal being stressful and painful, it sure seems like there's quite a bit of serenity and ability to deal with problems on the 'other side.' I can't wait to find out.
                        AF 9/28/11


                          Newbies Nest

                          Glad you just said that gardengirl
                          There really is a lot of serenity on the other side. Mind you, your life won't suddenly become PERFECT but you will find yourself thinking, feeling & reacting normally!!! That was a big deal for me as I imagine it is for all of us.

                          JimG, hope you are going to be OK & take care of yourself.

                          Clockwatcher, how's the evening going for you? Try to keep yourself distracted ~ it's the best thing

                          Near dark so I have to go chase my chickens to bed. Real chickens......I have 25 laying hens & 4 chicks right now

                          Wishing everyone a safe night in the Nest!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            hello all

                            Ufff....can't seem to shake this psychologically at all. I get to about a week AF, last time actually was 10 days until last night and then I convinced myself that I should be able to drink on "special occasions", or socially etc. etc. All the usual excuses. Next thing I've been drinking two nights in a row, for no good reason...

                            I hope everyone is doing a little better than me tonight


                              Newbies Nest

                              so far so good, thanks to all for advice, I am watching hockey without beer! ( I didn't think that was legal...) big ice cream night, then clean up house which looks pretty messy when sober....feel sick but that was expected....insomnia is my friend, but dealing with self inflicted wounds...pray, eat, pray but don't drink....


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good grief - so I left the weather of the UK for sunny california - today has had hail, rain and thunderstorms - a tornado just touched down close by and snow at 5,000 feet! So glad i took these days off - YIKES!
                                hi to all - yes, GardenGal I am RN and even more ashamed that I work in transplant and see alcohlics die of liver failure as they can't get a transplant, so I see some of the worst that this poison can do to us - I also see the donors who may be in car wrecks due to drunk drivers - and neither scenerio has encouraged me to stop.
                                and - likewise i have two girls (10 and 13) that I dearly want to see grow up, and without my habits too!
                                Jim - well done for having a plan - it was not until i left my husband and got my own place that i had the strength to look after myself and start trying to do this! This is my fourth start since joining MWO - I managed 22 days in April and 15 in May - and 1 day so far in June!!! however, my financial problems are major (reason i left the marraige after 22 yrs) - so had to acknoweldge there will always be reasons for me to need a drink, and I had to start somewhere!
                                Clockwatcher - the witching hour is hard, and you have the same one as I do - getting home from work without stopping for wine is really hard for me, but once I get home I log on and start reading posts - it really helps me!
                                so today is day 4 - yahoo! I tried to swallow the AllOne today - yuck! got it down, and will keep trying - used tomato juice, will add some worcestershire tomorrow and see if that helps!
                                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

