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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi all,

    Haven't taken the time to read all posts; today has been a day away from the house/computer.
    SL - I drove my kids home today after sports tryouts and it was difficult not to stop for wine. Luckily, they wanted to go home!!
    Day 3, still so tired. Some reading (Alan Carr) and off to bed.
    Good night all nesters. See you tomorrow!


      Newbies Nest

      Semi famous quote, "the future begins today" ( or something like that)..... Day 2 of what I hope to be my future, ,,no booze yesterday and with help of this site made it 24 hours without beers which, sadly but truly is an accomplishment for me.....sweat filled insomnia night but that's ok too,,,,ok, let's just get through 24 more hours as that's all the future I can handle.....good luck to everyone else trying tp get through the day....


        Newbies Nest

        Morning Nesters! Good to see you all here! I know it can be disheartening at the start or after a 'slip' backwards, but YOU ARE STILL HERE! You have not lost sight of your goal; staying here with like-minded people is crucial....
        Last time I clocked up 3 months AF I did'nt post and after a while steered away from MWO altogether.......inevitably found myself going right back. I don't 'want' to moderate. I can't see the point of 1 or 2 glasses - 2 bottles or nothing! With that kind of thinking or mindset there is only one road I can take......
        Sorry for rambling a bit but I so want any of you just starting out to know how important it is to stay very close to MWO for that 'release', 'support' and 'hope' that will help you on your journey. We're in this together......
        Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Nesters!

          Woke up to a beautiful day here, finally! Yesterday was quite gloomy and strange storm-like weather in the evening. Daisy45, you are so right...what matters is that we are all STILL HERE, despite bumps in the road here and there. Today is back to day one...I don't know why it has been so difficult for me this Spring as earlier in the year I stopped cold turkey (in bleak January no less) and went for over 2 months AF. Now I have tried to stop over the past few weeks and get that 5 o'clock urge and have succumbed to it, darn it! I also went on the mod threads to see if I could find some in between but instead of sticking to my 2 glass a day allowance, I always go to 3...then 4, and then before you know it the whole bottle of wine is gone. So, moderation doesn't seem to work for me and I really feel that my body is telling me it is time for a detox after binging for a few months (since March). So, here I am and my first goal is to get through today. Then to make it through to the end of June AF. I have a good plan in mother and I are going to get our nails and toes done this afternoon (today is my day off, yay!) and then we are going to our favorite thrift store to donate a few bags of clothes and then probably take some stuff home with us! That seems to be the norm when we go there...dump stuff off and then come home with more Anyway, my mother is a drinker and so I will just have to say good-bye after our mother-daughter afternoon and come home and make dinner right away. Normally I would invite her in for a glass of wine but that's not going to happen today. Then I plan to do some yard work as I haven't been able to all week with our roof being replaced and many workers would feel awkard to do some gardening when there is a crew of guys pounding away at nails and old roof bits falling about! Long post and I'm just rambling now but I wanted to share my committment with you all and wish everyone the best! Onwards to June!
          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



            Newbies Nest

            Good morning Nesters!

            Wonderful seeing so many checking in today

            I'm in a bit of a rush myself this morning, I will be back later.
            Just wanted to wish everyone a wonderful AF Thursday!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              BlondeAFAmbition;1124474 wrote: Hi Nesters!

              Anyway, my mother is a drinker and so I will just have to say good-bye after our mother-daughter afternoon and come home and make dinner right away. Normally I would invite her in for a glass of wine but that's not going to happen today.
              Hi Blonde,

              Have you ever talked to your mother about this? Is she luck enough to be able to modify? I wondered about this because I don't have a relationship with my mother, (anyway I could never talk to her about this because she would love it if she knew I had a problem, just another notch on her belt for disapproval).
              I see several women posting about spending time with mom and having a few drinks etc.
              What are your thoughts?
              THOUGHTS become THINGS
              choose the GOOD

              AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


                Newbies Nest

                Hi Barbara,

                Nice to meet you! The story of my mother and my AL problem is a long one so I won't go into that much detail as I could write a book about it (and probably should at some point!), but let's just say that my mother started buying me wine at age 18 so that I could be her drinking partner at cocktail hour since my dad didn't drink. Isn't that sad? I'm not blaming my mother for my AL problem but it is evident that she had a big role in getting me hooked on it from the very beginning. I take full responsiblity for my AL consumption over the was me pouring it down my throat and no one else.

