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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi All!

    Again, well done ScottishLass for sticking to your AF guns in Vegas of all places. Yeah, I would have about 3 glasses of wine on the problem. And when you think about how a plane trip dehydrates you in the first place, no wonder I always felt like crap after landing! Adding fuel to the fire!

    Witchy, way to go on marching right past the wine section at the supermarket. You must feel so much better for it today! Here, we don't have wine in the food stores...we only have separate liquor stores in most parts of our state. Bordering New Hampshire and Maine do offer AL in grocery stores. My mom moved here from Maine and being the wino that she is, still complains that the super markets do not sell wine in MA. Oh well! It's good for me that they don't! Less temptation!

    Barbara1234, it's so nice to have you on board with your positive posts and gracious support every day. You are racking up quite a few AF days yourself and should be proud as can be. We love you!

    TDN, how are you? Are you joining AA this week with all of the goings on with the DUI? Keep in touch, we are here to help you through thick and thin.

    Natilie! A girl after my own heart with the dolphin avatar....I LOVE DOLPHINS! My dream is to swim with them in the wild...not a dolphin tourist center. Welcome to the Nest, I hope you stay for a while. Sorry about the woes with hubby...things do get better the more AF days you add to your journey. I am at the beginning too with 8 days today!

    Speaking of 8 days, for some reason, I woke up this am feeling hungover...huh? All the other mornings this week I have been bright eyed and busy tailed. Not sure if I am just coming down with something or over exerted myself yesterday or plain and simple PMS crapola. But I feel dehydrated, bloated and headachy! I had a nice bath last night and then read some articles on detox and alcoholism, which left me feeling good that I had made the choice to get and stay sober. After reading what I read (I may post of some of this stuff later), it pretty much made up my mind that I will not go back to drinking. Even the smallest amount of booze (2 glasses a day) will reek havoc on your liver and every organ in your body. This article states: Alcohol goes everywhere in your body that water does. Meaning, it affects all of our organs, not just the liver. Think about it...brain damage, heart disease, kidney problems, skin conditions. You name it, AL could be the cause. Aside from the severe damage it does to our liver! Anyway, enough of that soap box but I do think it is worth revisiting the physical ailements AL causes when we get sober enough to think that it is ok to just have one...

    Back to my headache...I think I just worked too hard and too long outside in the yard yesterday in the blazing sun and didn't drink enough water until later in the day. Also on the verge of good old monthly visit so that could make me more suseptible to feeling crappy. Other than that, I slept like a baby and haven't had a drop of AL since last Wednesday. So here's to a week!

    Well, long post but wanted to get that all out! Hi to Lav and all others reading. Hope you have a wonderful Thursday morning or evening, depending on what time of the day it is in your neck of the woods.

    PS...Hubs and I are looking at a house tonight...I am excited. We have a lovely one bedroom condo which we have been at for about 6 years. It is on a busy street and amongst apartment houses with some not so classy folks let's just say, in our neighborhood. It is nice and close to my work though and it has afforded us to not have 2 cars but just one for my husband, since I am able to walk to work. And our neighbors in the other condo unit in this house (it is only 2 on the first floor and another nice couple on the 2nd), are wonderful people and we are very lucky to have them as neighbors...BUT we would love to have a house all to ourself someday in a nicer, more quiet neighborhood. We are looking at a place steps away from the ocean and a lovely park on the water. It doesn't have a water view but it is dang close! It looks like a little doll cute. I will let you all know how it goes. Not that we were even thinking about moving right now but my hubs friend at work says this is a great time to sell so it got us thinking. And the house we are looking at tonight is a steal at just reduced to under $200K (for being so close to the harbor, this is a good deal in my State). Albeit a bit small, it is is the link with some the wood stove in the kitchen, so cozy! Hubs not too keen on it being pink but hey, I always wanted a Barbie dream

