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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good Morning Everyone!

    So happy to read about all of your progress. I'm on day how the time has passed.
    I thought about starting a journal for myself because I'm afraid after I start feeling better, that I will forget the struggles it took to get here and slip backward.
    I am feeling the physical effects of detox. I get sluggish, and depressed every so often, kind of feel like I have the flu. Must be my body withdrawing from the poison.
    So, once I start getting healthy, I want to stay there. The cravings and waves of wanting AL are less often, although they are still there.
    I started exercising regularly which helps a lot. Also coming here has been my salvation. Thanks again, everyone for sharing your stories and helpful advise. I know I am going to have to address this for the rest of my life. I know I can't drink even one drop, and that is just fine with me.
    Have a great day everyone, this is a good place.
    choose the GOOD

    AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


      Newbies Nest

      Barbara, THIS is your journal! At first I was all over the map with emotions..and physical's all normal! When you have a blue day, go back to your first post and see what brought you here. Or go back and read mine from over a year ago..the many months I fooled myself. Where do I want to be? I want a day to go by that AL doesn't cross my mind. I'm not there yet...but I am one heck of a lot better off than I was 6 months ago...I am a different person according to hubs, better able to cope and moods more stable and consistant. Day 18 is tremendous!!! You are over the worst part!! Slow and steady wins the race. You've done the hardest work, admitting you have a problem, and then going the first day without it...Go Girl!!! Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Newbies Nest

        Day 18 is awesome, Barbara. It's normal to feel sluggish and fluey for a while, but it gets better and taking supplements and keeping up with the exercise and water helps I find.

        Although we are all concerned about how others are doing, I think you need to hold onto yourself. There's a temptation, particularly when you've been inspired by someone and hear they've fallen off the wagon to think "what the hell" and join them. Hold onto what you've got for your sake.


          Newbies Nest

          Thanks Byrdie and Dancing,

          I just figured out how to go back to my early posts. Thanks, there's nothing like having to do double work. This IS my journal, you are right.
          I am going to start taking supplements, keep drinking lots of seltzer and keep up with the exercise.
          Both of your suggestions really helped, guess I'm just having a down day. :thanks:
          THOUGHTS become THINGS
          choose the GOOD

          AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


            Newbies Nest

            a very busy few weeks for your friend IC, exams aplenty coming up so haven't been around much but just so as you guys know I am still AF and hit my target of 45 days tomorrow will be coming round to the thread properly then to have a little ramble about how awesome life is without that crazy AL in it

            I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

            To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



              Newbies Nest

              Greetings Nesters!

              Barbara, good for you on 18 AF days! The time does go fast
              It's OK to have a down day ~ we all do, it's completely normal.

              Byrdie, 140 days - woo hoo!!!!
              Yes, we can live very well without AL

              Hi dancingon, great to see you as always

              I'm going to run out to my garden & yank a few weeds before it gets too dark. It's too hot & sunny this week to get anything done earlier in the day. The heatwave is on again

              Wishing everyone a comfy night in the nest!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Whooo IC that's great:goodjob: and yes isn't it wonderful without AF?

                I;ve spent a lot of time lately wondering how I managed to cope with everything when I was drinking, the answer I wasn't I just fooled myself I was.....

                Just taking it day by day.......


                  Newbies Nest


                  Thank you, I didn't expect myself to become a veteran as you put it, but I'm so grateful that I am, it wouldn;t have been possible without this place though and the support and love I get from you guys:l There is always someone to care and make you stop and think... great job on your 140 days it's been so great following in your footsteps so to speak.

                  Barabara great job on your 18 days, those feeling wil diminsh as Lav said it is normal to have days like that when you get depressed, someone likened it to grieving over the fact that you can't have AL in your life anymore, I guess it is, you've lost the biggest thing in your life.

                  IC great to see you checking in Dancing on you too

                  SL hope the vegas trip goes well, just think how wonderful you;ll feel to come home AF still and sober and how much more focussed you will be. Keep your glass topped up with something that looks like wine, or Gin and tonic, maybe have two glasses on the go, one with something in that looks like AL and one of juice, just drink the juice and point out you have a drink waiting if anyone asks you if you want another. I'm going to try that at my friends hen night in a few weeks time, after everyone has had a few drinks thhey won't even notice your not drinking anyway.

                  Lav I need to get working on the weeds in my garden all the sun and rain is making it go crazy, the kids veggie garden (I started in the early days to distract me from the afternoon AL) is coming on great though although it's all been left to me to take care of, it's lovely to go outside and grab fresh herbs and salad for dinner though.

                  Anyway wishing you all and anyone else I've missed a wonderful evening, night or morning wherever you are:l

                  Just taking it day by day.......


                    Newbies Nest

                    LIS - I pulled some weeds, did a little watering then came back inside. It's very buggy out there tonight :H Congrats on your 103 AF days!!!!

                    IC - we cross posted earlier. Congrats on your 45 AF days! What a difference, huh??

                    Scottish lass, I hope you are feeling strong in the land of temptation. I've never been to Vegas, don't even want to go..........
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Morning Nesters,

                      Congrats to everyone on the AF days, they do rack up quite quickly, it always help when the sun is shining!

                      Had a bad day yesterday, DH was in a really bad mood and took it out on me. In my drinking days I would of accepted it as my lot and used it as an excuse to drink more Vodka. Hmmmm having to learn to deal with it, and stand up to it. But any hoo, today is a new day and I am still AF!

                      Has anyone heard from Mauriedodo recently?

                      So happy to be on this wonderful journey with you all:h
                      I can not alter the direction of the wind,

                      But I can change the direction of my sail.

                      AF since 01/05/2014

                      100 days 07/08/2014


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning Nesters!

