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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good Morning Everyone! Welcome NewOne............

    And good job on squelching the beast, Blonde.
    This is my second weekend sober. Now I look at weekend days as just another day. Nothing special about them anymore. It's true that the buzz doesn't last long at all anymore. Then, it's downhill. One bottle of wine turns to 2, turns to poor food choices, turns to guilt and shame and the HORROR of having to start all over again an day 1, not for me.. I hear you loud and clear Daisy.

    Here's a tip....I bought a Conair pedicure foot bath with heat and massaging jets...about $70.
    OMG! Talk about relaxing. If my feet are relaxed, I'm relaxed. You can use aromatherapy, epsom salts and all sorts of decadent oils, and soaps. Then jump into bed, read, listen to my MWO CD's and I have a better buzz than any bottle of poison could give me. AL, you got nothin' for me.
    choose the GOOD

    AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


      Newbies Nest

      Barbara1234;1125628 wrote: Good Morning Everyone! Welcome NewOne............

      And good job on squelching the beast, Blonde.
      This is my second weekend sober. Now I look at weekend days as just another day. Nothing special about them anymore. It's true that the buzz doesn't last long at all anymore. Then, it's downhill. One bottle of wine turns to 2, turns to poor food choices, turns to guilt and shame and the HORROR of having to start all over again an day 1, not for me.. I hear you loud and clear Daisy.

      Here's a tip....I bought a Conair pedicure foot bath with heat and massaging jets...about $70.
      OMG! Talk about relaxing. If my feet are relaxed, I'm relaxed. You can use aromatherapy, epsom salts and all sorts of decadent oils, and soaps. Then jump into bed, read, listen to my MWO CD's and I have a better buzz than any bottle of poison could give me. AL, you got nothin' for me.

      Hi Barabara,

      This is my second weekend sober. Now I look at weekend days as just another day. Nothing special about them anymore.

      Now that's what I call a 'positive mental attitude'
      and that foot bath sounds ' the bees knees '. :l

      Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! KISS SLOWLY Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. sigpic

      Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders & says...

      ?Oh no....he's awake!! Cos he's bleeding sober again


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Nesters!

        Just getting a few seconds to check in & say hello

        Unfortunately 2 1/2 year olds feel they don't need afternoon naps anymore - are they kidding???
        I'm having a fun but exhausting weekend!

        Everyone sounds great, lots of progress going on here - perfect!
        Enjoy your AF weekend activities, foot baths, naps - whatever you can manage

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Hi nesters,
          Lav - have fun with the grandkids...hope they take a nap for you!
          Byrd - good work on resisting a drink while out with your college pals!
          LS - good start to your weekend!
          Where has Sunshine been?
          Hi Daisy, blonde, barbara, & FF.
          Up at the crack of dawn today for a swim meet, didn't sleep too well last night. Hope to get to bed early today...and AF. Day 1.


            Newbies Nest

            Foamfollower;1125694 wrote: Hi Barabara,

            Now that's what I call a 'positive mental attitude' and that foot bath sounds ' the bees knees '. :l


            Yep, it's good for the guys to FF, check it out. I bet your OH would looove it! LOL love the thumbs up!
            THOUGHTS become THINGS
            choose the GOOD

            AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


              Newbies Nest

              Barbara1234;1125782 wrote: Yep, it's good for the guys to FF, check it out. I bet your OH would looove it! LOL love the thumbs up!
              Thumbs up disappeared
              Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! KISS SLOWLY Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. sigpic

              Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders & says...

              ?Oh no....he's awake!! Cos he's bleeding sober again


                Newbies Nest

                Hi Guys! Hope you're all having a fabulous Sat night! I've had a great day so went smoothly but busy, of course on a Saturday. Got out on time and got home...took the dog for a walk. Hubby came home from a day of fishing with some friends (he's got weekends off, I don't...not the best schedule but we are both making good money so we'll live with it for now), did some gardening while he sat on the porch and read (we joke that gardening is to me what fishing is for him!), and then we had some dinner and I am having some herbal tea. Didn't have AL cravings today at all which I am happy about since it is day 3. Was a bit blue though...Hubby was having a few beers and I felt a bit boring but not enough to drink! Told him I was just being quiet because I am used to being buzzed on a Sat. night. He didn't say much about that but supports me in whatever path I choose. And I chose the AF one.