    11 Bond St Gloucester MA - Home For Sale and Real Estate Listing - MLS #71222930 -

    Bye for now, sorry for the novel, wish us luck tonight with the house viewing!
    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



      Newbies Nest

      Nats, congrats on getting thru day 3. For some reason, that day for me was a BITC!!!!!! You should know that if you can go 3 days without AL, you can go 4, and so it goes.....Very well done!
      SL, you are my inspiration...I'm going to have one of those conferences in the fall and I am NOT looking forward to it. I was the ring leader of the drinking! Oh God, what a fool I must have looked. (falling into to waterfilled ditch with evening dress on) I will be looking hard for you in October when my meeting is, so don't you go anywhere!!!!
      I wish everyone peace today....(from The Voices). Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Newbies Nest

        Greetings Nesters!

        It's noon & I'm just getting a minute to check in!
        Hello & welcome to Natilie - congrats on your 3 AF days, keep them going

        Scottish Lass, I've been thinking about you & hoping for the best

        Blondie, that house is adorable - I'd grab it in a minute!

        Have to run now but I will try to stop in later. Congrats to everyone moving forward

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Everyone,

          Lass, you made it! I hear you on people constantly asking if you want a drink, and I used to do that! I will never do that again as long as I live.
          Blonde, that house is adorable. Let us know how it goes. That's my kind of house. Do you have a Realtor that you are working with? If not, and you buy it, just do get a home inspection from a reputable inspection company. Typically the current owners have to make the necessary repairs. It costs about $300.00 and in some cases you can ask that the current owner pay for it. I am a Realtor, but can't advise much as the laws vary from state to state. I feel run down too since about day 8. When I figure it out, I will let you know.
          Thanks witchy, I'm not feeling too great lately, and I'm searching for some sort of an answer. I do understand the connection to sugar cravings, that's not it totally. Rubywillow said B-12 and some other things. I will figure it out and quit bitching about it.
          Natalie, I love your acronym, and Happy 4th day! :bday6:
          Have a great day everyone, sorry if I didn't mention everyone, my butt is draggin, so I'm going to the health food store now......
          THOUGHTS become THINGS
          choose the GOOD

          AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


            Newbies Nest

            Evening nest

            quick check in

            SL great job on the vegas trip i'm looking forward to reading your post when you get home:goodjob:

            Natalie congrats on day 4, your body is going through a period of adjustments so everything you are feeling at the moment is perfectly normal, things will level out soon, I was evil with everyone some days but it passes eventually.

            Blondie doing well, I had days at the beginning when I felt like I was hungover, I even had days where I felt as if I was drunk, co ordination all over the place etc etc, I have no idea what caused it, I' still un co ordinated somedays now but at least I know it isn't the drink:H

            Witchy great on ignoring AL in the store, I used to try to avoid that aisle like the plague in the first few weeks, sometimes I look but I know I can't go back there, I'm even at the stage where I'm comfortable buying hubs those tiny bottles of wine, but I have no idea how he can make one last 3 day, I used to down them in one.

            IC so you made the 45 days I hope you are feeling proud of yourself, remember how you felt in the beginning? Ber you feel wonderful now.

            Barbara, Lav, Byrdie and everyone else hope you are having as wonderful day as I have, I started my diet two weeks ago and have lost 9lb already, had a great class today and met with friends and then spent most of the afternoon speaking to my closest friend on the phone, most of the evening on IM and I'm off for a nother quick chat before bed with him.

            Oh I had the weirdest feeling/dream lst night, I dozed off watching tv and woke up with a start convinced I had been drinking vodka, my hand was wrapped around an imaginary glass exactly the same size as the glass I used to use, it was rested on my stomach the way I used to hold it watching tv and I could almost smell and taste it. So happy it was a dream and I hadn't drank it...

            Anyway have a good day/ evening/ night all

            Just taking it day by day.......


              Newbies Nest

              Hi Nesters!