                My mother drinks probably 2 bottles of wine a night. She drinks white, I drank red. She jokes about a small bottle being a "single serve". Earlier this year, I told her that I no longer wanted to drink. I went just over 2 months AF and I had to avoid spending time with her because of this, sadly. And when I did spend time with her, it was like how it will be this afternoon...doing something where AL is not present (nail salon) and then shopping (flea market type of bars around!). I have a feeling she will need to stop at the liquor store on the way home to buy her daily dose and I will just stay strong and wait in the car. When she drops me off I will just have to say that I need to walk the dog and get dinner ready (which is true!) and not invite her in for a drink. I really can only handle a few hours of time with my mom at a clip as there are other issues there I won't get into. The last time I stopped drinking and we did have to spend time together for a dinner, she asked..."why aren't you having a glass of usually have one?" and I would explain that it wasn't agreeing with me anymore. And she would say, oh, that's too bad, and I could tell that she could never understand life without AL everyday. She drinks alone or with her girlfriends. Her new "boyfriend" also drinks but not to the extent that she does. She is in her early 70's and is healthy otherwise. If we go to a family get together in the evening for someone's birthday or whatever, when we pick her up, she is already buzzed. So, sadly, I do not have the support from my mother in my quest to stop drinking. My husband is supportive and says if I am happier not drinking then I shouldn't drink but sometimes I feel he thinks I am boring instead of a bit more "fun" when I drink. He still drinks beer every night but doesn't get hung over and I wouldn't say he has the same problem I do. Well, this turned out to be a long reply but to answer your question, my mother isn't able to modify and I really can't talk to her about being sober as I don't think she would ever understand at this stage in the game. Thanks for reading my post!
                Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                  Newbies Nest

                  Good Morning, Everyone!

                  Just wanted to report my 'progress' Will come back this afternoon to read everyones posts and maybe even have something insightful to say (ha)

                  I am just getting ready to run out the door for a quick 1 1/2 hour drive into Chicago to bring my husband his wallet that had somehow fallen out of pants and into a laundry bin last night - he didn't realize it wasn't in the pants until they asked him for his train pass this morning. Whoops. The 13 year old helped me look for it, so she asked if she can come with, so I'm letting her stay with me. She has straight A's and only 4 days left and they are down to watching movies at school! (Plus, bonus, 3 year old is home from preschool today, so any help is awesome, esp since this is only day 2 for me and I'm still quite 'frazzled')

                  Yesterday was a little rough physically, esp in the afternoon, early evening. I had chills/sweats/shakes. I wanted to have a beer or two to help taper, since I basically only did one day, then threw the vodka out....kept the beer in case of withrdrawal emergency, will throw it away this weekend. I didn't have it though, because everytime I look in the mirror, I am reminded of what I have done. The yellowish eyes are still there, no worse, no better, so will continue with what I'm doing. I slept sorta ok. I took a full xanax, took my sleepytime tea and woke up multiple times, but I did get a few 2 hour stretches in between 930 and 445, so I don't feel too terribly horrible.
                  I am very moody. Had to walk away from the 3 year old and lock myself in the bathroom for 3 mins to compose myself during her usual morning tantrum. At least I had the sense to do that. I feel very achy and headachy, but don't want to take any advil or tylenol. Also, I'm wanting to eat something 'yummy', but with the 1 1/2 hour car ride, I'm just gonna snack for now and wait till I get home. Well, 3 year old is mid tantrum, so I'm off to prepare for the road trip.
                  I'll be back later.
                  AF 9/28/11


                    Newbies Nest

                    Thanks Blonde,

                    I consider your mother as being very lucky to be in her 70's without any health related problems from drinking, makes me jealous if you want to know the truth!
                    It is such a mystery to me why some of us have the discomfort and struggles with AL and others get by scott free. Oh how I wish it were me.
                    Well, for one reason or another it's not me, so on we go.
                    I am so grateful to have found this site. I have NEVER, EVER told anyone what I struggle with every single day. I'm happy to have this outlet because otherwise I know I would still be doing the same horrid, boring, nonproductive dance. I just don't want to play anymore!
                    THOUGHTS become THINGS
                    choose the GOOD

                    AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


                      Newbies Nest

                      gardengal;1124510 wrote: Good Morning, Everyone!

