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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning Nestlings
    quick check in before I get up for work, just wanted to wish everyone a happy healthy sober day/night. I will be back tonight
    Progress, not perfection!!!
    A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


      Newbies Nest

      Byrdlady;1127564 wrote: I totally agree, Blondi, don't let yourself get hungry! The AL cravings will kick in like a big ole mule! I wonder why that is? Even thirst doesn't do it as much as hunger does...there's something there, I just can't dig it out. This is why MWO is such a great place...isn't it nice to know that the crazy little things that enter your mind about AL are NORMAL? It's the little tips and tricks you all give me that keep me going! Everyone is doing an epic job!!! Byrdie
      I think it's a low blood sugar thing. At least it is with me. Until I recognized that, I headed straight for the AL, not realizing that all I had to do was eat something and the cravings went away.....duh.....only took me 20 yrs. to figure that out.
      It was probably that I really wanted the AL too!
      THOUGHTS become THINGS
      choose the GOOD

      AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


        Newbies Nest

        Target day

        Hey there newbies and nesters J Today is day 45, target day. 45 days ago I told myself I’d get here, and through think and thin, by the skin of myself I made it this far. So what can I say - the early days were hard, hardest I’ve ever done - thought I got my head above water than I started falling apart. But I pushed through, I don’t know what kept me going, I think maybe somewhere in the back of my mind I knew it was the right thing to do, even if I wouldn’t admit it to anybody else, or really to myself.

        But you guys all saw the past, so what about now? Day FORTY-FIVE! that’s 6 and a half weeks, a full 2 weeks one day longer than my previous best. I feel now, probably the best I ever have in my life, head is clear, I’m happy, relaxed, things don’t bother me so much, I sleep less but I actually need less sleep than I used to. I’ve made a decision for the future, drink less and live more. Don’t let it get on top of me - coz I finally got sick of having to kick it all the time.

        So a word to any new newbies, those of you who’re going to come here like I did all that time ago, unsure if I even wanted to do this, waiting to take the plunge - I’m not an expert. I’ve been here a few times, I know there’s a good chance I’ll end up back here again, I’m only human, I’m young, I’m foolish, I make mistakes - but fact is no matter how hard things are, how trapped you feel, how draining the journey starts to feel, its worth it. When it seems like you’re in the bottom of the abyss there is always a little bit of light and you just got to close your eyes til that’s all you can see and keep going - coz the closer to it you get the bigger it becomes. I won’t lie its hard, hardest thing I’ve ever done, but to revert to clich?: nothing worth having comes easy.


        p.s - thank you, all of you, lavande, byrd, leave, VG, scottish, dancing, witchy, daisy... the list goes on - I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you guys, knowing you're all here, so thanks loads
        I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

        To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



          Newbies Nest

          Low blood sugar doesn't help, but there's a fairly hefty mental issue that has nothing to do with physical cravings, I believe. Just riding it out and keeping busy helps and what feels like a huge desire to drink fizzles out quite fast if you face it down. That has always surprised me - the fact that having an AF day seems like an insurmountable task while you're drinking, but is no harder really than resisting eating a tub of ice cream, or resisting spending money on something you don't need. And the more times you successfully resist the easier it becomes. Which is not to say you aren't ever tempted again, of course.
          For me, the mental issue I need to sort out is that I want to stay off, so therefore I can't allow that little voice to tell me it's OK because I've been so good lately.


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Fellow Newbies. Day 5 AF and a much better one than Day 4 which was rough, both mentally and physically. Many thanks to other Newbies who had warned of others having difficulty on Day 4 as I was expecting temptation.
            Even at this early point, the improvements are noticeable and for the good - sleeping better, less irritable, no hangovers and not wasting money! What's not to like.
            I couldn't help but notice over the last few days just how many ads there are on TV and in other media for AL. Everyone seems to be having a great time, don't they? But we know the downside of this poison.
            I hope everyone had a wonderful AF day today and thanks for sharing your stories here. Keep strong!

            If It Is To Be, It Is Up To Me


              Newbies Nest

              Hi Nesters

              So good to see everyone. Lots of positive posts and strength being shown. So well done.
              I am wondering if that little voice ever leaves and ever gets the message that I don't drink anymore or if it is always just hopeful that I'm going to give in again one day so it keeps on and on. How can I shut it up?

              It is now 4 months for me af and I am still so happy to wake up realizing that I have not been drinking!! Mr Maz seems to have increased his drinking since I have stopped - odd I think or maybe I just didn't notice before.

              I too am really grateful to have found all of you and been able to share my journey and yours. I wouldn't have got this far without you.

              Have a good day/night.

              Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                Newbies Nest

                Good evening Nesters!

                I just want to congratulate everyone here today for all the great progress
                Reading your positive posts make me feel happy!

                The mental cravings turn into mere just need to hang in & wait them out

                Mazzie - congrats on your 4 AF months!!!!! I am so very happy for you

                Wishing everyone a great AF night!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Nesters!

                  Barbara, sorry to hear about your past marriage to an abusive first husband was a terrible drunk and I'm suprised I got out of the marriage alive, seriously. He was a complete psycho. I thank my lucky stars that I had the strength to leave when I did (2002) and get on with my life...even though I had nothing. Luckily we didn't have children together or I would have been trapped. I am amazed that I got a second chance at a wonderful marriage to the one I am with now. I couldn't imagine my life the way it would be if I stayed in my first marriage and never trully new how good a marriage could be. When you sit down to think about it, it's pretty amazing that we get through these things in life without really loosing it!