              Glad to see so much activity on here today! Well, my headache ended up lasting most of the day I'm afraid so I finally gave in at popped some ibuprofen around 2PM. I hate to take any pain killers as they are so toxic to my liver and I've already done a lifetime of damage to her so I'm trying to go easy. But the headache was causing nausea and I just felt like crapola. Seemed to help a bit but I guess I'm just having a blah day. It has been oppressively humid here today and I don't do well in that sort of whether. Still forced myself outside for some gardening and everythings looking good.

              Thanks Barbara for the real estate advice. We bought a condo in 2005 and so are familiar with the home inspection as we did have one for that (that's where we live right now). I agree that an inspection, even if you have to pay for it (we did) is worth it. You find some interesting things out about the place. This one was built around 1950 and only had 2 owners in it's history. Right now it belongs to an 80 year old woman who has moved in with her son's family. The house is as cute as a button but I'm afraid the timing might not work out for us if we really wanted to do it. There has been lots of activity and 2 offers made already, although the owner refused both and countered one. And since we have to sell ours before we buy, it would be a longer sales cycle than the family selling it wants to deal with. Sooooo, unless anyone out there wants a nice one bedroom condo on the North Shore of Boston TODAY, I think we will have to stay put. It was only THAT house that I was interested in as others in that price range don't really do it for us. I know if I really put my mind to it, by the law of attraction I will get that house but I guess I'm just out of steam today because I don't feel it in me. But DANG it is cute! Nice yard and all. Sigh.

              Ate dinner extra early because I have the munchies and didn't want to snack on everything in the house. Once I've had dinner I can chill out a bit on that. We've just had quite the thunderstorm move through which we needed for the garden and to cool things off a bit. Doggie is quite stressed and hiding under an antique desk. My mother gave me a few dryer sheets to rub on her because she heard that the wild behavior dogs do when there is a thunderstorm is due to static. Let me be the first to tell you that this technique does not work, Ok?

              Well, I hope all of you have a peaceful evening. LeaveInSilence, Natalie, Barbara, Lav, DancingOn, Daisy, Witchy and anyone I have missed. Bless you all. Moving into day 9 tomorrow...almost into double digits!
              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                Newbies Nest

                BlondAm, that wee house is lovely - makes me want to pack up and move......I have a brother who has been living in Boston for about 12 years now. Hope it all works out for you...
                ScotLass, go you!!!!! I have been out a lot more since AF. I find it easier because I always drank at home - got to the stage where I did'nt trust myself to drink in public so there is more freedom for me now. [now that I am definitely NOT going to make a complete arse of myself!!!!!!!!!!!]
                Also, watching others do just that makes me realise what I looked and acted like - it aint pretty!
                InChains you are making strides! Well done.
                Hi to LIS and Lav and anyone else I've missed, hope you're all doing OK.
                Feeling great at day 24. I found week 3 quite a struggle, possibly due to PMT which I've learned is a trigger for me. We have an opportunity to fill all that extra time we wasted on drinking and hangovers with GOOD STUFF! I am making it my business to do just that; not sure what yet but feeling positive and happy.........:h and :thanks: to all of you.
                P.S No Alcohol Today I Live In Excellence! Welcome Natilie - love it!
                Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Rubbing dryer sheets on my dogs :H
                  Thanks for warning me ~ I won't waste the dryer sheets Blondie!

                  Daisy, congrats on your 24 days, very nice Keep yourself as busy as possible, it really helps.

                  LIS, congrats on the weight loss - wow!
                  My menopause 20 lbs is stuck on me like glue I still have hope of making it disappear!