                I work with a girl who is a heavy drinker, and smoker. She is definitely a high functioning alcoholic, just like I was. Except I never smoked. Anyway, she came in this morning clearly hung over from a late night out with her friends...and she's not in her 20's, she's in her early 40's. It was her birthday yesterday and I was invited out for the festivites but I didn't want to deal with the scene so early on in my recovery. I knew the booze was going to be every where. So I told a white lie and said I have other plans. Anyway, the old me would have jumped in and gone out and drank all night and would have felt as hungover as she did this morning! So glad that wasn't me this time! I hope it will never be again. I'm so sick of that feeling. Just a week ago, I went into work on Sat. am with the worst hangover ever and lied to everyone that I had a stomach bug. So lame!

                Well, enough of that. Hi to Lav, Daisy, Barbara, 4MyHealth, Foamfollower, BrydLady and anyone else about the Nest this fine evening. Sleep well and see you in the morning. Tomorrow is another day. Make good choices!
                Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                  Newbies Nest

                  Good evening all - day 6 today, God willing i can say one week tomorrow (maybe I can borrow Nelz signature and the next will be 30 days ). The girls have gone to their Dads today, one of my triggers - and I went to the grocery store in the afternoon, I find it less of a challenge to go in morning and avoid the wine aisle. Bought some sushi for supper and all I can think about is the AL that would go so nicely. So, yup - feeling down in the dumps, but will persevere.
                  Week off almost over, and the rain came down today - almost an inch, thunderstorms tomorrow - it is almost summer! The lack of sun does not help my frame of mind either!
                  I will be reading lots on MWO tonight as I am so wanting a drink - and I also want to feel great tomorrow...
                  I also need to get in the right frame of mind for next week - two nights away at a conference, in Las Vegas of all places - this will be a real challenge!! The biggest one yet for sure.
                  Well done Blond - enjoy your success, the days all add up.
                  Hope your feet feel great Barb
                  4myH - sleep well tonight and wishing you lots of strength to make it work!
                  Gonna beat the great BIG HAIRY beastie daisy!
                  lets do it Nesters...
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    Newbies Nest

                    scottish lass;1125899 wrote: Good evening all - day 6 today, God willing i can say one week tomorrow (maybe I can borrow Nelz signature and the next will be 30 days ). The girls have gone to their Dads today, one of my triggers - and I went to the grocery store in the afternoon, I find it less of a challenge to go in morning and avoid the wine aisle. Bought some sushi for supper and all I can think about is the AL that would go so nicely. So, yup - feeling down in the dumps, but will persevere.
                    Week off almost over, and the rain came down today - almost an inch, thunderstorms tomorrow - it is almost summer! The lack of sun does not help my frame of mind either!
                    I will be reading lots on MWO tonight as I am so wanting a drink - and I also want to feel great tomorrow...
                    I also need to get in the right frame of mind for next week - two nights away at a conference, in Las Vegas of all places - this will be a real challenge!! The biggest one yet for sure.
                    Well done Blond - enjoy your success, the days all add up.
                    Hope your feet feel great Barb
                    4myH - sleep well tonight and wishing you lots of strength to make it work!
                    Gonna beat the great BIG HAIRY beastie daisy!
                    lets do it Nesters...
                    Oh by all means feel free, I know it gave me motivation seeing it when I post.

                    Big Harry THATS a visual Ive never had....but that works too!!
                    Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                    DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                      Newbies Nest

                      Day 3---and my DUI

                      Hello, everyone.

                      Great job and you are all an inspiration to me! Today starts Day 3, and I am working very hard on my sobriety now. I posted a couple of weeks ago that I was doing so well--or so I thought. Made the worst choice and was arraested for DUI in a neighboring state. I'll post more about it later. Have pre-trial tomorrow, and it is 2 1/2 hrs from here, so husband and I have to leave at 6:00 a.m. I have been on this site every day--haven't gone back to AA except for one day, as I just feel like I need to get through tomorrow first.

                      A DUI was always on my list of "nevers," but should have been on my list of "not yets." I am full of remorse, as I could have killed somebody. But I am trying to look at this as my rock bottom and am praying that my Higher Power will guide me through things now. I realize that I can never have another drink--ever!

                      Thanks for listening, and I wish everyone a great AF day.

                      "One day at a time."


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning Nesters!

                        ThreeDogNight, sorry about your news of a DUI. That is certainly scarey business & should well serve as your rock bottom. But I'm happy to hear of your decision to commit to quitting & CONGRATS on your 3 AF days! Work on your plan, you need a good solid foundation to build on. Yes, you can do this!

                        Not sure what I'm doing yet today. Waiting to see if the weather clears - hope so
                        Wishing everyone a good AF Sunday!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Happy Sunday Nesters!

                          Another beautiful morning here! Sun is out but I have to go to work, oh well. I will still enjoy it. Day 4 for me and the best is yet to be! I hope everyone is having a great weekend so far. Just on for a quick hello as I'd like to get my doggie a walk before I get ready for work and I'm already running a bit late. Will check in later with you all. In the meantime, rock on!