                      Yesterday was a little rough physically, esp in the afternoon, early evening. I had chills/sweats/shakes. I wanted to have a beer or two to help taper, since I basically only did one day, then threw the vodka out....kept the beer in case of withrdrawal emergency, will throw it away this weekend. I didn't have it though, because everytime I look in the mirror, I am reminded of what I have done. The yellowish eyes are still there, no worse, no better, so will continue with what I'm doing.
                      I'll be back later.

                      Hi gardengal,

                      So happy to hear you dumped the vodka. I dumped all my AL day 2 as well, and as I was dumping it I had an out of body experience.....this voice was you know how expensive that wine Well obviously that was my evil twin (the AV...Alcoholic Voice).
                      Anyway you may want to read Warning: Your Liver may turn on you at any time .. and it could be fatal. ( 1 2 3 ... Last Page)

                      It's a thread. If you go to the.... Quick Links... drop down then to...Today's Posts and scroll till you find it.
                      Not to say there's anything wrong, but she was saying she had yellow eyes too, and you may be able to nip it in the bud. I know you are a nurse, are you taking Milk Thistle?
                      Anyway I admire what you are doing and I struggle every day as well. We'll all get through this because there is so much support here.
                      Have a great day. So do you have vast gardens? What do you grow?
                      THOUGHTS become THINGS
                      choose the GOOD

                      AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


                        Newbies Nest

                        Ditto on that liver warning totally reinforced my quest to go AF. It will catch up with you eventually, although you'd think the immediate hang over systems would be enough to set me free! Barbara, I too have never confided with anyone about my problems with AF. That is why this site is such a treasure to me. I know when I stopped coming here and posting, I fell off the wagon and now that I am back, I realize how MWO trully makes a huge difference in my ability to stay sober. Lesson learned!

                        I also poured wine down the drain last night and thought to myself, what a waste. I didn't want any excuses to enter my mind since I had already made a committment to starting my AF journey today. If I didn't have any wine to finish, I wouldn't be as tempted. Instead of thinking about what a waste it is, I am thinking it is better down the drain than filtering through my poor liver!

                        I'll check in with you all this evening. I hope everyone stays strong and happy today! I'm off to get some things done around the house as it's already passed 10AM and I still haven't had breakfast! Too much coffee though
                        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                        BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Barbara, Oh, yes indeed, I've read that 27 times in two days. I'm on the fence. It's not worse, I am able to eat, no nausea, no abd pain, skin is still a normal color. If it doesn't improve by tomorrow, I will make a Dr. appt for early next week. If it starts to get worse in any way, I will hightail it to the ER and suck it up. Right now, here's what I'm taking:

                          Bfast: Multivitamin, minscule amt of potassium, milk thistle
                          Dinner: B complex, vitamin D, tumeric, milk thistle
                          Drinking lots of water with lemon, had some green tea today - trying to avoid most caffeine, but I had 1/2 cup coffee this morning....kinda upset my stomach though.

                          I have a job interview tomorrow, so I hope they don't notice. Yikes.....
                          This weekend, as long as I'm "On the outside" and not hospitalized, is busy, so that should really help.

                          I will come back after my monsters are in bed. We just got home from a 6 hour round trip and I'm pooped!!! Apparently, I'm well enough to make dinner. HA! We'll see.......
                          AF 9/28/11


                            Newbies Nest

                            Oh, as for gardening, mostly veggies and some plantings, I'll elaborate more when I am brat-free
                            AF 9/28/11


                              Newbies Nest

                              Looks like you have it under control. Good deal.
                              THOUGHTS become THINGS
                              choose the GOOD

                              AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


                                Newbies Nest

                                Happy Tues. night Nesters! I'm happy to report that I made it through Day 1. So far so good. I stocked up on some new herbal tea and lots of flavored selzter water which is what my go to drink is at night. I stayed busy all afternoon and ended up having a wonderful time with my mom. We had manicures and pedicures and so now I am admiring my cute toes and hands. I even had my manicurist do a small white flower design on each of my pinky...never had a design on my nails so it's quite nice. Thought it would be a good reminder of my first day sober when I look down at my hands. Since I didn't shell out 10-12 bucks on a bottle of wine today, I treated myself to a new windchime for my garden. It a sweet bird-shaped design at the top which has whimsical writing on it that says: "Imagine finding your own kind of peaceful". I thought that was appropriate for Day 1 of being AF! I also got a few new things for my garden today but it got so windy this evening that I wasn't able to do much more than water what needed to be watered. I hope everyone had a great day!
                                Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                                BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!