                  Wishing everyone a comfy evening in the Nest!
                  See you all in the morning

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    How long is a newbie status wear off...................LOL

                    I think what I meant to say was, how long does it take for newbie status to wear off........that sounds more like English

                    I was watching "Intervention" on the boob tube, must not have been paying attention to what I typed
                    Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                    DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi all, happy at home - I posted my draft message for real on my post "big challenge LV" - i don't want to repost it too often and bore everyone - but leave it to say I am proud of myself, and so very thankful to all of you in the nest - my plans worked - thanks for the advice of all to have plans. And all the messages of encouragement - I did this for myself, but I have to admit that I didn't want to let any of you down, and that was a huge motvation - so all of you can share this success.
                      I have a longer conference next week in Denver - but I am not so worried this time around as I have this experience under my belt - and I really did not believe that I could do it.
                      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                        Newbies Nest

                        Awesome Job Lass....!!!!!
                        We knew you could do it. Taking your work out clothes was a great idea. Maybe nursing your friend helped you too. It wasn't you with the hangover.
                        Well, it looks like a lot of folks have already hit the hay, but it's not even 8:00 here in AZ. So glad you posted tonight. Have a great evening and congratulations!!!! :wd:
                        THOUGHTS become THINGS
                        choose the GOOD

                        AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


                          Newbies Nest

                          Nelz;1128388 wrote: How long is a newbie status wear off...................LOL

                          We can do whatever we want. If we want to be newbies forever, so be it. I kinda like the nest, so I will be here for a loooooong time.....

                          Congrats to you for hangin' in there too!
                          THOUGHTS become THINGS
                          choose the GOOD

                          AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


                            Newbies Nest

                            Nesters are awesome...

                            Evening everyone!! Let me start by saying thanks to all for a lovely welcome! I made it through day 4 mostly by working hard all day and then coming home and sleeping for about 3 hours--hence the late post!! (did I just use the word "hence". ??)
                            I think my name actually stands for "no alcohol today I live in exhaustion " :H
                            Still--really not as irritated with the world and jazzed to be going into day 5!!
                            I am so happy to have found you all! I felt really honored to already be nicknamed "Nats".
                            Have a blessed night all. Looking forward to your posts tomorrow. I have so much to say too, so probably will write a little novel on the weekend.

                            :h :thanks: :h
                            AF since June 6, 2011


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Nats, Nelz, and all the other Newbies in the Nest! (Wow, that's a lot of "N"s right there!)

                              Lassie! So glad you made it through with flying colors! We are all so proud of you and glad to have been there in your time of need. That's what this place is all about! You are an inspiration for any of us facing a trip where AL will be flowing freely in front of us.

                              Daisy45, yeah, that little house was really really cute. Maybe a bit too small for hubs who is 6 ft 6"! And I am no petite flower at 5 FT 10" but I could totally live there. For hubs, maybe like feeling like Alice in Wonderland boy version, drinking that drink to make him bigger than all of his surroundings....hee hee. Thought about that wee place all I would decorate it and where I would put our current furniture. It's good that it is occupying my mind even if we don't end up there because it is a distraction from thinking about AL!

                              Hi to Barb, Lav, Witchy and all the nesters waking up or off to bed right now, wherever you all may be! Barbara, I hope you got your groove back Sistah! It sucks to feel sluggish when we think we should be feeling on top of the world with our AF life. I will admit that yesterday I felt the affects of detox pretty strong and didn't realize it until late in the day. But I do think there comes a time when your body is still ridding itself of the poisons and getting them out of your system and that brings some pretty crappy physical ailements right along with it. I slept for 10 hours last night...unheard of for me, but I am feeling great today and greateful for that as I have busy day at work ahead of me, just coming of my 2 days off mid-week.

                              Day 9 for me guys...almost into the double digits! Whoooohooooo!
                              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                              BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning Nesters!

                                Jumped out of bed & right to work this morning

                                Glad to see everyone doing so well!
                                Nelz - hang around as long as you like. I've been a Newbie for nearly 2 1/2 years :H

                                SL - We are all very proud of your accomplishment this week! You have just proven that goals can be achieved with a strong commitment & a good plan

                                Still hot in my neck of the woods today & the weekend is likely to be damp. Guess I'll catch up on housework or something

                                What is everyone doing to keep busy this weekend????

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

