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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Blonde, Scottish Lass,

    Congratulations on day 5 Blonde, and day 8 for you Lass, that's fantastic!

    :rockband: :dancin::dancin::dancin::dancin:

    Here's a little surprise party 4 both of u!!!! LOL!
    choose the GOOD

    AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


      Newbies Nest

      Evening Nesties:l

      Time fair whizzes by my intentions to come here everyday seem to fall by the wayside sometimes, kids are all back at school this week so hopefully I might get some me time.

      I'm finding myself wavering between finding special ocassions I could drink at now, I think it was Mario who posted in Damo's thread about it as being "looking for permission to drink" weird thing though I have to events coming up and it's only one I'm thinking "I could just have a glass or two, or it doesn't matter if I get wasted just once in a while, it's only that night I'll do it." I think I'll have to list the reasons why I value being sober to keep myself on track and being here of course.

      Being sober has just showed me so many things I thought I was doing okay before. I know I used to tell myself, hey you cope well, with hiding it, you're a functioning alcoholic, even though I never admitted it out loud. I now know differently and thank god it didn't all fall apart before I knew it had to stop. The change in my children too is amazing and there was I thinking it didn't affect them as I rarely got drunk in front of them blah blah blah, all in all I love being sober,

      I love not having to worry about not using make up and dousing myself in perfume to try and cover up the fact I'm drunk/hungover etc, I love not having to worry about getting close to people incase they smell AL on me, I love having that money now and staying sober in my priority

      I said to hubs the other day "Okay we're not drinking so why do we NOT seem to have much more money in the account?"

      His reply "Because we've spent it all on extras for the kids, "

      Oh well I'm wittering on again, time to catch up on the nest:l

      Welcome to all the newbies you've found a special place here where you'll get al the support you could ever need

      Wishes to you all

      Just taking it day by day.......


        Newbies Nest

        Hello to all you nesters! Witchy, well done on jumping right back in - that's the spirit!
        Lav, loved, and saved that great post of yours! 3DN, hope all goes well for you. Blonde, ScotLass, Barbara - hi.
        LIS, the children are soooo affected. Had a serious talk with my 18 yr old today - really great, smart girl, but last weekend partied until late 2 or 3 nights. I had a big talk with her today about drinking too much and coming home at a reasonable time. Somewhere during this talk I just broke down and told her I have a problem with alcohol and apologised for not being the great mum that I intended to be. I told her that I was afraid for her because of ME!
        Really, she is such a good girl who never gives me any bother. I don't want to lay a guilt trip on her but our family is riddled with alcohol problems, I just wanted her to understand now so that she is aware. I've asked her to go out 'every now and again' without drinking, just to keep a check on herself. You just cannot see the effects of alcohol until you stop and watch.........anyway, waffle, waffle, was very emotional but feel I was understood.
        Will pop in tomorrow to see how you're all doing:l
        Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


          Newbies Nest

          Oooops, forgot to mention, 3 weeks today!!!!!!:thanks:to each and every one of you!
          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


            Newbies Nest

            Congrats Daisy!

            I'm heading toward my week #3. I bet it feels fabulous!
            THOUGHTS become THINGS
            choose the GOOD

            AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


              Newbies Nest

              Well, it's the end of another AF day. I'm at the close of day 5, ready to move forward to day 6! Almost a whole week. This time last week, I didn't think I could do it. And here I am. Thanks to everyone for your support!

              Thanks for the suprise party earlier Barbara...I love suprises! Congrats to you and Daisy for adding up the are both doing great! Keep up the good work and positive outlook.

              LeaveInSilence-I have often looked for permission to drink, like on special occasions. Thinking I could just do it once in a while and then go back to being sober. I just know what will happen though...I'll start and not be able to stop and the whole cycle of drinking wine every night will start over. I don't wish that for me or anyone. My first goal is to stop drinking for 30 days and then another 30. 70 Days is the most I have ever gone without a drink, so I know I can do it. I really want to make it through a whole year. In order to do that, I'm going to have to shut off those little voices in my head that are searching for permission to on birthdays and holidays. It's going to be whole family drinks at holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas. I think the list of positive reason why to stay sober is a great idea to refer to in these times of uncertainty!

              I hope everyone is having a peaceful evening. I just had a wonderful dinner and now am going to kick back and relax...hubs is still at work so I have the house to myself and am enjoying a little peace and quiet. Good night all.
              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                Newbies Nest

                Agree with Blonde - thanks for the Barbara, it does feel so good. I will be really tested next two days when I am away at a conference in Vegas - it will be a real challenge - I am worried/scared and intrigued as to how I will do. If I manage this, i think I can manage almost anything.
                Great post Lav, and so very true.
                I agree with all - I am not spending money on AL, but it doesn't seem to be lining my wallet. I think I am having fun sober and doing so many other things that I am spending my savings - oh well!
                Good to see you again LIS - and doing well.
                Would love to hear from TDN, have been thinking so much of her today...
                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters!

                  I'm so happy to see you guys racking up the AF days
                  Congrats to each & every one of you

                  I have been spoiling the grandkids with the money saved from my quits. I don't feel the need to buy myself stuff so I buy stuff for them Glad to do it too!!

                  Wishing everyone a comfy night in the Nest!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning all,

                    Been wanting to jump in the nest for a while, it seems such a welcoming place, so I thought I'd call in and say morning to everyone :l

                    Huge welldone to every one on their various lengths of AF, any day AF is amazing!

                    Leaveinsilence, I so know what you mean about dousing in perfume, I'm sure I always smelt of mouthwash too! Its so great not to have to worry about people getting a waft of AL fumes on my breath, Its fab!!
                    I can not alter the direction of the wind,

                    But I can change the direction of my sail.