                          PS, ThreeDogNight-I feel for you with the DUI case. I never had one before but I definitely could have many a time in the past. I shudder at the thought. I wish you the best of luck. It will be a blessing to get it over with. We are all routing for you!

                          PPS-Barbara, I will have to get me one of those footbaths! I so love soaking my feet before I go to's so sooo soothing. Sometimes I just do it in a basin of hot water and epsom salts with a drop or two of lavender essential nice! But the jets and massaging feature sure does sound nice. Let's see, 70 bucks would have been not even a week's worth of wine...foot massage a much better investment. Thanks for the tip and enjoy your tickled toes!
                          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                          BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Morning ALL!!!! I'm still here and chugging along (no pun intended). Day 5 for me...VERY difficult time yesterday, but made it. Power steering went out on our car, crazy kid stuff, had 4 teens sleep over Friday night, etc etc. Stuff of life, but it's different when you aren't numbing yourself to it all.
                            It is very difficult to post on the weekends sometimes because my whole family is home and totally, as my 13 year old has been known to say, "All up in my grill" Plus, my 3 year old is a total handful. I was VERY happy not to be hungover this morning, got a 6AM text from teenager at a sleepover that was sick. She had an extra strength Tylenol at 6 and by 7:10 was still 100.6. But, one, I not only was up to look at my phone and see her text, two, I was able to fly out the door with WIDE AWAKE CRABBY 3 year old to pick her up and get her settled and make them breakfast without swearing (too much..ha ha) Today I am supposed to work a 4 hour cheerleading uniform fitting from 10-2, but I may cut it short due to sick kiddo. We'll see.

                            I scrolled through the messages real quick and want to say hi to everyone.
                            Lav- my three year old has fought naps since 2. Every few days, she'll pass out. I'm praying today is one of them.
                            Barbara - I NEED that foot thing. It sounds dreamy!!!

                            I cannot recommend the book: "Diary of an Alcoholic Housewife" enough. Excellent read, really talks a lot about her experience with AA. I'm personally not sold on AA, (yet..) but I still enjoyed it and got a lot out of it. Read 262 pages in 2 days, even with kids and all the craziness... (early AM, late night)

                            Anyways, have a wonderful AF day, everyone!!!
                            AF 9/28/11


                              Newbies Nest

                              TDN - I feel for you...positive thoughts coming your way. It is on my list of "Nevers" but the amount of times I could have been pulled over and gotten a MAJOR DUI....100's, I am sad to say. It would kill my entire career too, but I never thought twice about it.

                              Good luck, and good job on day 3!!!
                              AF 9/28/11


                                Newbies Nest

                                BlondeAFAmbition;1126107 wrote: Happy Sunday Nesters!

                                Another beautiful morning here! Sun is out but I have to go to work, oh well. I will still enjoy it. Day 4 for me and the best is yet to be! I hope everyone is having a great weekend so far. Just on for a quick hello as I'd like to get my doggie a walk before I get ready for work and I'm already running a bit late. Will check in later with you all. In the meantime, rock on!

                                PS, ThreeDogNight-I feel for you with the DUI case. I never had one before but I definitely could have many a time in the past. I shudder at the thought. I wish you the best of luck. It will be a blessing to get it over with. We are all routing for you!

                                PPS-Barbara, I will have to get me one of those footbaths! I so love soaking my feet before I go to's so sooo soothing. Sometimes I just do it in a basin of hot water and epsom salts with a drop or two of lavender essential nice! But the jets and massaging feature sure does sound nice. Let's see, 70 bucks would have been not even a week's worth of wine...foot massage a much better investment. Thanks for the tip and enjoy your tickled toes!
                                Hi Blonde,

                                You are right, I was spending over twice that on wine per week, so why not treat yourself? Glad to see you doing so well and on your day 4. Doesn't time just fly?
                                I went to my niece and nephew's graduation from Annapolis in 2000. That was the last time I was in your neck of the woods, if I understand where you are from.
                                It was in May, and I love the east coast. I'm from NY originally, too long ago. I do remember how I loved the change of seasons and how each season had a distinct feeling to it. I'm in Arizona now, so the seasons are mild. I do love it here though. I have the opportunity to kayak the Colorado river whenever I want, and it's free because I have my own boats.

                                Morning Lav, and Daisiy.
                                TDN, I could just sob for you. There were sooo many times that I deserved one of are so lucky that you have your husband to help you through.
                                Gardengal.....:rockon: good for you! Did you get your new job?
                                Scottish 7 congratulations!
                                Have a great AF day everyone.
                                THOUGHTS become THINGS
                                choose the GOOD

                                AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............