                        Extremely short night for me - totally unable to sleep

                        autumn, sorry to hear about your situation but it is one I am completely familiar with. Once upon a time my husband was happy-go-lucky type of person, easy to please. But he sunk into a depression 16 years ago & refused to have it treated properly. He walked out over a year ago but remains unhappy - his choice. I hope your situation improves very soon, stay strong!

                        Not sure how to plan my day - it's going to be a long one for sure
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Yeah, Barbara. You're allowed an off day. You're doing great.
                          In Chains, you're an inspiration also. 45 days! I'll look forward to hearing how it's been for you. I know you started off unhappy. Has it really turned around for you?
                          I had a blah day today, too. Stress is mounting in my job and will be for another month or two. Tempting, but hmmm alcohol makes things more difficult
                          Have a good night


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Nesters! I usually post both mornings and evenings but last night, although sober, I got caught up with hubby...he had an extremely difficult day and I wanted to be there for him. He has been having very severe pains in his upper jaw and went to the dentist yesterday and they had to get him in right then for an emergency root canal! They said if he had waited, the infection could have spread to his brain and he could have died. I couldn't believe it! We thought it might have been his wisdom tooth or something reaking havoc, but no, a root canal of all things. So he got it done right away and said he felt so much better...what a relief. I have never had a root canal and hope to never go through it but I couldn't believe how serious it could be if you let it go! I shudder at the thought. We had an early dinner and then did some house shopping online (just for fun to see what's on the market in town) and then hit the pillows early as he was beat, no suprise. Ahhh, you never know what life is going to throw at you, eh? In addition, I had a very busy day at work and didn't even get my usual 1/2 break. I didn't eat lunch and so was ravenous by the time I got home and the cravings for wine were STRONG. Strong enough that I started to try to convince myself that I could give in or give up early on my 30 days. But, I came home and ate something (much better) and then took the dog for her nightly walk around the block. Then watered and weeded my garden and then made dinner. Just drank seltzer and tea and am much better for it this morning! I have a busy 2 days ahead of me because even though this is my "weekend" I have lots to do in my yard and house.

                            Barbara...that is super...18 days or now 19? Fantastic! You go girl! I am at Day 6, almost a whole week under my belt. Everytime I get the cravings I say to myself, NO! You promised yourself a full 30 days and you are going to stick with it! It seems to be working!

                            InChains-45 days, that is awesome! I remember when I got to 60 a few months ago...I couldn't believe it! Well done to you and everyone else here who is racking up their AF days.

                            Hi to Lav! We are supposed to get into the 90's here this week, that's a heatwave for

                            ThreeDogNight-I was wondering how it went yesterday, honey. We are all pulling for you. I guess now you have to wait till next month for the final outcome? At least that gives you more time to get sober and a clear head about all that is going on, which will help in the long run, trust me.

                            I was wondering how Mauri was doing also...haven't heard from her in a while. If you are reading, I hope you are doing well. You and I had started around the same time last winter. I wish you the best, you're posts were always inspiring and entertaining!

                            Lots of activity in the nest and hi to all those I haven't mentioned here. I am proud of all of us. Have a great day and I'll fly in later!
                            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                            BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good Morning Everyone,

                              It is a gorgeous morning here in Arizona, it's a little before 7am. I love starting my mornings out here with you guys. Blonde, I'm so sorry to hear about hubby, that's quite a scare. The weirdest things can go wrong, that's the truth. I'm glad he's ok.
                              Autumn, I'm sorry you just happened to be in the way when hubby was in a bad mood. Believe me I know what that is like. BTW what does DH mean? Dear Husband, Damn Husband, Drunk Husband, Dirty Husband, LoL!
                              Thanks to you guys for all your words of encouragement yesterday, it was the strangest day yet, I didn't want to drink, I just felt out of it. The waves come less and less, but they do still come. I have conquered them as they arrive. I did start saying "cancel, cancel, cancel" when the thought first starts entering my head and that seems to shift something inside of me.
                              TDN, we are all with you in spirit through this difficult time. I remember once a long time ago, I was driving home from Phoenix to Bullhead City, and a wave of desperately wanting a drink came over me. I thought about buying a bottle of vodka and just sipping it on the way home. For some reason or another, I didn't do it. I just think what could have happened on that 31/2 hr. drive. I could have killed someone probably. I didn't acknowledge that I a bad problem back then.
                              Think about all the people out there that are in denial. I'll bet there are some of my friends in that situation right now, not knowing what to do.
                              For me, I had been trying for so long to find a way, because I would die if I had to stand up in front of a bunch of people at AA, and humiliate myself.
                              Can't even remember how I found this site, but it has forever changed my life, and I am sure happy you guys are all here. Wish we lived closer, I need some AF friends to do things with.
                              Have a fabulous day, and today is actually my day 18, I counted wrong yesterday, because I actually stopped counting. How weird is that?
                              Thanks Lav for always being here, you're like a Guardian Angel. Sorry about your husband checking out. Why don't guys want to go to the Doc? I had a really bad marriage, I was a punching bag for years. Now I hope I can find the right guy who doesn't drink and maybe try again. I'm sure shy about trusting anyone, so maybe I'll just be alone and HAPPY.
                              We should all send some support waves on to Scottish Lass, as she is in friggin Vegas of all places.....
                              THOUGHTS become THINGS
                              choose the GOOD

                              AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


                                Newbies Nest

                                I totally agree, Blondi, don't let yourself get hungry! The AL cravings will kick in like a big ole mule! I wonder why that is? Even thirst doesn't do it as much as hunger does...there's something there, I just can't dig it out. This is why MWO is such a great place...isn't it nice to know that the crazy little things that enter your mind about AL are NORMAL? It's the little tips and tricks you all give me that keep me going! Everyone is doing an epic job!!! Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