                    AF since 01/05/2014

                    100 days 07/08/2014


                      Newbies Nest

                      Evening Nestlings
                      hope everyone is having a fab day, I had an interesting thought today, we are one person short in the office & it makes it so much busier, so I was feeling pressured to get everything done, & those thoughts came along, "a glass of wine would be nice after a day like today" however a glass would end up being at least one bottle & the other thought I had that put everything in perspective was, I work in the office for a national couriering company I'm not a heart surgeon trying to do surgery in a earthquake zone (ie Christchurch who had 19 earthquakes on sunday) tht helped me laugh at myself.
                      Scottishlass - good luck with your conference, I bet you will do great, just think how much fun it is to be th sober one, watching others drink.
                      anyway just a quick check in, hope everyone does well
                      Progress, not perfection!!!
                      A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Nesters and good morning to each and everyone of you!

                        Witchy...we seem to have lots in common...I was short at my work one person yesterday too, and I ALSO, usually after a hectic day like that I would go home and start in on the wine and complain to my husband how busy it was, etc., etc. Not last night. Instead, I took doggie for a walk and watered my garden and deadheaded flowers. Then ate a good dinner and came on here. What a difference. Today will be back to normal at work as we hired someone yesterday to fill in for someone who quit last week leaving us high and dry, which is why yesterday was such a hassle. And some of my co-workers were a bit snippy due to the extra work placed on everyone and I am going to address that today in a meeting with my bosses because there is no need for it. Enough said!

                        Scottish-Don't let that old phrase "What Happens in Vegas Stays In Vegas". If you are tempted to drink there and then plan to come back and go back to day 1, just remember how difficult the first few days AF are. That's what happened to me when we went to Jamaica in March...I started in again thinking I could just leave AL in the West Indies but instead drank all the way home on the plane, at the airport layover and then well into April and May and it was really hard to get back to my sober ways. I have confidence that you will win the fight of AL in Vegas and Witchy is right...make the fun out of watching everyone else getting will be interesting for sure! I have never been to Vegas but my husband has and he says there is nothing else like it. My brother was married there in a drive thru wedding chapel a few years ago. It was spur of the moment so we didn't have time to get out there but I always thought it was a cool thing to do!

                        One more day of work and then I'm off Wed & Thurs, whoopie! I really need my two days off after this week! And last week, when I just started my AF journey...we were admist having our roof replaced and they started on my day off and finished on my 2nd day off so I felt trapped inside as the weather was crappy and I had a crew of workers tearing off our roof. Figures they would have done it on my 2 days off but what can you do? At least it is done and this week the weather is beautiful and perfect for the yard work I am so yearning to get out there and do!

                        Have a lovely day everyone. Day 6 for me. Woke up with a slight headache and not sure where that came from but a cup of coffee is seeming to fix.

                        Take care,

                        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                        BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                          Newbies Nest

                          court yesterday

                          Hi, Everyone.

                          Didn't have the energy to post last night after the court pre-trial for DUI. Three hour drive in rush hour traffic, only to stand for one minute while my attorney gave some papers to the DA and spoke to the judge about the next date--July 14!!!! Then he took us (my husband and me) aside to tell us that he is still looking into NH laws as they will affect my loss of license, even though the DUI was in MA. NH laws are much stricter and I could lose my license for 12-18 months, whereas in MA it would be 75 days. My BA level was over 1.6 and I had an open container in the car, so it's a higher category. I have done nothing but think about how I could have done something so stupid and wrong. It's the disease, but mine progressed faster than I could have thought. Am doing research myself on this and a friend is asking an retired attorney friend of his for some info and advice.

                          Day five--no alcohol in the house.

                          Need to go back to AA--today may be the day.

                          Thanks for listening.

                          "One day at a time."


                            Newbies Nest

                            While the legal system (Canada's is similar in many aspects) will determine the outcome of your ability to drive TDN, the most important thing here is that you're dealing with the problem in a manner no license suspension ever could. Day 5 AF and none in the house - GOOD FOR YOU!
                            Thankfully no one was hurt, including you so this is about the best possible outcome to the situation.
                            Continue being strong TDN! Nice to read the posts to see just how much support there is for you here.

                            If It Is To Be, It Is Up To Me


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning Nesters!

                              Welcome autumn, nice to see you here

                              Witchy & Blondie - a busy day at work is just a busy day at work & not another excuse to pick up a drink. That mindset will take you far, believe me In the past I could have found thousands of reasons to drink........

                              TDN, facing a license suspension is going to be difficult, no doubt. This is your first DUI? Did anyone mention the ARD program or don't they do that up your way?

                              Habsfan, how are you doing? Good to see you this morning!

                              I have work waiting so I'll get moving. Wishing everyone a fantastic AF Tuesday.
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Checking in today....and may I 140! I check in several times a day still. I worry when I don't see the familiar folks that dragged me along the way, and I hope they are continuing to be AF! Leave, I am most proud of you. I know you struggled mightily...but look at you on day 104 now!! Did you ever think you'd be a veteran in this group??? I didn' many times as I BS'd myself. Moderating.....who am I kidding? I drank Vodka out of a hairspray bottle!!! heart is with you on that was a hard time the other night out with my college friends, I haven't faced the big conference yet. But they didn't drink either, which made it easier. My collegues drink like fish...or that's how I remember..Now that I am sober, I wonder just who is drinking to excess..I bet not as many as I thought. When you are drinking you percieve the whole world is drinking with you...(like when you're smiling!!) But the whole world doesn't drink...and I will be one of those. Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