                  Well, I have an is not really day 6 it's day 7!!! I believe I posted day 6 earlier. I miscounted. My last drink of wine was Tuesday night of last today would be 7, right? I think the peroxide is going to my head. Anyway, I am glad to have added a day magically .

                  I think the AL cravings when you let yourself get too hungry do relate to blood sugar, since AL is pure sugar when it hits the bloodstream. When I eat something, even a handful of nuts, it goes away pretty quick. I was never one to drink after dinner, just before and during! I never wanted to drink on a full just wasn't appealing. That's why we ate dinner at 10PM sometimes...hahahahahaha. Well, not funny really but I did put off eating until I had a good buzz on.

                  InChains, well done on 45 days!!!! That is fantastic! And thank you for your words of encouragement for those times when we just don't know where to turn. I hope you do something special for yourself to celebrate!

                  Bryd, Witchy, TDN, Lav, Habsfan, DancingOn and all of you other nesters, have a lovely sober evening. I hope our Scot is doing just fine in Las Vegas. Post when you can sweetie and let us know how everything is going out there!
                  Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                  BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Here from Friggin Vegas (quote Barbara) thanks for all the support - Blonde, quick checkin as asked. Meetings over for today - nowthe partyuing starts. On eof my managers is pretty sick tonoight, so I am going to look after him, good excuse for not drinking with the rest! He thinks it is food poisoning - with the group he went out with last night, I think it might be something else, and I do feel sorry for him. I said I needed to nip up and put jeans on, but really had to check in here for my evening fix before heading out into the bowels of hell - i think it might be what hell is about - gambling, smoking, drinking, drugs and more...these posts are working for me - I have chosen not to do meds in my fight against AL, but you guys are all that I need - thank you from the bottom of my heart, and my liver! I really agree with IC, I do not believe I would be AL without all of you!
                    Love you all dearly!
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                      Newbies Nest

                      Yippie Lass,

                      That's funny that you saw my post about Friggin Vegas. I live an hour and a half from there. The only thing it is good for is shopping, then get the hell out. I wonder if the manager you are looking after had a little too much AL last night? I've been there. I do feel sorry for him whatever the reason.
                      Good for you, you are my inspiration as I have a big party next week on the river. I'm planning on taking seltzer and cranberry juice.
                      Has anyone pressured you to drink? So, you must feel pretty good about being able to post your post Vegas message
                      . Whew, well good job, and well done. Hope your friend feels better.
                      Have a safe trip home, you should be very proud of yourself.....:yougo:
                      THOUGHTS become THINGS
                      choose the GOOD

                      AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


                        Newbies Nest

                        Third Day!!

                        Hi Nesters!! I have gotten so much from so many posts here!! Day 3 AF and I am completely exhausted. Stomach upset. And TOTALLY irritated with the world. LOL Still feels better than being hungover and hating myself.

                        After a long day at work I am going out into our lovely 75 degree weather to walk the dog. Oh and it looks like I am going to stay married afterall. Last night I was so mad at him that I thought I would look for my own apartment!! Day 2 was kinda rough, I guess! Hope day 4 will give me back my stomach.
                        I know I can do this!! Have learned so much more already from all of the posts. Thank you everyone!!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Natalie,

                          Good job on sticking with it. Glad to hear you have patched things up with hubby. That sort of stress can really tear you up. Stay with us and post, it's a good safe place to be, and if you want support, you did come to the right place. Welcome and hope you get some good rest tonight.
                          THOUGHTS become THINGS
                          choose the GOOD

                          AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Barabara - back in my room, left the casino and walked down the strip a ways - so many sights, and just talking about the people. Woweee!!! pressured, depends what you call pressure - not really pressure, but constant (and I mean constant) asking, "are you sure you don't want a drink", "how about only one", and the guilt ones - "if you aren't having one, then I won't either - oh come on, one won't hurt" - however I did stay away from the real party crowd.
                            So I leave tomorrow and as long as I don't break down now with the mini bar, the airport or the plane (three normal drinks ) I will post my saved post!!!
                            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                              Newbies Nest

                              Third day going into 4th

                              Thank you for the kind welcome Barbara. Will be posting daily for awhile. This seems like a good spot :-)
                              My nom de plume is an acronym: no alcohol today I live in excellence
                              I remember it each time I spell out my "name". Seems to be helping.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Evening my Nestlings
                                Natilie, your name is excellent, welcome to the Nest
                                SL, again, well done on Vegas, just think now you know you can stay sober in Vegas, you can stay sober anyware.
                                Blondie, thats awesome, I wish I was a day ahead of myself, but i'm on day 4.
                                Inchy, congrats on 45 days, what are you going to do for yourself to celebrate?
                                Barb, there is a huge blood sugar/AL connection, alot of people find when they give up AL, they get huge sugar cravings, i know i did, made it easy to spot the connection.
                                I had to go to the supermarket to get some stuff for tea and as I walked past the AL section to the deli, i kept reminding myself how depresssed, anxious & just plain sick I would feel, if I drank to night, carried on past & bought my soda & lime, which I am drinking out of my special occassion wine glasses. just cause I am not drinking wine does not mean I cant use my special glasses.
                                I just bought a new journal, I find it helps to come home & write about my days, especially if it was stressfull.
                                anyway kids, I m off to look around, will check in late, but have a great sober day/night
                                Progress, not perfection!!!
                                A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!

